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54424995 No.54424995 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anybody here that's a legit millionaire? I mean all assets minus labilities equals 1+ million? How'd you get there? Share stories.

>> No.54425026

I bought bitcoin at 30 bucks during my first year at college with my food money

>> No.54425027
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I stole a dollar from a thousand people

>> No.54425041

I was for about 5 minutes in 2021
Then just 24 hours later I was only at 200K NW

>> No.54425073
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>> No.54425091

I'm happy for her

>> No.54425132
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I was a millionaire for 2 months and I felt better than I've ever felt in my entire life.
>fast forward to now
Only have $360 and I want to fucking kms

>> No.54425195

Story time anon please

>> No.54425328

Yes, get a high wage job and wage away...51, house is paid for(thank vitalik). I have just over 1m in 401k and stocks and 800k in btc.

>> No.54425359

> win a temporary crypto million dollar ticket to financial freedom
> doesn't redeem it immediately

>> No.54425421

I put every spare dollar I made since 2014 into crypto. I never raised my standard of living. I'm 36 now and did it for ten years now. Holy shit.

My peak was 1.8mil during last bull run. It was and still is suffering.

>> No.54425452

You can't just post something like this without revealing more about what transpired to get to the position you claim to be in.

>> No.54425526

Almost a millionaire. Took me 5 years. Just consulting for crypto companies, bug bounties and house appreciation. I didn't even invest in stocks until recently.

>> No.54425789

>I put every spare dollar I made since 2014 into crypto.
>My peak was 1.8mil during last bull run.
How come you're not at least at high 7 figures right now with an 8 figure peak? Have you only ever bought btc and eth and never touched alts?

>> No.54425925

>not using the bit you have left over each month to make every day a tiny bit better and only using some of that for coins
>chooses to suffer away his best years

>when I'm 65 and have my million LIFE CAN FINALLY START :)

>> No.54425962

I bought Bitcoin in 2011/2012.
Nothing exciting otherwise. Sold £1.5m worth to vanguard all cap. Still waiting for the next bullrun to sell more.

>> No.54426034

Yeah it's fucking pathetic. Too much btc and eth. I also had a million doge worth 600k or so at peak that I lost to cryptsy.

>> No.54426074

Those pics make me both happy and furious at the same time. Didn't even think that shit was possible

>> No.54426085


literally everyone is unlisted except me

even brendan fraser got unjusted

>> No.54426494

Truck driver.
I drove.

>> No.54426526

one time i fucked a girl named Cristiane, she had tits bigger than my head

>> No.54426634

much like every other chainlink holder

>> No.54426674

shitcoin or leverage?

>> No.54428162

hard work, dedicated to studying for self improvement and to be smarter than potential competition. Learning as much about each employer as possible as if I was going to run the place or start m own business. Learn to spend less, save more, put money any in 401k and other programs (you can invest that money via a related brokerage - and you can lose that money too, but gains are tax free until you take the money out). Keep looking for better jobs with benefits. Stay healthy, enjoy the outdoors. Learn to minimize obvious wasteful expenses (don't buy an expensive car, get a used reliable jap car, learn to do many repairs yourself and don't fall for repair scams. Don't fall for financial scams. Learn to invest. There is always a chance you get rich off the next "bitcoin" but don't count on it. BTW I just started a new job in about August 2011 was studying this new thing called bitcoin, read articles about people selling bitcoin and somehow getting the money stolen from their wallet after the sale, some early developer was going to the CIA to discuss bitcoin, and bitcoin crashed to a penny. I was so busy with my new job that I forgot about bitcoin. The next I heard it was like $1,000 coin and I passed. My job that I worked so hard for ended up paying me about $280k so that was a good investment. When jobs pay well you need to watch out for backstabbers. As you move up the competition becomes more intense.

>> No.54429596

Yes. My wifes biological mom died in 2006 and we got left with 300k. Bought a house right after the crash and lived there for 5 years and it 2.5x. sold it and bought two more places when you could still flip houses and did all the work ourselves. Took a loan out on one of them and mortgaged the rest on our current house. Each house has doubled in value and rents for 3k. Have lived a low-key lifestyle and I make pretty good money so we also have cash. All said and done, assets minus debts, we are worth between 1.5-1.9. honestly don't feel super rich and definitely don't feel like I've made it. I still work, we have one 20 year old truck, we don't vacation, and our house is expensive but not really nice. I still work.

>> No.54430588

Don't do it
Hang in there, my dude
You can still make it back, even more

>> No.54430681

I bought a small house, traded it in and got a bigger one, traded it in and got a block of 4 flats etc. I have 2 properties now mortgage free and my wage income is $300 a week but i do what is meaningful to me.

>> No.54430688

Yes, I got a high paying job and invested in diversified stocks instead of yolos.

Specifically I’m a software engineer and make about $350k. I studied computer science and got a job at a major tech company out of school. After a year I switched to one of the higher paying FAANGs and have since got a bunch of raises, big bonuses, a promotion (close to my second), and have seen my equity comp increase because of COVID.

My investments are mostly $VOO with some individual tech stocks. I max my 401k and IRA each year and they’re invested in other diversified funds. I have some other random shit like $25k in ibonds and way more of my employer’s stock than I should.

Lmk if you want to know more, I’m bored and like bragging

>> No.54430693




>> No.54431801

I just inherited 1/3 of a house from my boomer parents lol

>> No.54431920

My wife and I are worth a little over $2m right now. I'm 42 and she is 37.

Careers: lawyer and consulting

Household income: combined base income $350k + $50-75k combined bonus money annually.

We haven't done anything crazy to stack up cash. Bought a house 7 years ago for $600k with 20% down. It's likely worth about $1m now, with about $100k left on the mortgage. Have have been paying down extra from our bonus money. Outside of that, we roughly follow a budget of 40% needs / 30% wants / 30% saving.

Never carry a balance on our credit cards, no car payments. Hoping that we will never finance anything again once the house is paid off.

We don't ball out, but we find our lives comfortable. We both grew up in households that had money stresses and we put a lot of value on never feeling any financial worries.

>> No.54431972

Hey faggots we should all go invest in Aavegotchi.com

>> No.54431986

I hope you at least like your job
seems weird to not take vacations at all? if you're not into travelling that's okay, you DO enjoy your life in some other way I hope.

>> No.54431990

Me. Bitcoin for over a decade. I could have literally just got high and not wasted my time with my retard art hoe gf and done even better doing nothing, but instead I tried to make it in a career with a disillusioned musician turned tech CEO who didn't believe in his own company. Wasted a lot of time as Bitcoin made me rich in the background, I'd have given less of a shit and done even less if I could do it all over again (which is saying a lot, I didn't do shit my whole life)

>> No.54432087

Not the same girl

>> No.54432736

minus my student debt i'm $50k at 26. don't see much hope in me ever reaching $1 mil unless crypto gets out of the goddamn rut that it's in or the new job i'm starting tomorrow eventually leads to a decent paying job. if i did somehow get $1 mil i think i'd immediately buy a house, quit my full time job, and get a part time job doing something comfy.

>> No.54432858

I’m starting to think these are data mining threads meant to flush out nazi crypto millionaires you hear being killed in the media all the time

>> No.54432932


It's just like the tell me your secrets threads on b. Just building leverage in case it's ever needed.

>> No.54433188

If it’s your fault, I laugh
If it’s not, I weep

>> No.54433206

Unironically if you havent made it by ~32 (halfway to 65) you are probably a retard or gullible
10+ Years to figure out how the world really works

>> No.54433220

if i had to look like vitalik in order to have vitaliks money, it would be a hard pass

>> No.54433237

Same. Fuck waiting until your back gives out to enjoy life
Especially with the way the world is headed now

>> No.54433249

>everyone believed this

>> No.54433277

There's a guy that posts on /pmg/ sometimes that has a stack of gold that would choke a horse. I'm pretty sure he said he "cashed" in some of his crypto gains to get those kilo bars and Britannias.
All the seething, no stack people call him The Brass Man.

>> No.54433310

>t. The Brass Man

>> No.54433339

Held drip and dwti before covid started, $138k-1mm. $700k GME at $94, sold at $294, $2mm. Bought uco and nrgu. Now holding 14,000 shares of NRGU

>> No.54433403

I know people with 5 m and they are still quite poor due to cost of living and house price - they burn through 40K a month.

>> No.54433416

As of 2021, there were an estimated 8.1 million millionaires in Europe, according to a report by Credit Suisse.

In North America, the same report estimated that there were 23.2 million millionaires in 2021.

It's important to note that the definition of "millionaire" in this context refers to individuals with a net worth of at least $1 million USD, including all assets such as property, investments, and savings, minus any debts or liabilities.

>> No.54433564

yeah. i inherited about 2 million dollars. it's easy idk how you people cant do it.

>> No.54433752

dang I'm 15 years in software engineering and haven't been able to pass 145k and its looking like I might be taking a pay cut at the rate these interviews are going, been out since layoff in October, how do I even touch 200k let alone 350

>> No.54434298

>29.2m millionaires
>only 21m btc
>$1m btc confirmed

>> No.54435772

How? What the fuck.
Go here, it's a scraper for remote jobs. Apply to them.

>> No.54436542
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started mining bitcoin in 2011 after quitting 6 fig job at MSFT and going to fry's to buy GPUs. cunt "friend" took the shared wallet we were mining our own blocks to and lost it all in mt gox. he said he lost the usb key it was on, but i know he moved it all to gox.

started another mine shortly thereafter and sold it for 18BTC ... on ebay of all fucking places. shipped the entire god damn mine to some address in new mexico and the guy paid 50% before shipping, the remained upon delivery.

took some of that and bought LTC Miners from KNC MINER. Just left ther boxes running for a while then converted the LTC to BTC. Mining DOGE was a side effect of these things buit i lost the doge wallets. fucking hell. fuck and hell. millions in doge and no fucking clue where the walelt is.

started getting serious around 2015 when i decided the mining was jyust too much work so i setup on coinbase and DCA'd with an aut0 debit: buy 1BTC no matter the price every month. and then forgot about it.

December 2017 best decision of my life i decided to just cash it all out and sell. also worst time of my life. kids mother alcoholic and she learned of my earnings & we werent married but lived together. she left and got a lawyer. thanks to washington states committed intimate relationship laws i lost everything.

> inb4 why everything and not 1/2?
cos i lied about my assets. had hundreds of gold eagles i did not disclose that during the trial came up

lost it all. was a millionaire for just under 2 years. now back to lurking on biz and looking for the next big thing. it's totally chat gpt btw. i think if u can train ur own models u can sell to... well... when i figure it out and hit it big again i'll post here and tell you cunts to fuckoff cuz i'm out.


>> No.54436562
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i have 700 euros right now and i am 29 but i am not stressed :)

>> No.54436619
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I know you are a based person, because I'm also poor as shit and have the exact same image saved from 5 years ago

how do you do it?