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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54425596 No.54425596 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 26 year old with no kids, no dependents, no parents, and no family. I have a healthy body and $4.5k in the bank. I make $2,000 a month. What can I do to make it?

>> No.54425610

you already made it. cut back on expenses if you feel like you haven't

>> No.54425614

get a second job
2k a month is for poor people with no skills

>> No.54425657

Getting a second job that pays op nearly the same amount is the absolute worst advice and does nothing to help with the fact he doesn't have skills.
Learn a skill. Depending on where you are you should be able to get some sort of assistance paying for education fees for a vocational program or trade school.

>> No.54425691

You aren't wrong but you are not right either.

You are right that he has no skills, but the point of a second job isn't ONLY to get 2k more dollars per month...it's to learn a new skill and become more disciplined.

OP is basically lazy, and telling a lazy person to 'learn a skill' isn't gonna work.

>> No.54425695

i was thinking about 2nd job for a year to have a nice cash foundation

what skill should i learn?

>> No.54425711

>what skill should i learn?
the skill you should learn first is how to think, cause you seem pretty mid
no father figure in your life?

>> No.54425741

yeah my dad died when i was 13, mom at 16
been kinda winging it ever since

>> No.54425837

can tell, but don't beat yourself up

you lack initiative
successful people are successful because they have initiative

you need some sport or some /fit/
start lifting and take care of your body/mind

then, after you have 'mastered' the sport or lifting (or at least be a intermediate amateur) you will better understand what you need to do next in your life

>> No.54425906

Whenever someone says the word "successful" I realize they're just talking about money really

Kids born in Venezuelan favelas will never have the opportunity to be successful, no matter what they do

As for me, however, I can definitely take steps to get to a certain point

>> No.54426041
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no, as expected, you are wrong.

success is not about money.
success is about time.

money is one of several means to that end.
motion/activity is another means to that end.
reproduction is another means to that end.
knowing yourself is another means to that end.

Your problem is you don't even know yourself.
I just met you, and I know you better than you do.

Let that sink in.

>> No.54426088

nah im pretty sure im right here lol
time isn't exactly valuable if you spend all of it in hunger

>> No.54426115

>im sure im right
if only you were are smart as you are sure
you think like a poor person and you will die a poor person, because you are poor on the inside

>> No.54426148

its already over for you

>> No.54426161

It's not that.
I think I'll do well for myself in the future if I dedicate myself and use the resources available for me.

My point is that there are people that, no matter how rich they are on the inside, can literally never make it because they have absolutely zero resources to work with.

They were simply born in the wrong place
That's not me, and I surely can get myself to a better place

>> No.54426187

> because you are poor on the inside

Boomers and their just world fallacy are fucking scum. Fuck off with this nonsense.

>> No.54426258

He's right, and you're just seething with no refutation

>> No.54426272

You have an external locus of control, which means you are never gonna make it fag. Good entrepreneurs and successful people have internal ones (generally). this applies beyond business, take even women. I get rejected, whatever I get back up. I have buddies who never do and give up because they have external Locus's and will never see success, much less in business. Think what you want fag, but until you change that mindset and think you can harness your own destinity, you will never be able to and will always lose.
All great advice anon, keep it up!

>> No.54426329

You're missing my point too
It does not matter if you believe you can "harness your destiny" if there's not a single resource around you to harness
There are people worldwide that will literally never have a chance to even have my life

holy shit this thread really makes me realize how lucky I am to be even in my situation haha thanks

>> No.54426404
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>not a single resource
Are you on a dessert island in the middle of the pacific? 70% of the people in the world have internet, more probably could go find some. If there is a will there is always a way. Sure, maybe you won't be the next bill gates or maybe your situation means you die at 5yo due to malnutrition. The world is a cruel place, but the point is, the only way to maybe claim your destiny and have success is to try and if you don't believe then you have lost before you have started.
>there are people who will never have my life
And there are people I will never have their good lives, or maybe I will.be grateful where you are, sure, but using it to out yourself down in self defeat is external locus and ngmi
>haha thanks
Ngmi fag. This is just cope to enjoy your avg life, which is fine I have buddies who just wanna work their 9-5 making okay wages and to go home and play vidya. You're not invalid for not having ambitions, but dont try coping and saying its because you can't, because you can.

>> No.54426465

This thread is finally making me realize why the world is so shit

If a person is not born into a financially sufficient situation (most people), they are told to work hard and play by the rules and seize opportunity by others around them - even those that are in the same situation as them

But this is only part true, it's almost a trick on them
In reality, if you did not have access to the connections of those that did make it, you will *never get to their point*, and they'll just keep on telling you to try harder and harder

So instead of looking at the real problem, you're taught to blame only yourself

It's not coping with an average life, it's realizing they never had a chance to begin with

>> No.54426569

>the world is shit
If it took you this long you might be retarded
Not the issue
>play by the rules
Never said that
>blah blah blah quitter talk
External locus
>real problems
Which is what retard? If you say something about equity or equality you're retarded. We live on a little rock in a hostile universe. We are luckily to have been made and enjoyed any life as a species. The universe is chaos and chaos is unfair. Deal with it
>never had a chance
Nope because you're an external locus beta fag. Its probably genes. I can see it on my fathers side, full of avg dorks who just wanna get by and be average. Again, nothing wrong with wanting to be that 9-5 anon, go for it! But dont try to cope by saying you can't and thats why, you can but you dont want to (which is fine, again, no shame in living your life how you wanna live it anon. More power to you!)

>> No.54426606

>op makes thread asking for advice
>gets advice
>lol hahah thanks for making me realize i didn't need advice
lazy midwit gonna lazy midwit
i knew giving you advice was a mistake
anyway, fuck off faggot you are a fatherless loser who won't reproduce cause women don't like people like you

>> No.54426625

>women dont like guys like you
This is the truth. My friends wonder why I pull so well and they cope that I'm better looking but the truth is I am super driven and women love that.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54426721
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Oh no, you two have helped me far more than you ever know

The problem with the world isn't the shit situation, it's the complete lack of empathy from other human beings

I am in a situation where I can actually take responsibility for myself and do well, but there are others in the world that - no matter how much responsibility they take - will never be in a good situation, and it's by no fault of themselves

And people like you two will be constantly telling that person to "stop having an external locus" and "pull yourself up and take opportunity" when there are genuinely no opportunities to take

Those people don't care about pulling women; those people don't care about reproducing; those people simply care about where their next meal will come from - a struggle both of you won't ever understand

>> No.54426748

Stop worrying about the world.
Stop worrying about other people.

Start worrying about yourself.

>> No.54426761

You're literally me
I would appreciate advice for this situation also

>> No.54426796

I can't reason with you anon because your mindset is toxic. Its the same with with my buddies, they say "woah is me, women hate be blah!" And I give them solutions and the truth but they have a loser mindset, like yourself. Sometimes people are just born to never win. Maybe in their genes

>> No.54426809

I'm in a similar situation (but older) and I recently decided to start my own business. I can't tell you if it's good advice. I might make it, or I might wreck what little I have.

>> No.54426921

the ego is a powerful thing
unlike, OP, you must learn to be humble
you must look within yourself
ask yourself why you are the way you are
recognize when you are being emotional (all the time)
get friends that are better than you
learn from those better than you

>> No.54426940

Yes it is and stupidity is too and the inability for some people to be creative and think outside the box.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54426971

Jfc $2k a month? Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.54427203

Go to therapy and a therapist will tell you the same thing, retard
No matter what your situation is you can be happy with it, it's basic hedonic treadmill shit, provided you aren't locked in a white room torture cube or an oubliette
This is what the ascetics said all throughout history
People used to sit atop tall columns (stylites) in the hot sun starving, only sustaining themselves on things people who would climb these poles could give them, all just to contemplate God
YOU will be fine to post on the internet and take fat girls to the bar irl

People in the middle ages were happier than you with far fewer resources
And you're worrying about hypothetical situations? About stuff that might happen to you?
Explain yourself

>> No.54427451

why is a poor third worlder giving advice on success? this board is such a piece of shit lmao.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54427494

cursed image
fuck you OP

>> No.54427554
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I'm a burger you fag

>> No.54427624

If you not sure what to do, maybe see if u can get a degree in a technical field and go from there.
Also since you have no family you're in a good position to look for opportunities where others are less likely to look (for example outside of the country, jobs where u are away from home a lot etc).

>> No.54427719

How is it cursed?? Explain and provide name of story or be a forever fag. Your choice<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54427764

>hypothetical situations? About stuff that might happen to you?
Shouldn't one worry about hypotheticals and plan for the worst so that you're prepared and can deal with the situation instead of being blindsided?

>> No.54427801

what happened to your family?

>> No.54427823

Shut the fuck up, America. You'll never make it, America. Cause you're a jew shithole obsessed with consumerism.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54427840

I’m basically in the same exact boat you are except I make close to 3k a month. Basically our only chance of making it is dumping all your funds into promising alts and eating rice and beans and taking the bus. Also get a roommate so you can cut back on rent. Just gamble it all into a good alt like rose and cross your fingers.

BUT, In the mean time, do shit that’s not super expensive that you enjoy doing. Read, learn about cars, EXERCISE, play vidya here and there, and write. But for real, exercise exercise exercise. You want to be healthy when you make it. And wise so read a lot of books from great minds.

>> No.54427955
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Are those 4.5K in the bank all you have? Or do you own others assets/investments?

>> No.54427979

put your savings in chainlink, get at least 1k, you will be a millionaire within the next 4-5 years

>> No.54428013

I'm from 2026. 2023 is the year of dogecoin and xrp.

>> No.54428444
File: 350 KB, 659x660, CWE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want an honest answer?
then just do exactly what this guy is doing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6IHKMEafr8

the guy on the channel is a long time /biz/ bro and the legendary autistic trader Schloppy is why the channel exists. there is even a fucking book about the financial strategy hes using for years 2023-2026 and u can cop a copy in the vid description.

what he is doing in these vids is low key over time producing autistic training videos to teach anons how to be money managers and run their own private funds.
its the highest alpha you'll find right now and there is no sign that the investment logic behind the trades he is making is wrong.
>Delphi Digital projected a over 10yrs after mainnet launch the token would be trading for $56.48 and currently its trading at $0.0043186

i only effort posted in your thread just in the event you are diary posting and genuinely looking for sound investment advice in the market. cheers~

>> No.54428484

learn to WELD and work as one flooring around $26/hr depending on where you are located with cost of living increases it will be higher wages.

>> No.54428503

the $81,000 LINK prophecy fren will take far far longer than you think to come to fruition.
OP is better off DCA investing in straight RSR and staking it on RTokens to earn interest than anything priced at $7/token as LINK presently is.
with smaller amounts of capital u have to look for much much lower entry to optimize the capital returns output on expected value.
simple as.

>> No.54428520

XRP is a security plain and simple.
so is XLM. you faggots are gonna be ultra assmad when your bags rapidly become devalued overnight.
and that ruling is expected any day now.

>> No.54428527

I make 3k a month and plan to get another job or two working from home. Used to make over 7k post-tax but got laid off from one place. I think you can manage 3 or 4 jobs at once depending on how easy they are and you’ll probably have to since unemployment can only go up from here and most people including myself have a ton of debt.

>> No.54428595

shut the fuck up u closeted faggot gym bro.
he needs to be working 10hrs a day making at least $26/hr doing 50hr work weeks minimum and investing more than 50% of his income into high expected value altcoins.
this is BUSINESS AND FINANCE not FITNESS AND FAGGOTRY now kindly fuck off to your containment board >>>/fit/

>> No.54428645

>i have a ton of debt
you really dont. if its credit cards? stop paying on them. they will reset after 7yrs and u never have to pay them. alternative, let them go far into collections and sit there for 2-3yrs then call up the creditors and ask if u can pay them back a -90% reduction on the total amount owed, 9 times out of 10 they will let u do this, not even memeing but only do it if u absolutely need a good goy credit score to rent a place, etc.
you should be credit maxxing in this bear market anyways and buying crypto with credit at places like Paxful then never paying your cc's back bc those companies are literally operating while insolvent anyways. no chance they get bailed out. credit usage is higher than its ever been worldwide rn btw.
whole credit industry is about to collapse as people are using debt to fight inflation and inflation to fight debt.
the cycle we are currently in represents the death of lots of fiat, the USD especially included as runaway inflation has already started and even the FED has revealed their cards as they are going to further accelerate the hyperinflation of the currency they issue.
store your value in BTC but exit the USD and all fiat otherwise you will wake up one day to a fiat nightmare that is so pattern setting predictable its happened more than 4,000 times in monetary history. not even joking and the USD is following the exact same pattern right now as every fiat that failed at 100% has in history.

dyor, Just buy $RSR

>> No.54429397

>he hasn't accepted it yet

>> No.54429686


>> No.54429831
File: 214 KB, 1200x630, 489D1EA6-F965-4FB8-98D6-05098AC29C9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations for seeing through the retards gaslighting you. While their advice DOES apply to you and you can make it if you learn an in-demand skill and get a well-paying job, you’re still right about these retards.

Even in the Bible when God took everything away from Job the first thing his close friends did was BLAME HIM for being sinful (pic related). When people see you down, they piss on you and kick you for it even if it wasn’t your fault at all because it makes them feel superior. Its just human nature.