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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54358293 No.54358293 [Reply] [Original]

I’m turning 32 and I’ve never made more than 40k in jobs that don’t require a college degree. I got a political science degree and just did “nothing.” After college. I was too lazy to apply for real jobs so I just went on indeed until something stuck.

I almost got a court reporter job but forgot that it was a zoom call and not a phone so I missed it and they didn’t let me reschedule. I’ve never worked at any job longer than s year and it’s all been warehouse, forklift, and now a security guard.

The idea of making over 60k is a pipe dream to me. It seems like some kind of distant dream, yet I see all these faggots wailing about making 100k. I can’t take it sometimes.

>> No.54358319

>Court reporter
you mean those niggas who type every little gutteral nosie made? That shits miserable

>> No.54358321
File: 111 KB, 1080x1078, F6A5777F-37BF-4F7F-9886-6AA30ECC5E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen anon, go back to school, learn a trade, and find a good blue collar job and you will make it, it’s not too late

>> No.54358325
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, Vagabond Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wakes up early to order mcdonalds
Fix your life anon

>> No.54358341

Fr fr no cap. Imagine typing out zoomer drivel. Ong your honor

>> No.54358342

How much $ spent equals 5000 Mickey dee points?

>> No.54358352

$50 I think
2 big macs for $6 is the only reason I leave the woods

>> No.54358357

>learn a trade and earn the same dismal wage

>> No.54358358

No dude. Fuck that shit. Fuck blue collar jobs. I don’t wanna squat stoop and bend all day like some modern day cotton picker.

I was born in an upper middle class background and my dad used to call those guys “the little people” (he’s a lawyer). So I can’t help but look at them with contempt. I’ll accept low wage work but I’m not breaking a sweat doing it. Security is comfy.

>> No.54358365

Also this is financial advice. The mcchicken for 1500 points is the best in terms of $:points ratio

>> No.54358375

Why are you eating McSlop?

>> No.54358378

I don’t even know what I’m saving the points for :/

>> No.54358381
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get 80g protein for $6
Post boipussy

>> No.54358390

Breakfast sandwiches are 1$

>> No.54358410

I posted a million dollars a year idea here and everyone mocked me and that was the end of it. It didn't even require physical labor just either an investment or engineering knowledge. Oh well I might trying myself since I've been acquiring engineering knowledge... Well electronics to be exact but I haven't delved in too deep into the hard stuff such as Maxwell's equations or Fourier transforms and what not...

>> No.54358450

Honestly I have no intention of learning anything new. If I can’t get the job off instant apply indeed it’s not happening.

The pain of learning something new outweighs the low level of mental anguish that involves being a 40k tier wagie. It sucks but I’m stuck where I’m at

>> No.54358516


>> No.54358525

I posted a million one-dollar jokes mocking your million dollars a year idea and no one fuckin' paid me for my witty takes anon.

>> No.54358551

I said I’m NOT doing it retard. I’ll just cope with plebeian delights like hot n ready pepperoni pizzas from 711 and Newport cigarettes.

>> No.54358565

IF you have the spare cash, 1K on Kaspa. Just look at the slow and steady climb, as well as its progress with being adopted.

>> No.54358567

I cant imagine why your not rich already op.
Being this entitled a cunt on the basis of sweetfuckall usually assures Great Wealth.

>> No.54358576
File: 95 KB, 220x220, troll-face-creepy-smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your address, since you asked for money I will happily supply

>> No.54358609

Dude you have a degree fucking use it. Most entry level jobs in the 60-70k just want you to have it, doesn't have to be specific. Did $40k and below work when I was a student, never again. Dad should have connects nepo baby that shit like a normal person

>> No.54358617

Because my dad is a fucking loser. He lost a house in a divorce that would easily be worth ~1 mill today. He didn’t try to help me in any way. He just did all the easy parenting bullshit that someone would do for their dog.

As a result I grew up spoiled and entitled and I had to be the one to force self supportation on myself. My brother is 34 and still lives at home. Same with my cousins. It’s extremely pathetic

>> No.54358623

What fucking jobs?? I’ve heard this horseshit before.
>muh office

>> No.54358677

1K on Kaspa on February 10th would yield 50,000 once it reaches 0.5. It's at 0.3 now. It would take a disaster to keep it from reaching $1. Why do I tell you this? Because I should've done it and went with something else instead.

>> No.54358685


>> No.54358991

Lmfao faggot you were destined to fail, blame your parents who spoiled your dumbass (they probably didn't even realized it LOL). Now you can't think clearly because you are constantly stressed out about money like all of the other little people except they're probably happier than you.

>> No.54359008

My sister got a polsci degree because she couldn’t get into journalism school and then just worked her ass off, applied to a bunch of papers and got her in this way. You gotta figure out what you actually want in life and then work towards that.

>> No.54359060

I make $42/hr throwing 150lb tires on a conveyor belt doing around 70k lbs a night living in a state with low cost of living and recently got divorced so I live with my mother rent free. Jobs exist to make money. I only work 3 days a week as well. WSI is the company name.

>> No.54359080

I've never had fish at McDonalds before and I've never known anyone to order it. Does it really exist/sell well enough to keep?

>> No.54359084

Now THIS is based. Thanks bro >>54359060

>> No.54359094

honestly someone this entitled you should probably just kill yourself and do the world a favour or trade you life with some pajeet who is probably dying to come to your country. i prefer if you did the first option more though

>> No.54359099

Pass the baton. Oh woes me I'm this way because of my parents. It's their fault not mine. If only they raised me better I wouldn't be such a miserable piece of shit. I'll forever stay this way because of them and I'll never amount to anything because they didn't raise me right. I'm an adult already but they still have full control over how my life is and how I feel so I'll take the easy way out blaming them for all my problems woes me.

>> No.54359141

Truck driving
They'll train you for free so you work for them
Lowest end $70k starting

>> No.54359169

lmao lawyer daddy didnt want a trade son making good coin so now he’s stuck with a under 60k a year security guard as a son. He definitely doesn’t mention you to any of his friends.

>> No.54359208

>dad used to call those guys “the little people” (he’s a lawyer)
Buddy, the jobs you've had so far are below blue collar jobs on the social ladder. If they are "the little people" then you are a micro person

>> No.54359221

This sounds incredibly jewish

>> No.54359329

Apply to become an ATC right fucking now, before your 32nd birthday. Awesome pay, awesome benefits, awesome work, just have to be prepared to go where they tell you. AGE CUTOFF IS 32 ACT NOW.

>> No.54359331

>I got a political science degree

Just get a government job. Shits interesting and you get you use your degree, the pay sucks but the work/life balance, job security and pension makes it bearable.

I legitimately don't know why we don't have more government bureaucrats here. Everyone always recommends bydlo jobs to a bunch of nerds that will have exactly the results you expect.

>> No.54359350
File: 52 KB, 749x721, 1679996843137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows that he's deeply flawed but instead of changing blames daddy and uses it as an excuse to not change or assume responsibility of his own actions
>he would rather whine like a little bitch on /biz/ and wait until he magically wins the lottery or finds that x999999 shitcoin than putting any real effort
You are a poorfag and you will die a poorfag because you're an immature child. Apply yourself and stop being such a faggot.

Your father made it through law school and was at least able to provide for his family and afford luxuries for himself, you have achieved nothing and you will achieve nothing because you would rather be a mediocre piece of shit and blame others than put on any effort.

This makes my blood boil because I just know there's so many fucking losers like you out there. We could have a comfy space colony complete with maid catgirls if society wasn't being held back by the likes of you.

>> No.54359387

Loser family lmao. Please don't breed.

>> No.54359414

The fish is good if it's 5 minutes old. A lot of stores hold 1 patty until it's ordered and it's always 3 hours old. The fresh ones aren't as good as a 5 min one.

The cheese needs to go under the patty (sauce on top) but most crew don't appreciate the importance of this.

Add tomato and lettuce to a fillet o fish, it's delicious.