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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 450x450, xrppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54358401 No.54358401 [Reply] [Original]

>ISO20022 went live 2 weeks ago
>BTC and ETH crashing
>XRP climbing steadily

this is it guys, the never ending pump. Soon we will break $10, then $100, then $1000 and so on

>> No.54358499
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>> No.54358515
File: 24 KB, 540x568, A4C3519F-6AAB-4C12-B92C-B4BC43DDF219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God wills it brothers

>> No.54358524

Oooh you’re gonna feel it so hard linky. I cannot wait. But I will. I have for 6 years now.

>> No.54358533

This is a public service announcement:


End of message

>> No.54358540

>buying a jewish scamcoin

>> No.54358560

holy fuck I am going to give it a bit longer and then open a leveraged short because this shit is going back down I am 100% confident. Just pump this shitcoin a bit higher and it will be perfect.

>> No.54358573

its all jewish scam coins dude.

>> No.54358588

I already made it, I hold Xrp

Oh btw my FLR value has doubled in a month. So what was that chainlink airdrop that was so great?

>> No.54358590

everything is happening all at once.
its started.

>> No.54358594

yeah xrp has smart market makers lol

>> No.54358598

poorfag cope, hope you make it out of the slums

>> No.54358622

>Imagine missing out on XRP because you believe the obvious fud being posted 24/7

you guys were never meant to make it

stick to beta test coin

>> No.54358625

kek nice infinite supply

>> No.54358637

Maybe get educated lol

>> No.54358669

>no rebuttal
cripple's on sui watch

>> No.54358680
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I have XLM instead of XRP

>> No.54358709

>what is cmc

>> No.54358720

I have told you every single day to get the hell out of XRP.
I told you at 50c
I told you at 30c
I'm telling you again at 40c
What you believe about the future of XRP isn't important at the moment because there's a cost benefit analysis to it.
Think of it this way - if XRP ever moves to where it might be going back to 3$ then you'll see it because you're autistic schizos who spend their entire life looking at the XRP stock price. So there's no FOMO here. That hallowed 2k price that will never happen, you will see it long before any one else so you can just buy back in.
We love to shitpost and schizopost on /biz/ but the SEC stuff isn't a game nor is it some cheap lawsuit. They are going to win and your coins will be worthless.
There's literally no reason at all to stay in XRP. You'll see the price movement before anyone so you won't miss the big gains if they were to come, you are gambling that the SEC case will fall apart which it won't because the vast majority of their evidences comes from Ripple staff themselves bragging in emails, and you are holding a shitcoin that has no intrinsic use case in the next few years because the SEC has bombed its reputation and other alternatives are available. There's no reason for an enterprise company to take the chance on XRP.
Seriously, this is the season of goodwill so I've reverted from the usual shitposting to try and cut through the propaganda and reach those who are still holding out hope of a conspiracy or miracle. It's not real. You are throwing away your money and your families money. Stop being a laughing stock. Get out now and if you see the price revert then you have loads of time to get your "2k EOY" dreams and buy back in. But you never will because this project is dead.

>> No.54358725

hit the nail on the head

>> No.54358728

but its 50c again now

>> No.54358929

get bent

>> No.54358967
File: 236 KB, 1248x996, 416261FB-05D7-4A98-ADB9-CA3DF325D4CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shit your pants retard. But that’s nothing new for you. I’ll lay it out for you.
>already semi retired because of crypto. I >drove home this evening from my part time comfy job and had a hot meal waiting for me.
> She’s been cooking my favorites for months now since I bought her a purebred kitten.
> Girlfriend then slobbed my knob before she went to bed,
>I stay up most of the night and use my gambling stack to make small gains nightly and weekly while my long term holds pump.
>don’t need to be up in the morning. >Valuable enough at my job that when I told my boss I was retiring he asked me to stay on part time and accommodated any schedule I wanted.
>I’m 40. When will you retire?

Feels good to just cash out 4K to play with for the night. I almost never lose a trade (patience and time in)and compound my stacks with winnings. You fucked up big time fren!

>> No.54358977

cool story bro

>> No.54359183

The only reason I bought FLR is because I set an order as soon as it listed on bitfinex at 0.00000001 USD and it was hit by some retard.

When it hits ATH, I'll be dumping it for something useful.

>> No.54359240

nice try, not selling

>> No.54359333


>> No.54359364

what the fuck, checked

>> No.54359646

Checked. Thx!

>> No.54359653
File: 604 KB, 731x1402, A02341C0-B329-49AC-96EA-332EFB3DD764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gets in this other thread with my gets from 2020. Kek is with us

>> No.54359684


>> No.54359693


>> No.54359713

I have 20k xrp, what am i in for bros?

>> No.54359735

How does 20 Indian Rupees sound like?

>> No.54359739

How does 20000*37500 sound

>> No.54359740

What kind of glowie op is it that I'm targeted constantly with posts trying to get me, personally me, to buy bsv?

>> No.54359771

>buys all the shittest shitcoins


>> No.54359820

Thats 750 Milly are you serious? I will be amongst the richest people in my country fuck me

>> No.54359841

Im literally going to fap to your comment rn!! Im so excited guys!!

>> No.54359917
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>Soon we will break $10, then $100, then $1000
My vulva is saucy for leaking by XRP bag holders living in fantasy. The signal to dump my XRP to SPOOL was the biggest blessing from Jews in this board. Another lawsuit coming right away.

>> No.54359949

Fuck you for giving morons a fiat version of crypto. You're dooming us all.

>> No.54359971

>nooo you dont get it the banks and governments were supposed to fall we all paid in bitcoin aaaaaaaaaa


>> No.54360018

Joke is on you. I'll eat every single cent of tax I can get from the government instead of offing myself, I'll make sure I put the least amount of effort in too for good measure. I even like to leave the tap running so that water falls down the drain.

You will rue the day you made me a slave.

>> No.54360028

its always been clear that btc was the beta test for anyone that wasnt a mouth drooling retard

You need something like XRP, backed by banks institutions governments and jews

if you think a bunch of "power to the people!!!" racist pedophilic basement dwellers had any influence on the global monetary system you are legit braindead

>> No.54360111 [DELETED] 

may even a pebble from up there roll down an avalance0xCadB31C3B629f1485fe3A31465A362d1185934eC

>> No.54360129

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.54360134

>if you think a bunch of "power to the people!!!" racist pedophilic basement dwellers had any influence on the global monetary system you are legit braindead

you are the ultimate retard

>> No.54360141
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$0.50 BROKEN

>> No.54360148

keep stacking those sats boy

>> No.54360207
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>> No.54360242

Banks shitting too. Praise Elaha

>> No.54360254
File: 133 KB, 976x946, 91827ABB-66B7-4F6B-9152-200135F8ACA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So poor kikes like this are gonna rope in a few weeks. It will be so glorious, until then he will continue to post retarded nigger nonsense like “it’s at .70 but your gonna dump” “it’s 1.20 XRP is going to zero” he will just continue to spam nonsense until the end.
Anon please livestream your suicide As I really want to gloat and watch.

>> No.54360316

but he is not wrong tho...

>> No.54360457


>> No.54360604

lol imagine falling for this bankers scam
it's going to literal 0, they lost the lawsuit and are being delisted everywhere lmao

>> No.54360677

>FLR value has doubled in a month

>> No.54360925

>every coin i dont like is made by jews

>> No.54360936

tell me about da neverending pump george

>> No.54361021

You will never be an xrp billionaire.

>> No.54361050
File: 588 KB, 994x989, 34E9D296-48F2-4E1F-B2B2-A52EAE6BED87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54361311

>A week ago 20.03 dumbass.

>> No.54361325

Better than a pajeet or chink scam coin without utility kek

>> No.54361414


>> No.54361695

Oh powerful anon, please tell us more lord faggot

>> No.54361705

Imagine typing all this emotion and jibberish..

Bet anon tucks his tiny dick between his legs and hits on men at bars in mini skirts

>> No.54361740

You wed to stop that hopium champ. All that shit does is lead mismanaged expectations. 20.00 in the next 6months would be exciting.

Quit with the new fag 37.5 predictions. Complete show of low iq

>> No.54361759

Please! Would love to see a kike take his own life. I’ll actually sponsor it with some donated funds

>> No.54361800
File: 777 KB, 1266x480, Jared1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't I say when i told you to buy sub 0.5$ that rating agencies, goverments, SEC, fudsters, autists and big banks were clueless, didn't I say that, didn't I? Now their foot is on fire, they think their stake is done, SEC was wrong and you are suprised?

>That is not stupidity, they are keeping price down for years to buy, that is fraud
Tell me the difference between stupidity and illegal and I will sell my XRP now

I guess you don't realize how clueless the system and average joe really is. Yes, there is some shady shit going down but trust me, it is fueled by supressing XRP price.

>> No.54362460

This!!!! So much fucking this right here!

>> No.54363461
File: 2 KB, 125x125, chans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty mentality
XRP paid gays are never gonna mention this.
BTC, GMX or SPOOL billionaire is more rewarding.
Stop shitting this thread bluntly

>> No.54363532

>my jewish scam coin is better than your jewish scam coin

>> No.54364003

Read my other contributions dork. A little anti-semitism is always welcomed by truthers. And let's admit, these neanderthal bloodlines are madder than shit that goys can generate wealth.

>> No.54364256
File: 479 KB, 493x342, 1663586844205226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two are literally retarded, they haven't lost the lawsuit, how fucking stupid are both of you faggots. In fact XRP has been re listed on some exchanges. How fucking stupid are you that you can't use google.
The SEC had one witness and the judge removed him.
So since the two of you are basically niggers I will spell it out for you, when the judge throws your witness out you have lost the case. Doesn't matter who the fuck you are, you and your case is pretty much done. Considering the SEC only had one fucking witness it is safe to say XRP has won the case.
The fact you and this other anon want to fud XRP at this point is really a mystery. Is $15 bucks an hour really worth it? Are you such a loser you can't get a real fucking job?
KYS faggots for the good of the planet.

>> No.54364386


Grown men will CRY when they see the candle to heaven. Ropes on sale boys

>> No.54364392

I want you 2017 fags to quit
I know no amount of losses will make you, but I still wish you would wake the fuck up

>> No.54364416

>There's literally no reason at all to stay in XRP. You'll see the price movement before anyone so you won't miss the big gains if they were to come, you are gambling that the SEC case will fall apart which it won't because the vast majority of their evidences comes from Ripple staff themselves bragging in emails, and you are holding a shitcoin that has no intrinsic use case in the next few years because the SEC has bombed its reputation and other alternatives are available. There's no reason for an enterprise company to take the chance on XRP.
nice blog copypasta. stay poor KEK

>> No.54364537

Lmao I had $50k of xrp and got $300 of Flare you pathetic larper

>> No.54367265

that barely hit 95 IQ

>> No.54367475

It'll fail like every other pump and you will baghold this garbage back to 30 cents.

>> No.54367615

And now you find yourself in '82
The disco hot spots hold no charm for you
You can concern yourself with bigger things
You catch a pearl and ride the dragon's wings

>> No.54367684
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>> No.54368293

Well you’re a retard I got more than you (irrelevant) and it’s worth twice as much. You fucking illiterate retard