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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54355676 No.54355676 [Reply] [Original]

business and finance

>> No.54355688
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hair and comb

>> No.54355696
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Nobody would bother reporting a $1 theft so if you steal $1 from a thousand people you would become a millionaire

>> No.54355721

Never change biz

>> No.54355731

This guys gonna make it fast.

>> No.54355734
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>> No.54355776

Wanna play a game?

Entry fee is 1$, you can steal as much as you like.

>> No.54355827

In theory, if you're a cashier wagie, you could steal 3 bucks every shift. They only check if its some ridiculous like 20 bucks or more, stingy ass businesses check if its 10 or more. If you're in a big box store its really easy because they just write it off as cashier error if its only off by so little.

If you have a normal 4 or 5 day work week thats 800 dollars a year extra

i don't recommend stealing though niggers do that, i know small businesses are the easiest to steal from.internally

t. theft prevention guy

>> No.54355973

If you're looking for something illegal I have just the thing for you.
Illegal logging. Rent a big truck for say $100 for the day. Put 100 logs in there. Say you sell each log for $50 which is low balling it. You just made $5000 in one day. Of course you'd need some extra help I'd say 3 people. Either way $1666 in just a single day is pretty good. You do that for just two months and you can take a break for the rest of the year really. The penalty for getting caught is a fine I think which you should be able to pay off. You'll need to find someone who specializes in turning lumber into huh wood to sell the logs. Again I'm low balling it as if you pick the right kind of tree you should be able to bring in more.

>> No.54356055

Kinda reminds me of the people who poach moose and deer off season just to sell the meat on the down-low to restaurants

>> No.54356063

Just 100 logs? Why not get 2 trucks and 200 logs? Start a company for illegal logging and log the world dry! When you own all the logs you can monopolize wood and just pay off any fees.

>> No.54356085


>> No.54356146

how ba-a-a-ad can I be?
I'm just doing what comes naturally.

>> No.54356179

Stock cigarettes, get good at grabbing 2 at a time from carton. The final 2 that you are pinching (to hold the carton still) only grab 1. Throw the carton in trash
Then you take out the trash, and grab the smokes

>> No.54356208

This words exceeding well if you work with coworkers that are black, as management will just assume the niggers can't count when they do inventory. Every 3 months (typically) a store will have an audit. Put in 2 weeks before this happens

>> No.54356225

>Every 3 months (typically) a store will have an audit. Put in 2 weeks before this happens

>> No.54356235

Laugh all you want, I've been doing this every other shift for years

>> No.54356265

I mean it's pretty based honestly, if a pack is like 15 bucks and holds 30 cigarettes (?) (I don't smoke) then after 30 cartons you have made 15 bucks.

>> No.54356284
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Been doing this for the past few years and reinvested profits into picrel. Shit is so easy there are literally thousands of square miles of farm forests they can't patrol all of it. Just me operating the saw and one guy on the truck can clear $200k a month easy

>> No.54356327

Typically run for 10-12, and they contain 20
Imagine you restock 30 cartons because your coworkers are lazy pieces of shit that stock maybe 5 a shift. You use this to your advantage, easily take 2 a shift

Unfortunately this also requires you to be a good worker to draw off suspicions, no camera around dumpster area, a half dozen non management employees, etc

>> No.54356347

Damn did Claw Terminator toss a nigger to his death at beginning of clip??

>> No.54356387
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>> No.54356440


>> No.54356462

I'll be right back boss I'm going to take out the trash. No you can't look in it weirdo

>> No.54356559

>can't patrol all of it
Wouldn't someone see or hear the semi truck unloading this? Or hear it running? Seems retarded to think you can just bring in a diesel vehicle without anyone noticing

>> No.54356619
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>Crytocurrency and noose making

>> No.54356898
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this is a mass reply:

>>54355676 >>54355688 >>54355696 >>54355721 >>54355731 >>54355734 >>54355776 >>54355827 >>54355973 >>54356055 >>54356063 >>54356085 >>54356146 >>54356179 >>54356208 >>54356225 >>54356235 >>54356265 >>54356284 >>54356327 >>54356347 >>54356387 >>54356440 >>54356462 >>54356559 >>54356619


>> No.54357502

This is a mass reply reply

>> No.54357510

No, but you are a massive faggot. Kek.

>> No.54357567
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