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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 640x849, Suicide-Hanging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5442192 No.5442192 [Reply] [Original]

>It's almost 2018
>Yet another year wasted on absolutely nothing useful

>Still not rich
>Still fat
>Still a virgin
>Still living with parents
>Still a lowly wagecuck
>Still haven't read any books
>Found out I'm GDE in weightlifting
>Found out im GDE in anything requiring intelligence
>Can't even make it in powerlifting due to subhuman genetics
>Weak and small joints
>Bad biceps insertion
>Bad facial structure
>Weird hair growth pattern
>Bad beard genetics
>Slightly bowlegged
>Terrible leverages from long arms except for deadlift
>Too retarded to invest properly without getting scammed by pajeet/Boris
>Not creative or hardworking enough to start a business

>> No.5442256

At least you're not disabled.

>> No.5442278

I may as well be.

>> No.5442362

doesnt sound like your genes are worth passing on. kill yourself

>> No.5442370

hey, there is still time to read a book before EOY

>> No.5442421

You're still alive, anon. As long as you're alive you can do something to make a different in the world. Doesn't matter how big or small your contribution is, just do something.

>> No.5442424
File: 81 KB, 550x413, 1514061907872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got rich
>not a virgin anymore
>still chubby manlet
Im not even mad

>> No.5442428

Nah man. At least you have a job. I'm on welfare and I'm struggling to find something I can do for work at all.

>> No.5442431

You are atleast smart enough to realise how worthless you really are. This makes you better than 99% of ppl like you

>> No.5442462

same. im shitty ectomorph body type. literally can't get ripped no matter how much i lift. i bench my weight and do curls almost everyday and still look skinny as fuck. im 34 and basically look like a teen. my networth is like 4k. unemployed. i work dead end jobs for a few months then quit and move on to other shit jobs. still live with my parents. i've had one gf my whole life. everyday is literally a living hell.

>> No.5442470

Who care? It's just the life... Soon or later it will be over.

>> No.5442502

OP become self depreciating stand up comedian

>> No.5442514
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be attractive
>have no trouble with women
>be single for 5 yrs
>be abstinent for 3 years
>be good at lots of things
>be great musician
>write great music
>have crippling anxiety and depression
>never perform in front of people
>be able to do any job easily
>have crippling social anxiety and depression
>slowly recoil from humanity into room
>be on welfare

merry chrimbus!

>> No.5442515

Who else is literally the exact opposite of everything OP listed?

>> No.5442537

OP were both faggots and that's just fine.

life's a bitch and then ya die


>> No.5442539

>literally can't get ripped no matter how much i lift. i bench my weight and do curls almost everyday and still look skinny as fuck.

Are you getting stronger despite not looking bigger? If you are getting stronger and lifting more, who gives a fuck about what you look like.

>> No.5442549

why don't you record that music and upload it to youtube/soundcloud? not live performance and better than not showing it to anyone

>> No.5442567
File: 228 KB, 1200x1049, 1512253575229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy link and wait till next year

>> No.5442569
File: 254 KB, 653x817, vitalik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you gotta do is get some skycoin my mans ;))

>> No.5442583
File: 37 KB, 780x438, 1514156719257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this.

>> No.5442612


This. Upload your music online

>> No.5442616

stronger sure. buy my body doesn't really look different. i have muscles but they are long and skinny muscles so basically i look weak as fuk.

>> No.5442620

>uneven pectus excavatum
>awful bicep inserts
>uneven jawline
>big weird shaped nose
>fucked up hairline
>baggy eyes
>extremely lazy
>fucked teeth
>unlucky to the point where i deeply question reality

only reason i haven't killed myself is because im 6'1, broad shoulders, good metabolism and have a big dick

>> No.5442643

i did some collaboration on kompoz.com and uploaded some shit to soundcloud. it just feels pointless honestly and it pisses me off that i will never make it with music, even though realistically i should be able to. feels dumb to post stuff and get 10 views man. It just cements the reality that it will never go anywhere. rather just jam shitty classic rock with buddies and forget composition/originals

>> No.5442656
File: 335 KB, 633x758, angrywojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh poor me i won genetic lottery but muh easy to get rid of depression and anxiety!!!!

let me swap bodies with you or else.

>> No.5442659

What the hell does gde mean you fuken nigger?

>> No.5442707
File: 45 KB, 540x571, ringading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre ecto then you need to eat a shit load of healthy food and drink tonnes of water

>> No.5442712


I too wondered this. I was assuming something like Genetic Dead End or similar, given he was talking about personal attributes.

>> No.5442722
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1514147604484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, so easy to get rid of. I've spent the better part of the last 10 years in front of a computer as i am now, and see no point in ever trying to achieve anything or be in a relationship. Totally normal man, it's so easy to get rid of this condition!

I did too many psychadelics and fucked my brain chemistry, i'm fine with it. just figured some people would want to know there are chads out there who are skinny as fuck and aren't actually chads at all, they're curmudgeonly sacks of shit who sit alone online too. sue me

>> No.5442759

you'll never get more than 10 views if you don't keep uploading. tag your shit appropriately, post it everywhere, tell your friends about it, and slowly but surely you'll get a following. you can't just give up that easily.
I believe in you, anon.

>> No.5442776

You are ALWAYS going to be the same. Unless you change. Get off /biz and do something different.

Also dont make excuses about your body type for your failure.

>> No.5442798

heres a gay song i wrote all the vocals/harmonies and sang that actually suits this thread well. keep ya heads up faggots. i'll put myself out there for this one on xmas.

This website is dope, if there are any musicians out there, it's perfect for bedroom players. collab online with people from around the world, sick shit.


merry christmas faggots

>> No.5442812

Just do shrooms bro. Also a heavy dose of DMT.

>> No.5442822

so i need to eat 100 times a day and drink 50 gallons of water every hour. gee how great.. feel free to shoot me in the head if you happen to see me walking down the street irl. im not even kidding. literally pull out a firearm of some sort and discharge it into my head.

>> No.5442829

Typical normie advice.

>> No.5442843

ill never do shrooms again. or salvia rofl. i don't want to experience being a chair again, thanks

>> No.5442859


>still fat/haven't read books/bad beard genetics/living with parents
All really easy to solve. Most of the shit you listed about your body is fuvking nothing.
Why the fuck would you want to do that shit competitively? Otherwise there's nothing stopping you from doing it anyway.

As for investing, stop trying to double your money overnight, just look at safe options and go with that. Look at the price of litecoin, bitcoin, ethereum, monero, ripple, NEM, Dash compared to the start of the year, they were all safe options back then and still made massive gains. 2018 is set to still have massive gains, perhaps the most yet.

If you don't care about who it's with, this is fucking easy to lose, otherwise you're going to have to pick a chick you like, put some effort in (but make it clear your not just friends, flirt) and you'll get there

>low wage
Study, get qualification, get better job

>> No.5442874

I bet you are great at cutting yourself

>> No.5442888

I'm deaf and this guy is way more pathetic than I am. Don't insult disableds like this please.

>> No.5442913
File: 315 KB, 500x375, 1507619519568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jump out in front of a USPS truck make sure your foot gets fucked up, lawyer up.
Anyone can make it in america anon if you try enough.

>> No.5442920

I unironically liked that, anon. Don't give up, keep posting your stuff where you can. You need to advertise your shit or people can't find it!
This is enjoyable, serious

>> No.5442978

thanks dude, appreciado. I just like composing for fun. Fuck making it really..

if ya like psychadelic rock this was my favorite collab off that site


merry christmas all. most people here are social fuckups or outcasts in some way, we all hate each other here in the best way. love all you faggots

>> No.5443017

at least you took stock of your life and know where you stand.
now clean your room and sort yourself out.

>> No.5443107

>Dropped out of CompSci
>Work normal job with normal salary
>Play semi pro football
>Race semi-pro cycling
>Have nice car, nice apartment
>Reasonably attractive, at least fit and healthy
>Battle with myself between getting up at 4am and working out and gaming to 1am and sleeping in instead, every fucking day.
>Occasionally find 8 or 9/10 girls that I can put up with, get bored of and get rid of within a few months
>Don't like any of my friends or their lifestyles
>Have a lot of nice clothes and watches and shit, don't need them cause the more I think about it the more I hate fashion etc
>Have 10m inheritance lined up but still have to work for everything I have and probably wont see inheritance till I'm 60

Don't like who I was 6 months ago, won't like who I am now in 6 months. OP you have time and you know where you stand which is real fucking valuable and way ahead of 99% of the fucking mouth breathers out there. Don't think about shit you can't influence aka stop sweating the small stuff. Know what you can do and work within it.

If you can bring yourself to sleeping at 8 or 9pm every night, and waking 5 or 6am, then going outside for a walk/run/ride you'll feel way better. Set some small goals like sleeping 8hrs everyday, or walking for 30mins a day and plan ways to acheive and ways to catch up WHEN you miss a day etc.

Invest time in yourself and the rest will fall into place

>> No.5443133

What if you cant invest in yourself because you wagecuck like 10 hrs a day?

>> No.5443187

Go back to /b/ with other spergies

>> No.5443207


>> No.5443280

The internet sucks up a surprising amount of time, anon. If you audited your time, i'd wager that you spend more than 15 mins wasting time. Take that 15 mins, use it to read, and you'll be able to read ~2000 pages per year at least. If thr average book is 300 pages, thats more than 6 books a year. Most people read 0. It doesnt take much, anon.

>> No.5443382
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1512497722908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>19 yo but i look like im 14
>normal looking face
>kike-like nose kinda ruins it
>probably have some drops of kike blood that will bring me to hell
>skinny af
>receding hairline
>anxiety problems
>no friends
>nobody likes me except my father
>depressed on christmas
>poor as fuck, don't think i will ever make it
>constantly feel lonely
>constantly feel sad
>only had one gf and she was a degenerate whore who cheated on me with chad
you're not alone op
merry christmas

>> No.5443428

>be me
>lurked 4chan for years
>so autistic i'm scared of people even when anonymous online so never post.
>posting now, can't green text. Still dont even know what green text is for to dyslexic to figure it out.
>be Christmas day, family invited me over made up excuse because to much anxiety and brother who hates me will be their.
>Be sitting in room by my self. Anxiety making me physically sick. 6 hours pass and still sitting here. Cant eat because to much anxiety.

>> No.5443538

just so you nibbas know i'm 30 and still as degenerate as you 19 y/o incompetent misfit fucks are.

point being it gets easier and you learn not to accept, but embrace it over time.

lifes a gay bitch, thats just how it is

>> No.5443540

hey at least you're not a nigger

>> No.5443555 [DELETED] 

Thank you OP, you give me motivation to not be a loser like you.

>> No.5443560

If your white your still ahead of 80% of the global population. Move to south America and live like a God?

>> No.5443586 [DELETED] 

I was homeless for 6 months, but i guess that's white priviledge, right?

>> No.5443660

same here anon. it's a marathon, not a sprint!

>> No.5443676

>>Still fat

>> No.5443757

Deaf is easy mode disabled.

>> No.5443820

eat more

>> No.5443923


>> No.5443934

Live like a God in hell?

>> No.5444000

>19 yo but i look like im 14

Just jerk off on cam for older men obv

>> No.5444091

fuck off reddit

>> No.5444146

1. put on panties
2. cam
3. thousands of dollars a week

>> No.5444383

>tfw short and hair receding hairline at 21 as well

If I don't make it soon I'm done. I hear hanging yourself is not that painful and you get knocked out quick.

>> No.5445143

Don't hang yourself anons, just follow some simple market trends and get your lambos


>> No.5445176

what the fuck is GDE you worthless turd?

>> No.5445356


Learn Jiu-jitsu and stfu

>> No.5445410
File: 35 KB, 468x487, Photo 2017-05-28, 11 24 33 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with your attitude and public declaration and shameful display its no wonder youre getting scammed and suck man
keep believe youre a piece of shit and you will be
did you ever consider what you could be if you thought the opposite and saw yourself as more?

>> No.5445458

Stop fuckin complaining on a Japanese anime forum and get off your fat fucking ass and do something about it

>> No.5445491

>normie bullshit
Wow cool.