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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54403374 No.54403374 [Reply] [Original]

Burry now claims the market is on its way up. Are you happy now chuds? Its what you wanted. Time for you to apologize and start buying.

>> No.54403381


No thanks.

>> No.54403386

Quick question: Why stop x axis at the 20s?

>> No.54403390

Clearly being ironic

>> No.54403428

You know why.

>> No.54404109

Why? Dip-buying wouldn't be nearly as strong then, hold to late 1928 would be the winning strategy

>> No.54404130

he has finally realized the index fund scam has another decade or two left in it.

>> No.54404143

This guy is an idiot and him being bullish is making me bearish even though charts are getting bullish. Never show me this fuck again

>> No.54404160

Burry is the new Cramer

>> No.54404828

Listening to the guy who shorted the shorts is probably not a good strategy.

>Oh look, they bought the dip in 2008 too

Nah, that was fake too. All fake.

>> No.54404841

your post radiates south american energy

>> No.54404893

.Unemployment still low and yield spreads still negative.

>> No.54405393


There was no SP500 dip in the 1920s kiddo.
SP500 was steady for decades from the 1800s straight into the chart Burry posted. Dips started occuring in the 1930s.

>> No.54405470

what is btfd

>> No.54405510

wtf is a "BTFD" generation?

>> No.54405524

buy the fucking dip.

>> No.54405525

buy the fucking dip, reddit term

>> No.54405639

blow the fucking dick

>> No.54405689

I should have known that fucking moron was part of the reddit crowd

>> No.54405800

Blown The Fuck Down

>> No.54405831

It's a literal zh boomer term, where it was sarcasm.

>> No.54405842

>BTFD generation
Blown the fuck dick?

>> No.54405854

Boomers? Who the fuck is he talking about?

>> No.54406284

>buy the fucking dip, reddit term
I remember first hearing that term from zerohedge somewhere between 2010 and 2015. At one point they were saying it every day sarcastically. But it was the best strategy in hindsight. Zerohedge cost me a lot of money due to their permabearishness. Fucking russian propaganda.

>> No.54406327

I didnt know either and thought it was this

>> No.54406338

Stop posting this faggot.

>> No.54406983

Burry who has traditionally been a bear during the bull market is now suddenly a bull should set alarms ringing

>> No.54407032

Burry is not saying buy, Burry is saying that he didn't expect the current generation of slurpers to BTFO him that much.

Basically what he's saying is "Congrats, fuck you" lol

>> No.54407505
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>Stop posting this faggot.
>Never show me this fuck again.
The Burry postings will continue until /biz/ morale improves.

>> No.54409268

I am not sure that the same guy that deletes his Twitter 25x per year possesses that particular sense of good natured humor.

>> No.54409291
File: 81 KB, 570x572, bunkercuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never show me this fuck again

>> No.54409463

This fuck mega bobo

>> No.54410024

Kind of ridiculous comparing behavior in 1920 to now. It's not the same regime, comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.54410307
File: 85 KB, 979x979, 1622865148866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As per Merriam-Weebster's Dictionary -
BTFD: Butt Truly Full of Debt
Burry is poking fun at the plebs for being debt slaves.

>> No.54410894

What are you supposed to do with your money, leave it in a Bank eating inflation's dick and awaiting the Bank Run. Bears were in complete euphoria in 2022, that was also supposed to last through 2023 as well?

>> No.54410950
File: 227 KB, 640x640, 1637256589226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I say, I'm a dippy slurping afficionado.

>> No.54410983

>retards itt dont realize hes being sarcastic
Holy shit no wonder you people lose money and cant get laid lmaooooo

>> No.54411032

I like this meme
I will be saving this image
No I will not compensate you

>> No.54411400

Sometimes I make the mistake of reading the comments on people shit takes. IDK why but I'm addicted to it.

>> No.54411428

So theres not going to be a big fuck you market crash?
God I hate this joke of a world

>> No.54411490

finally he gives a sell signal, is this his first sell signal?

>> No.54412116
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, 61zHLX7S7gL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crash has been underway for quite some time now. The only question is if the rest of it will be in nominal or real terms.
That is to say: Do stonks keep going up (but not as quickly as the cost of being alive) with commodities outperforming bigly (going up faster than the cost of living). OR do the stonks crash in real terms (this will happen if the central banks decide to stop backstopping the global financial markets with "liquidity" aka $ printed out of thin air injected directly into the banks/TreasuryMarket/DebtMarket/StockMarket aka rearranging 1s and 0s in databases make line go up make world go round yeehaw what could go wrong

Pro tip: It already went wrong and you need to hedge to for both possibilities. The continuation of their control over this demolition is not guaranteed (see: the change in sentiment that happened a few months ago where people are starting to believe it's possible to stop the CBDCs rolling out)

>> No.54412130

This guy is turning into another Jim Cramer. Inverse Burry wen?

>> No.54412154

>one of the most successful traders in history
>an idiot
Sure, that’s why you idiots never post your trading history on here.

>> No.54413245
File: 632 KB, 1436x1674, 1517563860247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>illiteracy of all types is this rampant

>> No.54413339

I have a dark feeling this is going to be the norm going forward for our precious turquoise board.

>> No.54413448

>slow inflation keeps asset prices up and eliminates cash savings
wow, big surprise retard

>> No.54413883

they certainly changed recently, one of the best predictors of the clownfest since corona happened and one of the first bulls when the market turned eoy 2022
just never read the comments full of perma wrong boomers yelling at clouds