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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54355614 No.54355614 [Reply] [Original]

What keeps you going /biz/?

>> No.54355622
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fucking bald women

>> No.54355626

The hope someday I'll pay my karmic debts and like job be given back what was taken from me.
I'll likely kill myself because it's never happening.

>> No.54355633

green frogs

>> No.54355640


>> No.54355728

Marijuana. Fucking weed costs $20/gram. Ridiculous.

How do you expect me to stay brainwashed when you put the slavery right in front of my eyes?

Now I see it. Everyone who owns land is taxed, the government are landlords, we are slaves. They have slowly taken from us piece by piece in the name of power and control. Once it all collapses we know that all you want is to be able to rape whatever you want and trade for sex whenever you can't. That's all this is about, the only reason people want money. Apparently that's more important than other people having clean drinking water. They all deserve to die, I have a right to declare war!

The weed isn't helping btw.

>> No.54355741
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you guys

>> No.54355742

holy based and checked

>> No.54355743

Move to a legal state it's $5 a gram for top shelf here now.

>> No.54355753

Adderall and nicotine

>> No.54355817

Ausfag here. Paying $40USD for 25grams of tobacco as well. I'm trying to convert to vape for weed and quit but its not easy.

>> No.54355826

The promise of finally getting my habits right. I'll wake up early, go to the gym, eat well. Genuinely just want to naturally control my anxiety. I don't want to be a slave to pills.

>> No.54355842



>> No.54355857

Just stuff edible leaves in your face even if it makes you gag. Drink lots of water. The rest gets easier, I don't think you need to go to the gym to have energy, it's just all the consumerism food filled with 15% non-food product that is making you feel sluggish.

Processed food isn't necessarily bad, it just means they may have made it bad for profit.

>> No.54355859

>What keeps you going /biz/?
curios my good friend. gewgaw. KICKSHAW. Some of the ole tchotchke. You wouldn't get it...

>> No.54355862

Nothing, I just "go"
Dangerously based

>> No.54355892

>weed costs $20/gram
It was that much in an illegal state between 2005-2015. Unless you wanted some mexican brick shit for $10/gram.

>> No.54355896

Earning big money and spending every fucking cent on cool shit and saving nothing

>> No.54355924

This green powder shit called krantin or something I forgot

>> No.54355936

Best I can do is $15 AUD ($10USD) a gram through a prescription, but the prescription costs doctor visits. I managed to get an internet doctor because I'm rural but that only saves the fuel.

I bought some crypto and if btc goes to 100k I'm going to move to ACT where I can get a permit for 1 plant. Will take time. I'm cutting down in the meantime, I think I will be ok, I'm just constantly scared of the world.

>> No.54355944
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I can still drink and drive whenever I want. God I fucking love coors light
Also this
I love you lil niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.54356015

>I love you lil niggas like you wouldn't believe
You wouldnt love me. Im broke and a wage slave. I spend my days approving documents for a contact lens manufacturer

>> No.54356019
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My intense drive to accumulate enough wealth so that I never have to interact with another room-temperature IQ representative of the general population ever again

>> No.54356022

No I'm broke nigger, you got a job I haven't worked right in 12 months and likely terminally ill.

>> No.54356028

hope I guess.

>> No.54356039

Like I said fairly sure I'm gonna die.
I just hope the world falls into pure chaos so I can at least watch it burn before I stroke out or have a heart attack.
vid related.

>> No.54356073

I really don't know. Rope is looking nicer each day

>> No.54356113
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It don't matter. None of this matters. The only thing that matters is the communal suffering we all share. Suffering together creates the strongest bonds known to man, and that's true no matter where you go.

>> No.54356120

Tell that to the tribes of africa.

>> No.54356154

I don't speak black

>> No.54356157

Unless you are outside with a picket fence you are encouraging complacency. I know it's scary out there but someone needs to take the hit so we can get this thing started.

Paris has the right idea, riot until they give us back the lives they stole. I am not a slave anymore, I am at war!

>> No.54356230

Tell it to the people at Waco, Jones town, Ruby Ridge, Columbine.
It's cope, I'm literally dying I'm waiting for you stupid normal niggers to rise up, I ain't your savouir you guys are healthy take action or don't and complain and whine about muh rights being trampled.
It doesn't matter I'll die in my bed faster than any real collapse can happen.

>> No.54356386

Stop being so melodramatic, both of you

>> No.54356424

>Oh lighten up
What kinda demoralization poster are you?

>> No.54356446

You and your buddy just sit around bitching and crying, oh woe is me! It's tired and played out. Go outside!

>> No.54356498

Oh but what about your communal anal bonding time?
I thought that was what's important you stupid nigger.

>> No.54356570

Genuinely curious, what are you so angry about

>> No.54356591

My life.
Why it feels like someones stabbing me with a knife every day in my left side, why doctors are ignorant to my suffering.
Why I'm still alive and just won't die even though I feel like a walking corpse.

>> No.54356607

You should probably lay off the drugs and get some sun bud

>> No.54356616

Yeah I'm a rampaging drug addict who hasn't seen the sun in eight years.

>> No.54356623

The fact that I’m going to be able to make porn about anyone and anything in like 5 months

>> No.54356632

Well there ya go. Sometimes these problems solve themselves

>> No.54356640

Love for my waifu and the dream that I'll someday own a home and make a game.

>> No.54356648
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i don't even know why i work. nothing brings me joy so i have no use for any of my disposable income

>> No.54356659
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coors anon solves other anons problems


>> No.54356664

I want to grow gourmet mushroom and sell them at farmers markets

>> No.54356672

Anything is possible through friendship and communal anal bonding time

>> No.54356675

>Gee what's eating you bud
>Ah well I'm just gonna be a nigger.
I didn't expect anything less.

>> No.54356700
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>> No.54356704

The love of the LORD

>> No.54356713

I make little video games. Sometimes I devote years of my life to bigger game projects. I think just having a project is essential to a man’s soul. Like how some guys like to do make furniture or something.

>> No.54356734

After she learned she could not have periods or get pregnant, Ms. Garrison decided she was not actually a woman, but it was too late to have the operation undone, and she accepted what she was.

>> No.54356739


>> No.54356798

My wife keeps me going. Also weed, prostitutes, and candy.

>> No.54357008

the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:
But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

>> No.54357072

can't kms yet as long as parents are around or i would have been long gone

>> No.54357107 [DELETED] 

the vague hope that life wont crumble, my health will remain ok and i can get a good job so i can buy hookers in south america. other than that, not much. every since 2020 my life has gone downhill. before covid and everything that followed, i was on top of the world. peak health, confidence, happiness and the future seemed bright, like all my dreams would come true. then i took that fucking vaxx and my health has been deteriorating, along with the economic problems of the country. dont feel hopeful at all, but i cope.

>> No.54357121

Dipshit I didn't take that shit and I'm literally one of the sickest humans I've ever met at my age.
You deserve your pain for being a hedonistic zombie.

God is just clearing the path to my leadership when I take over this country.

>> No.54357166
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to be honest, Hami threads are being the only reason I lurk 4chan, to keep myself updated on'em...
they literally have all my bags vros, please wish me luck, HAMI, IF YOU HEAR ME, PUMP

>> No.54357173

if i die like shit my enemies win

>> No.54357220

Is that pepe smoking DMT?

>> No.54357319 [DELETED] 
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I have unlimited time and I can be quiet obsessive. If I want to do something I can and will spend years on it until is done. A bachelor's degree is 4 years. If I have unlimited time why couldn't I learn a bachelor's degree worth of knowledge on my own for not only a subject but a specific subset of a subject that is interesting to me?
If I don't make it I don't care, I'm just doing this because I'm bored. I am also kind of getting rusty. I do realize about the whole neuroplasticity thing but I keep my mind working out so it hasn't gotten too bad. I used to think 4 years was an eternity when I was a teen, now that I've gotten older 4 years feels like 1 teen year...I am going to be 34 this year btw...yeah 31 to 34 did feel like a teen year oof. Not looking for employment btw that ship has sailed. As for finance it is better to be on the receiving end.
I may not be young, experienced and hardly presentable, but that is not a problem, I'll find someone to go forward on my behalf while I pull the strings.

>> No.54357396

Great 4fail won't let me delete my post. Well anyways.

>> No.54357503

Pure spite
I grew up in the literal backwater of Mexico, no teacher, therapist or parent believed in me, had to fight tooth and nail until i made something (even if it was just a little thing), and now i can finally look at the people that disrespected me and think (fuck you, i made it).

>> No.54357531
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To the devils lettuce anons that talked about quitting (too many to (you))
The first 3 days are the hardest. Once you're at that point you need to think how wasteful and weak you were. After 7 days you will laugh at how dumb it all was

>> No.54358210

>60 posts of "omfg I'm so weak muh drugs and depression"
>I post
>thread dies

>> No.54358232

Magic mushrooms

>> No.54358395

nah. if you've been a long term stooner the psychological addiction takes a while to overcome.

>> No.54358417

I smoked pot from 15 to late 20s. No excuses nigger. 3 days sober and then think about how much money you saved from just 3 days

>> No.54358432

The first smoke of the day is the only good one. After that it gets worse and if I have too much before bed I'll get brain zaps, anxiety attacks and crazy palpitations. Never used to be like this before I got ill

>> No.54358557

>and if I have too much before bed I'll get brain zaps, anxiety attacks and crazy palpitations
Serotonin syndrome?

>> No.54358646

Probably not, never took hard drugs or anti depressants of any kind. Think I just got neural damage from antibiotics and now stuck with it

>> No.54358672

For me, it's whatever substance I'm currently on. If it's weed, then weed is good and healthy. If it's coffee, then coffee is good and peaty. When I'm not using weed, then weed is bad. When I'm not on psychedelics, they're for pseuds. And when I take psychedelics, only smart people use them.

>> No.54358745
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Nice post chudley

>> No.54360405


>> No.54360824
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>> No.54360904

if she's 6'8 when her hips at at the counter then I'm 8'5

>> No.54361845

don't smoke (((weed))) white man unless you need it for medicinal purposes, estrogen and docile pill

>> No.54361889

Lmao you're still here posting? You sorry bastard lol

>> No.54362534

>trying to convert to vape for weed
Why try to convert to vape for weed when you could just convert to Christianity?

>> No.54362535

She is a fat bitch and it's tattoed, she is worthless cunt not suitable to raise kids.

>> No.54362543
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benis in bussy

>> No.54362589


>> No.54363031

I have no idea. I'm an inferior loser who shouldn't even be considered human. I don't know why I'm still breathing to be honest. I really want to die and can't stand living anymore as I have nothing to look forward to.

>> No.54363058

Smoke some DMT, then do a flip.

>> No.54363136

My garloid farm. I would never give up on my ‘loids. I would live a life of shame and regret if I did

>> No.54364151

>But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
>Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
This is for everyone. Not just "strange women".

>> No.54364197

I've failed most of my entire, decently long life. It'd be nice if I just made ONE really good decision for once and my life got that much easier afterwards but God works in mysterious ways probably.

>> No.54364206
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>> No.54364311

That goes for both of us mobilefaggot.

>> No.54364631

I will tell you what I think is making me feel sluggish seeing as Ive quit booze and it hasnt changed anything. STRESS!!