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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54353634 No.54353634 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely shameless

>> No.54353650

>Hey guys come to our conference where we announce nothing important and don't pump the price at all for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW! WOOOO!

>> No.54353668

>twitter screenshot

>> No.54353728

swift ccip demo?

>> No.54353754
File: 2.01 MB, 2560x1900, bonjour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is OP

>> No.54353807

holy shit that is sad

>> No.54353869

>Absolutely shameless
says the faggot trying to promote his twitter to a bunch of retards

>> No.54353889
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>> No.54353911

Staking.0.011 is dropped right then and there

>> No.54353916

this is truly the smartest gathering of conmen I have even been privileged to be scammed by

>> No.54353936

I hate how guillible and faggy Twitter users are. Every one is just brainlessly replying with FUD now.

FUD fags are pathetic.

>> No.54354533

>Giving people time to plan a trip to Barcelona is a bad thing.

Soiprano, through yourself under a moving bus.

>> No.54354573

Holy shit. That is literally insane.

>> No.54354599

>selling link at 6.66 to go on a trip
imagine thinking linkies can afford the trip

>> No.54354705
File: 87 KB, 852x1256, 616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the chainlink FUD guy, i mean yeah it's not because i used that image that i also posted all those retarded FUD posts, i'm all about reporting the FUD all around the web, you're too braindead to understand what i'm doing.
hint : make something decentralized centralized, just try to think for a second.

>> No.54354717

Why is it dumping so hard right now?

>> No.54354779

maybe because it's just another 2017 shitcoin that had a massive pump and will never reach ATH again?

>> No.54354787

is that what swift said?

>> No.54354997
File: 706 KB, 1125x1866, C34F32AC-101D-40BB-AC6F-F3993C0AF473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mean reality right? What he said was correct.

As opposed to a screenshot from where? Whats your preferred source of news?

Hate to break it to you…not me

Again…not me. Also who would advertise to /biz lol. Anybody in there mcfly???


Imagine wasting a trip to europe to attend a cuck convention

Yeah the same swift that wont mention chainlink by name outside of one POC (aka nothingburger) comment by the fag glasses guy they hired from verizon commercials

Here’s a tweet from a few hours ago. Look at how pathetic the Link community is begging Swift for a mention. Man thats embarassing

>> No.54355143

That would be 4 smartcons

Reminder that the LINK/ETH ath was before the first Smartcon ever took place in 2020. Smartcon is a scam where nothing happens and that started the fall from grace

>> No.54355149

jesus christ

>> No.54355297

I'm close but I wouldn't go even for free. What's the point? It's gonna be another nothing burger with demoralized bag holders and boring tech talks.

>> No.54355386

I went to the NYC one thinking it would be big and game changing. What a waste of my money

>> No.54356170

Based fud jihadist warrior. May Allah grant a swift death to chainshit and its cult of bagholders. Inshallah

>> No.54356188

*bangs on a plastic drum*

>> No.54357117

chucks suck and fuck

>> No.54357548

are the trash can drummers back?

>> No.54357585

kek I kept the sticks

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