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54429338 No.54429338 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, congrats on this. Freedom, property and capitalism turned a small European colony into the most wealthy and prosperous land in the world. Then socialism, debt, and third world immigration wrecked it all, just like in the Roman Empire. Same mistakes again and again. After 1500 years, we have learned NOTHING. And in 1500 in the future another empire will crash because of the same mistakes. RIP USA.

>> No.54429356

Are you actually American, or just some Russian or Iranian bot?

>> No.54429362

seethe more mutt tranny

>> No.54429373

The Roman Empire experienced its best days of prosperity as an empire, not as a Republic!
This was known from the beginning, that a Republic would not be kept forever!

>> No.54429374

If American empire is collapsing why do shitskins from all over the world still want to immigrate here? I mean, even chinks and Slavs want to move here. Something isn’t adding up :/

>> No.54429378

america will never collapse. even now when the average american is a spic mutt, it is still the top dog

>> No.54429381

Also, how is this related to biz?

>> No.54429386

The world is going back to hard money, which means the USA is going to be forced to do something that is ironically good for it. Best geography in the world, by far most powerful infrastructure and military power, and the USA is without a doubt going to experience a painful lesson that it will not forget as it fends off socialism in this next chapter.

>> No.54429402

There is no safe collapse of America or any of the major powers. You're a retard anyhow since America is fine.

>> No.54429433

im not american, but america still has a couple decades, maybe even a century or 2 left before it falls off. the decline is definitely clear though

>> No.54429478

>maybe even a century or 2 left before it falls off

Can you hear the ticking?

>> No.54429493

who is gonna force the US to pay that money back? nobody. also china also has a sizeable amount of debt, something like 5 trillion<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54429494

and as the interest rates go up, everything on that chart is now a function of an exponential equation.

>> No.54429496

Who does US owe debt to? And why would US pay them back? Also doesn’t China literally has the biggest debt ever in recorded history?

>> No.54429570

the US debt is mostly held by americans, so for some time now they have been robbing the pensions, banks etc (anybody holding the debt) in order to spend.
Pretty much everybody stopped buying treasuries in 2011.

>> No.54429617

but biz told me US treasures were the safest investment now that crypto is dead??

>> No.54429668
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>price declines 50%
>a-at least you get 9% divvies tho

>> No.54429673

Looking back, 9/11 was the inflection point that signified the collapse of America was inevitable

>> No.54429745

The Huns(Asians) caused the Roman Empire to fall. Look what’s happening with China.

>> No.54429856

I have faith we can take the new China, Russia, North Korea, Iran axis down with us. Not sure what happens after that. Guess it depends on how true predictions of nuclear winter are.

>> No.54429904
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Propaganda and traffickers basically target the retards and force them to work as literal serfs in western countries by promising them a better life which doesn't exist

They give up being doctors and lawyers to go be bus boys and dick polishers
They usually end up regretting it and seeth until they die at age 50 from a drug overdose or alcoholism
The average Russian in Russia owns like acres of land and a block in the city and if they just stick it out they could have a middle-class to high-class life. The same could be said about any SE Asian
What the fuck could be better in America than they would find in Singapore. They simply fall for the grass is always greener.

Coney island should be renamed to dead Slav city with how many peoples lives its ruined and how many children have died from drug overdoses

Most people are wising up to this fact now except of course for poojets and gooks because they're the biggest retards out of all of them

>> No.54429926

>I have faith we can take the new China, Russia, North Korea, Iran axis down with us. Not sure what happens after that. Guess it depends on how true predictions of nuclear winter are.
I have faith on the future, but only if the US embraces the true economic science again and goes 100% for top tier tokenomics on the dollar. There's really no other way and sooner or later american politicians will realize. If the US can do that, they'll only have to just wait, Russia/China axis are communists and their economies will eventually collapse, like the USSR.

>> No.54429934
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>I have faith on the future
Most Americans can't even read

>> No.54429963

As a Venezuelan, i would move there as long as the US is the leading reserve currency. Once your dollars can be used as toilet paper, it's over.
Also depends on how white is the US...
In 20 years your country won't be a 3rd world shithole different than mine.
Imagine how nice your countru could be if you removed all the frijoleros and jews from your country but for now
It's over

>> No.54429971
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> their economies will eventually collapse, like the USSR.
Unclear and irrelevant. We will have nuclear way before that.

>> No.54430016
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same shit different millenia

>> No.54430059


>> No.54430063

the dollar though will, removing a lot of power from the us

>> No.54430169

>muh socialism
Workers neither own the means of production nor are homeless and welfsre leeches starved to death or put in gulags.

A real socialist country would have 0% unemployment also, marx and lenin hated the unemployed more than /pol/ hates joggers.

>> No.54430315

Canada is going to have a real problem with immigrants from the last 15-20 years just basically saying fuck this and leaving<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54430336

>Workers neither own the means of production

You don't need ot reach this stage to feel the devastating effects of socialism.

Besides, the "workers-(the state, actually)-owning-the-mop" stage usually happens at the end of a very long process of self-destruction.

>> No.54430354

How do you know someone has low IQ? It when they compare the US to the Roman empire because they heard someone else do it.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54430368


>> No.54430390

>How do you know someone has low IQ? It when they compare the US to the Roman empire because they heard someone else do it.
I do not compare the US to the Roman Empire because I heard someone do it. I like history. I'm no expert at all but I like it and I like to read stuff. The particularity of the Roman Empire is that we know exactly how it started, how it developed and how it ended because it's very well documented. So we can learn many things from them.

>> No.54430417

Besides, I live within the borders of what once was the Roman Empire. So I am a descendant of emperors and legionaries. You are a simple descendant of barbarian germans who migrated to America.

>> No.54430426

>The average Russian in Russia owns like acres of land and a block in the city and if they just stick it out they could have a middle-class to high-class life

That's why they move to Turkey at the start of the Ukraine war.

>> No.54430856

Trust me dude, just keep trying I believe you will one day get that green card. Stay positive! :)

>> No.54431045

Read about the robber barons, your system rests on their achievements. You were born a slave mr. Drone number 200000003

Does anyone know the name of the treaty made between USA and some european countries to standarize the dollar? I think it was made in the 80s...i was sick and forgot to save the fucking name

>> No.54431102

>traffickers basically target the retards
Traffickers don't work for the American government or American companies, most aren't even American to begin with. They're usually fucking over their fellow countrymen to make a buck. That's a problem with their own people being pieces of shit, not the US.
>What the fuck could be better in America
If you're a smart and talented third worlder you'll earn a fuck ton more money in America than back home. If you're a dumb and worthless third worlder you'll receive far more gibs in America than back home. You also don't have to worry about third world bullshit like failing power grids, lack of running water and warlords destroying your village, though these things are subject to change as our population becomes dumber and browner.

>> No.54431117

In 1500 years we will make the moon space empire.

>> No.54431123

Niggers keep posting this and cannot explain how. The US would still have oil, resources, the largest military, 350 million mutts and another 200 million mexicans/leafs to send into battle. How does the greater north american co-prosperity sphere lose in any way?

>> No.54431248

Thanks russia

what happens when you wake up tomorrow and the US still controls your shithole of a "country"?

>> No.54431274

in 1500 years we'll be wondering why our crops won't grow after feeding them all the Gatorade the need.

>> No.54431320

>Then socialism, debt, and third world immigration wrecked it all
When the capitalists moderate their greed to sustainable levels, and when the majority of people are able to live comfortably, socialism/communism don't even enter into people's minds. Socialism is not a sickness, in and of itself. It is a symptom of a much greater illness. If the rich were simply a little less greedy, there would be no preconditions for these alternative economic models to even arise. You can point your fingers all you want at the big bad bogeymen, but the fact is that the distribution of wealth is fucked up in America.

The myopia of the capitalist class is always startling to me, in that their clutch on their shekels is so incredibly tight that they can see no higher priority. You may not like the poor for whatever reason, and that's fine. But if you can't logically see how a bunch of very fucking angry poor people might be deleterious to your freedom, property, and capitalism, you're just stupid.

In some ways, it was much better when the rich were aristocrats. An aristocrat is easier to mythologize, to hold up from afar. In Current Year, where it is blindingly obvious that the wealthy are humans of average (or often, far below average) moral character, it's just harder to be okay with it. Rich people overwhelmingly are assholes, and it is readily apparent. If there were some mechanism by which the economic elite could even be given the benefit of the doubt as to their moral character, it would be easier to stomach. There is no such mechanism. When the rich are often just people with less moral character and more greed, that's an absolutely poisonous societal image.

>> No.54431365

They didn't have the internet. We do.
Then we achieve singularity and zero sum like all the other past future civilizations.

>> No.54431390
File: 104 KB, 615x680, 8B81DE02-61C7-40F2-B7F6-8440D37CAE27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Workers neither own the means of production nor are homeless and welfsre leeches starved to death or put in gulags.

A real socialist country would have 0% unemployment also, marx and lenin hated the unemployed more than /pol/ hates joggers.

>> No.54431400

> When the capitalists moderate their greed to sustainable levels, and when the majority of people are able to live comfortably, socialism/communism don't even enter into people's minds. Socialism is not a sickness, in and of itself. It is a symptom of a much greater illness. If the rich were simply a little less greedy, there would be no preconditions for these alternative economic models to even arise. You can point your fingers all you want at the big bad bogeymen, but the fact is that the distribution of wealth is fucked up in America.
>The myopia of the capitalist class is always startling to me, in that their clutch on their shekels is so incredibly tight that they can see no higher priority. You may not like the poor for whatever reason, and that's fine. But if you can't logically see how a bunch of very fucking angry poor people might be deleterious to your freedom, property, and capitalism, you're just stupid.
>In some ways, it was much better when the rich were aristocrats. An aristocrat is easier to mythologize, to hold up from afar. In Current Year, where it is blindingly obvious that the wealthy are humans of average (or often, far below average) moral character, it's just harder to be okay with it. Rich people overwhelmingly are assholes, and it is readily apparent. If there were some mechanism by which the economic elite could even be given the benefit of the doubt as to their moral character, it would be easier to stomach. There is no such mechanism. When the rich are often just people with less moral character and more greed, that's an absolutely poisonous societal image.

Maybe you wouldn’t be such a poorfag communist shitlib redditard if you just got a job instead of writing essays that nobody will read?

>> No.54431420

The Republic was better than the Empire, also the Kingdom was even better. Second they started expanding to let just anyone become Roman is when they started drifting too much from what they originally stood for and just became an overextended country with barely any real ties to one another.

>> No.54431424

I know so many "well off" Russian-Americans that can't go back to Russia because their $500,000 net worth makes them look like poorfags compared to their old classmates/peers in Russia. It's really fucking sad, they realize America completely chinked them out, but don't have the courage to go back home. They usually end up living around the Caribbean, Bali, and South / Central America doing the odd real estate flip here and there. Psychologically wreaked.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431485
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Thank you for your condolences sir.

>> No.54431532

thanks for letting us know youre a nobody, dumbass.

>> No.54431562
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 83BF62AC-5703-49B5-83EB-D7EA754D9043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA turned to shit because of the jewish real estate garbage and the QE bullshit. Also taxes. Not whatever the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.54431614


any empire, like the world, springs from a divine seed that has echoes at best but on the long term degenerates

similarly republics as a system are a degenerated echo of divine monarchy. Tyranny is the funal degeneration, US is inching closer to it.

>> No.54431710

>Maybe you wouldn’t be such a poorfag communist shitlib redditard if you just got a job instead of writing essays that nobody will read?
Like I said, it's really tough to have a lot of confidence in the current economic system when the (ostensible) rich don't appear to be materially better in any way than the rest of us. You, fren, are an excellent example of that. For the record, I work full-time and I'm not a """"communist shitlib redditard"""". Capitalism can absolutely work; it's just that, as I say here (>>54431320):
>When the capitalists moderate their greed to sustainable levels, and when the majority of people are able to live comfortably, socialism/communism don't even enter into people's minds. Socialism is not a sickness, in and of itself. It is a symptom of a much greater illness. If the rich were simply a little less greedy, there would be no preconditions for these alternative economic models to even arise.
When you zoom out long enough, everything becomes roughly cyclical. The capitalists get so greedy that the underclass has to work harder and harder to keep its head above water, there comes along enough political willpower to enact substantial change, everyone is more or less happy again, rinse and repeat.

That is, of course, the optimistic version. In the worst case, the rich are so blinded by their own self-importance that they literally cannot even entertain the possibility that the underclass can actually do something about it. Even if the goal of the rich were to completely subjugate the poor, part of a good strategy to do so incorporates a realistic vision of what the poor are capable of doing. The rich get fat and lazy and are eternally surprised when the walls close in. This scenario sucks for everyone involved, and is best avoided.

Also, I'm not writing fucking """"essays"""". I'm writing three or four paragraphs. It takes like five minutes and an iota of thought. Read a book, you double nigger.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54431720

next time keep budgeting separate from the government and don't give women the vote.

>> No.54431722

>Freedom, property and capitalism turned a small European colony into the most wealthy and prosperous land in the world.
Lol, no. Vast natural resources and slave labor did that.

>> No.54431754

Isn't the US virtually self-suficient? I think you'll do fine

>> No.54431777
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>Lol, no. Vast natural resources and slave labor did that.
Actually... no. If slave labor alone could do something like that, computers cars and nuclear plants would have been invented 5000 years ago. You need freedom, property and capitalism.

See the parabolic line? That's capitalism.

>> No.54431781


>> No.54431790

Africa also had vast natural resources, slave labor and European colonization yet they didn't become super powers. What gives?

>> No.54431793

me personally, because the country is hospitable, and even though you're in a collapse, still provide for individual rights, particularly to arms and self defence compared to a lot of other countries where they have removed that fundamental right to make you more dependent in the state.

Americans do not appreciate exactly how independent they are from their government, and how reliant people are to their governments. "muh healthcare" or whatever, cunt, I'm subsidising the third world migrants my government is moving here to dilute whatever individual power I have over my own self-determination.

>> No.54431831

Slaves didn't do much more than agri field work.

>> No.54431857
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>If slave labor alone could do something like that, computers cars and nuclear plants would have been invented 5000 years ago.

>> No.54431873

>fends off socialism
Sounds a bit antisemitic tbqhf

>> No.54431882
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Africa had slavery long before and long after the US slave trade started / finished, and had more natural resources than basically anywhere else. A nation's most important resource is its people, natural resources mean nothing if you're too stupid to do anything with them.

>> No.54431887

>Then kikes wrecked it all

All three things identified by Hitler in Austria a century ago, rinse and repeat, with ya lil circed bennises.

>> No.54432268

>Literal drone answers with a sanctified botpost approved by the US tech gov.
Yaaaawn just read

>> No.54432492

Bretton woods maybe? Was agreed to in the 40s tho.

>> No.54433001

Sparta figured out how to do this ages ago and their decline is similar to the usa
Because never forget contrary to the rethoric about freedom and democracy the us was always a brutal oppressive slave society made possible by having a superior elite class
But in the past 3 decades the old elite gave up and let the creature from the levant destroy society completely
Its now so bad your traditional warrior caste says fuckyou to the army

Its not wealth inequalty that kills it, its degenaration of the ruling elite
For reference compare france and spain during the days of the revolution, spains nobles werent cucked so peasents never got human rights until after ww2

>> No.54433018

That’s not why people immigrate to a foreign country my naive zoomer friends. It’s always about the money

>> No.54433063

Half of Germany was within the borders of the Roman Empire but w/ever.
Stay mad at the Holy Roman Empire.

>> No.54433072


>> No.54433153

>Then socialism, debt, and third world immigration wrecked

>> No.54433192


>> No.54433272
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>That is, of course, the optimistic version. In the worst case, the rich are so blinded by their own self-importance that they literally cannot even entertain the possibility that the underclass can actually do something about it. Even if the goal of the rich were to completely subjugate the poor, part of a good strategy to do so incorporates a realistic vision of what the poor are capable of doing.
The point of a meritocracy or social mobility is to allocate resources so that people with the greatest ability to change society are the most invested in the status quo. When pilots start divebombing tax buildings, we're already here, there will be problems, but it still won't be from NEETs.

>> No.54433580

>Then socialism, debt, and third world immigration wrecked it all
You misspelled jews.