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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 89 KB, 1257x714, tipos fed vs sp500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54413998 No.54413998 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is the SP500 going up?

>> No.54414017

Fiat system, duh

>> No.54414019

The new bull market has started you spic retard

>> No.54414038

Why the fuck aren't my digital worthless coins going up too

>> No.54414056

>new bull market
retarded midwit detected

>> No.54414058

because the federal reserve gave a lot of money to banks so now they no longer need to sell assets

>> No.54414074
File: 2.99 MB, 480x480, FDE427D3-EA61-42A5-96D9-2575BA0BAF2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gee guys what is going on?
>meanwhile at the federal reserve

you guys really dont know? lol

>> No.54414083
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>> No.54414719
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because we're degenerates

>> No.54414901

unironically this. the markets are calling the bluff on the fake manufactured recession

expect btc to trend towards 100k by eoy and spy towards 500

>> No.54414912

Retail always loses and retail is always bullish so not gonna happen.

>> No.54414926

They didn’t give them currency, they made them buy FRN’s

>> No.54414936

options expired today

>> No.54415202

US Treasuries have been dumping so money has been flowing into the stock market instead. You have to remember that the whole game is about parking your wealth into the best instruments to preserve it or grow it.

>> No.54415490
File: 1.01 MB, 1049x673, usa spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat dumboid

>> No.54415524

How the Fuck is it fake? have you seen the prices on your groceries nigga? Go out and touch some grass. If you were to link what happens with inflation when it's already high after raising interest types only to be feed more QE, you would understand recession is comming after they have to raise types even lower. The fuck is this delusion? This is going to be an exit scam pump at best.

>> No.54415538

Somewhat legit but underlying point stands: Is inflation going down?
So how does inflation not going down + showing weakness on hikes + SP500 going back up look if you are a central banker which said my main job is to have 2% inflation? exactly.

>> No.54415580
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>billions printed for the war against a virus.
>billions printed for the war against russia.
>it has been announced that military spending will be increased by 40% for the looming war against china
there is no inflation. EVERYTHING IS FINE! invest your money today! keep it in the banks! keep it in the companies! look at these charts, they prove your own eyes are lying to you.

>> No.54415616
File: 384 KB, 593x563, 1679273963694545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the extremity of inflation could cause a deflationary environment. people are too broke to afford shit and things have gotten too expensive on top of that. the buildup of goods increases due to people not spending, and the value of money goes up. it's probably just a natural movement of the charts, you can't have every single candle be red every single time. in the long run we'll see what happens.

>> No.54415627

whoever came up with the yellow sign is a retard.

>> No.54415629
File: 319 KB, 448x320, 1628453418547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An illusion created at bait retail investors to provide exit liquidity for bug investors.
I hope you enjoy bag holding.

>> No.54415631

Retail was bullish from 2009 to 2020 and they won the entire time. Bobos always lose, not retail.

>> No.54415753

SOVL game

>> No.54417212

Because it corrected the last 5 years of fuckery in 2022

>> No.54417246

reading the

>> No.54417265

that yellow sign is so retarded that my brain shut off for a moment

>> No.54417281

Every recession is manufactured kek

>> No.54417341

Capital outflow from bond markets into the stock market. Thank Credit Suisse writing off those CoCo bonds for that.

>> No.54417670

Yeah but what's the point? you are putting it into the stock market so they raise rates even higher which will crash the market and this money will go where once recession hits?

>> No.54417695
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Too long didn't reed, I'm taking Monday off boss man. I have shit to do and it ain't you.

>> No.54417699

so where do you stand? cash? like straight deposits? what if your bank shits the bed

>> No.54417740

>and this money will go where once recession hits?
It goes to the safest asset, and currently that's an index like the S&P500. Bonds are now riskier, due to the interest rate hikes, increased risks of governments defaulting on their debts and banks being in financial trouble.

>> No.54417893

because more people began to consider investing a lot in metals when the banks were collapsing. they will start a bullrun in other sector at any cost to prevent this.