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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54433600 No.54433600 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54433710
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>> No.54433754

50 basis points then from jpow to counteract the oil prices driving inflation?

>> No.54433793
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Biden can just tap the strategic oil reserve some more.

>> No.54433806

that’s what it’s for!

>> No.54433822

Its gone.

>> No.54433846
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>> No.54433850

The amount of rate increases needed to kill the demand is not possible. You could also argue that there has been a missalocation of investment in the production of hydrocarbons with the rise of ESG. Meaning it will be harder to finance the production if oil/gas with rising rates, even if the underlying commodity goes up in price.

>> No.54433857

no he only drained it like 40%. allegedly…

>> No.54433890

What is that as a percentage?

>> No.54433903

So my oil stocks gongo up?

>> No.54433911

NOOOO! I wasn’t finished buying! Fuck your Saudi Arabia you fucks

>> No.54433927

Thats like saying there is gold in Fort Knox.

>> No.54433989

So they will have no choice but to pivot, or maybe the plan was crashing the economy with no survivors all along

>> No.54434098

Arguably ESG investing is terrorism and counts as a felony under this law:

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) of 2006 is a United States federal law (Pub. L. 109–374 (text) (PDF); 18 U.S.C. § 43) that prohibits any person from engaging in certain conduct "for the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise."[1] The statute covers any act that either "damages or causes the loss of any real or personal property" or "places a person in reasonable fear" of injury.

The law amends the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102–346) and gives the U.S. Department of Justice greater authority to target animal rights activists. The AETA does so by broadening the definition of "animal enterprise" to include academic and commercial enterprises that use or sell animals or animal products. It also increases the existing penalties, includes penalties based on the amount of economic damage caused, and allows animal enterprises to seek restitution.

The law was originally introduced in the 109th Congress by Thomas Petri (R-WI) and Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Jim Inhofe (R-OK). The final version of the bill, S. 3880.,[2] was passed in the United States Senate on September 29, 2006, by unanimous consent, a Senate procedure that is used to expedite the passage of non-controversial bills without an actual vote.

On November 13, 2006, the House passed the bill under suspension of the rules, a procedure generally used to quickly pass non-controversial bills. The lone dissenting statement was made by Representative Dennis Kucinich, who said that the bill was "written in such a way as to have a chilling effect on the exercise of the constitutional rights of protest." Neither Rep. Kucinich nor any other members of the House of Representatives called for a recorded vote; the bill passed with a voice vote. The bill was signed by President George W. Bush on November 27, 2006.

>> No.54434124

This guy explains how you can go to prison under terrorism charges, for things you said, without committing any violence - if it loses a corporation a single tangible dollar.

>> No.54434158

Also its so vague that any company which sells anything at all made of animals is protected. Trying to hurt car companies? They sell leather, protected. Terrorism.

>> No.54434190

Im going to quad post because Im right and this actually has no counter argument. The video says if you hand out pamphlets saying X bad dont buy X and X loses 10,000$ minimum that its terrorism. If you go around handing out pamphlets encouraging ESG that hurts other corporations. If part of the ESG standards are animal welfare, thats 100% terrorism according to that law (a law 99.999% of people dont know exists)

>> No.54434197
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>> No.54434199

This is unironically bullish for fracking companies in the US.

>> No.54434202
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>only 40%

>> No.54434227

>Arguably ESG investing is terrorism and counts as a felony under this law:
ESG is literally just a line they were using to sell the western exit from oil, they've known the writing is on the wall for years now. There's only so much cracking you can do before it stops making financial sense to try to produce oil from what's basically entirely bitumen at this point. It's not some big conspiracy to cripple the US, it's the US' exit strategy.

>> No.54434250

ESG is intersectionalism applied to finance. Its every leftist cause from trannies to immigrants and how much they pay shitskins, how they treat the environment in shithole countries etc. It has nothing to do with say a fiduciary responsibility which is sacrificed in favor of activist causes that lose money. It should be illegal in numerous ways.

>> No.54434294

It's a leftist narrative for something the government already wanted, as with most things over the last couple of years. Why would the government make it illegal? It's in their interests.

>> No.54434401

I really recommend Aswaths lecture where he talks about ESG. He brings up the insidious doublespeak that when ESG is for everyone (shareholder value, environment, worker compensation etc) it is actually good for no one (except maybe the managers that can continuously change the meaning to avoid being accountable)

>> No.54434436

should i buy OIL futures on monday or too late?

oh and will this effect nat gas or nah?

>> No.54434439

It's good for governments because it gives them a reason to force everyone off of a supplychain that they're no longer going to have access to, without them saying "uuuh hey actually we're kind of in trouble geopolitically"

>> No.54434443

I think it's more of a coordinated attack on America

>> No.54434451

it kinda pushes every energy up

>> No.54434846

Buy the rumor sell the news anon. Its a bit late

>> No.54434996

What it does it make it acceptable for Coke to say Be Less White because its part of ESG, not a massive misuse of corporate power and something you can sue them for since it would no doubt lower stock price and buyer loyalty. I havent drank that niggers piss in like 3 years because of that alone.

>> No.54435105

~2% of total production

>> No.54435140

count how many cheap plastic things on your desk use oil products in their prodcution

>> No.54435194


>> No.54435604

>coke be less white

>> No.54436045

I should have been stacking oil instead of silver

>> No.54436065

Based and redpilled

>> No.54436801

Took a while for oil and gas companies to peak after the last pop we had in oil prices.

>> No.54436959

You never heard about that? Youre a fucking idiot go look it up yourself that shit definitely happened. Then they tried to play it off like it was a subcontractor and they had nothing to do with it, and I remember thinking "that doesn't sound like an apology you faggot fucking cocksuckers. I dont drink coke anymore either.

>> No.54436985
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>> No.54437018

All these faggy companies and I can't boycott them because I don't consume goyslop to begin with


>> No.54438097

or any energy ETF
PMs are total delusion

>> No.54440007

>holding a few different oil stocks
>usually when I see news like this oil actually goes up

Should I be worried or happy?