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54439759 No.54439759 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Toronto. I have a nice job that pays 4500$ (after taxes) every month but its bullshit in this city. My rent is fairly low cus live with gf and we both make ends meet and she also makes the same in salary as me but i’m depressed cus it wont buy me a house. I want to do something that’ll make me rich. What do?

>> No.54439767 [DELETED] 

Sure invest it all into Chainlink right now, sell everything you own and start living in the woods, quit your job claim schizophrenia, sell your iphone transition into a woman and then kill yourself leaf.
Boom you made it.

>> No.54439768
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>I live in Toronto. I have a nice job that pays 4500$ (after taxes) every month but its bullshit in this city. My rent is fairly low cus live with gf and we both make ends meet and she also makes the same in salary as me but i’m depressed cus it wont buy me a house. I want to do something that’ll make me rich. What do?

>> No.54439774
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>I live in Toronto

>> No.54439776
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>Sure invest it all into Chainlink right now, sell everything you own and start living in the woods, quit your job claim schizophrenia, sell your iphone transition into a woman and then kill yourself leaf.
>Boom you made it.

>> No.54439787 [DELETED] 

Literally me.

>> No.54439853

Hey man, are you white by any chance?

>> No.54439870
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Very unoriginal. You should kill yourself.

>> No.54439885

White faggots belong in Europe, go back to Europe you fucking immigrant.
Canada historically has been non white.

>> No.54439895
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Faggot white boy still butt mad the Canadian beat you up/took your girl?
Definitely kill yourself and stop being a beta.

>> No.54439897

Couldn’t you just put 2000$ in savings every month and then you have 240k for a down payment on a house in 10 years. Or 5 years if your gf saves up the same.

>> No.54439904 [DELETED] 

its a bot tard

>> No.54439933

Get out of Canada.
House prices are detached from wages.
If you do get a better job you will be taxed to death.
You are a second class person.
You didn't buy property before 2012.
It's over.

>> No.54439955
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Wait around 3 years for the mortgage crisis to really set in in Canada. 5 year fix are gonna start coming to term and new mortgages are going to implode the market when people get priced out of their homes if the interest rates remain a normal range rather than the near 0% fuckery everyone got used to since 08.

>> No.54440002


"Canada historically has been non-white"

The only time Canada has ever been majority non-white was when it was inhabited by stone-age Amerindians (read: paleo-mongoloids) prior to European colonization.

Canada will once again be majority non-white around 2036 or so according to projections of the current demographic trajectory (read: mass immigration from non-white countries, mainly India)

Never in history has the demographic marginalization of a majority populace by foreigners been a good thing. It wasn't good for the Amerindians, and it won't be good for white Canadians, but right now Canada's corporate and political class (read: capitalist sellouts) as well as Jews are busy convincing them otherwise.

The same thing is happening in the US.

>> No.54440048

If OP is smart he will make the decision not to spend much more time living in one of the most expensive parts of the country that is quickly becoming a third-world shit hole with a quickly-fading residual paint job of European charm. Toronto is already less than 50% white. Rome too changed colors during the last days of the empire.

>> No.54440110

Fucking this x10000000. OP, do yourself a favor and leave Toronto. Don’t go to changcouver or something because the issues there are just as bad + they have twice the amount of insane meth addicts.

>> No.54440137

Good post. Saved for doubling down against people who still support mass immigration. Although I'm finding that some don't need as much convincing these days, even amongst leftists. They know. But it is always good to be able to say it politely and eloquently.

>> No.54440143

I make the same amount in my govt wagie job in Ottawa. I want to kms.

>> No.54440392

>he makes 54k in Toronto
You need to realize that you are working class in this city with that income. You need 80k minimum from some faggot corporate tech job.

>> No.54440412

after taxes, so he's surviving but not exactly thriving

>> No.54440713

80k in Toronto will get you *nowhere*

>> No.54440843

It will get you into a poverty tier apartment

>> No.54440871

Yay I can live inside where I can store shit food so I can continue to work!
And I'll never ever get out because housing costs have detached from wages.

>> No.54440906

Yes, that is the Canadian dream. But it is certainly enough as a base of operations to look for new businesses to start.

>> No.54440931

People here either get paid for owning a house or pay someone else. Or have an easy job working for the government.
There is very little entrepreneurialism.

>> No.54440951

I'm fine with young, skilled, workers legally immigrating to Canada from wherever. We have a points based system that is highly discriminatory, just not based on colour. We don't let rando's from South America walk in and start going to school and using our healthcare. The asylum system was recently changed BECAUSE they tried pulling the same shit they do in the US.

>> No.54440991

>There is very little entrepreneurialism.
There are always idiots to exploit, anon...I have my own idea which I don't care to share but from what I've researched it is literally non existent in the market.

>> No.54441037

> Highly skilled
Working in fast food

>> No.54441058
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>I live in Toronto

Lmao get fucked, inb4 pasta dumper

>> No.54441078

>We have a points based system that is highly discriminatory


>> No.54441119

Well, if the federal skilled workers program isn't a point based system to discriminate against those who aren't skilled, you had better explain it in simple terms to me, because I must be retarded

>> No.54441132

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.54441313

1. The system is nowhere near as restrictive as you seem to think it is

2. Family reunification renders any gains moot as the singular skilled person brings their entire extended family with them

3. No racial bias means your country's national character goes into the trash (if you try to argue race doesn't matter you're debating in bad faith and you know it)

>> No.54441348

ok now explain the chinese housewife driving a roll royce with her elderly parents using our healthcare system free of charge

>> No.54441557
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Become a Crypto Wagie Extremist.


>> No.54441740

kill yourself shit colored parasite. go back to your designated shitting street, subhuman

>> No.54442007

>I'm fine with importing foreigners en masse and replacing the founding stock of a country within a matter of decades

Fuck off.

>> No.54442247


1. The system is more restrictive than the US's, which is what I was contrasting it to.

2. Only spouses can immigrate when the person first goes to the country and is qualifying for PR. Parents and grandparents can only be brought if the person meets income threshholds and is able to support them for a set number of years, so they aren't just getting a free ride.

3. National character is based on culture, not race.

I will say, I do appreciate you at least engaging in argument rather than chimping out like the other anons in this thread.