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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54433276 No.54433276 [Reply] [Original]

Huge dump incoming....

>> No.54433294

lmao they create a governance token and then basically say fuck your votes. They already sold 50 mil Arb on Binance on the day of launch kek

>> No.54433333

shows how shady these fucks are

>> No.54433342


>> No.54433353


>> No.54433370

This is what every project does they just don't usually brag about it with a fake governance vote lmao

>> No.54433371

token not needed

>> No.54433373
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So should i take the rest out?

>> No.54433507

I'd leave just a bit, like 500 or something. I want to see what happens when the vote doesn't pass and they have to give back the 50M they already sold on Binance.
Spoiler, they ignore the vote

>> No.54433620

They already sold before the vote finished lol

>> No.54433742
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many such cases

>> No.54433784
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>> No.54433794

I'm glad I dumped that token

>> No.54433867

This is ladyluck all over again.. when will linkies learn

>> No.54434017

Of course they have. Governance token my ass

>> No.54434050

Should've fucking sold at 1.4

>> No.54434114


>> No.54434131

have they responded to this yet?

>> No.54434142

I dumped my coins at $1.30 on launch day. I'll buy back in at 75 cents after the whales finish dumping.

>> No.54434148


>> No.54434173

holy shit their forum is fucking ghetto lmao this is like a flashgame from the 2000's vibe

>> No.54434214

New rule. Always dumo the air drop.

>> No.54434309

i luckily sold at 1.33

>> No.54434340

1.28 for me

>> No.54435282

Why use ARB when LRC exists and isn't run by scamners?

>> No.54435884

This shit is making bullish Optimism. Dumped my free ARB for OP

>> No.54435924

Sad. I thought these guys were a cut above when they refrained from issuing their own unneeded token.

>> No.54436013

>spend 9 years making L2
>airdrop tokens to a bunch of people for free
>99% of your users are greedy retards who hate you and want to destroy you

>> No.54436044

what can arbitrum do that fantom or binance can't?

>> No.54436066

it inherits the security of ETH instead of being a sidechain. regardless, its perceived utility or lack thereof does not warrant this absurd twitter-driven witch hunt

>> No.54436071

Arbitrum is Ethereum funded chinese tier "solution" that was meant only to keep bullish narratives around Ethereum. It was all planned, ETH whales already have couple of narratives planned for the next 3-5 years when this clown tier die. They've been doing it since 2017.

>> No.54436090

arbitrum work began in 2014, they chose eth as their L1

>> No.54436103

Fantoms pretty secure, and it's never held a vote that "wasn't actually a vote, it was just ratification" on it's very first proposal. It deserves every bit of mockery it gets, it's just a useless VC jankchain with a token masquerading as a governance token when in truth it holds no sway over practical governance.

>> No.54436135

I checked my wallets for airdrops on friday and say I had $24k total and was holy fuck and just dumped it all. As more and more people notice their airdrop its going to tank more. I love arbitrum though and actively use it.

>> No.54436143

Fantom Foundation controls all the nodes, which are effectively permissioned. Arbitrum hasn't even created the DAO yet, prop 1 was supposed to create it. You and the rest of the orks are just looking for something to mindlessly destroy. You've never built anything in your entire life

>> No.54436173

bro do you work for arbitrum or are you just an arbitrum crum bum?

>> No.54436194

no just an idealist who's been in this space for a long time and continually disappointed by the way builders are treated and how quickly people tear things down

>> No.54436245

you'd think the people in charge of arbitrum or their publicity agent they have managing their twitter would be as passionate as you and have the foresight not to act in the way they've acted; especially with the amount of eyes and money involved in their project.

>> No.54436267

I've seen it again and again, devs are naïve and believe their users share their ideals.

>> No.54436301

Anons, Arbitrum was shilled by the Schizoid Nazis in an elaborate confidence scam. The Schizoid Nazis (((S.N.))) targeted the VCs by posting that MEV will be defeated by Arbitrum.
MEV is how they rip you off when you use Ethereum. Arbitrum has a sequencer they profit off of. It's basically the same thing.
The very mention of MEV sent the VCs into a murderous killing frenzy.
They tried to SHUT IT DOWN and when that failed, in their last dying breath, they threw so much money at the Arbitrum team Ed Felten broke out in a rash and Steven Goldfeder collapsed on the floor convulsing in an epileptic fit.
But they were all of them deceived for Arbitrum is the most illiquid environment imaginable. A veritable Tartarus.
The Schizoid Nazis false flagged the death of MEV to trap the VCs on Arbitrum.
Now they and their capital will rot on layer two thanks largely to the efforts of the based Schizoid Nazis. The seven Schizoid Nazis that told me signed the blockchain in blood then commited seppuku, god rest their souls.
Do not bridge your assets to layer two. Let the VC scammers and their capital rest in piss.

>> No.54436343

that doesn't really inspire confidence, maybe they should of stuck to developing and not invalidating their entire governance system

>> No.54436354

Same. Just another group of get rich quick scammers in crypto

>> No.54436361

put aside your arb fetish for a second, this is entirely arbitrum's fault. if they had simply added this proposal to the white paper no one would have gave a shit. instead they put it up to a vote and said "well it's just a formality, we're going to do it anyway". regardless of whether or not their intentions were good, trust is broken.

>> No.54436421

I just woke up from a coma, how did one get eligible for the ARB airdrop?

>> No.54436438

Thank God I sold my 1.4 ARB to buy some $DOGE

>> No.54436443


>> No.54436539

>disappointed by the way builders are treated
Hopefully the billions in grift will help soften the blow.

>> No.54436557


>> No.54436564
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>shows how shady these fucks are

>> No.54436658

$1.16 soon

>> No.54437821

>inherits the security of ETH
>by adding more security assumptions

lmao. This whole narrative was streetshitting PR to begin with

>> No.54438285

Okay but what's the real story? I'm sure there are several levelheaded well thought out comments by redditors smarter than anyone on this board.

Sounds like a dumb sensational headline, when the truth is probably much more nuanced.

>> No.54438856

nah they're just retarded but have enough VC liquidity and gullible saps to defend them

>> No.54439137


>> No.54439530

It's the truth, they already admitted on twitter that they sold 10 million ARB and gave another 40 million to Wintermute for market making. THEN they put it up for a vote which is going to fail. The DAO is literally broken.

>> No.54441574

So….. just as useless as every other DAO? They’re the biggest fucking meme and the only way you can enforce this shit is through threats of violence. That’s why the USD works. If you don’t play ball, you die. In crypto though, autists will just chimp out on Twitter about MUH DAO MUH VOOOOOOTES!!!! It’s why assassination contracts will be vital in forcing certain behaviours in DAOs.

>> No.54442992

Definitely sold 70% of my bag already, i can't afford to be heavily invested in a project where even the team doesn't believe in it.

I have split my investment into other assets with working products.

>> No.54443035
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This already rugged.

>> No.54443087

thx op, unironically dumped half, will let other half ride

>> No.54443135

>I have split my investment into other assets with working products.

Investing heavily into assets with working products is a no-brainer as it guarantees projects longetivity.

>> No.54443144

>market making
What even is that? Paying pajeets to shill for the project?

>> No.54443157

>airdrop a governance token
>add a proposal
>see it's not passing
>people notice you're already using funds for your own lambos
>claim it's not a proposal in the first place
>that's how governance works, guys
The sheer jewishness and incompetence of it. Makes me think it's not even jews but russians.

>> No.54443242

Look It up dude. It's a common thing.

>> No.54443267

I agree with you working products play a huge role on the longetivity of projects and this is one of the reasons I am very big on NXRA.

>> No.54443276

They have control of over 50% of the voting power, they can pass whatever they like.

>> No.54443291

This thread doesn’t seem to be organic

>> No.54443296

How come it's 83% against right now then?

>> No.54443997

quints of truth
>that's how governance works, guys

>> No.54444050

so "governance" means you get to vote, but the vote is completely worthless and if devs dislike the result they can just ignore the whole process?
>just like democracy

>> No.54444072

Hi, chainlinkgod, how is gravel nft doing?

>> No.54446340

They would fomo during the next bull run anon. Just leaves more tokens for me to slurp alongside FIL, SYLO and AR which earn me staking rewards on Huobi