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54429881 No.54429881 [Reply] [Original]

>just move to the countryside, where it's cheap

>> No.54430253

> Victoria

And geez the little cute tourist rural town a hour away from the Melb CBD is overpriced

It's like if you wanted to buy a house in Bowral which is about hour and half from Sydney CBD. It's also crazy overpriced for again being the little cute tourist rural town

You need to buy in a shithole rural town where it's majority abos or drug filled bogans if want the cheap countryside or you need a vacant block of land and eat up the building costs.

>> No.54430296

>a shitty hut one hour from a city is worth $600k because of muh cute tourism

>> No.54430314

it's the land too, if it was just a house on the side of the road with no land it would probably only be worth 300k

>> No.54430321

Canadian and Australian real estate is so fucked, I don't understand how countries so sparsely populated can be so expensive.

>> No.54430383

Your real estate market is open for speculation to the entire world.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54430396

the eu is literally paying people money to move to to the countryside and start families and its not working. ppl love cities too much, even the larpers on this site

>> No.54430418
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That's also true and I don't think people touch on it, you can acquire property over the internet and with people in that area more efficiently than you could in the 90s

You're the one looking for property, besides tourism, add in a bunch of people who already went and brought the cheap rural properties at the start of covid with WFH. Go check the average price history and let me know

Picrel<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54430446

Lmao that can't be real

>> No.54430465

1.1km2 of land lmao that's unironically cheap. In the suburbs my parent's live in a block of that size would be 4 few million.

>> No.54430475


>> No.54430478

kek look it up on google maps. there isn't even a sealed road going to it. i highly doubt it has mains gas or sewage.

>> No.54430487

>I don't understand how countries so sparsely populated can be so expensive
They make it illegal to live on a lot of property. So, even if you're in a nice comfy campervan or have some prebuilt self-reliant offgrid shipping-container home, you will be fined or even thrown in gaol if you live there. You can pick up a paddock in the middle of nowhere for $10,000 quite easily. You're literally just only allowed to graze cattle on it and other farm bullshit. Basically local zoning laws force people to live in $500,000 apartments in the city when a good 90% of the country is completely uninhabited.

Why is it like that? Our country is a puppet on the USA, so we're not allowed to get too powerful, making the useless interior liveable would hurt their position. Similarly, the internal elements want to be able to do mining operations and fracking more easily, they have laws where they're just allowed to come onto your property and test, nothing you can do about it. There is a whole movement called the Lock The Gate, where farmers actually make it difficult for companies to do this, but the police come with bolt cutters and let them on the property.

>> No.54430507

There’s lots of land there tho by the looks of it. Besides, WFH has shrunk the gap between rural and urban real estate prices.

>> No.54430543

there is also the fact that no one actually owns any of the land on which they live in this county. it is all owned by the government. got a farm, yep that is a pastoral lease, the land where you have a house, that is a freehold lease. Yeah you get some pretty good rights associated with being the lessee, but at the end of the day the government owns it and they can take it from you whenever the fuck they like.

>> No.54430562

Do ozzie cunts really?

>> No.54430692
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I hate westoids so much its unreal

>the entire world should be allowed to bid on our houses, because I want my bags to pump 3x

And now your country is fucking dead. Congrats, boomer.

>> No.54430714

I live in a pricey town, and businesses are fucking dying here because no low level wagies can afford to move close and pay the baseline $600+ rent.

Launch boomers into the sun

>> No.54430810

>over half million for a crack shack
Is this cherry picked or is this a common thing out there?

>> No.54431275

Kek is that nicocaco whatever his fat fuck is

>> No.54431367

Common Aussie property prices. Unironically. Market is completely fucked right now, unironically know multiple people planning a move overseas because of it. Me included. Funnily enough one friend is moving to Canada in a couple months citing how bad the property market is, dont think they did any research on Canadian property lmfao

>> No.54431375

yeah this country is fucked mate, it took you this long to realize? the chink invasion cant come sooner honestly.

>> No.54431427

I'm hoping the interest rate rises would cause prices to go down since, you know, cunts can't borrow a million for a mortgage because there isn't a lot of people on $150k a year and able to pay it off. But lo and behold, the prices are going up again even though we're staring at about 0.5% increase this month and next month.

Probably has something to do with the fact the government just brought in 400k people last year and is trying to beat that record this year and next with 900k cunts from the third world.

I don't know ow where it's politically advantageous to have your citizens being priced out of the property market in their own fucking country, but the average australian is retarded enough to vote for it again and again.

>> No.54431504

Nigga australia is always going to be expensive because of chinese migrants and what not. Rural poland is cheap

>> No.54431713
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>> No.54431719
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cross the border into our country illegally and squat on abandoned land in a log cabin somewhere, or just get a plane ticket here and never leave

>> No.54431750

watch videos of people driving through the us, there are entire towns that are abandoned, if you have a decent amount of cash liquid you could just disappear here, buy a decent amount of shit, and just start a homestead on abandoned land

that or buy a boat, and sail literally anywhere other than aus, because it's totally over there

>> No.54431751

shit makes me so fucking jealous.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431760

personally, if I was aus, and I didn't want to break laws I would just go to sea, it's like 100x cheaper, what are you waiting for, you get harems of brown girls with like a 2 hour boat ride

>> No.54431766

You literally own nothing in Crown shitholes lmao.

>> No.54431767

you might be shocked to realize that many americans even on this board consider this "flyover" and prefer paying near aus prices instead

>> No.54431803
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>$561 per square metre
1st grade Thassos white marble isn't even that expensive per square metre

>> No.54431899

Aus property is 100% based on the land value

Even vacant land can be worth millions

>> No.54431954

Checked and yeah land for new subdivisions is in the $2,000 a sqm metre range. For a tiny block.

There's a block nearby going for about 900k range and it's vacant, only difference here is at its flood affected but you get DA approved plans for a apartment and two offices. Some idiot brought it two year ago, got the plans approved and now flipping it as a development ready site. Which in turn is retarded cause construction costs are blown the fuck out too.

>> No.54431995

Who's fuckin posting shit from the macedon ranges, I live there
Post about somewhere else ok thanks

>> No.54432062
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Too late boys, you should have bought'd when you where busy complaining about there being no preinstalled ice maker in the kitchen.

>> No.54432071

>1st grade Thassos white marble isn't even that expensive per square metre
Good observation. High brow. Not low brow like the rest of biz.

>> No.54432613

I have extended family who moved back East there, from Oregon. Now I know why, holy shit.