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54402038 No.54402038 [Reply] [Original]

What are your proven indicators to maximize your profits?

>> No.54402073

No federal indictment, only a state court with a clear motive. No one else wanted to touch it, I wonder why.
They never even charged Nixon, yet a lesser crime deems this. Trump will win 2024.

>> No.54402091

It's the first of many many criminal cases. Karma eventually catches up with you, however slick you think you are.

>> No.54402112

The jewdicial system isn't justice or karma, amerigolems.

>> No.54402118

>Trump will win 2024
He'll be 78 by then. Do you really want to swap one dinosaur for another?

>> No.54402155

>No one else wanted to touch it, I wonder why.
For the same reason no one wanted to touch Epstein.

>> No.54402303

Theyre trying to distract you.

Whats the third choice? Pocahontas?

Yeah bill gates, clinton, prince andrew and all those hollywood hill peados would have gotten exposed.

>> No.54402417

The only thing he is going to win is a lengthy stay in prison.

>> No.54402674

God this man has an unfathomable ability to predict things incorrectly consistently.

>> No.54402726

every single time

>> No.54402799

>Theyre trying to distract you.
Except it's not remotely distracting to the vast majority of people. It's only a distraction for the migatrannies who follow him and think he should be able to commit crimes with impunity.

>> No.54403387

>think he should be able to commit crimes with impunity.
Then you should imprison every president to date with that logic. The higher standard that trump is held to by liberals is fucked up because he hurt their feelings. Biden should have been impeached long ago.

>> No.54403435

No other president committed crimes like Trump.

>> No.54403463

But they have all committed crimes. Fucking liberal tranny. Go bring your kids to fucking drag queen story hour you fucking pervert faggot.

>> No.54403478

>But they have all committed crimes.
No, they haven't.

>Fucking liberal tranny.
You're the tranny, faggot. Time to blow your brains out.

>> No.54403582
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Shouldn't you be shooting up a school right now?

>> No.54403595

>ignores hunters laptop. Media lied to cover it up....

>> No.54403616

every president is a war criminal and should be executed for treason

>> No.54403619
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>No other president committed crimes like Trump
Nigga are you serious? Half of America's Presidents would be tried as war criminals if they were anywhere else, but pay off a porn star and it's game over? Lol you're fucking stupid

>> No.54403632

>projection: the post

>> No.54403647

>you're wrong because consider this counterfactual

>> No.54403674

Denounce the tallmud and say nigger.

>> No.54403713

>progressives aren't collectively cooming their short shorts and late night comedy kikes won't run with this for aeons to own le cheeto blumpf man
Not even a migapede, but you're utterly disingenuous

>> No.54403734
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if you arent currently longing drumpf nfts you are not going to make it

>> No.54403749

Youre probably one of those faggot liberals who has never voted in their life and only complains about Trump.

>> No.54403752

Touch grass weirdo.

>> No.54403761

I think you need to faggot. How far is your head up joe biden anus?

>> No.54403769

Keep projecting, tranny. I'm not a liberal, I believe in law and order and reject adultery. Trump committed crimes so he must go to prison. Otherwise the US as a nation is done.

>> No.54403784

>I believe in law and order and reject adultery.
Sure you do faggot. Get off your high horse. Youre not morally superior because you say things.

>> No.54403812

>proven indicators
The main "conservative" newspaper here publishes investment advice (legally it's not advice, but you know...), especially since they're majority owned by a US investment company. Expect the opposite of their advice to occur. When they say gold will tank and one should sell, it'll moon. If they report on undervalued property investments in Florida by a specific fund as a rare opportunity, you know those are bags they want to sell to normies.

>> No.54403819

You are a sick degenerate who commits horrific sins every day. Satan has a hold on you.

>> No.54403850

Trump 2024. Fuck de santis. He’s more pro Israel than Zion Don

>> No.54403966

What a trip

>> No.54404022

Imagine loving boomer cock this much

>> No.54404060

>No one else wanted to touch it, I wonder why.
Probably because the statute of limitations has been up for 2 years now

>> No.54404210

unfortunately yes that is the predicament we are in at this late hour of the republic. i fucking hate trump but im voting for him in 2024 because we live in clown world and all the alternatives seem intent on self-immolating america.

>> No.54404231

Trump’s going to lose no matter what, even if he did somehow eek out a win in the primaries should Republicans really run the guy who gave out trillions in welfare, shut down the country and created the Covid vaccines?

>> No.54404274
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Trump is naive in politic
Good at bussiness but else he suck
If only he go full blown 1488
No one gonna mess with him from day 1
A lot of people agree with Hitler
(Fuck niggers, fuck jews and fuck jannies)
sentiment but because of sheep mentality no one wants to speak out.
They need a shepherd.

>> No.54404304

Well, they once ran McCain.

>> No.54404363

My favorite memory hole is that it wasn't Democrat governors holding the country locked down until 2022.

>> No.54404459

Trump & Biden are unironically still the best people available for the job.
What democrat would be better than Biden? Some commie? Some brown woman? I would rather vote for trump
What republican would be better than Trump? A lifelong fed propped up by neocons? Some cuck?
I would rather Trump than any non-biden democrat and I would rather Biden than any non-trump republican

>> No.54404469
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Now THIS is fedposting.

>> No.54404517

>i fucking hate trump but im voting for him in 2024 because we live in clown world
Trump is the very reason we live in clown world.

>> No.54404566
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>Clown world

>> No.54404616
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What a fucking idiotic statement.
The clown world was confirmed when the only possible candidates were Hillary & Trump

HOW THE FUCK do you calculate this on Trump? Shits been fucked since we framed Osama for the WTC. Or JFK got popped. Probably even before that.
Were you born 8 years ago into a trans family or something??

>> No.54404624
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>> No.54404642

hahaha no coherent comment then from you then? shut your stupid fuck face then

>> No.54405606

how do I profit from this?

>> No.54405637

Ron Paul 2024

>> No.54405655

This guys a fucking messenger for someone. Do the opposite of what he says and ye shall know the truth.

>> No.54405735

It's funny you're asking this as if anyone has any control whatsoever over who's selected to be president.

It probably will be trump too for a bunch of different reasons. They probably want to pump the breaks on economic and social decline for now after accelerating the shit out of it from 2020-2024 and they'll probably pick le business man to be the face of it, it'll pacify the right wing for 4 years, the news jews will have something to complain and agitate about for 4 years to their mentally ill audiences, it'll restore faith in elections in the eyes of dimwits smart enough to realize the 2020 election was fake but too dumb to realize every election ever is fake, and he's not going to do anything about the only issue that actually matters which is demographic replacement so white genocide will carry on unabated.

They can pick desantes to do all this shit too, and they might, but it's really all about the narrative so I think they're going to pick the bigger star to play the lead role.

If Biden wins again it means they're comfortable continuing accelerating the decline at this point. Which they might be after they successfully faked a world wide pandemic and 80+% of the retarded cattle went out and got vaxxed for no reason like good goys, and "stole" an election blatantly just to test how people would react. No one did shit about anything and no one is going to do shit. So they might feel fine just going full steam ahead for another 4 years.

This is the only correct way to view politics at this point. Anyone still following polls or debates or public sentiment or whatever the fuck are a bunch of clueless bastards that are most definitely NGMI.

>> No.54407184

What do you think of that tranny devin Mulvaney going to the White House and interviewing biden? Fucking weirdo liberals. Says it's okay for people under 10 for gender reassignment surgery. Fucking losers in the white house. Do you suck tranny cock too?

>> No.54407788
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>> No.54409588

Inverse Cramer always works. Now that he said he has left crypto I'm bullish asf, and I've stacked my bag with ACH, CYMI and other crypto payment tokens while waiting for lambo

>> No.54410053

Yeah this sounds about right. As always, if voting mattered we wouldn't be allowed to do it.
>verification not required

>> No.54410367

I'm also bullish on CYMI, because of its super app which is more advanced than every other web3 project

>> No.54411085
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The only way you can possibly believe Trump will win in 2024 is you'd have to believe the Dems won't cheat. The only way you would believe that is if you believe the 2020 election was legitimate. To believe that, you'd also need to believe a dementia-ridden, corrupt pedophile with a crackhead son is the most popular president in American history.

lmao even

>> No.54411111
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He is literally wrong everytime now, lol

>> No.54411132

smart thread

>> No.54411153
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>> No.54411269
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This is where I am now. My advice to people is to find the biggest paycheck you can in the biggest corporation you can tolerate working for. Those are the future power structures---corporate fiefdoms---and its not going to matter what the laws say. No one's going to care about the government when the government is run to shit by a endless parade of carnival freaks. Put another way: fuck bitches, get paid.

>> No.54411323

Gas light, feds had a grand jury on the same shit and the cases were thrown out.

>> No.54411382

yeah i don't really understand the "vote for me, the guy they stole the election from" sales pitch. seems contradictory

>> No.54411679

kek you are all a bunch of trannies

>> No.54411721

ya this guy gets it anyone here who thinks votes=election outcome has a poor grasp of US election history

>> No.54414138

it is funny how retarded the GOP is. They lucked out with memes an unexpected player in elections.
Whats worse is they died on the altar of abortion in 2022 lmao. They forgot how young white women need to be able to abort their mistakes, we could live in the conditions of india and white single women would still want to kill their mistakes. All so they so they can wageslave