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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54356142 No.54356142 [Reply] [Original]

this is how they plan to kill crypto, mark my words

>> No.54356156

*laughs in BSV*

>> No.54356176

only targets china, russia, venezuela, north korea, cuba, and iran

>> No.54356202

why though? it's heading to zero with the rest of crypto

>> No.54356228
File: 339 KB, 750x1207, AD5C51EA-F7DC-4EE4-A866-B6B602223461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes an asset being used by real world govt’s is headed to zero. This is your brain on /biz/ tranny hormones

>> No.54356266

I simply asked why looking the the dismal price action, but good luck anyway

>> No.54356268
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>> No.54356288

>unironically posts a Tucker Carlson story
>thinks he'll be taken seriously
anon. at least cite a news source.

>> No.54356326

See above.

>> No.54356438

I'm married to a flip so I read the inquirer but did you even bother reading it? Nchain is working with the government to give grants to attaneo (that's a university) students. It's not partnering to launch anything retard

>> No.54356459

I kind of hope it happens. It's the death throes of a dying Empire trying to maintain its grasp for power. Times change.

>> No.54358244
File: 247 KB, 867x342, fuck_off_craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>independent crypto news outlet GoinGeek

>> No.54359227

*laughs at faketoshi*

>> No.54359295


>> No.54359324

Stefan actually spoke to a Fillipino tho?
That alone makes this horseshit about 1000 times more truthful than the rest of CoinGeeks shite

>> No.54359344

>at least cite a heckin trustworthy news source like CNN or BBC!!

>> No.54359362

You BSV chuds need to be gassed

>> No.54359389
File: 213 KB, 645x973, CEBAEA8F-F52B-44F2-993F-43A64E65102C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm married to an ugly flip monkey

>> No.54359405

Flips bleach in two generations retard

>> No.54359524
File: 137 KB, 254x254, 03C9D9FE-750F-4861-85F4-B570ACD28D89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flips bleach in two generations retard
>ruining 2 generations of whites that throw away their genes to create some monkey faced low Iq goblin is totally worth it !

>> No.54360449
File: 7 KB, 250x245, 1655900334403s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how they plan to kill crypto
It's a plan that's never gonna be actualized until the oldfags in the government die out. Allianceblock and co are already building the future of finance on blockchain. Not retreating.

>> No.54361010
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Glow more

>> No.54361277
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>> No.54361317

Fake gay website kys

>> No.54361327

>>at least cite a heckin trustworthy news source like CNN or BBC!!
Anybody who unironically posts Fox as if it's not the most sensationalist bullshit around is either a moron or trying to rile up overly emotional morons. The shit that's come out form the Dominion lawsuit should be proof enough, but people are willfully ignorant (or just trying to use it to get a rise out of people as said above)

>> No.54361364

just like the patriot act only targeted muslims right?

>> No.54361406

Liberalism is a mental disease. Cope.

>> No.54361423

Perfect example of someone just trying to rile up others like I mentioned, thanks anon!

>> No.54361513

Like CNN is better than Fox? They’re both biased, they all are. Even the search engines will show you what they want you to believe. WW3 is a war on free thought, not the Chinese or Russians. But people like you will continue to live in your little pond, spewing what truth suits you to the greater forum. What do you know about truth?

>> No.54361575

All news is fake and gay

>> No.54363328

The only trustworthy media is twitter under the leadership of Elon musk. BBC, CNN, FOX ... all manipulated by the government. Those based media all claimed that Binance, Allianceblock etc all but the dust when they suffered a third party hack, but Twitter and Forbes gives the legit news unbiased. We should stop patronizing those government agents.

>> No.54363355

Trumpers are also cringe faggots

>> No.54363498
File: 769 KB, 1867x980, RIP crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.54363945

so thats why they call them fat cats

>> No.54364443

he's a big guy

>> No.54364495

Whites 'bleach' in zero generations.

>> No.54364518

this guy looks like a villain from a movie lol

>> No.54364945

I am marking your words, what now?

>> No.54365155

>this is how they plan to kill crypto
>"(11) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.—The term “information and communications technology products or services” means any hardware, software, or other product or service primarily intended to fulfill or enable the function of information or data processing, storage, retrieval, or communication by electronic means, including transmission, storage, and display."
has absolutely nothing to do with crypto

>> No.54365527

Are you retarded on purpose? Re read that again

>> No.54365537

monerochads can't stop winning

>> No.54365643
File: 128 KB, 1170x1583, 1619894289087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. XMR is clearly the only option of successfully getting around this bullshit. People aren't going to get in the citadel because they want to gamble on dog coins and pregnantbutt. They deserve it.

>> No.54365718

there's nothing related to cryptocurrency.
you're welcome to read the bill yourself, maybe you see something I don't, but it's mostly just about telecommunications/being able to control narratives/information leaks.

>> No.54365781

You're really dumb lol