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54406331 No.54406331 [Reply] [Original]

>Start talking to girl that i've already been talking to for a while in the morning
>She gets angry and says "Don't you say good morning first or ask me how I am?!?!"

How do I fiancially profit of this

>> No.54406341

Killing yourself, blaming her, making a gofundme for your family.
Coming back reincarnated to murder your rich family and take back your donation funds.

>> No.54406344

Just ignore it, it's clearly not about you. This is why you shouldn't talk much online with girls as opposed to in person.

>> No.54406346

What did you say

>> No.54406348

She’s white, huh? You’ll learn.

>> No.54406349

Girls always pull that shit. I'm just straight to the point but apparently you gotta waste precious time doing useless small talk. For fuck sake woman, i'm trying to set up a meeting. We can do the small talk during the ride home. Don't make me waste time typing bullshit conversations on my smartphone

>> No.54406354

>not using tategpt to seduce women into being held against their will.

>> No.54406366

She could be testing you, as in, testing your strength/masculine core/confidence to see if you would get peturbed or show weakness by immediately apologizing
>”oh I’m so sorry your highness please don’t dislike me I will change my behavior to suit your needs
In which case, she would lose attraction for you. But the reason she tests is because she likes you, and/or you may have acted weak in the past, e.g., changing your opinion to fit hers, etc.

>> No.54406376

good morning miss

>> No.54406377

Geez, when did /biz become a support group for the sexually awkward emotionally stunted man-children redditors?

>> No.54406379

Na bitch is just telling him to fuck off, women don't "test" men that's loser copium women either like you or don't.

>> No.54406387
File: 16 KB, 952x611, 200milliondollarlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by buying nexa

>> No.54406396

How did this interaction end anon? Did you get peturbed or pussy-like?
If so, you need to not contact her ever again.
When she contacts you, you set a definite date, meaning a definite time and place of your choosing. Ask her when she’s free to get together. If she says she’s not sure, her schedule’s tight or whatever, simply say: “alright, when you figure out your schedule let me know” and wait for her to contact you. If she says no, say: “let me know if you change your mind”
Stop communicating over the phone. The phone is for setting dates. You are or should act like a busy man, who’s busy following his purpose, even if your purpose is browsing /biz/. She needs time without texting to wonder about you, and miss you.

>> No.54406405


>> No.54406410

she is testing whether you are a bitch cuck pushover
just ignore it or ghost her for a while

>> No.54406414

you forgot chivalry and class
>tips fedora

>> No.54406415

this. theres no such thing as tests. if you're being 'tested' then you're ugly and she doesnt like you. girls just get derpy around guys they like well into old age.

>> No.54406420

They do all the time. It’s subtle. They’ll purposely postpone responding to you to see if you freak out or are able to wait. That’s how they sort out the creepy stalkers and insecure guys from the rest. They’ll purposely take an opposing opinion to see of you change yours to fit theirs.
What exactly is the cope?

>> No.54406425

also its normal to say good morning in the office if you're around others. passing in the hallway. arriving at your work area its normal to greet your colleagues in the vicinity. you dont have to greet everyone in the morning but this is normal.

think about it... imagine a co-worker just coming in, sitting down at their desk, and then just talking at you. its fucking weird and most of you are fucking losers. I can tell because none of you have pointed this out. Its fucking weird. Its not a test. OP is an idiot.

>> No.54406430

>women don't test men
Alright, gigachad. No need to brag. But just so you knoe, the rest of us helpless 8/10 peons do have to pass women's bullshit affirmations to lock shit up

>> No.54406463

tell her to shut up, not kidding OP, girls do this all the time, snap at her, dont hold back, she will fuck you afterwards if you do, also shes not gf material more like fuck buddy whore.
tell her to shut up and ghost her, she will come back horny and willing to suck your dick.

>> No.54406465

She is trying to assert dominance.
You say
“Oh sorry I thought I did, I must have replied to the wrong girl ”

>> No.54406476

eat her pussy and lay claim

>> No.54406500

she's always going to be angry at something, if there's nothing to be mad about she'll make something up. so its more about redirecting what shes mad about to something unimportant like whether or not you said goodmorning first

>> No.54406526

>imagine a co-worker just coming in, sitting down at their desk, and then just talking at you. its fucking weird
imagine being so emotionally stunted by your dying cultures obsession with a twisted idea of being "cool" to the point where you're too afraid to talk to people. and the idea of two humans speaking to each other casually in public scares you unless there is first some special ritual ceremony to initiate the conversation. and then there are probably all these rules about how to talk to you and what i would or wouldn't be allowed to talk about since you're so worried about being cool that leaves out all the fun topics. don't worry, i'll find someone who is less of a tryhard to chat with

>> No.54406547

Not sure. When was /biz/ created?

>> No.54406583

>"How do I fiancially profit of this"
You start by posting in the correct board:

>> No.54406625

Don't listen to this retards "advice" OP, you will end up with HR shoving their feminine dicks up your ass if you do

>> No.54406653

>Don't you say good morning first or ask me how I am?!?!
stop giving her attention you dumb cunt

>> No.54406678
File: 90 KB, 952x952, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_8ec5ebce-0129-11e8-a2b0-4e5c7848ab02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmm ben.chode.

>> No.54406850

just ask her why she is in such a bad mood and if she's on her period. That'll fix things. In general any argument you're having ask if it's her strawberry week

>> No.54406861

At least she tells you what she wants