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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54410265 No.54410265 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine owning a house rn.

>> No.54410284

Lower your tone.

>> No.54410299

rentoid op btfo

>> No.54410316

Based LandCHAD brother

>> No.54410320

This literally is only relevant to people who bought in the last year with 5%+ interest rates.

Everyone else is locked in at sub 2% rates..

>> No.54410324
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The funny thing is that if I just bought a plywood box the mortgage police wouldn’t even be in my comments.

>> No.54410355

Uhhh we are full is why, sorry newfags you’re priced out forever.

>> No.54410376

if i owned a house i could afford I wouldn't care, look at, or pay attention to the housing market ever i'd just be chilling knowing i have a house and its one less thing to worry about

>> No.54410498

yep 30 years going up in value is completely sustainable and wont crash with no survivors

>> No.54410539

Nickger lee :D

>> No.54410553

Imagine not owning your house without a mortgage. Imagine being safe and secure in the knowledge that all you owe on the most valuable thing you own are taxes (small mind you). Imagine. Just imagine.

Because that's all any of you will ever do and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.54410560

Fucking love it. Bought in 2013, refined to 15 year 1.99% in 2020. Feels good man. Its got me loaded for the next run.

>> No.54410585

Imagine seething you don't own a house and making the same thread every day

>> No.54410619

This is the golden ticket. If you were able to buy at the bottom 10-12 years ago, and then able to refinance, you got your best pick of property and then rates in 2020. Anyone who will "never sell" with their low interest rate on some property they bought in 2020-2022, its mostly an overpriced shitbox with problems since due diligence and inspections were waived.

>> No.54410621

It's fine so long as you own it. You can live in it literally rent free.

What would be really worrying right now are those who larp in owner land with mortgages, possibly even more than one of them.

>> No.54410633

Thats the thing about the market. You always have to be in tune if you want to make your way up the chain. 99.999% of people who own expensive, nice houses didn't pay nor could they afford their house they are in now. If you play each cycle correctly, you move up the chain. Even midwit Boomers know how to do it, so it obviously isn't hard. The cycles are fucking long though. 10+ Years. You have to find the neighborhood amd stalk it because if you found the hot spots, plenty of others has found them too. Even in a down market the houses get snatched up in a week if decent enough.

>> No.54410656

Unless World War 3 or Civil War 2 breaks out nothing about the current policy of money printing and mass immigration will ever stop. These two things combined guarantee that if you own a home in an area that is economically tied to a major US city your home\land value WILL go up.

>> No.54410669

>Imagine not owning your house without a mortgage.
Actually I don't haev to imagine. I sold my cryptos in 2021 and bought my first house with all cash. Although I feel I don't deserve to have the value increase, it did. And my government (Canada) is still desperately trying to pump house prices because they are terrified of a crash.

Honestly even if the value crashes 30%, it's hard to give a shit after riding the crypto rollercoaster.

>> No.54410727

Imagine thinking the fed is going to continue to be hawkish kek. Once pivot the floodgates will open. How blind are you to money supply and dual income families? In 2000 you were competing with incomes of 60k. In 2023 you’re competing with 60k incomes x2 (thanks feminism)

You’re fucked.

>> No.54410770

I will not economically participate in society beyond bare necessities. I will not buy a house or rent a dwelling. I will proliferate negative externalities every chance I get

>> No.54410883

Not even that, if you committed 30 years of your life to making payments and maintaining a plywood box before committing the rest of your life to paying property rent

>> No.54410951

Until you have to move because niggers moved in, your work situation changed, or your wife decides you need a bigger house

>> No.54411199

>buy house
>cucked by mortgage rates
>cucked by council/property tax forever
>cucked by maintenance responsibilities
>cucked by CPI/hyperinflation/reduction in people's spending power
Why would anyone want to buy a house in the west in this day and age? It's not even yours. The gov will take it from you if you don't pay your council/property tax for perpetuity.

>> No.54411233

Not to mention you can get sued and lose your house if someone gets “hurt” on your property.

>> No.54411238

locked at 2% rates in a sinking ship yeah
smart move

>> No.54411281

'maintenance' is a complete non issue I
Idk why it's brought up so much

>> No.54411411
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Without flexing about muh 2% or trolling about rentoids what does this actually mean for the markets? I can think of a few scenarios:

1. Prices lower to meet buying demand, this can take a long time

2. Prices remain high and market is dead until incomes raise to meet prices, this can take like a decade

3. Cascading failure in markets paired with recession that crashes the whole fucking thing.

Which is most likely?

>> No.54411431
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Please #3

>> No.54411441

Low liquidity and falling prices = rugpull

When unemployment moons people will be forced to sell into a market with no buyers.

>> No.54411453

I paid cash in 2013 leave me out of this

>> No.54411511

>Imagine thinking the fed is going to continue to be hawkish kek
when the fed opens the floodgates it always precipitates the start of the REAL downturn in housing. market will bottom out 2-3 years after the Fed is forced to drop rates. if you're trying to time the market for a sale, you're already too late and it's too early to buy

>> No.54411546
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no one can read the writing on the wall, and would rather just have their views shaped by a meme. everyone talked about how we're in a recession, yet everyone has a job and home prices continued to rise. look at the picture and tell me whether prices will go up or go down. we haven't even felt what's coming yet.
>it's different this time

>> No.54411550

What happened in 1995?

>> No.54411562
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if population decline continues the housing market might tank further, at the longest term.

>> No.54411569

There is no supply

>> No.54411579

>oh that hole in the roof? that's just fresh water, baby!

>> No.54411599


Yeah case shiller showed that things were completely unsustainable I was just wondering how the correction would happen. The correction is inevitable at this point, I just don't know how hard it will hit. So far we haven't hit a panic or capitulation stage.

>> No.54411634
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>> No.54411666

>Nick Gerli

>> No.54411691

>not building a roof that will easily last 100 years
Shiggy diggy

>> No.54411745

Why do you have random holes appearing in your roof that’s not normal

>> No.54411768


What data do you have to bring to the discussion?

>> No.54411774
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>> No.54411808

>going up in value
no, it's your shit currency losing value

>> No.54411837

Not posting hot takes from Nick Gerli for one.

>Nick Gerli
Lol, lmfao

>> No.54411840
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Some idiot bought the top of this chart lmao

>> No.54411853

Housing in an illiquid market. It doesn't constantly update and thus, price action is a trailing indicator.

Housing prices crash when people are FORCED to sell at a loss because they can't make their mortgage payments. They'll hold on for dear life as long as they can and It'll be the last thing they lose if anything. Right now, everyone is holding on hoping prices rebound. Unemployment hasn't really bounces either so I expect people to sit on their mortgage payments until they get rugged by the economy.

>> No.54411868


So no data to bring to the discussion. You are a faggot, case dismissed.

>> No.54411910

Did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.54411968


No you have just demonstrated that you're a retard with nothing to bring to the conversation. It's more mild amusement of how someone so retarded can even manage to operate a keyboard.

>> No.54411975

Commercial real estate black swan

>> No.54412030

He's right, if you have something better, bring it or there's the door. Gerli may be a dip but until someone else steps up that's what we're working with.

>> No.54412066


If you haven't noticed yet, I'm just here to make fun of your asses for posting

>Nick Gerli

>> No.54412078

And you are an incel fuckstick

>> No.54412114

Im sure you can do better than that.

>> No.54412827

Pretty comfy desu. Paying total of €1200 of mortage and utility. Rest is grocery and stuff for my son. That leaves around €1600 for that.

>> No.54412961

>what is inverted demographic pyrammid
>what is a recession
>what is your "safe area" becoming a shithole in X years

>> No.54413155

not to mention the 40-year bond bull market finally coming to a close with the rise in interest rates. things have fundamentally shifted and not in a way that benefits the speculative side of the housing market

>> No.54413381

I predict housing prices will make a new ATH by 2024 -- and possibly as soon as August of this year.

>> No.54413492


>> No.54413508

it's ogre for hoomfags

>> No.54413591

basically hoomers have to hope and pray unemployment stays low forever. which is not a bet i'm gonna take

>> No.54413609

anon gets it
price =/= value

>> No.54413632

>literally rent free

>> No.54413635

so you are saying the price increase is 100% due to inflation? no, that is not correct

>> No.54413668

>pricing assets in inflationary currency
always has been

>> No.54413688

how is that not correct, land prices are the best measurement of inflation cause you can't print more of it, technology might allow cheaper production of food or electronics but land and real estate in general are the only thing that matter, prices will never go down because the jews know you all want a house to start a family so they have no interest in making it possible for you, who's gonna rent from them if everyone can afford a house?

>> No.54413705

checked based and redpilled

>> No.54413715

you can grab 5 shingles and a 5 gallon of bear shit tar to fix a single leak.
you are just a retarded city boy.

>> No.54413752
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>4 bbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttttrtt

>> No.54413792

he made the assertion that the totality of house price increases have been inflation. that is incorrect. there are other factors, such as a housing bubble driven by speculative demand

>> No.54413841

land is limited and everyone wants some so it doesn't take an einstein to figure out that jews will try to own it ALL to corner everyone else into rentslavery, every now and then they might pretend like there is deflation/crash coming but it is just to shake to more stubborn normies and boomers out that happened to somehow find a glitch in the matrix and own somethins of value, the jew needs to make sure they sell it, God forbid try to buy more

>> No.54413862

>bubble speculative demand
short term vs long term trend
long term price trend of any asset priced in inflationary currency will rise due to said inflation. simple as.

>> No.54413900

I’m sure people of Detroit thought the same thing. You’re fucked buddy. But keep coping.

>> No.54413943

land is not a fungible good
your ideas are too simplistic
ok well short term we're in for a major dump
long term it might keep going up but like i said, land isn't fungible. some real estate will be winners, some will be losers.

>> No.54413984

i own two rentals and will own more
if what you are intimating is realized
both returning 1.5% per month
thank god for rentoids or
i'd have to wage like them kek
if you can't beat em..

>> No.54414016

Don't need a mortgage if you can just buy cash and force the goy to live in pods.

>> No.54414025

did you buy cash?

>> No.54414094

>both returning 1.5% per month
you're saying both of your rentals are yielding 18% on your principal on a yearly basis?

>> No.54414131

if the fed unloads their stinky portfolio of underwater mortgages the market would never recover

>> No.54414155

Except that graph doesn't show mortgage applications, but a mortgage application "index".

>> No.54414175


>> No.54414256

yes i am antisemitic

>> No.54414277

ooooooooooohhhh vaxxies

>> No.54414306

i rent to people on sabbatical
its a desirable neighborhood
free of undesirables

>> No.54414823

My brother is a realtor in the SF Bay area. I'll tell you whats happening there. Keep in mind that markets can vary drastically depending on the region. In the bay area, demand for upper-middle class homes has collapsed. Price reductions of 10%+ are already pretty common. The middle class home market, this is just starting to hit. Prices dipped at the end of 2022, but went back up a little bit in Jan/Feb. He is expecting these middle class family homes to go down up to 10% or more through the end of the year. Lower-middle class homes will likely remain stable or lose just a couple of percent on average.

The demand always dries up in the more expensive markets first, from the top down. Expensive homes have smaller markets, so they are more sensitive to changes. The less affordable they become, they will force people down into lower markets, or people simply will not buy and stay wherethey are. When prices and rates for middle class homes force kills demand, prices will fall there as well, and so on.

We won't have a foreclosure wave at least for another 5-10 years, when all these people who got ARMs hit the fixed term expiration and their rates shoot up from 3% to 6%+. Because of the banking crisis, lenders are getting tighter with their requirements to issue mortgages. This puts a percentage of potential buyers on the sidelines, further reducing demand and putting negative price pressure on the market. A recession will amplify this, but nobody is expecting a major market crash. Everyone is expecting a correction, though.

Expect prices to fall over this year and next year, but not by insane amounts. Think 5-10%, not 40-50%.

>> No.54414835

so you're saying both of your rentals are yielding 18% on your principal on a yearly basis?

>> No.54414858

why the fuck would anyone apply for a mortgage when rates are at 7%. i bought my house cash nigga. anyone with a mortgage is a putrid debt slave

>> No.54414859

Fortunately the institutional bagholders all fomoed into leveraged bags at 4% and now have to pay 6% to get new loans to stay afloat


>> No.54414865

>Think 5-10%

>> No.54414868

this image makes all hoomers seethe

>> No.54414874


>> No.54414920

this image is much more optimistic than the reality of the Fed not being able to QE like they did after 2008 since inflation is finally here. this next crash is the real one and hardly anyone is ready for it

>> No.54414949


>> No.54414976

>Think 5-10%, not 40-50%.
Prices are down 20% where I live and still falling.

House prices historically bottom around 5 years AFTER rate cuts start.

>> No.54415004

I'm sure. Like I said, this varies from region to region depending on a lot of factors like population, size of market, employment rates and incomes. My post was specifically referring to the SF bay area, because that's what it is experiencing.

>> No.54415079

you're one of the smart ones, arguing with retards that have no idea how much house prices have outpaced inflation because of speculation

>> No.54415336


Yeah specific markets will crash and others will get a mild correction. Super in-demand areas will barely notice anything.

You're not getting a Manhattan penthouse -50% off, but in other areas you might. A lot depends on how long the ibuyers and investors stay in the game. When they start dumping inventory things will get wild. But it's going to take time for them to capitulate if they ever do.

But stock like opendoor are not looking hot.

>> No.54415347

Rentoid cope!

>> No.54415354

What does being ready even mean?

>> No.54415470


Depends on who you are and your personal situation. But I think he means people are over leveraged out the ass and have far too much debt going into a downturn and are likely to get crushed. Keep in mind that it took 15 years of being underwater for people who bought at the peak in 2008.

>> No.54416096

If you buy the house with the intent to rent it out, then why not buy now if you can afford it? You're just going to pass on the cost to the renter regardless.
Could one also just rent the house out to a foreign family of 10 and now all of their income can be relied on instead of relying on one renter's income for a unit?

>> No.54416312

>Imagine owning a house rn.
If you have a mortgage you don't own the deeds to your property, the bank owns them until your debt is paid.
What your stupid post should really say is "imagine still paying rent on your home from the bank rn".

>> No.54417409

Kek...good one anon. I would rather save up money convert it in crypto and buy a house in Your Place with crypto in Dubai and settle down.
This my dream and I will do it soon.
>taxes avoided
Will get cashback too.

>> No.54417712

hyperinflation would be great to devalue what I owe on my mortgage, unfortunately we are nowhere near hyperinflation

>> No.54417779

>rent out my place when I upgrade in 2028
>consider selling at massive profit in 2034, or keep having a rentcuck direct deposit to my bank account in perpetuity
oh the humanity

>> No.54417793

Lower, your home.

>> No.54418090

Dangerously based.

>> No.54418193
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Paper markets outperform real estate markets. Idk where the idea that real estate is a good investment came from. Over basically any time period you would have been better just indexing your money to the shit&piss.

>> No.54418603

what if we go to zero, nigger ?

>> No.54418728

That's because everyone is buying homes in cash with the millions of dollars the government gave them during covid. Trust the plan.

>> No.54418887
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So basically I'm just not gonna sell my house
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna sell it is all

>> No.54419005

Yep but you still gotta pay ever increasing land taxes in your rapidly inflating shitcoin currency

>> No.54419044

it looks like the fed will just bail them out
but I don't think they have any idea what they're really going to do yet
they're pretty fucked and they're terrified of pressing on the general population too hard because of the threat of white terrorism.

>do propaganda psyop to make everyone think they're being watched and recorded at all times
>chilling effect
>"wtf now how do we know who's going to be an actual terrorist???"
kikes are literally fucking retarded
it hasn't even been 100 years and they're about ready to run their gay little empire into the ground

>> No.54419079

Real estate is a meme on the level of gold coins and funko pops. Put Bitcoin on the same price chart, and anything else that you think matters becomes a dead flat line. The halving is a year away. Sell your house, get out of your 401k, learn how to use a multisig. There will never be more than 21 million bitcoin and way fewer will ever be for sale. In a world of 8 billion people. Don't overthink this. The government wants to hurt children for no reason. Don't use their money.

>> No.54419093

>You're not getting a Manhattan penthouse -50% off
Probably will actually, but going from $100m to $50m doesn't mean much to anyone that posts here

>> No.54419094

there is no hyperinflation scenario
they would intervene way before it hits that point

instead of that they would institute martial law and ration all resources, but this would create a rebellion that they can't predict and would gamble everything for them, and, spoiler alert, they'll lose

they're just drawing things out collecting data hoping some new numbers crunch into some insight, but they're fucked lmfao

the other main option besides that is crashing everything, but that gets us out from under their thumb in a big way and just delays the question of the civil war in a situation where their power is already deteriorating quickly.
you might be tempted to look at the countless hordes of braindead NPCs and think things are hopeless for real humanity, but actually the NPCs are a liability for jewish power at this point.
they don't really produce anything critical and they require a constant all encompassing narrative that is the opposite of reality to stop them from glitching out and going totally insane.
and the real humans look at that shit and it fills them with untold and unknowable rage.

good night judaism

>> No.54419113
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The market's in an itsy bite little gully right now

>> No.54419149

But I have a 2.7% interest rate and only like 60k left on my mortgage anon.

I'll have an extra $1400/month in a few years and a freshly remodeled home to live in while you're still saving for a down payment...

>> No.54420043

Have liquid cash on hand to buy “prime” real estate, yet decide to rent and yield on said cash instead.
Outperformed all my peers.
Debate me.

>> No.54421246

Buying a house now is cucking hyperinflation you idiot. This is why I'm urging anons to buy a house NOW. YOU WILL BE PRICED OUT. We are going to see 10%+ inflation for a few more years at least while they keep the system on life support. Then it's either total crash or hyperinflation. Either situation, you want the house now at a lower price, even if that price was historically high.

The only way you lose is if you're really destitute and buy a pricy house or we enter some financial anomaly in which there is a recession, no inflation, total job loss, but no widespread collapse.

>> No.54421769

Imagine not owning your home outright. you fucking rentoid

>> No.54421776

market is stagnant in my city but no crash in prices yet

>> No.54421781

i think most people under the age of 30 have simply given up on ever owning a home. eventually they'll all sit empty.

>> No.54421796

Mortgage holders don't own their house, they are just rentoids for the bank. True homeowners won't be affected by this.

>> No.54421797

2 more weeks rentie

>> No.54421893

>DONT YOU WANT A 1500sqft HOUSE FOR 610,000?!?!
Post nose

>> No.54421931

Dude... the salary isn't even catching up and the interest rate is extremely volatile.

>> No.54422115

That doesn't matter when corporations are still buying up housing anyways (with cash of course) and keeping the supply artificially low on purpose to bring in profits.

There is no escape from the housing price nightmare. This isn't the same situation as it was in 08 with overleveraged mortgages.

>> No.54422133

Sorry rentcucks. I live in a $1.5M house (one of the cheapest in my city) on 6 acres in one of the top 15 wealthiest municipalities in the country. All my neighbors are CEOs, doctors, attorneys, and pro athletes. Mind you I’m in a low COL Midwest state with low growth and no bubble. My zestimate ain’t going nowhere, faggots. Cope and seethe

>> No.54422155

Oh and don’t forget, I’m sure there’s gonna be a HUGE correction and all those people locked in at 2.1% interest will for sure be itching to sell their house to you and suddenly inventory will spike. Don’t worry, just two more weeks or so lmao

>> No.54422166
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>> No.54422191

Never buy real estate in a low COL area with no bubble

>> No.54422202

You’re retarded. I make more than you; you should be asking me for advice.

>> No.54422209

Housing literally can't remain in a bubble forever. I'm not gesticulating in the direction of abstract market forces. I'm saying that sooner or later, political willpower is going to reach a boiling point such that the red tape dissuading new building will get cut back and supply will rise again. Within a decade you're going to have literally hundreds of millions of people priced forever out of homeownership. That is an unsustainable model of governance.

>> No.54422240

You’re saying two different things. On one hand you’re saying housing prices will decrease and on the other you’re saying people will be priced out forever. Which is it

>> No.54422246

NH. Banks can't do shit except foreclose if you don't make your payments. Landlords on the other hand, can increase your rent, stop by whenever they want and come in, and basically kick you out whenever they want.

>> No.54422258

The only way they can intervene is by raising rates, which would cause a recession, which would crash the market including real state.
So yeah, real state is retarded, it isn't an edge against just buying MSCI or the SP indexes, in fact it's a liability. You have to take care of the property, if someone gets hurt they can sue you, if they occupy it you have a problem, if the neighbour becomes dogshit you have to dump it, it's not liquid, ties you to a certain tax residence, it just fucking sucks. Being rich and renting anywhere you want is the ideal lifestyle.

>> No.54422276

holy copeamole

>> No.54422291

Sorry but I’d never trade the feeling of actual home ownership for anything. Just don’t be an idiot and buy in a volatile area run by libs.

>> No.54422306

Lol I literally don’t care about your opinion. Sounds like I’m happy and you’re not.

>> No.54422315

i'm not the one desperately trying to convince others that i live in a great location at 9:54 AM on a saturday morning. (that's 7:54 AM in flyover time, i suppose.)

>> No.54422320

>Within a decade you're going to have literally hundreds of millions of people priced forever out of homeownership. That is an unsustainable model of governance.
this is literally the current Australian model, they increased immigration, relaxed laws on overseas investment, and refused to implement laws to prevent money launderers from using the Australian real estate market.

when the people who run the show have sizable property portfolios, it's guaranteed they're going to keep their thumb on the scale

>> No.54422329

One follows the other. If current trends continue, we will rapidly have an enormous amount of people priced out of the market. This will create an accelerating discontent which manifests in political willpower. People talk shit about democracy, but its main political strength manifests when large amounts of people are really fucking pissed off. When the capitalist over-class gets too greedy for the current dynamics to be maintained, something has to give lest the whole apparatus breaks.

The capitalists have become too greedy for their own good.

>> No.54422342

You sound bitter and sad. Stick to your shitlib coastal hellhole

>> No.54422362

>muh heckin based trads vs onions libs niggerbrained dichotomy
have you ever seen the ocean?

>> No.54422380

Two more weeks right? If you’re waiting for some kind of revolution to snatch up a cheap house, you’re gonna be waiting a long time

>> No.54422387

>This will create an accelerating discontent which manifests in political willpower
maybe in the past, but we live in a completely fucked timeline. Covid demonstrated that people can cop a hell of a beating and still begrudgingly accept it.

>> No.54422390

I make much more than you. I can see whatever I want whenever I want lol

>> No.54422418

i live in one of those "shitlib coastal hellholes" and i don't work.
you've already lost this competition.

>> No.54422431

Actual demoralization psyop. Way too obvious.

>> No.54422436

Sounds like you’re really contributing a lot.

>> No.54422440

what did you invest in other than crypto?

>> No.54422443
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You people always fail simple arithmetic
>Be guy
>Have 2.1% mortgage
>He decides to change homes
>He puts his current home for sale
>Inventory goes up by 1
>He buys a new home
>Inventory goes down by 1

>> No.54422444

It’s really not. I’m sick of the loser mindset culture on here. Bunch of whiny bitches I swear.

>> No.54422447

Why would this effect people who have a locked in 30 year interest rate?

>> No.54422449


>> No.54422463

>doesn’t understand sarcasm at all
>autist confirmed

>> No.54422468

tick tock, wagie. only 47 more hours until you're back in the cage, working hard to meet those 360 consecutive payments on your baste redpilled midwestern plywood box.

>> No.54422490

lmao. Sorry brah, I work for myself and do whatever the fuck I want

>> No.54422514
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>working for yourself
>thinking you can do whatever the fuck you want
Literally what business is this? I'm self-employed and I have to spend all my time doing what my clients want not what I want. Working for someone else or yourself you're still beholden to someone else.

>> No.54422517

You take living on a bank's property very seriously huh?
Don't worry, in 30 years it will certainly be yours. Just don't let any blacks move next to you by then

>> No.54422527

I own my own medical practice. I don’t understand your point. You can be Vladimir Putin and you’re still beholden to someone at some level

>> No.54422547
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My house, +1.2% last 30 days. Crappy house down the road sells for a hefty sum in about 1 week.
2 more weeks

>> No.54422568
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>a market with no buyers.

>> No.54422621

To me, doing whatever the fuck you want means being completely free of owing anybody anything. Beholden to no one but God.

>> No.54422656

put this same level of painstaking analysis into making money instead of dissecting the nuances of 4chan posts and you might get somewhere

>> No.54422676

exactly, never fully yours. It's much better to have your money in the cloud and be able to move anywhere you want at any time. Owning a home is specially retarded if you don't work from home since you can get fired and the next job you get is ages away.

>> No.54422754

Rolling for number 3

>> No.54422786

as opposed to paying rent that is just going into landie pockets? owning a house obviously isnt the most efficient allocation of capital but you're at least getting something out of a mortgage longterm as opposed to getting nothing out of a rent payment that isn't even cheaper than a mortgage payment. I only have like 25% of my overall capital locked up in equity on my home. I could have put down almost all cash but it was more efficient and safer to take a mortgage with a 20% downpayment, pay 2.5% interest over 30 years and not have 100% of my capital locked up in real estate. The money that I didn't have locked up there has already made more than the interest I'm going to pay throughout the loan.

Basically I agree that people who only have a house and no other investments or wealth are retarded since all of your eggs are in that one basket but once you have some capital it becomes stupid to not own a home. It would have been especially stupid back when interest was 2-3%

>> No.54422821
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Supply AND demand.
Interest rates are so high that nobody is trying to buy a home.
But by that same metric, nobody wants to sell their home either. Where would you go after you sold? The only people that would sell own multiple homes. Basically you're looking at a housing market crab upwards to keep up with inflation and the fact that the youngest millennials are reaching home buying age.
Keep coping rentoids but you missed a once in a lifetime chance at cheap affordable housing. I know lol. But rates will never be that low again and the value of a home is never going down. Not with zoning laws as they are now.
Best to find a nice pod to be happy in.

>> No.54422842

Yeah for sure. All those millionaires and billionaires who own homes are surely way dumber than you are. Great point

>> No.54422897

Yes, there's many dumb people with money. Most people that got rich from bitcoin weren't rich because they don't follow trends.
Anyway if you are mega rich nothing matters since it's very difficult to lose money, doesn't mean it's a sound financial move tho. So for someone that has money but doesn't have stupid money it would be even better to not own a home since you are most likely cucked by commuting so you would need flexibility.

>> No.54422908

You’ve got it all figured out don’t you? Such a smart lil poster!

>> No.54422935
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So your investment strategy is "if a billionaire buys/owns it, I should buy/own it too even if I don't have the same revenue as they do"?

>> No.54422941

well that's not an argument

>> No.54422979

>These two things combined guarantee that if you own a home in an area that is economically tied to a major US city your home\land value WILL go up.
This. Pick any major city exburb and you are set.

>> No.54422982

I got successful by copying what rich people do. I know a lot of rich people and lot of poor people. I don’t know a single wealthy person who rents, and most poor people I know do rent. I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but what I do know is that if you want to be wealthy, you emulate what wealthy people do. Simple as.

>> No.54423032

idk you seem to overrate how much flexibility renting gives you over owning. With rents you need to deal with rent hikes and decisions your landie makes about their property that you have no control over. For example when I was a rentie I got notice like a week before my lease was due for renewal that my landie was selling his house and suddenly i had moving costs dropped on me and i fell into a chaotic shitty rental market where my options close to work were all terrible and expensive. Owning a home, short of a natural disaster or something I don't need to worry. I will be paying virtually the same nominal sum every month between now and 2050.

>> No.54423080

Noooo you’re dumb how dare you own a home what a retard! You’re supposed to rentcuck forever!

>> No.54423175

Prices will come down for short term. Just because everyone doesn't have super low rates anymore. But the fed is signaling back down to 2-3% fed funds rate by 2025. That means prices will start to climb again by then.

>> No.54423205
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Based. Fuck rentoïds

>> No.54423223

>Clean water
>Waste disposal
>Clean and drivable streets

I don't mind paying taxes for these services. You have no idea how cheap it is to have a clean tap water. The most precious ressource in the wild.

>> No.54423247
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Yet Prices still aren't moving

Makes you think

>> No.54423250

Plus you’re paying taxes either way. Shits built into your rent

>> No.54423252

not paying rent is a good investment, and RE is usually less volatile

>> No.54423256

Do you idiot renters honestly believe that buying real estate is a sinking ship?

It's the most sure and safe investment you can make.

>> No.54423257
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What paradise country do you live in?
I live in New York and the water here is literally filled with estrogen and grows your tits

It's downright radioactive

>> No.54423299

Over here they're increasing property taxes based on the assumed value growth of recent years. Then they introduce higher energy efficiency standards, which actually decrease the property values. Genius stuff to hurt the middle class.

>> No.54423353

Rural town.

>> No.54423405

>living in New York
You did this to yourself

>> No.54423448

I make 50k a year

>> No.54423530

So then you have literally nothing to lose. Move to Florida you can take a shit on the side of the road and make $100k they need help down there so badly

>> No.54423559

Was looking at a $500k condo in Chicago. Best rate I could get was 6.1%. Does not make sense to buy at all right now.

>> No.54423602

>what are historical rates
Not specifically trying to be a dick but look at things from a longer term perspective. Buy now at a lower price, and if rates go lower just refi. If they go up, it’s a win for you<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54423679

You guys are alright
Check the listings in your desired neighborhood, but this time check the 'pending and under contract' box.

>> No.54423728
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>a "recovery" in Housing
What does "recovery" even mean anymore? Recovery for who? The shrinking minority of people who can still afford the fucking things? Why is language of good health and prosperity used to describe this phenomenon?

I hate clown world so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.54423752

Check the foreclosures added in the last 30 days too. KEK.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54423799

Fuck off. Everyone knows what it means. You aren't more intelligent for saying basic shit that every homeowner already knows, you just look like a faggot. Are you going to complain about the term homeowner too, dipshit?

>> No.54423830

Not technically true. You have the deed, but pledge the home as collateral on the loan.

>> No.54423847

Idk why retards like you always post in these threads, no one believes your bait lmao
And if you aren’t baiting, how pathetic is it that you get your kicks by posting about your house value on a Sinaloan coca farming forum

>> No.54423861

>I literally don’t care about your opinion but I’m going to post 20 times in this thread on a weekend to show you how much I don’t care
Based retard with his 0/10 bait

>> No.54423881

Yeah I’m sure you own your own medical practice but you spend your time bragging about it on 4chan. Because that’s what people who own medical practices do, for sure

>> No.54423890

It really gets my dick hard knowing you think I’m lying. Guess that means I made it and you didn’t. Tough shit. Should have thought about this when you were younger and had the world of opportunities in front of you

>> No.54423953

They want to believe things will "even out" and we'll lose everything. Or that our far superior living situation "evens out" due to some private misery. That's not how it works. My life is actually good. t. $1.2m home with $900k in equity, loving wife and kids, meaningful job. I never said it was fair.

>> No.54423987
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lmao I live in phoenix and keep seeing shit like this


>> No.54424050

You said it. Life doesn’t have to be miserable. Jealousy is one of the most pathetic traits a human can have. And I consider myself a small fish. I don’t have a penthouse in Manhattan, but I sure as shit won’t throw shade on people who do

>> No.54424083


No they don't like you because you are faggots that come to humble brag about yourselves and try to derail the discussion about the overall market. It's narcissistic and boring. Not everything is about you, you fucking faggot.

>> No.54424383
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I actually grew up in Florida
It's a hell
So many niggers you might as well be in Detroit if you go literally 1 black away from the beach

They've replaced all the snow birds and Frenchies and built up jiffy lubes and dollar trees on every corner

I ain't working in a fucking dollar tree

New York is bad and half the state is a literally No Go zone but Florida is literally like walking into the ruins of South Africa

>> No.54424531


you'll all be poor and you'll own nothing

>> No.54424576


>owns his own medical practice
>up at 7:52AM posting on 4chan

Yeah I'm leaning more towards NEET living with parens.

>> No.54424586


If you look he's dropped it by $500 around 30 times. But thanks for demonstrating that you don't bother to know what you're talking about before spewing bullshit.

>> No.54424599


Holy fuck anon!!!!!! A $15,000 drop when the home increased $40,000-$70,000 in the last couple years.

Oh fuck oh shit what are they gonna do with their $25,000-$55,000 profit in less than 2 years you giant fucking idiot?

>> No.54424603

If you had the reading comprehension, you'd see that I was also stating a thesis about the housing market to come.

>> No.54424638

Wow look at that, I was exactly right. The apartment is still $30,000 over its 2022 sell price. Dumbfuck. Also how poor are you that you're looking at buying apartments?

>> No.54424657

What specific wealthy person behaviours did you emulate, besides not renting?

>> No.54424896
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Did I make a mistake, I got a mortgage on a 930k condo in 2021 and it's now estimated by Redfin to be 900-970k.

>> No.54424948

>buying the top
oh no no no

>> No.54425078

Imagine using your house as an investment rather than what it is. A place to keep all of your shit.

>> No.54425240

That's awesome dude you're only like .10 of a point off the lowest rate ever recorded. We basically have a free loan on our homes when you consider the rate
>T. 2.75 anon

>> No.54425260

yes they do they’re literally just coping retards who will be living in a pod in five years.

>> No.54425270

My brother JUST bought a house in an already very overpriced area...I told him he should wait, but he thought it was a steal. 500k for a 1bd condo (technically it has a small guest room though). Hope it works out for him...

>> No.54425586

What if you own a house for the sake of having somewhere to live instead of larping like its purely a financial commodity?

>> No.54425725
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>> No.54425951

owning a house is retarded
owning a 30 year note at 3% is based

>> No.54425964

Yep. This is me

>> No.54425969

debtcucks with 339 more months of indentured servitude remaining on their 360 month layaway welfare plan.
>I-IT'S AT 3%!!!!!

>> No.54426028

I'm thinking of just dumping all of my income into stocks since saving doesn't even cover a down payment anymore.

>> No.54426259
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Fuck that, I switched over to gold completely for now

>> No.54426597

I already have a few hundred ounces of silver put away and however much gold in scrap jewelry. I feel comfy with having that to fall back on and gambling the rest.

>> No.54426632

I live in Caliwali, that would be $400k and immediately purchased here

>> No.54426707

Haha keep dreaming rentoid. House prices will literally never go back to pre Covid levels for myriad reasons (inflation on material and durable goods, not making more land, millions of immigrants per year.). On top of that you’d be lucky if interest rates even get close to pre Covid levels.

I bought a house in 2020, have a rate locked in wellllll below inflation and already 50% equity in the place. My house is worth ~500k if I were to sell it tomorrow and you literally could not build this house today as the codes have changed and all the old trees are cut down or off limits. Conservatively to build a likeness of my house would cost well over 700k and that’s without the land, which doesn’t exist for sale at any price cause it’s already all developed.

>> No.54426771

Until that same condo is worth 650 in a couple years with rates at 10%

>> No.54427286

How’s it any worse than you faggots constantly bitching about how unaffordable everything is? This place needs a little optimism for once

>> No.54427300

I woke up at 7:52 to get the oil changed in my car, get a haircut, and drive across the state to see my gf and my dog. Seethe harder faggot