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54381488 No.54381488 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54381508


>> No.54381548

How do I profit from the collapse of the American Empire?

>> No.54381558

Ask the jews for some help, they are right there. I'm sure they and the pentagon can rustle up some middle eastern war real quick.

>> No.54381570

based. hope america falls. I'm tired of their smug ignorance about the state of the world. they profit from mass bloodletting. it's time for them to suffer.

>> No.54381576
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, tears in the rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, there is a good chance of WWIII. It was sort of an unavoidable cycle. it's calling the fourth turning nigger.

>> No.54381583


>> No.54381601

Get ready for serious talks about a draft and gold being outlawed for public safety

>> No.54381609
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Ok now what?

>> No.54381613

Don't worry, everything is planned. You'll keep using Taiwan to provoke China and start WW3.

>> No.54381658
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>"Weak men create hard times."

>> No.54381662
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Thanks for playing goys I mean burgers, no refunds.

>> No.54381684
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Now maybe the US could build back Nordstream 2, it would help them to regain some popularity back.

>> No.54381692

Aren't the leaders of America doing this on purpose though however? It doesn't seem like they care about a strong American economy or anything else.

>> No.54381696

>Saudis, Iranians and Pakis uniting
Wouldn't it be nice if this shitshow results in peace in the Middle East? If you know what I mean

>> No.54381714

Lmao. Theyre going to take the crypto, us give is one of the biggest BTC whales there is. You really think they will worry about gold when all the guys with crypto are their number one flight risk and all of us suddenly leaving during already bad times could certainly make it even worse.

There are literally entire countries full of hot latinas begging white men with crypto to emigrate. Bring it on I say, make my fucking day - maybe accelerating the flight of competent people and capital is part of the plan since the browner, gayer poorer and dumber the country is the easier it will be to commit whatever act of mass murder/extinction they seem to be intent upon.

>> No.54381736

never bet against America

the jews in charge here would literally glass those countries with nukes before giving up their hegemony

>> No.54381794

>Cue le Taiwan false flag

>> No.54381808

Jews have no loyalty to a host nation, they'll keep bleeding America dry until it's dead. Cancers kill their hosts, along with themselves

>> No.54381809

You give them way too much credit. American politicians and their backers are the most craven, avaricious, immoral, irresponsible and often stupid people imaginable. With a few exceptions they care exclusively for their own money and power and nothing else. Instead of trying to build a better nation for the people, they see the people as fools to be duped and fleeced. Mass murder and graft is a way of life to them. But you can't run a ship that way, and it is sinking. American here, BTW.

>> No.54381818

They already own all the gold. +90% of physical gold is in the vaults of central bankers. They don't give a fuck about small fries.

>> No.54381829

Sure thing, our munitions and oil reserves are low and our national morale lower. Armed forces are pozzed with lgbt diversity but yes we could totally dominate BRICS and demand whatever we want an any instant

>> No.54381832

yeah can't wait to get mugged by some local southamerican thugs

>> No.54381848

There will be no world war 3. There will simply be a financial and territorial takeover of the United States. No good citizen in their right mind is defending this government. They can fucking have it.

>> No.54381858

They cared enough to ban it during the great depression, and only repealed it after the gold standard was dropped for the petrodollar

>> No.54381862

this isn't the 1990s. I bet against jews and got 500x returns on internet money.

>> No.54381865

Lmao. America is a shit hole m8, get real. South America is literally whiter at this point.

>> No.54381871

Hey guys. Check out this boomer lmao!!

>> No.54381898

fake news, no source.

>> No.54381915

USA v Russia cold war is real and has direct action, by proxy. Don't sleep on this

>> No.54381925


>> No.54381937

do tell

>> No.54381965

80% vaxrate, retarded cunt.
Stop overestimating the goylems you fucking braindead retarded cunt.

>> No.54381984





>> No.54382056

laugh at Amerimutts for voting a pedo retard senile bastard into Presidency.
>Muh rigged election

i'm talking about anons on this board who did vote for him
you get what you fucking deserve
also kys for helping jews killing crypto.

>> No.54382065

They will start WWIII, guaranteed.
It was nice knowing you boys.

>> No.54382585

Did she try to insurance scam?

>> No.54382644

>the scorpion is sure to not sting me, otherwise he would perish along !

>> No.54382688

>all these zoom zooms in the thread
Saudi's do this shit every other decade you dumb fucks

>> No.54382786

Not to mention that 1/4 of US adults are on anti-depressants. That's actual data given by the fed, and ironically, Harvard found in a study that while SSRI's (and specifically anti-depressants) not only try to inhibit the downside (ie depression), they have an accidental effect of inhibiting the upside, and numbing all emotion altogether within 5 years due to your body gradually developing a resistance to SSRI's.

Oh, and another bit of data, the amount of people taking them over 5 years is 50% of the 1/4 of US adults, so 1/8 of the US adults might be completely numb to everything. There's a good video on YouTube with some channel that uses hand drawings to narrate the "documentary", for a lack of better term.

The golems are much, much worse than we thought.

>> No.54382797

Way to go Biden Ukraine was that important huh

>> No.54382856

is that why no one showed up to support trump when he was getting arrested? people are smarter then you think you mutt. everyone has the internet now and they see the same things you do

>> No.54382857

Dummy tier.
The USA citizens don't even benefit from reserve status. This is a lie to keep people complacent. It stopped being true by NAFTA at that latest.
The US and it's people are and can be incredibly productive. The decline in living standards has coincided with the decline in producing anything of value.
Who'da thunk it?

The USA will be far better off after collapse.
Will TVs cost more for awhile? Yes. Do you need a fucking TV? no.
We literally don't need anything and already have it all plus the largest swathe of arable land in the entire world.
Plus half a continent of coal. Etc. Etc.

This will be great for US citizens more than anyone.

>> No.54382865

hey guys, I'm thinking I'll just be chilling in america and not fighting for israel

>> No.54382883

>Armed forces are pozzed with lgbt diversity but yes we could totally dominate BRICS
His name was Audrey Hale and he killed 6 kids.
yes, I understand you're trying to be sarcastic, but our army is so pozzed, it's like thousands of mentally unstable Audrey Hales.
they will have nothing to lose.
and they will be numerous and deadly.
no, the modern american army really is something to fear.

>> No.54382913

pretty much, nothing will really change, the jew might try a bolshevik revolution as a last ditch effort to destroy us but too many of us are armed with semi auto rifles, the united states military is barely functioning

I would be totally cool with going back to 1776 being the "2nd" world superpower, why the fuck do we need to be "numba 1" in the world's eyes when we have rights, we have the cash money farmland, niggas need us more than we need them

I don't see how china stays functioning as a state honestly, I personally predict another coup another overthrow from whatever, so even saying china numba won I don't think that's a sure thing either

basically jews are going to have to fuck off soon because they did a lot, but it's kind of over now, that whole paradigm is over

>> No.54382949

the american military only functions because a small amount of whites in the middle ranks that keep things stable

and even they are already tired of this shit, and they'll be on their way out as it gets worse and worse

women and minorities can't run the army, if this wasn't already apparent to you based on stories of women crashing ships and planes it will be moreso over the years

>> No.54383006

Sounds like they need a lesson on diversity, equity and inclusion

>> No.54383027

>I don't see how china stays functioning as a state honestly
China has quite literally been run and adminstered by the west since very shortly after wwII. This is history and easily discerned from reading any regime historian that even a normie would respect.

Taiwan for example is basically the manufacturing administrative state of China. The Chinese are entirely incompetent without guidance from Euros (whether they be living in the US or Europe).
They build what they are told and how they are told to build it. If no one is telling them it's over.
At no point in history, modern anyway, have the Chinese been competent at anything.

Same with Russia. I don't bother keeping up with pissant countries, but it was only a few years ago that Russian minimum wage was $17 USD A FUCKING MONTH.

The US has declined since reserve status and the petrodollar demonstrably because it allowed US citizens to be sucked dry and removed from their historical productive capacity.
There will be short term pain, but meh.

>> No.54383039

lol it's too big to fail, it's just shithole cope

>> No.54383057

>women and minorities can't run the army, if this wasn't already apparent to you based on stories of women crashing ships and planes it will be moreso over the years
that's fine.
you don't need to teach them how to land the plane, just fly it... towards enemy.
one of my favorite clips was the first woman astronaut doing a space walk/repair on the ISS.
and she dropped the wrench.
she was the first person to have tools just... drift out into space.
now all the tools have a rope attached to them bahhaha.

>> No.54383092

This is factual. China is a non-innovating manufacturer which only innovates from external research and produces said products from theft. Prime example is Huawei, their products are cheap but they are always running behind one generation on the latest gen features western products have.

>> No.54383172

And the chinks have their own debt to gdp that isn't too hot. They will print themselves into oblivion very quickly if given half the chance.
I'm no fan of the USD in particular or the people in charge of it, but I can't name a country that isn't a dumpster fire right now.

>> No.54383178

>A different president would've stopped it!
Midwit moment

>> No.54383199

Instead of SSRIs I chose estrogen and now my feelings are stronger than ever

>> No.54383208
File: 1.69 MB, 3256x4072, lostToolBag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit here it is.
it wasn't just a wrench, it was the whole fucking tool bag ahahaha

>> No.54383245

To be fair this is like letting a child play near the road. A man is ultimately responsible for allowing it to happen.

>space being a real place you can go

>> No.54383269

You can still buy assets with USD and leave the country, for now.

>> No.54383283

>China is a non-innovating manufacturer which only innovates from external research and produces said products from theft.
America pays the best for engineers.
If China did, they'd be the innovators.
The other guy saying 'euros' innovate is retarded.
No, mutt's are the only innovators in the world.
Every single useful, world changing technology, for the last 150 years, was invented in America, and it was invented for profit.
the reason isn't 'strength in our diversity', it's just capitalism.
wealth consolidates wealth, power consolidates power etc.

>> No.54383338

Or I can just live here in the richest country on the planet?
They aren't going to come and take down the buildings and take our trucks you realize right?

Poor people in my town have 3 cars, an acre yard, two four wheelers and etc.
I suppose the shit hole cities could get rough, but literally not my problem.

I spent like $300,000 last year having foreign countries send me real things for my dollars.

>> No.54383347

I'm surprised india is on it. I thought we were best bloody bastards. The betrayal

>> No.54383364

Mutts is a meme. Europe has always been mutts because of centuries of travelling and fucking.
The entire midwest is white as can be and entirely european. We have the best engineers because WE ARE the best engineers.
The imports are here to work for cheap and barely competent at all.

>> No.54383395
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Listen to this anon >>54381808

Throughout history kikes have always infected their host until death, then moved on to another one.

>> No.54383412
File: 6 KB, 225x225, thinkaboutit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire midwest is white as can be and entirely european. We have the best engineers because WE ARE the best engineers.
and yet, somehow, europeans in europe, haven't invented anything.

>> No.54383435

Crypto, stupid. That's the next bullrun narrative the whales planned out

>> No.54383464
File: 153 KB, 1080x1014, 1680061506235153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Red or blue, left or right, it's all ZOG

>> No.54383522

t. Euro who has spent half of human civilization being the world's biggest asshole

>> No.54383525

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.54383643

Fair point. Money isn’t real it’s just an illusion, the real thing is what we buy with money. Like houses cars etc

>> No.54384039
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>> No.54384114
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I guess they could threaten them into compliance, but vaxtards were driven by fear of physical harm or death above all else. I don't think giving them an 'or else' when the ask is war, will be very effective.

>> No.54384127

this. crypto will soon be rebranded as patriotic, an american innovation, a democratic system of money. you will be airdropped USDAO tokens into your bank account and you WILL vote in Congress

>> No.54384165

>be patriotic about your country becoming a multicultural shithole for corporations to exploit while being told your history is evil

I'm looking forward to a collapse. Scott Galloway is a pseudo jew

>> No.54384431

The internet was invented by a european in a France Switzerland border research facility.

>> No.54384451

prove it

>> No.54384456

Thank you for proving our education system sucks.

>> No.54384510

But seriously though they oppress women

>> No.54384543

Anyway, everything will get fucked but Europe will survive because everyone looks up to us and every chink, korean, arab or pajeet wants to hire us and buy stuff from us. Even if our quality becomes pure shit, there will always be a premium for anything made in Europe.
Same can't be said about the EEUU.

>> No.54384665

Join the army

>> No.54384818

Space is fake and gay dumb nigger

>> No.54384849
File: 69 KB, 600x842, 1661477889184306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you forgetting about all the niggers who don't contribute to society? what they will do when they are hungry?
you talk like the worst that will happen is a TV being expensive.
gtfo moishe

>> No.54384919

>muh race mix
Epic jewish post

>> No.54384952

looks like she was brake checking the dashcam fella and then wanted to fight lmfao

>> No.54384961
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So, uh, this also happened today.

>> No.54384989

This is a effort to stop USA starting ww3, if too many move away it becomes harder for US to achieve what it wants which is balkanisation of Russia in to multiple vassel states to US dollar empire. USA are the bad guys, always was

>> No.54385032

foreign stocks, and gold

>> No.54385047

A war? The US military's best days are behind it. Biden will sanction them and in a year or so we'll be isolated like NK.
Buy bitcoin, gold and silver

>> No.54385084

lol look around the current state of the American population and say with a straight face that there'll be an economic renaissance. Natural resources aren't enough.

>> No.54385107

Well said

>> No.54385119

Is this before or after we bombed every country several times?

>> No.54385146

You realize the elite/upper echelons that are Jewish all have dual citizenship right? This has to be bait

>> No.54385157
File: 15 KB, 606x346, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, heres a list i found of most evil countries from most evil to least evil, as you can see america is at the top and russia near the bottom

>> No.54385178
File: 135 KB, 681x737, 1587196171404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every country
go eat your scones and beans nigga

>> No.54385311

Why is this administration (and congress by extension) so fixated on squeezing the life out of us with higher taxes and weaponizing a militant revenue agency while the US is actively losing its global soft power in real time? Its not limited to the economic freedom, but its just flagrant negligence of priorities while the house of cards is about to fall in on itself.

>> No.54385384
File: 151 KB, 1186x602, Screen Shot 2023-03-29 at 7.45.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a deliberate psyop to try and demoralize the population

>> No.54385398

If there's a deep collapse, many of the immigrants that are here from Latin America will go back as jobs dry up, because most are here for remittances. Gibs will also dry up, and blacks will once again be segregated from society because some of them can't function in it. See webm above of black woman walking away from her moving car, causing an accident.

>> No.54385405

Lol nobody is signing up for that banker war

>> No.54385456

>Jews have no loyalty to a host nation
So what you’re saying is, the Jews are parasites?

>> No.54385472

>die for israel
>worship the jew o a stick
>overpopulate to keep our ponzi going
>do it for free
>what do you mean the rent is too high?

>> No.54385483
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>>54381488 (checked)
I could care less desu.

>> No.54385493

having a reserve currency of the world opens the door to trade with what ever country has a surplus of shit you need to be as accessible as if it were made across the street where you live

the second half of your post is true, on top of that the prices of homes in economic centers will drop because most of them were bought by rich foreigners as a mailing address to open an LLC and have access to the US legal system

as a result of that not mattering anymore will drop prices to much more accessible prices but the living standard will drop to what you have in korea/japan/west europe today, without the "socialist" benefits

>> No.54385524
File: 189 KB, 1200x675, 1666894792585556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you put a dementia patient behind the wheel, you're guaranteed a crash

>> No.54385579

Not defending Biden, but it's not him, it's his cabinet. The higher these people get into positions of power in a country, the more precarious the situation becomes. Just look at Ukraine.

>> No.54385612

Anyone with any brains left by 1850.

Europe is a wasteland of losers and cucks to authority.

>> No.54385677

All the jeetniggers we allow to come here and work in silicon valley/head our tech companies and India betrays us like this?

>> No.54385676
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Based and Americapilled. China can throw bulk labor at manufacturing, while ignoring basic workplace safety and human rights. It's by no mean a more developed country.

Out of all the major players: Iran, Saudia Arabia, Russia, India, China.... the United States is by the far most advanced one.

>> No.54385713

But we don't need anything we import actually.
Americans will produce it and since they are actually producing it will get the benefit of being the producer AND getting the stuff like they used to.

>> No.54385751

You are only helping his case for profitee-, um, intervention in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.54385771
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A genocide or two happens in rough times. Unfortunate but somethings just have to happen

In all seriousness, those Indians in America have left India for good, they aren't' temporarily chilling here. Have you spoken to Indians in America that were born here? Many can't even speak their mother tongue.

>> No.54385773
File: 50 KB, 779x546, TNXg5XJGAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really feels like that moment in Civilization when all of the artificial intelligence players decide to end you for being a warmonger.

>> No.54385776
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>> No.54385781

Americans have been able to have cost effective manufacturing at home for a while. You're all just lard asses with a braindead stare.

>> No.54385848
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A little depression isn't enough. The tumor is too deep.

>> No.54385868
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okay now that is even more kwab than this

>> No.54385914

Our government prices it out and incentivizes importing.
My father built handmade furniture in the 90s, made great money, all hardwood high quality.
There was a cottage industry in our area, his tables were so nice they are all still in use, think amish stuff before amish went scammy.

NAFTA was purposely designed to destroy that and did. Now he imports hardware and makes money that way.
It will simply revert and we'll all have higher quality stuff as a result because whites don't buiid shit quality.
They'll buy it, but not capable of building it that way.

>> No.54385941

Well it will get pretty bad, but can only get so bad if you aren't surrounded by third worlders.
Small towns can easily be self sufficient and have plenty of established wealth.

>> No.54385943

What makes you think you can't manufacture furniture? Even if you overpay your workers say $11 an hour you'd still be able to make a profit. Shipping and the cost of Chinese labor has gotten increasingly expensive.

>> No.54385944
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Cool association bro
with china actively skirmishing against india and wonderful relationships of india and pakistan

this is exactly the relationship USA has with EU and other countries, so US dollar is absolutely under danger, it is not a delusional antiamerican cope

all the countries there are super stable economic powerhouses with a rule of law as well