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54386936 No.54386936 [Reply] [Original]

nothing to see here

>> No.54386966

even if it did, so what. the pound sterling lost its reserve currency status 100 years ago, it's not like it went to zero

>> No.54386988

How can we save the US dollar, bros?

>> No.54386994

Back it with gold.

>> No.54387006

>it's not like it went to zero
the British Empire, on the other hand...

>> No.54387018

>even if it did, so what. the pound sterling lost its reserve currency status 100 years ago, it's not like it went to zero
The whole US is built on the supremacy of the dollar. But more importantly, they have printed more money in a year than the whole world in 500 years. The only thing that prevents the US to become Venezuela is the strength of the dollar. They will go to a nuclear war rather than losing the dollar supremacy.

>> No.54387025

How many US dollars to have sex with Genevieve?

>> No.54387040

>implying I care what some bitch shilling on twitter thinks
>implying I care what some halfwit born-rich billionaire thinks

>> No.54387056

War. Just absolutely fuck everyone's shit up. Stop policing seas unless it's for allies. Create chaos for everyone abandoning the dollar. Invade Saudi Arabia and over throw the government. Occupy Africa and have a proxy war there against China. Destabilize the areas China is investing in in Africa. Just be uber aggressive and make people think twice about abandoning their obligation to buy all our inflation.
Hypothetically speaking, of course.

>> No.54387065
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>> No.54387075

how fat are you serious question, thanks in advance

>> No.54387101

>They will go to a nuclear war rather than losing the dollar supremac
What if ((They)) already secured all their wealth in the new choosen currency and they'll leave the Goyims pennyless.

>> No.54387102

About 10 pounds over weight.

>> No.54387135

I think the only winning move right now would be nuking Saudi Arabia.

>> No.54387199

vatican - pulled out their money
rothschild bank - paid 30% premium on stock to take the bank private.

>> No.54387255
File: 89 KB, 533x916, t8u3jkH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the us is already doing with ukraine. it both harms one of your big enemies, but also harms your allies (europe) and further strenghtens your position. the world will/has already wisened up to these strategies though so i think their effectiveness over time decreases. this thread of twitter goes over this same scenario and explains how rome also did it https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1512536778955276297

>> No.54387264

Well gosh, if Elon said it then I am officially worried.

>> No.54387269

I'd give Genevieve a reserve currency or two if you catch my drift bros

>> No.54387271

>two midwit boomers with maturity of a teenager
You’re right. Moving on

>> No.54387275


A lot of Americans themselves are embracing this strategy too - that's why nothing is being done.

>> No.54387301

explain more, in your view how americans themselves embracing this strategy? im mainly curious about examples of what you mean

>> No.54387306

Kek what do you mean

>> No.54387342


Trannies, gay marriage and abortion are a few examples that the majority of Americans have a problem with. You can't say anything or your canceled though. What else is there to do? Not care. By not caring, the system will eventually implode that'll hurt you, but it'll hurt the other more.

>> No.54387371

What an idiot this is nonsense. Any Twitter WHO is worth taking note of these days for some reason though.

>> No.54387411

You're not going to knock me off of her. That lazy eye and the lisp is too good to share.

>> No.54387533

Why is it nonsense?

>> No.54387638

Become 110.

>> No.54387694
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>> No.54387726

Utter bullshit.

>> No.54387739

sounds like cope from angry americans that cant believe their country is the ultimate bad guy

>> No.54387747

The actual problem is that the US has been WAAAY to lax on policy and now it's biting it in the ass. There's no way you could say that the US has a heavier hand than China for instance.

>> No.54387750
File: 243 KB, 960x1568, final (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would we want to do that? What exactly are we trying to "preserve"?

>> No.54388140

>it's not the jews trying to create a giant mud blood faggot bazaar where they can "feel safe" it's just this le mega ebbin 4d strategy goyim

>> No.54388166

Did someone say Digital Dollar POGGERS

>> No.54388208

theres no strategy, its just what naturally happens due to the nature of how states operate when theres no strategy

>> No.54388233
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They shoulda never gave you niggas AI

>> No.54388280

is this the single most brainlet exposing take out there?
>yeah lets switch the USD for a currency that has all of the problems the USD has and more lol totally good idea
Russia tried it and has gone back to using mostly USD and Euro under the table.

>> No.54388325
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>> No.54388369

Britain is a third world country now. Not the best example if you were trying to downplay the significance of this event.

>> No.54388380
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>> No.54388404

the USD is still and will be the reserve currency of the world.

>Muh Saudis are accepting Yuan
Go look at that transaction,
>China buys oil with yuan,
>where did it get that yuan?
>Oh look its BlackRock the only foreign owned company that is allowed to operate directly in china without Chinese government oversight
>BlackRock traded the Massive amount of Yuan they have for US bonds taking a large percentage of the cut
>China takes the Yuan and buys Oil from the Saudis
>Saudis then have the Yuan, but want to convert it to US bonds
>Ohh look its BlackRock again who is willing to convert those Yuan to US Bonds (taking a small percentage as an exchange fee

That BlackRock sure is soo lucky to conveniently have what countries need when it comes to international trade.

>Look into more international trade agreements that "Drop the US dollar"
>Oh look BlackRock is handling currency conversions for them to and from US bonds only taking a small fee how fortunate....

>> No.54388422

sure, sure, nigger

>> No.54388426

One pound of silver is roughly 320$. Do the math, it's a rugged shitcoin.

>> No.54388438

Why does China need to get yuan, their own currency, from BlackRock, and where did BlackRock get the yuan?

>> No.54388486

So Taliban were the good guys all along?

>> No.54388780

>the USD is still and will be the reserve currency of the world.
Backed by........... industry ? Which goods and services? And which commodities?

We can print indefinitely, enforce the Dollar through everyone's throat, we back it with our tranny military, that will scare them.
Meanwhile, the US has lost almost every war since World War 2. The US has never won a war on it's own.

Ever heard of the BRICS and BRICS plus?
Why is Mexico joining the BRICS?

US has no friends, no allies, on vassals. Everyone hates the US, you just haven't realized it yet. What kind of friend would bomb their main ally's pipeline and sell them LNG at 4x the market price.

>> No.54388855

You do know that the US is one of the largest oil and LNG produces on the planet right.

BRICS is a joke gone too by American economists, BRICS was really created by American economies. India and China are the only competent members.

>> No.54388904


>> No.54388932

I'm kinda worried about all the 5eyes, SWIFT countries.
Perhaps why it seems France has already put in motions to get in bed with BRICS

>> No.54389097

The shoddy job we do around the world is more the result of incompetence. There is no big brained idea behind it, we just suck.

>> No.54389191
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> just take the cbdc jab, come on America take the new currency, the dollar is worthless see, we can mint function 20 trillion tomorrow.

>> No.54389836

this guy is really interesting. got any more like him?

>> No.54389867

The same place Blackrock got Commie China, as a fat Jewish LARP. Everything communist is, by definition, Jewish.

>> No.54389876
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>> No.54389893

That only works against countries not armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons -.-
Also American hegemony was a blessing up until they tried to ram LGBTQ+OpenBorder, racemixing and general degeneracy down the throat of everyone else including their allies....
Also, blowing up Nordstream? Seriously fuck you Biden...

>> No.54389897

Nuclear weapons are not real. The "nuclear symbol" is a tape recorder. It's code for blackmail.

>> No.54389910

Elon desperately wants low interest rates back so his risky ventures (literally everything he owns) wont collapse

>> No.54389918

meds now

>> No.54389924

It won't collapse, China will buy everything he is and owns if push comes to shove...

>> No.54389928

Drink more fluoride, goy

>> No.54389934

>Nuclear weapons are not real
But nuclear power plants are?

>> No.54389942
File: 200 KB, 2140x1355, lmaoeven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it when Musk tries to talk about anything that isn't hype

>> No.54389947


>> No.54390717

Its a pretty bad idea imo to go to war you'll need a plane ticket to Antarctica.

China - makes everything including military gear. Manufacturing base of the planet
Saudi - oil money is nothing to sneeze at

Electric cars are expensive and you will need to lift the entire fucking planet off poverty for it to work. If you've traveled you know how just how shitty the infrastructure is in some places.

Usa should abandon their military strength and long tech. Who cares if you have the biggest missiles if you can't launch them? Tech is the new kid on the block and he who owns/makes that wins

>> No.54390770

The us has enough oil to supply itself under ground.

>> No.54390923


Become communist, unironically. It is obvious capitalism is failing and communism is the reason China is the workshop of the world.

>> No.54392455

>China - makes everything including military gear. Manufacturing base of the planet
China does not make us military gear. In fact its banned from being a part of the supply chain unless its small irrelevant parts.

>> No.54392596

This is the same guy that thinks subsonic 9mm ammo kills differently than regular 115g or 124g ammo. Fuck off.

>> No.54392667

ukraine did this nato did this

>> No.54392755

too bad it's illegal to get the oil out of the ground, huh?

>> No.54393235

yeah, and I guess hiroshima was a CGI experiment
fucking hell

>> No.54393289

>Backed by........... industry ? Which goods and services? And which commodities?
Taxes firstly but you can use dollars to buy basically anything internationally you want. International crime and crypto is primarily dollar denominated. All export orient countries manage their exchange rates against the dollar. Unless that flips and everyone that wants to export decides to embrace deindustrialization and turn into bigger importers that'll stay the same.

>> No.54393394

Nuclear weapons cannot hit the United States. Did you forget about our massive anti defense missile grid system? It’s not talked about often but there’s a reason why no one fires missiles at us. If it was that simple to nuke us, someone would have tried ages ago

>> No.54394864

I just been to Hiroshima. It looked beautiful. Mean while they are still larping about how Chernobyl is so radioactive. Kek.
These Russians dive in the water and nothing happens.

>> No.54394878

Spoken like a true American friend, bravo! Just find some retarded justification for war and kill thousands of innocent people.

>> No.54395187
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He’s right but also wrong. And retarded.
Also kys for direct linking Twitter.

The US got to its current position by being the last man standing after the mother of all “bushfires” (WW2)
The gulf war for example was a “bushfire” that the US put out by playing peacekeeper.
But really all that the role of peacekeeper does it get a bunch of shit thrown at you while you spend tons of money trying to keep eastern hemisphere chuds from blowing themselves up.

“Bushfires” of the future won’t be started by the US because the rest of the world is just fine at starting their own.
The US is just stepping away because they basically have the geopolitical equivalent of nigger fatigue.

>> No.54395307

I think it's all the white people and the vast swathes of arable land that are owned by them.
But hey, maybe not.

>> No.54395626

This leaves out that the US was at that time the actual most productive country that had ever existed by orders of magnitude.
It wasn't just that they were what was left. It was that combined with being productive on a level that had never before or even since been rivaled.
>china is productive
Not even close on a per capita to the US in the 40s and they are riding the coattails of all the innovation of the US at that time.

I think the US as an administrative state has, contrary to popular opinion, done a good job overall.
When everything goes to shit we'll still have the vast majority of our resources while other countries dug up and raised the best of theirs and the easiest of theirs to get to and sent them to us in large part.

>> No.54395705

thanks for directly linking to his twitter so I could see for my self what an idiot that guy is

>> No.54395947

With a first and last solution.

>> No.54396000

This has been the tried-and-true method, unfortunately we are running out of military.

>> No.54396134

Drones fix this.

>> No.54396426

2nd world. give us some credit, we arent quite 3rd yet

>> No.54396505

This anon understands.

>> No.54396535

I'm sure that Jews, who lie about everything else on earth, would never dream of lying about their Big Super Weapon that costs vast sums to "maintain" every year.

>> No.54396581

Mushroom clouds are fuel air bombs. Big and dramatic but have even less destructive force than a bunch of TNT.

>> No.54396741

It's partially correct in that the US benefits when the rest of the world is in chaos but the assumption that the US started the war in Ukraine is literally just pure Russian propaganda. That war is 100% Russia's own fault. The US strategy seems to be to keep any of their competitors from getting too big by always supporting the weaker side in these wars, it's actually relatively effective and the best part is you don't have to sacrifice your own soldiers.

t. Eurocuck

>> No.54398414

>The US got to its current position by..
..by not being present day US, the culture and ethos that brought the US to be #1 are no longer present, with the exceptions of nostalgic echoing the sentiments of the past for some free goodwill points.
But it is just that, echoes of the past..

>> No.54398500

USA died because they loved niggers too much. It's beautiful really.

>> No.54398506

Not to be that guy.. but the term first, second and third world comes from the cold war where there was one world (first world) the capitalistic democractic block, another world (second world) being commie land and the third world like India being unaligned.

I suppose it over time morphed into a development tier (as the first world tended to be the most developed, then the second world and third world last).. so yeah, maybe not wrong to use the "worlds" like that.

>> No.54398524
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It's happening, EU is siding with China.
As Kim.dotcom has stated.
The EU can have prosperity and security in a multipolar world or the EU can sink with a failed US Empire that has caused nothing but crisis around the world to the detriment of the EU. Abandon your foolish adventure in Ukraine, get
@ZelenskyyUa to listen to China and make peace.

>> No.54398544

and my shekels weep for them

>> No.54398621

It's insane to me how Anti-American Elon Musk is yet he's obsessed with everything here in America and won't leave.

At least illegal immigrants help and support the country, he's done nothing but shill anti-american propaganda for the past 6 years

>> No.54398687

India is richer than they are now haha

>> No.54398739

>At least illegal immigrants help and support the country
Source? Genuinely asking for your definitions of 'help' and 'support' here, because economically this is not supported. I've lost my meme graph of it, but the lifetime tax income per hispanic is net negative in America.

>> No.54398742

>start the conflict in question
My high school history classes taught me enough to know you’re full of shit there.

>> No.54398745

delusional russkie supporter :D

>> No.54398836
File: 582 KB, 794x736, per capita tax budget per lifetime by race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go

>> No.54398889

Zelensky is a peace keeper who will do anything he can to save Ukraine, even if that means killing every single Ukrainian.

Russia made territorial claims and had a seize fire for 10 years+ and now they are the war mongers.

Though both these nations are at fault, the history books will paint one as le hecking super heroes just like my marvel movies and the other ones will be hellspawn just like the Schindler's list movies. No in between

>> No.54399586

You have to be a retard who doesn't go outside if you can't tell illegal immigrants are building entire cities everyday

Go to any construction site and it's gonna be full of illegal immigrants

>> No.54399679

No one gives a fuck about your biased ms paint graph btw. ILLEGAL means they're not in any system or any retarded poll or survey the government does. There's 10x more immigrants in real life than what fox news tells you and they do 100x more work and are worth more than your entire nazi community. One day you faggots will realize how valuable immigrants are and how much of this country relies on them.

Ps fuck you nigga

>> No.54399939

Anon, I'm gonna need a source on this. Big if true.

>> No.54402047

larger economy =/= richer. in terms of HDI India is light years behind, sanjeep

>> No.54402151

azian masculinity is leaking bros ...

>> No.54403875

Looks like that is switching to past tense soon and crypto would take over

>> No.54403912

Anon, those aren’t illegals. They all have valid SSNs and passed e-verify. Stop spouting fake news.

>> No.54403919
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>s-so what

>> No.54403923

You will always look like poo. Don’t be angry at me, be angry at your parents.

>> No.54403986

Dollar is backed by the only language masses of "humans" understand and that is violence. Any country that tried to ditch the petrodollar system got bombed. That is how everyone will be forced to hold this forever eroding piece of shit currency, and masses will be made to pay it via losing evreything they have and being reduced into working awful jobs that they hate so they can afford their lodging in pods and pay protein rich bugburger.

It i kind of funny. Everybody knows what is going to happen and how it is going to happen and who is doing it, yet there is no stopping it. Just fantasies that it will one day magically solved on its own.

>> No.54404164

>Any country that tried to ditch the petrodollar system got bombed.
so when are we bombing China and Russia? And Brazil as well?

>> No.54404198
File: 371 KB, 651x522, zerohedge-on-Twitter-France-Buys-65-000-Tons-Of-LNG-From-China-In-First-Ever-Yuan-Denominated-Trade-https-t-co-3kKNT19e5o-Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about France? when are we bombing France?

>> No.54404219
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After we bomb France I guess we will have to wipe out all of South East Asia next.

>> No.54404225

Covid was fake. If you understand they're capable of faking a global pandemic you understand that everything that happens is planned.

It's not even the first time. The Spanish flu was just as fake and gay right down to the forced mask wearing. Apparently they like doing the fake pandemic thing every 100 years or so for whatever fucking reason. Terror and seeing how much control they have over the goyim I guess.

>> No.54404226

>China decides to not sell to the US unless its in Yuan

How fucked are we?

>> No.54404233

can we say 2.2 maybe? US is on it's way there too. see you at the bread lines fren. please save me a loaf and i'll grab an extra for you next week

>> No.54404275

Right now. The US has engaged in proxy wars using foreign states. Are you low IQ or just blind?

>> No.54404308

how is it wrong though? most countries are shit. their crime rate is higher than the US, and you can't make any money. Europe and other US allies are the exception. You can't make as much money there but they are safe and relatively functional. But Europe seems like it's slipping year by year. Many of their countries are importing more and more violent criminals, and in most European countries you pay absurd taxes
There are of course exceptions, places that are relatively stable and also have moderate taxes but they're typically smaller or have bad weather

>> No.54404346

I've always found that argument "Russia dindu nuffin" to be extremely dumb. At the very least they've fallen into a trap that has wasted their resources and men for over a year now. People are so blinded by Russia dicksucking that they can't accept Russia has made some mistakes in this

>> No.54404437
File: 21 KB, 712x187, ASEAN council.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, proxy war against France when? Brazil? China? I hear a lot of barking but I don't see any bite. A lot of coping especially from you flag-waving mobility-scooter walmart people.

also the Ukraine proxy war has only succeeded in pushing Russia away from using the USD, so you made a dumbshit argument in the first place. Not to mention it's the main reason ASEAN council (see pic) is calling for independence from USD and western finance in general including VISA and Mastercard. Seriously though, congratulations to the retarded niggers running USA's foreign policy, I don't think anyone could have done a better job at killing the dollar.

>> No.54404467

Why does the US have to attack these countries specifically? I think the MO has always been looking for cracks or the right place to strike. Not going after just anyone

>> No.54404486

In 1900 the british empire ruled the world. After WW1 and WW2 and them losing reserve currency status they became a mere vassal of the US. When the USD dies I think the US is just going to balkanize or have a civil war. I think US corpos will gain more power and operate all across the divided US states and will eventually form corporate city states.

>> No.54404505

>Why does the US have to attack these countries specifically?
someone was making the argument that the US maintains USD hegemony by bombing anyone that stops using the USD. This obviously wouldn't work against China, Russia, Brazil, France, etc countries that have recently started to use other currencies for trading oil.

>> No.54404544

Ah my bad for not digging for the context.
I think the general idea discussed in the pic here
the US continually benefits from the chaos and division it sows. this can't last forever, but I don't see any convincing signs that it's close to being over either
I mean look at Israel. The forces that foment unrest have successfully galvanized a large amount of Jews against Netanyahu. Was that on anyone else's bingo card? It sure wasn't on mine

>> No.54404546
File: 73 KB, 1500x1033, Christie-Brinkley-Ferrari-Girl-National-Lampoons-Vacation-1983-comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually a good thing. we're a big enough country that we can look out for ourselves, we have plenty of oil, factory work can be done here and not outsourced plus we don't have to be the world's babysitter anymore either and throw bullshit money at wars just so defend our currency

>> No.54404555

I love the idea of America becoming isolationist or at least non interventionist but I think that's decades away. Too many people in power are used to the old way of fucking other countries over to facilitate power grabs

>> No.54404850

The american economy is a house of cards based on the fact you can just send dollars away to avoid inflation.

If countries ditch the dollar,it is going to zero.

>> No.54404857

You're glowing too hard

>> No.54404904

The US is on this path currently and it's why these other countries are trying to decouple with the dollar. The US caused the war in Europe, trying to cause a war in China, funding color revolutions worldwide, sabotaging belt and road infrastructure, executing people involved in these projects, etc.
Chaos is the only card the US knows how to play but it's finally going to blow up in their face.

>> No.54404919

yeah forever and forever am i right. I cant people who say this seriously know full well the earth has gone through multiple reserve currencies.
The better question is well America willing give up its reserve status without turning the world to glass that remains to be seen.

>> No.54404922

>The american economy is a house of cards
that's mostly because a large portion of it is represented by fake ponzi industries aka the entire Financial Sector and some large Silicon Valley companies. Once those have been deflated then you are left with a healthy mixed economy with access to a large number of natural resources. However it's possible that I've drunk too much of the Peter Zeihan Kool-Aid.

>> No.54404960

The war in Ukraine is the fault of the US. They've openly discussed a proxy war against Russia for years, you dumb mong. Same idea is being applied to China.

>> No.54404985 [DELETED] 

The US is not worth saving

>> No.54404998
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>> No.54405074

The US would need a new form of government where the Federal budget doesn't dominate spending and has little power to tell states what to do besides regulating interstate commerce. Bringing domestic manufacturing back and keeping energy independence would save the United States in the long run, but it'll never happen because politicians don't give up power freely.

>> No.54405075

based moderate take

>> No.54405354

Lmao why are you lying
You can't even exchange dollars in Russia anymore because none of the banks will take it

>> No.54405365

Yeah, nobody is willing to fight for zog America kikes anymore. Good luck trying to get a motivated army to fight Jewish wars

>> No.54405372

This is the average /biz/raeli nowadays. Let that sink in.

>> No.54406322

Look at the US trade defecit. An equivalent chunk of the financial industry and companies surviving on investment capital will have to go is the reserve currency status disappear

>> No.54406333
File: 364 KB, 1366x799, 835E8104-327C-4D8C-852B-782F0D99C9FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But but Biden said we need fighter jets and tanks to win!!!! Reeeeeeeeee!!!

>> No.54406339

How’s that working for you in Ukraine?

>> No.54406362

In what? The yuan? The ruble?
Gl hf kikes

>> No.54406389

Using the military that lost in Afghanistan? Lol, lmao. With all the fat zoomers in the ranks I dread to think how many actual soldiers are available.

>> No.54406400

You can barely hit a balloon, retard. And don’t make me bring up 911.

>> No.54406416

>If it was that simple to nuke us, someone would have tried ages ago
I know this post is kinda old already, but I have to ask how one individual manages to become that dumb.

>> No.54406422

You know they lump Asians and whites together, right?

>> No.54406424

You tried that and got btfo. Anglos always need a second dose of re-education. There won’t be a third.

>> No.54406428

The US dollar isn't going anywhere as long as the US has 90% of the world military power

>> No.54406434

Usa doesn’t even have 30%. You believed it’s lies.

>> No.54406435

>90% of the world military power
>Lose in Afghanistan
>Lose in Vietnam
>Run out of ammo and shells supplying a proxy war

>> No.54406449

CIA could have prevented 9/11 if they wanted to. Same thing with the Lusitania.

Asians are White adjacent

why bomb a country that won't even exist in 30 years? also I was being sarcastic

>> No.54406646

I member

>> No.54406671

Soon, even the thirdcast benchot poo will laugh from the belly to american

>> No.54406798

The US neglected South America, Africa and Asia meanwhile China treats nations withing these continents like allies making partnerships and building infrastructure. This boosts their economy and creates jobs for local people which in turn creates a positive relationship towards China then the US. The Chinese have done all of this without killing anyone or starting proxy wars.

>> No.54406821
File: 87 KB, 988x867, British Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pound sterling lost its reserve currency status 100 years ago, it's not like it went to zero
uh, anon....

>> No.54406840

so basically, keep doing what the US is already doing?

>> No.54406849
File: 19 KB, 666x328, pounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, anon...

>> No.54406880

Have u walked down a street in LA. The US is more of a third world country than most Asian countries. Place is a polished shit hole.

>> No.54406900

The US overthrew the Ukraine government in 2014 you absolutely fucking retards.
Then put biolabs in Ukraine and bombed the Dunbas for 8 years.
Are you paid or just fucking stupid?
>russia dindu nuffin
Russia is a shit hole but they aren't stupid. The US (where I live) is a the most warmongering group of psychopaths to ever trod the planet as far as scale is concerned.
If you don't this by now then you are just plain stupid.

To the eurobro. You are literally going to get killed in a broader war while I sit here comfy if you stay on the side you are on.

>> No.54406904

>it was the best of times
>it was the worst of times

>> No.54406905

Brexit works, checkmate EU fags.

>> No.54406925
File: 34 KB, 656x300, Screenshot 2023-03-31 073713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cherrypick you stupid nigger, zoom out and it only gets worse and worse

>> No.54406935
File: 41 KB, 760x571, heseriouslydoesthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? Follow the fucking thread and you'll see the point is the pound lost world currency reserve status but its value didn't go to zero

>> No.54406952

The problem I'm Europe is the same as in the US, Canada, and most NATO countries. Democracy simply doesn't work anymore and the power has been grabbed by people who don't care about their own people in the slightest. They're illegitimate since they only represent the oligarchs, but they're legal, and they're abusing from it as much as possible.

>> No.54406981

Democracy was always shit but now with "voting machines" and modern propaganda it has no saving grace at all.
I don't vote, but Trump won a landslide here and they literally just printed votes until he didn't.
All I really care about is wars and Trump was alright on them.

But last election showed they don't need a close election to flip it. They can literally run a senile retard and lose by 20 million votes and still fake up a victory.

>> No.54407958

Anti American? You mean anti government. Which is also retarded because he makes all his money from gov contracts.

>> No.54407980

so the dollar would lose an additional 99% of its purchasing power?

>> No.54408001

>their own people
M3h m3h m33333h

>> No.54408019

>Timor Leste
Never heard of that country, how often is it that you encounter a country you had no idea existed.
Do recall the Island from EU4 though.

>> No.54408107

>the federal reserve needs to do something about inflation!!!

>> No.54408158

It was the same thing in France. I was counting the ballots during the last elections between Macron and Le Pen, and as you can see with pic related (I took it myself), they were really fucking close, even in a pretty diverse city like mine. Then the mail in ballots came, and suddenly Macron was winning by 10%. Fucking bullshit. This is basically a thinly veiled tyranny.

*Looks like I can't post pictures from my IP range, but I swear this is a true story.

>> No.54408220

Ever since 2016 Western government policy has been set by social media fuelled hysteria done for large immediate impacts with zero considerations of the long term and potentially negative effects of their policies. Every hysterical attempt to create order just ends up creating multiple vectors of instability in the system.

>> No.54408240

>The shoddy job we do around the world is more the result of incompetence
I'm sure killing millions of people and giving some other millions of people cancer from depleted uranium and white phosphorous in ammo and bombs isn't malice, it's just incompetence, bro.
you could say the same shit about the russians: the buildings they keep hitting with missiles, bombs and shit? they are simply the result of incompetence

>> No.54408388

>ackshually we're just so benevolent that the benevolence is starting to-
Kill yourself you crying glownigger

>> No.54408566

What use is the dollar post fossil fuels which seems to be the goal of these faggots

>> No.54408859

Yea, I saw that happen at the time.
I don't know enough about French system to know where the fighting points are. But in the US we have a lot of local government that keeps going more and more conservative.
So those smaller positions of power are being taken over and the regime doesn't have the resources to rig all these little elections.
So push will come to shove eventually. But when it does, I really don't think the feds can shove hard enough because they are such a small minority.

Hopefully anyway. It's all just a prelude to a collapse and if they can keep power after it.

>> No.54409215

And back the gold with what?

>> No.54409267

soldiers are the biggest cucks of all time. they go kill themselves by the thousands only so the handful of kikes at the very top can get more power and wealth

>> No.54409341

This. We need to bring some DEI to the Saudi’s. It’s horrible how they treat their trans community.

>> No.54409375

Musk is so insanely retarded.
if you had any doubt in the USD, it should be gone now.

>> No.54409697

Interesting. The answer might be the same here, grabbing the local mandates to slowly reach the top. The problem is that the French government is very (like very) centralized, so it may not be enough to push the needed changes.

>> No.54411407

he hasn't been to boot camp lately. anon, in the US, there are literally only "a few good men" now lol. the US military is just a summer camp extension of welfare programs now. it's a literal dumping ground for out of shape minorities that can't afford community college and troons and faggots that want to shower with the girls and boys. i'd feel safer fighting side by side with draftees during the vietnam war. at least the drill sergeants and army sergeants were allowed to kick your ass into shape back then

>> No.54411824

he's full of shit, there are others in the Chinese market like JPMorgan

>> No.54411899

>nd further strenghtens your position.

it isnt strengthening the US position.

it's revealing the USA's industrial (and therefore military) weakness.

>> No.54411945

>The US got to its current position by being the last man standing after the mother of all “bushfires” (WW2)
>The gulf war for example was a “bushfire” that the US put out by playing peacekeeper.
>But really all that the role of peacekeeper does it get a bunch of shit thrown at you while you spend tons of money trying to keep eastern hemisphere chuds from blowing themselves up.

its the US that is the cause of all the wars including world war 2.

>> No.54412227
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