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54370966 No.54370966 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of unironically killing myself, should I just throw a hail mary as a last ditch effort and go all in with BTC right now ($120k)?

>> No.54371035

YOu might want to go all-in on the mother of all BTC shorts on cap.io or GMX. I bet you'd literally move the entire market with 120k at 50x leverage. Please do it, take the ship down south, especially if you're going that way anyway. Please, think of someone other than yourself for once, anon. Please.

>> No.54371074

I mean, I always said to myself that if I was in the position where I was thinking of unironically ending it all, I'd do something crazy like just leave town and see how far I get traveling the world. Or in your case, yeah I mean I guess fuck it.

But I mean you have 120k anon, that's more than a lot of people can throw around. You realize all you need is a few good 2xes (which will be easy as fuck to do in the upcoming bullrun) and you'll get to experience life as a wealthy man, right? I don't know what's got you so depressed, but you've gotta want to at least take the shot to see what that life is like, right?

>> No.54371109

>go all in with BTC right now ($120k)?
Pussy lol. Then what would spur you to kys? Your BTC holdings slowly bleeding down to $80k in 18 months??

>> No.54371111

when is this fictional and mystical bullrun to end all bullruns you're talking about is supposed to happen? 2 months, 2 years? 2 hours? Give me a date range at the very least. I personally think OP should give me the money, he obviously won't be needed it for very much longer.

>> No.54371123

>considering rope
I would go 0 DTE SPY options at market open. You will know by 10am whether you are roping yourself or not

>> No.54371137

unironically about 2 year, probably closer to 1.5 (should begin late 2024).

>> No.54371209
File: 86 KB, 634x623, 2E7F87A500000578-3320659-image-a-132_1447690855426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize all you need is a few good 2xes
Been hearing this for 8 years
Im tired

>> No.54371239

Wagner are still hiring

>> No.54371247

Consider this possible fact.
OP is a faggot and a larper.

>> No.54371289

Pussy ass bitch, u can walk u can breathe u have good health, wtf else u need, there are people out there who would pay billions for this, and u are complaining and wanting to throw ur life, get a fking grip u pussy

>> No.54371464
File: 48 KB, 640x606, just want to wet my beak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat. Other than a brother and sister I rarely see and like 2 friends who I also rarely see, I hate every single person around me and I hate the fact that anywhere I go in the world I'll still be attached to the U.S. government acting like pic related on every fucking dollar I make. There's very little hope of escaping it by running and if the quality of your life isn't great then staying is just like hanging out in boiling water.

>> No.54371493

Try kaspa my negro and you can finally leave this place as a free and rich man

>> No.54371495

Don’t listen to this retard. 50x is retarded gambling. 3x max.

>> No.54371517

YOu're retarded if you're not putting in your 20-50-100x short right now, retard.Chinks moved every market today so Jews would suicide tomorrow. Based chinks honestly.

>> No.54371546

>I have 120k, time to kill myself
God DAMN I'm demoralized as fuck. Haha OK cya in the next thread

>> No.54371571


>> No.54371581

>retard.Chinks moved every market today so Jews would suicide tomorrow. Based chinks honestly.
What? Wait, what happened?
I have just been watching slutty teenagers dancing on tiktok while getting high all day

>> No.54371607

put your paypigg-eee monies into massive shorts right now please.

>> No.54372460

How much do they pay a guy with skill?

>> No.54372487

Checked and yes.
This is financial advice.

>> No.54372499

Why don’t you take $20k, get sn apartment in Bangkok for $400 a month, and make friends and be happy for a bit?
Sorry you’re miserable bro, life is supposed to be fun

>> No.54372511

why would you kys when you can generate passive off of 120k and live comfy in thailand or south america.. If you can't or won't do this then you were never going to make it.

>> No.54372518

If you had 10 times that wouldn't you be suicidal?

>> No.54372532

if you have 120k and you make more money with it youre still gonna be depressed
maybe try making lifestyle changes
quit your job
get your T levels checked
fuck something
start a hobby
make friends
get addicted to some weird niche shit like foot porn or something
killing yourself is fuckin dumb
i dont respect you

>> No.54372543
File: 18 KB, 240x324, main-qimg-d1497313205dd5c2861e572136be5d53-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suicidal too honestly, but I'm really fucked up.

With 120k you can go to some 3rd country and be chilling and happy.

I recommend the south of Brazil, rich people live very well here.. and there are a lot of beautiful people unlike bangkok.

>> No.54372583

>I can make things up and post them on the internet!
baby’s first biz thread

>> No.54372596

OP if you want to invest, I really wouldn't do more than 20 or 30k. If you want to buy a whole bitcoin or two, fuck it whatever. But that's a shit ton of money. That's enough money to travel around the world for a year...maybe 2 or 3 years if you're being cheap. There's so much you can do with that money, you can literally go to a music festival on catamaran boats on a 10 day caribbean excursion with servants for like less than 10k

>> No.54372647

Then, after spending it all, he kills himself?

Good plan, just go to some 3rd country and settle down there.

>> No.54372723
File: 1.40 MB, 1638x1021, 1618439215321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you should totally do it (invest not kill yourself). Even freaking altcoins like SHIB are coming back (thanks to the $KOY team with the burnings but still), LINK, CAKE. Hold on a little longer WAGMI

>> No.54372833

Do you really think?
I had an argument with my neighbor and want to move but can't afford to just yet. Was thinking of roping. Tired of buying crypto and hoping.

>> No.54372844

BTC is too high marketcap.

Go into smaller marketcap coins like Filecoin.

>> No.54372856

Knock it off anon. Do you have 120k in cash right now? You should invest it and stop thinking about killing yourself. I know it's easier said than done but you got this anon. Focus on the things in your life that you can control and control them in a way that benefits you. I love you anon.