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54437978 No.54437978 [Reply] [Original]

>Meet up with 25yo female fuck buddy
>Telling me about her onlyfans
>She just posts topless pics
>Doesnt message any of the guys, says shes lazy and does bare minimum
>Made 100k on onlyfans last year
>She isn't even that hot, she's like a 7 and has a kid

There is clearly an imbalance in the genders and we need to close the "gender pay gap" by a special tax on women.

>> No.54438143

taxation is an inefficient redistribution of resources. if the free market decides women are worth 100k a year for pics, then that's the way it is. women spend it all and it goes back into the economy anyway

>> No.54438205
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The phenomenon of OnlyFans is a subset of hoeflation which is in part due to the ridiculous ban on prostitution. Legalize it and watch the prices come back to Earth.

>> No.54438251
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This. This isn't the free market at work, this is a result of government meddling.

>> No.54438350

>solve this degeneracy with more degeneracy!

>> No.54438437

What's degenerate about buying sex? Everyone buys it anyway this is just a more direct exchange.

>> No.54438535

There are a ton of countries where prostitution is legal and they maintain a high standard of civilization. The notable holdout is USA.

>> No.54438552

larp harder, christcuck

>> No.54438553

Some day our grandkids will look back at hoeflation the way we look back on cigarettes in restaurants.

>> No.54438559

make your larps more believable, fag

>> No.54438613


>> No.54438625

The whore house existed for a reason. It was to show women the 2nd path of life if they failed the first path which was to become a respectable house mother and loyal wife. Ideally eventually the whore house would disappear since there would be no whores as all women would opt for the respectable path of a\becoming a house wife.

Women are ultimately only good for two things being a house wife/mother and sex, if they aren’t going to be a house wife/mother then their only use is to be a whore at the whore house

>> No.54438955

Fuck you misogynist good job this is why women hate men.

>> No.54439029

Legal prostitution will drive roasties insane. Imagine the polarity of a pro choice rally compared to a legalized prostitution rally even tho the same bitches attending both

>> No.54440178

Women don't hate men, just you.
The current high wages of prostitutes are only a result of prostitution being banned, so "sex work is real work" but "being a sex customer must remain a crime". It's hilarious.

>> No.54440206
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It would also correct the current market bubble for pussy. AI/Virtual synth sex still has a long way to go to completely replace the demand for this.

You can have sex legally for $50 in Hong Kong with a decent looking prostitute thanks to the 141 walkup system.

>> No.54440238
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American service attitude is an absolute joke. Treat your customers like shit and then have the audacity to ask for a tip.

>> No.54440273

This was always the natural outcome of a tip-based system. It's the same reason expected tip % keeps going up while service doesn't. The solution is to get rid of tipping.

>> No.54440283

>things that didn't happen

>> No.54440414
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I used to think 15% was the norm. Now it's 22%. And "worker's" propaganda online tells people that they are assholes for giving any less. I can't think of anything more ridiculous than a local coffee shop swinging that stupid ass tablet around and asking for a tip for my order, which is always the simplest: Black Coffee. The options start at 20%. WTF?

>> No.54440479

yep, absolutely insane. Hold the line though, it's only because of weak people that 20% became the norm. Giving 0% won't solve anything either, it needs to be employer-driven.

>> No.54440508
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I never tip. Just got back from a 2 week trip in Nihon. They have zero expectations for a tip, yet provide the best service. I tipped nothing. The best experience was an hour-long shia*su massage I got for 40 (my favorite part was when the technician whispered in my ear, "I hope you like it" in a sultry accented voice), but my biz-class flights were also great. The attendants kneel down when they give you drinks and a hot towel to cleanse and refresh before a meal. It is next-level and the chances of Shaniqua giving you the same treatment are effectively zero.

>> No.54440617

>t. Baby soul

>> No.54440660

Not her fault that horny desperate men like you exist.

>> No.54440689
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you made the redditors mad, but you're completely correct. it's easier to just buy pictures on onlyfans than it is to go out and get a whore, and modern society has proven time and time again men will always take the easier route. the idea legalized prostitution will destroy onlyfans is literal bro science.

>> No.54440890

attractive women represent the generational accumulation of social capital done by careful ancestral planning and is shown via gene expression. OnlyFans is one example how they liquidate their value genetically. the male version of this is the "trust fund kid who blew it" archetype