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54440605 No.54440605 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be a wageslave?

>> No.54440614

>reply or your mother dies in her sleep
pic candidate

>> No.54440626

I feel nothing
My brain goes on autopilot
I am practically dead for 8 hours

>> No.54440694
File: 56 KB, 1027x584, E66ECD46-0BA0-48F5-8C91-8EF9B7188100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wonder what you did to deserve that hell. My current job is easy as shit though. Night shift security. I'm the only one there. I basically get paid to chill. Every other job I've had though was 100% ass

>> No.54440732

I want to break out. I barely started a new job and it's just desk work filling out forms for $75k a year. I'm moving closer to work soon to avoid the hour-long commute, so now I'll have to deal with rent and a landlord again. I told myself the next time I moved out of my parent's house it'd be into a house and not an apartment, but I don't think that's gonna be possible for a while.

I'm hoping I can do this for about a year and accrue enough money to do something else, I've seen a couple abandoned car washes in the city I'm moving to that I think I could get running again for some passive income, but I'm not 100% on it yet as they've become homeless camps. I don't know enough about the housing market to try becoming a landlord, and I'm not retarded enough to think crypto will make me rich. In a year or so I'm gonna try to get a new job, this one gives like a $2k raise every year which is ridiculous.

>> No.54440785

Have a friend that's done this for 6+ years now. Every guard that gets one of those gigs never leaves until they die. I'm low-key jealous of his life. He gets to chill and play vidya all night at work. And then does the same thing at home. Living his best life. I regret falling for the relationship meme and getting dragged into the rat race. He seems miserable as hell, but his life is awesome.

>> No.54440860

Future Elliot right there. White men should abort male hapas

>> No.54440913
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I'm an office wagie but have always dreamed of being a night time security guard at a municipal building (school, library, etc.) Do those types of posts exist? I honestly just fantasize about playing vidya/screwing around in a large empty building all through the night.

>> No.54441027

work is such an odd term.
its so vague.

>> No.54441077

>I regret falling for the relationship meme and getting dragged into the rat race. He seems miserable as hell, but his life is awesome.
These two things are related. Even if your life is great overal but you are lonely, every moment is agony. Im not saying that being alone and lonely are synonymous Im just saying that if he is miserable in his position that is probably the reason.

>> No.54441084

Are this guy's wife's kids spics or hapas?

>> No.54441087

Imagine thinking this is a dream.
Imagine being tired every day and you cant hang with friends.
All so you can play video games at "work".
Sounds awful.

>> No.54441097

Maybe, but my post is a parking lot chilling in my car. I sometimes nap even.

>> No.54441260

He daughter looks like a happa

>> No.54441286

Man, imagine wageslaving and then not even having white children to show for it

>> No.54441379


FHA loan.

>> No.54441395

It’s a good thing to work. Look at black people who don’t work and the trouble they get into.

>> No.54441417

like I said, I don't know enough about the housing market to be able to make a judgement call on whether it's a good idea to buy. and I'd prefer my first step away from wageslavery to not end in bankruptcy.

>> No.54441492

I hate every job i've ever had. wanted to be a computer programmer but couldn't pass calculus 2 so that never happened now i just work in factories running the cnc mills. It's not that bad when everything is coming out good but sucks when i have to set up a machine or parts are coming out bad and i have to figure it out. Have no clue what else I could do already have sunk a lot of time into getting good at the cnc mill. Would like to work for a high end watch company but I live in America so RGM is really my only option.

>> No.54441508

>calculus 2
you don't need to know that for programming lol

>> No.54441605

calc 2 is a requirement in university for programming to filter midwits and people with no real dedication to logical processes

>> No.54441619

Yep unfortunately I am really bad at math didn’t help that my teacher was some foreign guy I couldn’t understand either

>> No.54441626

What’s the difference really?

>> No.54441671
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>and it's just desk work filling out forms for $75k a year.
Sounds easy as fuck
What's the job title so that I can do this for 3 years and save 86% by living in my meemaw's basement. Does it require any special degrees or will my associates do the trick?

>> No.54441715
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Cute Asian girl at work is hitting on me hard. Fuck is having hapas really that bad, anons? Most women in my NW city are blue haired freaks so this is honestly an upgrade.

>> No.54441879
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Dudes kids look like they're from a completely different family. I'd kms out of embarrassment

>> No.54441886

If only. I feel constant misery for 8 hours every day.

>> No.54441904

buy more silver

>> No.54441908


>> No.54441920
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>> No.54441934

You work because you are a low test anxious bitch. You took the easy way out low risk low reward path that will take you from cradle to grave for the price of your soul.
I respect those nogs, they took the high risk high reward path. Get rich or die trying you fag this is /biz/ not /pol/

>> No.54442025

I'm an """""engineer""""" for the state. like I said, I'm not engineering shit it's basically a data entry job. I feel conned, but it's my highest-paying job yet and I'm making more than basically everyone I know. it'll do for now, but I know I have to job hop again and get to (or near) six-figures in the next couple years, or start enough passive income streams that I can focus on my own projects.

>> No.54442044


>> No.54442114
File: 52 KB, 480x600, 1620603280772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try sorceror, but your two bit conjure will never rival the old magics!

>> No.54442126


>> No.54442133

Thank you, king

>> No.54442147

Thanks for the repsonce anon. If I made 75k a year I'd probably try to use to for passive income too.

>> No.54442181

I'll raise you security job and give you something easier than shit. Sleeping night shift residential habilitation. 12 hours shifts, but I sleep 6-8 of them. get paid to be buds with developmentally disabled retards. I like them. A lot more than normalfags. Just crossed a year of doing it. Gonna do at least another year. I do 6-7 nights per week and 1-2 dayshifts. I'm gonna try to do something productive during the daytime this year. Was gonna learn to code, but I'm not gay so...

>> No.54442221
File: 31 KB, 755x639, static-assets-upload12022531564847661146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hapa son

>> No.54442234


>> No.54442243

thanks immunity doggo

>> No.54442295

I legitimately thought it was one right after I read the signs

>> No.54442314


How can people even afford families nowadays without living in poverty. I'm single and make $60k post tax and I'm struggling paycheck to paycheck. Hell even with a working wife you'd need like $150k post tax to raise one or maybe two kids

>> No.54442318

this. social work can be surprisingly cozy if you luck out on a decent position. I dont work in it yet but I do have a training internship at a public hospital where I work with kids who have neurodevelopmental issues (autism/dyslexia/etc.)

>its only 5 hours and I usually end up working 2 of those hours
>some of the kids are genuinely more polite than a neurotypical child
>the ones which sperg out make for funny stories
>spend most of my free time reading pdfs on phone or walking around campus
>all of my coworkers are women so they dont bother me with small talk much (wouldnt mind if they did Im just a dumbass who likes his alone time)
>feel a bit better about myself for trying to help people (am well aware that a lot of said help goes to waste and doesnt do much but at least the effort was made)

didnt know tard wrangling would be this comfy. tried getting into coding as well but the only project I enjoy is the choose-your-own-adventure game Im writing on some obscure as fuck language (choicescript) so Ive decided to focus my time on learning some typical practical skills (basic first aid and medical procedures, mechanic work to know how to do most basic repairs around the house/car, would love to learn survival skills but am in a thirdie shithole thats all desert, will still try regardless).

lifes far from perfect but I cant complain.

>> No.54442320


>> No.54442322

hapa son = high chance of having an ugly incel son that goes on a rampage
hapa daughter = high chance of having a manhating femcel daughter. will dye her hair and hate men.

either way both of them will hate themselves and hate their non-asian parent because they can't deal with having a lost identity.

hispanics are AREADY predominantly mixed/tri-racial. There's already hundreds of years of history that has settled down and formed into an identity. Hispanics fuck and make little goblinos and dont give a fuck because everyone can be a goblino or goblina.

Hapas are 1st/2nd gen group that doesn't have a place in the world yet. There's very little to feel pride in as they are rejected from being asian, and theyre not really white. it fucks with their psyche and they lose their minds.

>> No.54442344

Literally your entire post applies equally to a 100% white son or a 100% white daughter. The West is dead

>> No.54442365

there's like 200million anglo and broadly european whites in the US. 5-10% hating themselves isn't the same thing.

>> No.54442375
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>> No.54442433



>> No.54442451
File: 44 KB, 600x450, 1680468018133132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54442457


>> No.54442764

buy more gold

>> No.54442790

fbi niggers created immunity dog with CP embedded in it to trick anons. DO NOT FALL FOR IT LET YOUR MOTHER DIE

>> No.54442848



>> No.54442849

2, 4, 1, 3

>> No.54443436


>> No.54443464


>> No.54443638

1) i don't have any friends
2) even when working my body has decided it will only sleep when the sun is up
3) you don't have to play games you could run errands at work and then you actually get your free time to yourself

>> No.54443799


>> No.54443875


>> No.54443898


>> No.54444222

>work 6000 days
>Children look nothing like you.

Race mixing is a scam.

>> No.54444301

>6000 down
>6000 to go

Wagie are you ok?

>> No.54444315


>> No.54444383
File: 127 KB, 637x567, 1680488900702968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you insane???
fucking faggot
the only one dying is the us economy

>> No.54444513

Is it entirely women that work at nursing homes? Sounds like it would be cool to work there and just chill with the boomers. I’d ask them about the good old days of racism and all that

>> No.54445746

Kek nice job anon

>> No.54445779

Daughter on the right looks fine. The other two need to be shipped back to ching chong land to live with the souless yellow skinned bug people

>> No.54445965
File: 2.96 MB, 2560x1440, TSpcBjB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54446144

social work in general is dominated by women (is a field about caring for others, women are more emotional than men, etc etc.) but you'll find men here and there. idk how it is in other areas but the ones I work with are competent and try their best with the patients which is nice.

a good thing about nursing homes is that you wont be doing as much 'taking care of elderly like theyre babies' as you think. even in that very old age, theyre still people-they still feel the need to be useful to others and not a burden. unless theyre severely disabled in some area or pieces of shit then most of them will want to look after themselves. just be there and talk with them about life and you should be fine.

>> No.54446163
File: 89 KB, 295x229, 1679073060798901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54446200


>> No.54446318

yeah only the youngest one kind of looks like him, marrying an asian girl is essentially the same as being cuckolded. Your genetics are 'preserved' but your phenotype is annihilated into a soupy mush of shitty facial features. Within 2-3 generations your contribution, genetic, or otherwise, will vanish. Meanwhile I can look at pics of my great great grandfather and see his facial features expressed in my entire family to some degree.

>> No.54446396

All these replies and no one made the image, instead they're just replying so their mother doesn't die in her sleep which isn't what the point of the post was. How do I short this board?

>> No.54446474


>> No.54446502


>> No.54448111
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>> No.54448783


no mom

>> No.54448853

What about places like Kazakhstan or central Asia?
Plenty of mixed people there.
Asian-white is a VERY unaccomplished beta mix without any place or purpose in history. At least mulattoes can hope to he sports stars or entertainers.

>> No.54449116

>Dudes kids look like they're from a completely different family. I'd kms out of embarrassment
Why should you not kys anyways?>>54442314
>How can people even afford families nowadays without living in poverty
>You'd need like $150k post tax to raise one or maybe two kids
I do it by making over $150k post tax by myself. Why do you make only $60k? We could get you into a better lifestyle if you have *any* degree + willingness to change and do things like move to teach English on the other side of the world.

>> No.54449145


>> No.54449183

Fuck I read this thread this morning but don't remember if I already replied

>> No.54449202

race-mixing faggot.

>> No.54449240

>race-mixing faggot.
post family
Have you even had sex?

>> No.54449268

as a west fag, i don't know anything about kazakstan. but based on my limited understanding of history. those people have been hapa longer than hispanics have existed. so their identity is probably just ruskies.

>> No.54449270

>no-one in the thread understanding that recognising a good pic to be shooped into
>Isn't the same as

>> No.54449280

Fuck u reported!

>> No.54449287


>> No.54449362

>so their identity is probably just ruskies
That's more recent and much of central asia falls within iranian diaspora as well. I think for the most part they're steppe nomads that revere the Khans.

>> No.54449387

This except 24/7 because I can't relax after work either, I need time to switch. Only getting shitfaced on Friday snaps me out of my misery and then the weekend is bearable

>> No.54449415

There are 3 types
>we wuz ancient koreans
>mongol blooded crazy serial killers
>stalin dundu nuffin soviet imperialists