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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54353458 No.54353458 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one reason as to why I should pay back my student loans.

>> No.54353476
File: 129 KB, 721x622, american student debt crisis jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54353491

You shouldn't.

You should debtmaxx and do your part in crashing the kike system.

>> No.54353497


Give me one reason why I shouldn't rack up 200k worth of debt, use it all to buy gold coins from pawn shops, tell my debtors that I spent it all on crack and then live with my parents half the year and spend winters in South Asia on the beach.

>> No.54353502

It's really this simple
You guys like to complain about niggers and nigger behavior but not paying back what you borrow is the peak of niggerdom

>> No.54353506

First time I’ve seen this Pepe and honestly it’s the worst one I’ve ever seen

>> No.54353507

You shouldn't. The President says he will forgive you.

>> No.54353510

You're never seeing that money back, Herschel. And I'm going to borrow a lot more before I'm done.

>> No.54353562

Is that faggot's nose edited?

>> No.54353564


Why do college grads (supposedly highly educated people) have such difficulty grasping this concept?

>> No.54353579

How much do you have? I wouldn't want to go through life with all the bad credit and wage garnishment. If it's $20k or less, pay it off immediately. The nice thing about paying off debt is that it's like investing with a guaranteed return on investment.

>> No.54353607
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They don't have difficulty grasping it, they just don't want to do it
So they try and come up with any justification that makes it right in their own eyes to avoid responsibility

It's the nigger mentality and behavior

>> No.54353790


The part that really gets me is how people make minimum payments and then complain about how the balance only ever goes up, not down. And people have had 3 years of no interest accruing and there hasn't been a better time in history to attack the principal on your student loan and whittle away at the balance or knock it out entirely. But I guarantee 80-90% of the people out there with federal loans haven't paid a single cent during the forbearance period. They've been using the money that was going to their loans to buy houses and all kinds of other shit which is part of what has driven high inflation.

>> No.54353800

Businesses do it all the time. I’m just not paying it back

>> No.54353812

You care about your credit score, dont you boy.

>> No.54353863

Only niggercattle like yourself consider it a responsibility to keep your banker overlords satiated. Going as far as to defend them over what is a fundamental human right in civilized countries (free education). Keep brownosing goy.
*gasp* HOUSES? How dare the goym purchase property in which to live in??

>> No.54353878

>student loans can never be filed in bankruptcy
>they will literally pull it from your paychecks
>interest will keep accruing making the balance higher
>be more fucked later in life than you currently are

t. Knew a guy who ran off to Mexico after making close to 1mil in crypto back in 2017, had 100k in student debt , no payments, damn near close to double that now. He can never comeback, lives in a village protected by the cartel and lives off fruit in a shitty 1bedroom in a country where he can't speak the language. Got a bitch though.

>> No.54353914

There are a lot of states where wage garnishments aren’t legal

>> No.54353915


It's not wise to purchase a house when you have $100k in student loan debt, no. Hopefully the people who bought the last couple of years have enough money set aside in their budget for their student loan payments when they restart, because the government ain't forgiving them.

>> No.54353938

If you take all the embellishments you added away from that story (probably because you're jelly), it's quite clear that the guy is living a much better life than what he would have otherwise. Especially with 1mil in crypto
>oh no he can't come back to trannystan what a disaster!

>> No.54353956

i don't care what you do with your money but i'm not the one who is black

>> No.54353964

I could be wrong but I think theres only like 4 states anon, where wage garnishments are not allowed and he and I weren't in one.

t. Paid 200k in student loans from 2017 run

>> No.54353973

It’s not wise to live in a house? Post nose

>> No.54354009

ok boomer

>> No.54354028

The only embellishments on that story is yeah he can still comeback but he definitely not with student loans being a majority reason. He didn't have a career or anything before he left. Second while the original loan balance may have not doubled in 5 years that compound jew interest certainly added a shit ton more money to his overall balance. Lastly he evaded taxes on it so back to point one if he does comeback he could very likely be even more fucked. His decision idc to each their own, just know the consequences.

>> No.54354045

Why wouldn't he live in Mexico city or Cancun? I assume the cartel doesn't have as much pull on those areas as southern mexico right?
I mean it's probably a bit more pricey but I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the cartel. There's American enclaves in Mexico...

>> No.54354090


We'll see how wise it was when student loan payments restart later this year. I predict an uptick in foreclosures from people who overleveraged themselves and can't afford their mortgage and $1k+/mo student loan payment.

>> No.54354121

I literally have no idea why he chose the village he did, probably met the chick he's with online. After we both cashed out in 2017 I didn't hear from him for 3 months and then I got msgs and a pic of him there with this chick saying he's never coming back, paying taxes or his student loans. 2 years later I heard from him again and he was thinking of coming back because of his parents and being homesick but kind of can't cause of aforementioned reasons.

>> No.54354745

>Add an exponent on making bad debt decisions
Honestly, if this impacts anyone, they deserve it.

>> No.54355052

Yours is the only one seen as a necessity. You'd have us in desks, filing paperwork for robots to do later. You afraid? You afraid of the working man there Mr. Anon?

>> No.54355079

Because flying with large amounts of gold or cash is risky and leaving America will soon be illegal.

>> No.54355105

you think I give a shit?
let it accrue interest and never pay it.
advanced economics learned from congress.

>> No.54355215

Personal responsibility..

>> No.54355307

As long as they keep postponing it don't pay shit. If they stop postponing it use the income based minimum they're trying to put in that's essentially forgiving it after 10 years.

>> No.54355405

I will receive Loan forgiveness.
I will use my superior knowledge and acquired skills to make triple your lifetime salary.
I will get bailed out by your tax dollars.
I will call you a mental midget on 4channel.org.

>> No.54355848

Just buy a few diamonds before leaving. No one will care about some diamonds in your wallet, they probably won't even find them.

>> No.54356036

Student loan forgiveness being a possibility. I’m not paying a dime until the courts come to a decision, and even if it gets shot down I’d much rather prepare for the next bull run.

>> No.54356071

Can't they do something about it anon?

>> No.54356457

Why all the banker shills on /biz/ lately?

>> No.54356473

Can't give you one reason. I owe something like $200k in student loan debt? Must be $400,000 by now with interest, never ever paying.

>> No.54356489


>> No.54356578

you were ment to suffer
until you finally get rewarded by making others suffer

>> No.54356593

The cope is palpable. Sad. No (You) for (You)

>> No.54356642


>> No.54357382
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Don't (for now)
use your money to buy a lot of BTC on DexTools, wait a few months and your loan will pay itself, since we are heading straight-forward to a bull market really soon

>> No.54357991

don't pay it back
the feds give boomers free blowies every decade
now its your turn

>> No.54358043

I smell a fat 30 year old named Josh in this thread. He smells like German feminist piss and cuckoldry. But not like respect.

>> No.54358059

Assuming you've got wages, you don't want them to be garnished. It's not as tasty as it is done to a salad desu!

>> No.54358086
File: 29 KB, 567x537, 1679084947106008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a simple, yet effective edit

>> No.54358427

i cant because you shouldn't pay them back.