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54359268 No.54359268 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else still working from home? Seems like the daily "another day working from home doing absolutely nothing" threads have vanished. My boss wants us to return 2 days to the office. I rather be jobless than go back

>> No.54359291

I'm back 3 days fren. It sucks. Those threads were pure kino. What a time it was.
Honestly 2 is ok, 3 is when shit gets bad and office days begin dominating your life. I have no idea how I used to do 5.

>> No.54359330
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wagie in cagie
dreams of freedom and escape
but the boss says no

>> No.54359340

Work and work
No time for fun
Only exit is a gun

>> No.54359395

Good. While most of us have been in the office for more than a year now, you were slacking off at home. Deal with it.

>> No.54359406

Yes, I'm still working from home. It's fairly normal for white collar jobs in the UK now. I go in once or twice a month for team meeting and/or social.

Pretty comfy, desu.

Even many call centre drones are now working from home in the UK.

>> No.54359412

>Noooooo you simply must be more productive for Mr Shekelstein!
Why are people like this.

>> No.54359427

My job could be done nearly entirely from home.
My boomer boss wants everyone to be miserable so he makes it 4 days at the offices.
Of course when we know he won't be at the office we just stay home.

>> No.54359446

enjoy your paki ruled 15 minute city bug pod

>> No.54359451

Do you not get paid? Do you not eat well? Do you not have a roof above your head? Who's to thank for all of this? Be better.

>> No.54359458

Yeah it was amazing, remember many stories of anons doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.54359461
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>t. seething

>> No.54359477

It's a game anon. My employer's objective is to pay me as little possible and extract the most labour they can from me. My objective is the opposite.

>> No.54359486

I would rather be dead. I am not lazy but I cannot work in an environment where every word must be guarded like you are in stalins russia and anyone can be offended or make any form of accusation and those with time on their hands to be manipulative gossips are rewarded while people who work hard are left getting none of the congratulations or rewards and all of the blame. The modern workplace is utterly toxic for men and it is insane of anyone to wish to go into it. I'm tired of throwing up every morning from the stress of it and being solely responsible for the systems that the whole company depends on, while five people sit in HR doing nothing except running payroll software once a week and 60% of the staff are people who live hidden in corner officers who can barely use excel or outlook. Its a fucking disgrace and these people are ultimately stealing investors and shareholders money in this scams. Most companies could loose 50% of their staff but especially the ones who 'need face time'. Using a PC is not a magic ability for a boomer or a zoomer and if they can't do it they should never ever have been hired
No. I just refuse. I would rather kill myself. I spent 20+ years working onsite. The worst thing is once upon a time it was fun back in the 90s there were far far less bizzare rules and general fear, less bullying, less gossip. less accusations. Female HR departments turned the workplace into a clone of stalinist russia, complete with spying and thought crimes. I would rather be dead than work in the modern workplace its utterly utterly miserable. You won't make any friends, everybody is too scared, there won;t be any laughs or feeling of yeah we did it. Just shit shit shit and people who are suicidal.

>> No.54359490

I have a new job that allows 100% remote work. I think of going to some island country and living there the dream.

>> No.54359495

>every WFHfag posted about doing nothing
>>why are they making us go back?
It's a mystery

>> No.54359512

yeah but you are a useless conniving worthless fuck who has no talent or ability other than being seen and not falling asleep at your desk while pretending to be concentrating on a screen. You are the cancer in the workplace. You are the dead wood. You enjoy the toxic worthless unfair petty and ridiculous place the modern workplace has become because you are a small petty, worthless, talentless moron and you know it

>> No.54359518

Productivity is hard to quantify in white collar jobs (usually), and most are "bullshit jobs" anyway.

>> No.54359523

>I think of going to some island country and living there the dream.
You need to check with your employer first. As there are tax implications for you living somewhere else.

>> No.54359537
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I work 2 jobs. One of them is remote, second is remote if I choose to, but the people are so great so It's actually refreshing going to office when I feel like it

>> No.54359549
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>I'm tired of throwing up every morning from the stress of it and being solely responsible for the systems that the whole company depends on
Why the fuck do you care that much that it's making you sick? Picrel.

>> No.54359550

Not that I asked, or you did for this but...
3 days in the office I do maybe 1-2 hrs of actual work. And my two days at home I do absolutely nothing out of spite.
Meanwhile 5 days from home I did maybe 4 hours work a week. But that 4 hours was equal to about 20 hours of in the office work.
So instead of me doing 20 hours of work a week I do 2 hours a week now.
My productivity has absolutely tanked and I have no intention of changing it.

>> No.54359562

I am not an Amerimutt so I won't be double taxed. It's all good.

>> No.54359611

Neither am I, but that's not how it works. Say I'm in the UK right, I obviously pay UK taxes. If I decide to move to Argentina and work remotely, after x months, I'll then be considered a tax resident of Argentinian and my company would have to pay Argentinian taxes for my employment.

In short, companies don't like it, as it's a headache, - so best to check with them first. Also, technically you'll need a work visa not a tourist visa if working remotely, for most places.

>> No.54359614

Because I had to keep a roof over a childs head. I will never ever work in an office again but genuinely and I have worked in a lot of different places overall wook became completely shit about the turn of the millennium, hard as it may be to believe before the torrent of HR bullshit began people made friends, cracked jokes and even went for drinks together after work without it being some company organised exercise where your boss sits and uses the small amount of booze on offer free as a truth drug. The best pol;icy in the workplace now is to spimply not speak at all ever unless you absoluetly have to and then say "I agree, that certainly is worth considering. I'm going to give that the time it deserves to consider that for any hidden issues and get back to you with an email" You know the last year I was working 2018 I only said that. Literally only that. I lost count after saying it 211 times. The critical mass went to the useless, the frauds the manipulators, the idlers the gossips etc etc. Work is not done in teh workplace. In 20 years I can't think of a single constructive or worthwhile thing that ever came from a meeting. Not one.

>> No.54359629

he's not the one living surrounded by ugly dumb pakis, and paying 50% in taxes for them to replace you

>> No.54359656

performance reviews
rules on gender and race and disability
inflation of accounting departments
inflation of hr departments
stealing credit for the work of others
Spying on employees (cameras, proxies, logs, emails, voice mail even gps on phones)
The unproductive majority
etc etc etc
The workplace is hell. No instead of boomers that can't use a mouse or a spreadsheet you have zoomers who want to know why they can't do excel on their iphone 8 and women who accuse other women of bullying CONTINUOULY. How is middle management still a thing at all anymore. They can't even work access card systems and they still can't install or sue a network printer., They still print stuff. The modern workplace is dytopia. How did it get to a point where HR are making people come in early so they can give a presentation on diet? What the fuck? The modern workplace is utterly utterly toxic and broken. It is no place for anyone who wants to work or even just have fun. Its a pointless bowl of nothing.

>> No.54359685

It went from officers to open plan with cubicles and now its just desks randomly lying around where you can gauge someone's importance by how close to the wall their are and the corners are occupied by the most useless and talentless but also the most lying and thieving. Oh look its another prajeet with a fake CV who is getting code emailed to him from India. Diverse.

>> No.54359694
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Still working hard from home - or should I say hardly working