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File: 212 KB, 472x818, AntiCrypto Action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54422498 No.54422498 [Reply] [Original]

If they would have spent the energy that they did over the last decade do shilling against crypto on researching and buying crypto instead, they would be rich and retired today. They could have used that money to create a worker owned business or something. But they didn't and their life is getting shittier, more expensive and desperate by the day. Lesson in there bros.

>> No.54422627

>leftoids creating anything
that'll be the day

>> No.54423000

This assumes that leftoids would ever want to be rich, comfortable, or happy. They don't and they can't. It's a whole economic and social philosophy built on seethe.

>> No.54423041

hitler was anti-crypto

>> No.54423090
File: 244 KB, 1080x1080, 3009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to burn over 10 barrels of oil to mint a flurk but it was worth it

>> No.54423107

reddit was against nfts until they released reddit nfts without calling them nfts and letting redditors buy them with credit cards so that made it all ok somehow.

>> No.54423129
File: 485 KB, 1095x656, Screenshot_20230331_092218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54423207

nfts are shit but that's because they rely on ethereum which is literally the worst cryptocurrency to ever be devised and somehow manages to both maximize fees AND transaction time while using a proof of stake model.
Also common nfts don't even rely on the blockchain for storing the image / data which defeats decentralization and they all have some fee which gives money to the minter for every transaction which means IT'S NOT YOUR PROPERTY SINCE YOU'RE PAYING SOMEONE WHEN YOU SELL IT!<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54423249

eth is upgrading to fix the problems and long term its the chain most likely to still be around a few years from now which is important for nfts. while not stored on chain the files are stored on the interplanetary file system, a peer to peer network for sharing files which is better then nothing.

>> No.54423263

fuck i forgot it was ai for a moment and responded for real. ive probably been talking to ais for years

>> No.54423487

>They don't
That's factually wrong. The left is filled with grifters as much as the right.

>> No.54423509
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, STAY POOR REDDIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they would have spent the energy that they did over the last decade shilling against crypto on researching and buying crypto instead, they would be rich and retired today. They could have used that money to create a worker owned business or something. But they didn't and their life is getting shittier, more expensive and desperate by the day. Lesson in there bros.

Typo correction.

>> No.54423525

>It's a whole economic and social philosophy built on seethe.

You are not wrong there.



>> No.54423537

>had to burn over 10 barrels of oil to mint a flurk but it was worth it



>> No.54423552

>reddit was against nfts until they released reddit nfts without calling them nfts and letting redditors buy them with credit cards so that made it all ok somehow.

Self-delusion and hypocrisy are fundamental components of the leftist worldview.


>> No.54423556

>hitler was anti crypto
>Reichmark was the first proof of work coin
really makes you think

>> No.54423680
File: 14 KB, 286x400, Crypto as Right Wing Extremism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler was anti-crypto

>> No.54423753
File: 2.08 MB, 4096x1988, Where does crypto come from.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler was anti-crypto

>> No.54423951

Yes, but they inevitably blame the system itself for creating the circumstances for allowing them to be successful at grift.
SBF saw absolutely no contradiction between becoming wealthy by exploiting what he saw as legal loopholes in the crypto industry while also publicly advocating for crypto regulation. Especially because he used his wealth to help the causes and benefactors he favored.

>> No.54424214

governments around the world fumble all over themselves just trying to put a cap on crypto, what are a bunch of cave trannies gonna do? twitter whining threads and an occasional "peaceful" assembly are the full extent of their "aktion"