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54399031 No.54399031 [Reply] [Original]

How did this happen?

>> No.54399068

Late stage fiat.

>> No.54399077

Real socialism is currently being tried

>> No.54399087

God chose them stop being mad. Its not like they wanted to be chosen.

>> No.54399090

All of your tax dollars, instead of going to housing, went straight into the pockets of:
1. Military budget
2. Israel/Zionists (highly correlated with #1)
3. Niggers (at home and abroad)

Thanks for playing "The American Dream"

>> No.54399093

>Last time being a white lawyer was profitable was the 1980's
>40 years too late
>much of law clerk jobs and even torete cases are being handled now online as it's much more expedient
>many such cases

>> No.54399094

Inflation and mass immigration

>> No.54399103
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Infinite money printing is a necessary component of Capitalism, as the system requires an endless stream of capital or it dies.

>> No.54399109

Ask Kanye. Or Gibson. Or Fischer. Or Brando. Or Martin Luther.

>> No.54399110

more people, weaker dollar

he must be a stupid lawyer

>> No.54399159
File: 257 KB, 773x500, GDP-Historical-Percent-of-Global-Production.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "wealth" of western nations are illusion, they are tied to overpriced real estate value.
The true wealth were already fleeing into third world country, helping them industrialized

>> No.54399209

Hmmm, like mining new metals

>> No.54399212

It's called being a shitty/lazy lawyer.

>> No.54399214

Too many retarded faggots want to live in the same piece of land.
>b-but mah jab
If you can't afford a dignified living you don't have a job you fucking slave, you are pretending to.
>b-but muh hustle and bustle!
You have been priced out by more successful people.
>b-but I wanna have my c-cake and e-e-e-eat it oo
Tough luck buttercup.

>> No.54399234

If you're going to work for the Gomorrah, you can't be honest about what's plaguing your country. You have to use the pre-thought news ideas and vaguely dance around a possible issue, but quickly elaborate that those are complicated and potentially offensive.

>> No.54399244

My first apartment after collage 15 years ago was a spacious 2 bedroom 2 bathroom and office bump out for $730 a month. Similar apartments probably go for $1700 now. My 4k square foot home I built near a golf course with a lake and mountain view in 2017 and refinanced at 3% is $2100.

I was lucky that our income did a 5x in 3 years so can save and invest but fuck speculators, air bnb scams, and flippers for driving up prices. Nobody should pay 3600 a month for a shit apartment in the city. You can be a lawyer in lower cost of living area.

>> No.54399248

She could take a 20% pay cut, but cut living expenses by >50%, if she opened a practice in the countryside. She wants to be mediocre but still live in a place busting with competitors from all over the world. I fucking hate how retarded and entitled everyone is.

>> No.54399252

I want to move but I can't afford to save enough in this HCOL shithole I was born in. What do?

>> No.54399286

Typical critic of capitalism doesn't even know what capital is. Capital is excess production invested into the means of production. You can have capital accumulation in a barter economy with no money at all.

>> No.54399419

Supply and demand. Open borders means wages go down and rents go up. Our oligarchs make money and power off of this transition so there's no real fighting it as an individual. The living standards will fall to match the "rest of the world" which in practice means the lowest common denominator.

It is what it is, the only way to stop it is to organize based upon our own group identity and assert our own interests in opposition to the oligarchy. The last time that happened was almost 100 years ago and it was crushed by 3 empires all controlled by the tribe and tens of millions of slave soldiers sent to their deaths. These days you can't even find someone irl who understands what is happening, let alone enough people to make a change. At least in my experience most everyone these days are stupid peasants who can't even understand let alone shape their own fate. Meh

>> No.54399507


>> No.54399645

Unlimited mass migration + boomers.

>> No.54399662

t. big geopolitics understander

>> No.54399694

yeah because the chinese didn't go crazy pumping shit real estate. you're blinded by your hatred for the west, it's the same shit everywhere.

>> No.54399744

How'd capitalism exist before 1912 in the US then?

>> No.54399775

China's industrial capacity and profitability has been cratering and financial investments/speculation now is the largest sector of their economy.

>> No.54399824
File: 94 KB, 850x463, jefferson banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54399850

The Federal Reserve of the United States (The Great Satan).

>> No.54399883

And how does this refute what anon said?

>> No.54399886

I live in 2 bed 1 bath house with a garage and massive backyard, I pay $895 a month for it and my water is taken care of. I live in a city of 250,000+. Granted the city is kind of a shit-hole filled with scum and skanks, but there are options to work with. Cant wait to move btw.

>> No.54399961

meanwhile boomers earned equivalent to 7x your wage for 1/5th the work, enjoyed a high trust low crime society and reasonable working hours/living costs. you got made.

>> No.54399974


>> No.54400000

He stopped blowing old men behind the restaurant and now he can't afford anything :(

>> No.54400028

a house means no blacks within 3 miles. within that an its just a shack

>> No.54400057

in 2003 we rented a town home for 450/month. Big kitche, 2 bedrooms and 2 parking spaces (no garage) in a nice area.

>> No.54400088

he had money but did not buy a house. others had money and bought houses. this increased their value.

>> No.54400092

It's not like owning a house is any better. It might be less fucked in the US but here people are blowing 5K a month in mortgages and are permanent debt slaves to the bank.

I can't see this getting better any time soon especially considering that most politicians are also in on the real estate hustle and would die before they let their properties drop in value.

>> No.54400096


>> No.54400127

Also 20 years ago that 1 bdrm apt was in a actual city that was pleasant to live in and not full of foreign brown hordes

>> No.54400142

Uhh checked kek

>> No.54400149

So, same thing as the Soviets did then? Last I checked only Cambodia actually had the balls to go full Communist mode and ban money.

>> No.54400169

By having trading fees between countries and merchants be the key of everything.
This is why kings were powerful and merchants just behind them and eventually over took and killed the monarchy system.

>> No.54400176

It’s more the first world losing their standard of living at the expense of the global south. The globohomo calls it “equity for a more inclusive society”.

>> No.54400203

Damn i can’t imagine being this old lol

>> No.54400260

Hes probably a shitty lawyer. Even I’m not stupid enough to try and beat a Jew at his own games.

>> No.54400299

>Capital is excess production invested into the means of production
thats one form of capital, capital just means the goods and items used to produce more goods
holy shit youre retarded

>> No.54400314

I just dropped off a signed release a few hours ago at a defense attorney’s office. $250K check is heading to my bank account. Literally just wrote a single letter and gathered some medical records and bills. Been playing vidya since lunch probably gonna take my dogs to the park soon. Won’t work again until Monday.

Lawyer is ez mode if you know what you’re doing anon

>> No.54400380

After inflation it's 3x as much.
How is this big city lawyer making less than 3x a server is what I want to know.

>> No.54400405

Early accumulation, low productivity allowed for sky high profit margins

>> No.54400426

We are nothing compared to these men. At this point I can’t even imagine such figures ever lived in America.

>> No.54400450

A good night with some rich faggots might get you 1000 bucks easy.
If some ladies like you they will tip you 500 personally too.
t.former waiter who never made it and left in the dust by handsome ones

>> No.54400505

Too bad Jefferson's ideology required endless land to give away to create more yeoman farmers. Which requires a well funded war machine. Which requires - yep, banks. Being against banks ideologically does not mean your ideology will not require banks

>> No.54400608

Should have bought stupid rentfag

>> No.54400624
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>> No.54400653

>banks didnt exist before 1912

>> No.54400655
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1613489156977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People were tricked into voting for pro-corporatist, pro-capitalist rightists who want to bring back feudalism.

>> No.54400676

its not a trick. democracy is a cycle of gibs

>> No.54400683

>1 post by this ID

>> No.54400729

we're not on reddit retard

>> No.54400740

Oh hey look it's one of the guys who got tricked

>> No.54400813

>20 years ago
welp if you bought a house with a comparable mortgage you'd still be paying the same price on it monthly for another 10 years
just ignoring the slow rise in rents, 240 * 700 + 120 * 3600 = 600,000 the equivalent of paying $1666/month for 30 years. even 2/3rds of that would get you a decent house, larger than the apartment in question for sure
the next 30 years won't be any different. renting is for wealthy people -- not you
quit whining

>> No.54400916

Show me a billionaire who supports nationalism and closed borders for any country that isn't israel.

>> No.54400917

and communism is still dependent on a central bank.

>> No.54401001

That's just it, that's the trick. Rightists tell their constituents that they *want* those things for the benefit of the constituents - meanwhile, they're picking their pockets in order to "protect" them from manufactured evils (i.e each other), paying peanuts for illegals under the threat of deportation and enslaving others globally in their conquest for worldwide power.

>> No.54401081

not in that context
plus that's literally part of what he said regardless
you're the idiot

let their cities rot with them trapped inside lel

>> No.54401146

a hipster upper class commie would fit better on the right pic, then the hillbilly at the bottom

>> No.54401205

Couldn't even imagine being this retarded

>> No.54401836

Only a Russian could create a comment this stupid

>> No.54402000

Lel i got my free gibs, how was i tricked?

>> No.54402197
File: 1.08 MB, 2979x1683, 636541350338211579-AFP-AFP-XZ2AN-97063973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals live in gutter tents, while their representatives live in mansions. But yeah its out of work steel mill workers in PA that are keeping you down.
Keep voting for more illegal scabs, that'll make things better

>> No.54402383
File: 383 KB, 1055x1043, 1624908869611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl Marx invented the current Federal Reserve btw

>> No.54402561

Easy, he was a shitty lawyer not being able to afford 4k monthly rent

>> No.54402562

Wait a second, are you trying to subvert American politics again?

>> No.54402567

15 august 1971

>> No.54402613

In 2010 I worked two jobs, 60+ hours a week under the table for $6/hour. An ATI RX 580 cost $230 which I sued to mine bitcoin. Now I'm a retired crypto multi-millionaire. I just got back from vacation and noticed I had $24k ARB airdropped to my wallets while I was gone. I got paid more doing absolutely nothing while being retired on vacation that I made in an entire year working 60+ hours a week.

>> No.54402930

What happened in 1940?

>> No.54403204


WWII, Dingus.

Also I find it hilarious that India is only now back where they were when they kicked out the British. And that at the end of a slow systematic decline.

>> No.54403859

Are you retarded, can you even fucking read? Claim was you need endless money printing for capitalism the survive and person you are responding to refuted it not by showing how capitalism not only can work, if not better, on money that has zero inflation but in an environment with no money at all. Because money is a market good like any other. It is as straightforward as it gets.