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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54423654 No.54423654 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.54423719

Please bros...tell me it's an April fools joke. Pleaseeeeeeeee

>> No.54423745
File: 44 KB, 912x260, 445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real

>> No.54423762

top kek there are actually people who bought day 1 and locked for 8 years like the CEO told them to and they've been able to do NOTHING except watch a 99% loss happen.
meanwhile the mexican government is selling bonds at 11%.

>> No.54423783

Good they reduced the reward inflation.

>> No.54423816

node providers still get paid more than before

>> No.54423864

No i refuse to believe anybody did that
It is not possible that anybody would earn real money with real work, put it into an exchange to buy Internet Computer at 10 billion marketcap (?) and locked it up for 8 years thats fiction.

>> No.54423869

Node provider inflation is literally a joke of discussion compared to staking inflation. I think node provider inflation is 1/10 or even less compared to staking

>> No.54423955

Where do you view ICP staking rewards? Asking for a friend 8^)

>> No.54423984

Doesn't make sense when the token loses like 50% value every sixth month lel

>> No.54424017

I didn't vote for this!

>> No.54424159

Its up like 50% in the last six months you stinky

>> No.54424301

Where does one view ICP staking APY?

>> No.54424353
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>10% for 8 year lock period
Is this April fools

>> No.54424356

lazy nigger

>> No.54424377

I'm not familiar with the ecosystem and was getting several results when searching Google, thanks anon

>> No.54424390

Less rewards = less sell pressure. Over 75% of ICP tokens are locked in neurons. There are thousands of dapps on ICP now. Those daps need icp to power it's cannisters. Which in turn get burned. Forever. It won't be much longer until the internet computer becomes deflationary. Supply dries up. And price goes parabolic do to lack of supply vs increasing demand.

When it happens it will happen fast. We're running out of time to accumulate.

>> No.54424468

Icp is the most technologically advanced tech in crypto by far. It isn't even close. ICP will not fail. This isn't some after school crypto hobby project made by some trendy liberal cunts like GRT. The internet computer runs a crew of over 100 of the best cryptographers in the world. Funded by and shilled by the WEF itself. Icp will not fail. The future of crypto rests In the internet computers hands.

>> No.54424555
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>> No.54424558

>Funded by and shilled by the WEF itself.
Ok don't need to lie though, don't be a roach.

>> No.54424565
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Am I the only one autistically bothered by the fact NNS creates redundant proposals for replica version upgrade in each individual subnets? It seems like a lot of boilerplate votes

>> No.54424589
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ICP is a memecoin, right? No sane person would believe that a coin named internet computer is the future of crypto and web3.0, RIGHT?

>> No.54424632

>could have bought velodrome at $0.10 and locked for 4 years and already made back your entire lock with 100%+ apy from bribes + airdrops
>Instead you bought ICP at $30 and locked it for 8 years and you'll need 30 years of interest just to break even (ignoring fiat inflation)

>> No.54424700
File: 694 KB, 706x1000, b8688579d4c9fc4ac234e72c480badd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet Protocol (IP) has reached global adoption and adequately serviced the World Wide Web in spite of a similar pun-able name related to endogenous by-product of carbon-based metabolism.

>> No.54424851

listen to this guy the extent of his research was just figuring out what the acronym stands for

>> No.54425133

Just had lunch with Moonman. Nice chap, actually, goes to show the folly of believing everything you read. He's not into ICP anymore, he's all in on ETH.

>> No.54425681
File: 487 KB, 1125x1225, 68FA0EA3-93C4-48FE-939E-6C9FD57B166E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down faggots

>> No.54425786

Gang gang

>> No.54425850

>he doesn't know about the WEF connection
we're unironically early