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544413 No.544413 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone take nootropics?
Seems like everyone at universities these days is on some kind of enhancer

>> No.544423

Yeah mang caffeine pills plus L-theanine and I also use Bacopa Monnieri and Ashwagandha.
I think since I started taking them my work output has increased, but I can't drink alcohol now as I competley loose my shit, but not sure if that's related or not

>> No.544424

what % do you reckon are each of them?
I take modafinil+coffee+yerba mate tea and I swear its like 80/5/5

>> No.544426

I know too many people who got addicted to adderall, vivance, and the like to fool with it.

>> No.544433



>> No.544434

none of those are nootropics, anon.

>> No.544436


200mg caffeine
200mg L-theanine
300mg Bacopa
470mg Ashwagandha

I also take fish oil tablets, but have read conflicting info about them so am wary...

>> No.544438


Yeah I agree, a lot of what the pill companies push is bullshit, your best option is to have a healthy balanced diet, whatever the hell that is

>> No.544439

oops I meant to ask what % of each give you the effect not the doses.

>> No.544443

I get my theanine and caffeine from asian teas.

I normally drink anywhere from 1L to 2L of white/green tea each day.

>> No.544445




>> No.544447


Percentage of each? I just take whole tablets of the above dosages, either once or twice a day.

The caffeine + L-theanine gives me a boost similar to a very strong coffee or energy driink but without the jitters and anxiety.

>> No.544450
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you sound a bit frustrated...

>> No.544451


If anything stimulates your mental and physiological functioning it's potentially addictive.

>> No.544455


I take a centrum every morning with breakfast.

I think it helps with energy and mood.

>> No.544456


haha dude I agreed with you in my above post, the pill companies make ridiculus profit margins and try and push everything and anything and make ridiculus claims

But in saying that, caffeine + L-theanine is a very basic way of giving myself a booster when I can't be fucked doing work

>> No.544459

while that is true, your comparison was still fallacious. It would be like saying "I know friends who have overdosed on heroin, so I'm never smoking weed." Don't spread misinformation, some people may perceive aderrall to be just as safe as caffeine or nicotine if they are naive (bad comparisons work in both directions)

>> No.544466

so what i mean is
- if you take just coffee lets rate that a 2/10
- i you just take modafinil lets rate that an 7/10
- if you just take L-theanine its a 1/10
and then ofc the purpose of stacking is to gain the 10/10 boost

>> No.544469


True that. At the end of the day it's all chemsitry, the important part is educating yourself and be smart about it.
But in saying that, I don't dabble in anything beyond the basics, mainly because I don't need to

>> No.544473

Yeah I was stupid and did a whole bunch of shitty RCs (nbomes) and now I have HPPD.

>> No.544475
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>200mg of caffeine
>400mg of theanine
>4.8g of piracetam


I also smoke a bunch of weed.

>> No.544476

I take 5-htp and Gaba sometimes (Sublingual) - It works, but also tends to screw up my sleep schedule.

>> No.544485

what do you think of piracetam? how significant is it compared to coffee

>> No.544489

It's not comparable to caffeine and you'll only notice the effects after around a week or two of taking it.

I typically only take it as it clears the fog that accompanies a day of smoking weed.

>> No.544496


Hmm you can't really make comparisons between caffeine and l-theanine as they complement each other rather than have similar effects, as in if I take caffeine without the l-theanine I get jittery and anxious as fuck

>> No.544497


L-theanine is just there to mellow the caffeine. The stimulation is purely from the caffeine. So if you don't get much from drinking coffee, that stack won't do much for you.

>> No.544498
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Truer words, mate.

>> No.544517

yeah roightio m8
sounds like you OD'd on red pills

>> No.544581
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They ended up not doing much for me. Like everyone else on the internet I saw Limitless and thought it'd be neat to step up even if just a little. Long story short I went full autist and managed to test myself in a blinded experiment. Powdered each into pudding. control is plain, and experimentals were piracetam and some other shit I can't remember, lost my notes but basically no difference in test accuracy/completion time over 2 weeks on each from placebo.

Currently I just do stimulants. Stacker3, straight caffeine pill (sometimes ground up in a nasal spray), graduating to adderall soon, getting my diagnosis this week I think. But with this I gotta be sure my sleep doesn't get whack, so I count hours and take melatonin to maintain a loose balance.

>> No.544595

yeah I haven't heard too much good stuff about piracetam, but I have known other people who like the racetam family.
Id recommend modafinil over adderall to be fair.

>> No.544599
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? hmm.. modafinil was still low-key when I was trying stuff out.
nature com/npp/journal/v33/n7/full/1301534a.html
>despite a lack of clear consensus about the precise neurochemical mechanism of action of this agent
so... we don't know its mechanism yet?

It doesn't sound like a traditional stimulant, kinda like a...non-active site inhibitor for a "sleepy" neurotransmitter receptor, like adenosine or something. I don't get it yet... What's it do? Can it help me better? it looks more expensive on the black market too, is it hard to get a doctor to prescribe it?

>> No.544601

that's a legal derivative which isn't too hard to get your hands on
Personally I think its amazing. It's like a stimulant except it doesn't give you the jitters or anything like that. First time i took it i just went turbo and cleaned the whole house before doing hours of homework.

>> No.544605
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Hey, very cool! Much easier to try out. And if it works, then the $0.90usd per pill isn't -horrible-..
Excellent find, thanks!

>> No.544761

no worries. happy productivity

>> No.544775

>I also take fish oil tablets, but have read conflicting info about them so am wary...
Fish oil happens to be one of the few that are actually really good for you.

>> No.544786

chew a 15mg adderral instant release twice/day. you'll tear through walls. but your boss will put you in a room alone ....

>> No.545290

>Implying I need drugs, when I've got asperger syndrome.
Well, at least there's one good thing about being autistic...

>> No.545527

I'm gonna bump this to get rid of the PND shill

What can I do with my lifestyle to get a beneficial effect without taking those pills. Like meditating? eating better, which diets? give me some tips please

>> No.545554

So, as a college student, I'm looking to get into caffeine. It's legal, not SUPER dangerous, and can provide energy when I need it.

Problem is, I can't stand the taste of coffee, I can't drink carbonated drinks (so no energy drinks), and 5-hour energy (which is just caffeine) is horse piss. I also don't wanna spend money on "caffeine pills" which will probably rip me off.

Is there a better way?

>> No.545584

Caffeine pills are probably the cheapest way to get caffeine mg for mg. You can always drink tea. Do you really hate the taste of coffee? Even good coffee?

I get light roasted coffee beans, grind them to a fine powder, heat water to what would be ideal to steep green tea in, and expose the grounds to the water for about ten to fifteen seconds before filtering water from the grounds. The end result is hot, strong, almost sweet coffee, to which I add cream.

Most coffee is made with a poor technique, with low quality beans or grounds that are quite old and a darker roast. To each his own, I suppose.

>> No.545633

I just picked up a bottle of caffeine pills from CVS. 200mg a pill and the whole bottle was almost $8. They actually work pretty well, but everyone responds differently. I'd suggest at least trying it out, but be careful cause if you take 2 at once and haven't eaten you will upset your stomach.

>> No.545796

Caffeine itself is bitter, so any beverage or food that contains it will need something to mask that flavor.

Or you can just learn to appreciate unsweet or lightly sweetened tea, there are a thousand brews and you can probably drink it nonstop without any major problems.
Just watch out for the teeth staining with prolonged continued consumption.

>> No.545905

yea try meditating. I eat a lot of broccoli, quality meat and other veggies, and i try to keep my carbs as only rice/rice noodles

>> No.545933

I hate diet info because one week they tell you something is good, the next bad, so fucking annoying!

From what I've read eating less red meat and more green vegetables and fruit is a good way to go.

Also daily cardio for like 30 minutes makes me feel like a fucking god

>> No.546015

Grass-fed red meat is good, fruit is overrated. too much sugar

>> No.546032

>getting anxiety from drinking coffee

what the fuck

>> No.546070

I've tried both primaracetam and aniracetam.

I tried both on separate days and got a mild headache from both. I'm fairly sure it threw off some chemical balance in my brain and I actually became less disciplined in my personal experience.

I'd say figure out your diet and exercise (both weights and cardio) regularly. Those endorphins feel good. Get addicted to those.

>> No.546291

has anyone tried "bulletproof" cofee? didnt do shit for me

>> No.546391

Dude it's just cofee with butter in it.

>> No.546726

yea I love it. The butter is not the most important part for me, but MCT oil and good quality coffee is a noticeable upgrade from crap coffeee and milk/sugar

>> No.546747


How do you like 5-htp?

>> No.546769

tried some foreskolin + artichoke extract + ltheanine
cost like $22 for all of it - results are questionable...

if you want something that works (although side-effects include profound laziness) try adderall. I went from knowing next to nothing about programming to reading 300 page dry text written by the prof on SQL + passing the final (including writing coherent code) over the span of weekend.

>> No.546776

works for me, but I rarely drink coffee

>> No.546780


>from no programming to being able to pass a final exam writing coherent code

>in a weekend


gr8 b8 m8

Troll harder faggot.

>> No.546792
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The only nootropic u need m8

>> No.546799


I like it better than caffeine. I don't use it every day, mainly for when I need to focus on a certain task for long periods. It has a slight calming effect also good when doing a presentation or for a meeting. If you get super stressed out, you can also take a Chlorphenamine tablet (4mg) with it.

>> No.546863

>fruit is overrated. too much sugar

i think fruit is underrated and everyone talks shit about it

natural sugar is not bad for you

>> No.546869

Say hello to mouth and throat cancer

>> No.546871

Sugar cane is natural too.

>> No.546879


>> No.546880

Did you miss
>natural sugar is not bad for you?
Processed sugar is bad for you.

>> No.546889

I tried alphabrain because nootropics sounded interesting and I enjoy altered states. If it actually helped my brain perform better then that'd be bonus. As I recall it's basically just acetylcholine, maybe some other active ingredients, in gelatin capsule. And in a way it worked. It put me in a headspace that was energetic and focused. 'Focused' as a descriptor might be giving it more than it was worth though, it was more like I could focused on one task; when I turned that focus on school work I was probably less 'focused' on the actual problems. Too much energy meant I would speed through procedural processes and mess things up, so much for being a study drug.
Outside of heavy thinking it did make drawing and programming more enjoyable and productive. Also one if its selling points, that it can give you more vivid dreams, was true. Although I didn't take it before bed for that reason very often, if it was still active when I went to sleep I did remember my dreams more clearly.

find a high caffeine tea that you like the flavor of, or make your own. Ice it if you're like me and don't like coffee because you just don't care for warm drinks.

>> No.547017

thats one of the most idiotic things i've ever read.
If you extracted sugar from apples and oranges it's the exact same as extracting it from a sugar cane.
In fact, if you ate sugar cane it's completely 'natural' and 'unprocessed' but you could still get fat as fuck from it and ruin your health.

TL;DR processed/unnatural foods have nothing to do with health. What matters is how your body deals with whatever you put in it, heroin is a natural drug but panadol isn't. Not a good indicator of anything.

>> No.547605

clearly you haven't tried adderall
fucking pleb
>it simply gives you focus, nothing too magical
>4 day weekend doing nothing but studying and writing practice code for 14hrs a day allowed me to get it done.

>> No.547636
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stopped reading here

nootropics just make you feel good then result in a dependence or withdrawal, they don't affect intelligence unless you actually have ADD or something, in which case you need a doctor to prescribe the right drug at the right dosage

you improve concentration by doing cardio

>> No.547973


There are dozens of peer reviewed papers on the usefulness of meditation, and your shit opinions aren't going to change the fact that tons of people benefit greatly from it. You don't know what you're talking about at any point in your post, and you are a tremendous moron.

>> No.547996

please dont ever post again

>> No.548001
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>I'm looking to get into caffeine.

Holy shit you guys

i mean you guys seriously

ah ha ha

>> No.548010

>how to spot a Mormon

>> No.548015

I don't have enough concentration to do cardio for more than 5 mins, am I fucked?

>> No.548048

lol this guy
this much autism, it's shameful