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54413028 No.54413028 [Reply] [Original]

>It's not our fault for inflation by running the money printer, it's those darn plebs asking their boss for a raise so their quality of living doesn't decline

>> No.54413059

this is why there's been a concerted institutional effort to redefine "inflation" as an increase in prices rather than an increase in money supply, to brainwash people into accepting these retarded arguments

>> No.54413064

us is literally overthrown by eu and they are the ones that have been printing for over 20 years.

>> No.54413076

It's actually the fault of the Fed. But yuropoors are descendent of slaves, the original anglosaxon nobles came to America.

Sorry yuropoors, keep working hard so I can get my support Shaquanda and her chillen

>> No.54413093

>the original anglosaxon nobles came to America
new amerimutt cope just dropped

yeah you totally didn't get the poorfags from europe

>> No.54413101

Orwellian dystopia. They have to stop minting EUR shitcoin, instead of putting a cap on wages.

>> No.54413108

they cannot genuinely be this retarded

even with it being an act...
oh who am I kidding, my brother said exactly the same thing, and he's not even that dumb

but he is a physicist and not an economist. These people must have at least read Milton Friedman... right? Right??

>> No.54413139

ECB printed just as much as FED during Covid. English bank also comparable. It's all global, all concerted at this point.
"we have always been in a state of inflation. For all of history."

>> No.54413170

Wage pressure causes investments to go into R&D. Immigration does the opposite.
The west has literally lost 30 years of innovation and prices would likely be cheaper today. Let alone talking about real estate.
This is what happens when your stock trading is dominated by short trade algos.
If an economy is propped up on real estate speculation, its already over.
reminder for example nearly all agri in the west would be mechanized without shitskin labor.

>> No.54413209

it's not their fault, they get indoctrinated in the course of getting their degree. credentialism and human ego does the rest

>> No.54413242
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>twitter screenshot thread

>> No.54413272

Its what happens in Argentina:
>inflation stats come out
>workers demand a raise that matches that
>landlords demand a increase in rent to match
>government plays dumb with tax brackets so now more people find themselves in the higher ones
>depositors demand interest rates from banks that goes a few points further
>banks demand from debtors an interest rate that is past even that
and so on. There is no real solution to the spiral but a big shock policy and a monetary reset. Or just use inflation as a covert tax as workers watch income dilute away through the years (inflation stats are always a few points under the actual number.)

>> No.54413275

Europoors are the descendants of brain slaves. whenever unrest happened, the pissed off people just peaced out to america if they were fortunate, less fortunate to canada and unfortunate if they went to mexico, brazil, or argentina, They were generally middle class, but not always(see potato *rish).

Europoors exterminated their men who cared about their country genetically in two wars. All that was left was the cowards

>> No.54413350

The European aristocratic class was killed or exiled during revolutions

The European warrior caste was shipped to southamerica and stayed there.

The European intelectuals were outbred and nullified by ideologues and plebs since education was democratised.

All that's left are tue bureaucrats and the descendents of the weak materialistic fucks that made fun of their better brothers and didn't want to get out of the cave to explore the world. Hence they live off gibs.

Reverse natural selection killed Europe, a sit sacrificed itself for brief moments of glory.

>> No.54413351

>normoids and other NPC scum just let the media, governments, kikes and anything in between to blame them for all the issues and they do nothing they just stand there and take it
conditioning runs so fucking deep lmao

>> No.54413370

*south and north america

>> No.54413425
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I hate central bankers so much it's unreal.

>> No.54413461

>giant B
Buy bitcoin. It's a don't get poor slowly

>> No.54413706
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holy fucking shit. Why aren't we lynching bankers and doing cartel style executions on these pathetic cretins

>> No.54413725
File: 167 KB, 1170x613, 47290C26-F37D-4181-AC13-6A504F711F4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ECB, LMAOing at all the mutts ITT

>> No.54413800

It's not ignorance, it's malice.

>> No.54413875

Lmao. Absolutely pottery.

>> No.54413954

>what drives inflation?
No option for "We printed too much money"?

>> No.54416067

The ECB is right tho

>> No.54416328
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, Inflation_prices_wages_cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also reminder that the bulk of the 'inflation' baked into grocery prices these days is largely just companies wanting higher margins

>> No.54416347

Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. They know what they're doing.

>> No.54416389
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Yuropoors will just take it like good lil bucks

>> No.54416444

>im going to blame supermarkets for unprecedented money printing from the FED
Holy KEK

>> No.54416515

wages rise when there are mass die off like the bubonic plague or the coronavirus vaccine

>> No.54416594

NPC’s are too stupid to understand economics. This is why Jews rule over us

>> No.54416972

How do we cope?
Precious metals or start stacking yuan?