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54417531 No.54417531 [Reply] [Original]

how do i profit from living in a rat-free part of the world

>> No.54417540

Breed rats and let them loose. Then sell rat traps and cats

>> No.54417652

Don't listen to this anon >>54417540
Breed rats and keep them captive, then kill them and sell the meat.

>> No.54417659

Where don't rats live?

>> No.54417662

Op this is cap >>54417652
Listen to my post >>54417540

>> No.54417836
File: 657 KB, 1102x1008, 1665778563585495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds like i just create problems
do people in the civilized world even eat rat meat?

>> No.54417854

You create a problem, then you profit by providing solutions. Entrepreneurs (and jews) do it all the time

>> No.54417865

yeah but anyone can just start selling traps and having cats, i'd want something only i can do to monopolize it

>> No.54417877

Fine. Create an underground rat fight betting area

>> No.54418116

>do people in the civilized world even eat rat meat?
Yes, have you never eaten a hot dog or Chinese food?

>> No.54418274
File: 629 KB, 1073x979, 1665778010377452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? i haven't had a hot dog since i was a kid and i've never had chinese food

>> No.54418282

you already have

>> No.54418333

Oh well if you go you have to try the broccoli rat and sweet and sour rat with rat rangoons and rat fried rice.

>> No.54418350
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breed a new genetic variation and sell to pet shops

>> No.54418364
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i can understand bugs eating that but actual people? no fucking way

>> No.54418423

Rat hunter, you will protect your town from rats

>> No.54418463
File: 209 KB, 1200x1200, potstickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you don't know potstickers? Nowadays a lot of Chinese restaurants have to say these and other dishes traditionally made with rat are made with beef, chicken, or some other "kosher" meat, but it's supposed to be (and usually still is) freshly harvested, boiled rat meat. Potstickers were basically invented as a single serving dumpling that can be made with the total usable meat of one healthy juvenile rat.

>> No.54418513

i had no clue, that's disgusting
no wonder chinks are always so fucking skinny

>> No.54418521
File: 62 KB, 621x314, Poor_Asians_In_USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a rat-free part of the world

But what will you eat?

>> No.54418565
File: 45 KB, 1200x900, hot dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i haven't had a hot dog since i was a kid
Oh well then let me fill you in.
>The hot dog, a distinctly American cuisine, is a simple, low-cost sausage typically served with ketchup and mustard and made, as the name implies, primarily from dog meat.
>Other meats often mixed with the dog meat in the production of hot dogs include cat, mouse, raccoon, possum, and rat.
>Some hot dogs consist of up to 40% rat meat. If this is mixed with the remaining 60% being strictly dog, this is considered a kosher hot dog and can be safely consumed by your Jewish friends and will make a thoughtful Hannukah gift.