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54351996 No.54351996 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really spend this much on children? That's nearly $1500/mo for 17 years. I've currently got one in daycare and another on the way. Right now childcare expenses are eating through my budget, but after they start public school, what would I spend $1500 on? Still planning on having 6 kids

>> No.54352042

It's effective isn't it?

>> No.54352080

There was a time why a lot of Children was a good investment, with a great returns. After the nect Carrington Event it will be so again.

>> No.54352094

>public school

>> No.54352145

It probably does cost that much when you factor in the average person being fat and retarded. $100 for a pair of shoes for an infant that can't walk yet who will also grow out of the shoes in two months? Completely legitimate expense. Extra $20/week on takeout for a toddler since you're too fat and lazy to cook real food? Standard. Breastfed infants cost probably $100/month when you factor in nappies/wipes and then an extra $100-200 every few months (until they hit one) on clothes assuming you aren't buying highend brands. Food expenses don't become real until they've moved passed the stage of mashed up fruits, unless you got tricked into the formula (((they))) produce of course.

>> No.54352151

I've absorbed the cost of sending my children to a good school through the price of my house.

>> No.54352171

I don't know what the fuck they are spending all that on. Immigrant come to my country and pop out babies every other year and they certainly don't have that much money.

>> No.54352191
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>> No.54352277

If your white theyll take your kids if you dont buy all that shit.

>> No.54352283

Precisely why I didn’t have my first kid until my late 20s. I didn’t want to live in a trailer my entire life. No regrets, I prefer falling for the old dad trap than the broke dad trap. Still going to have at least 1 more, probably 2 in my early 30s

>> No.54352400

have you seen the amount of garbage the average middle class family consooms? what kind of 4 year old kid needs 4+ lego sets every month and 3+ tablets subscribed to disney+ and funkopops for pop media figures that he wasnt even born yet when they were popular? not to mention all the plastic garbage that will end up in the ocean after 1 single use.

>> No.54352417

Yes, most parents send their kids there.

>> No.54352430

You clearly have never lived in rural America. Wiggers everywhere living in destroyed trailers with kids

>> No.54352433

they shouldn't

>> No.54352447

I'm a father of two and raising both kids on one 50k/year income with a stay at home wife. I WFH so I get to sit in the living room with the kids all day. This is just antinatalist (specifically anti-white) propaganda to spook NPCs into being child free so we can ramp up the third world import quotas year over year

>> No.54352522

>10k a year the first 4 years for day care
>50k new car
>100k for college
The real cost is more like 120k which is 6.6k a year for 18 years.

>> No.54352609

If you have 4 kids, the average 5bed4bath is $400K

>> No.54352660

They can share rooms and a bathroom. Knocks that down to a much more common 3bed2bath. That line of thinking is why browns outbreed whites

>> No.54352701
File: 97 KB, 720x888, 1662646519252440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine spending $310k to raise your daughter (girls probably are even more expensive than that) and then she gets fucked by a nigger.

>> No.54353220

I'm on 120K AUD so prob about the same, also WFH and stay at home wife. She's going to be the prime driver of our homeschooling, which will likely be from one of those premade pack that we can tailor and manage the speed of progression through it
We've been given a ton of baby clothes from family, and picked up a lot of the essentials from op shops (stroller, change tables, got given a couple cribs).
We just moved further out bush for cheaper housing, which means cleaner air and higher percentage of whites.

>> No.54353350

Exactly, typical demoralization propaganda

>> No.54353395

>$310, 000 for one kid
>the poorest, blackest, and dumbest are having 20+ kids
>the rich people aren't
something doesn't add up here

>> No.54353436

As a man I will be fertile well into old age. By that time I will have made it and be able to support several fertile young wives and dozens of children.

>> No.54353449

It's just another Jewish psyop to ruin white birthrates. look outside at how many black people with 10 kids you see running around. Yeah, ok CBS News.$300k to raise a kid. for what, a pair of baby jordans and an extra jar of peanut butter every week?

>> No.54353483
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Just remind your kid all that money you're spending on them is a loan. Problem solved.

>> No.54353499
File: 45 KB, 659x680, FVjoWU6WYAIAPsR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich people are it's just middle class normies getting BTFO and psyoped by consumerism

>> No.54353519

Oh and in the meantime I’ll be cooming into spayed milfs and cute troon zoomers

>> No.54353524

>They shouldn't...b-because i said so, you see, I'm a high IQ /pol redpilled fag
Literally do a 360 and terminate your life

>> No.54353558
File: 25 KB, 552x500, fgweopjmfopd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinatalism is cringe, make no mistakes

>> No.54353589

sounds comfy

>> No.54353609

niggers get many different gibs programs that they don't give to whites

>> No.54353635

I spend way more than $1500/mo on my kid. School alone is $900/mo. Then they also have to eat (surprise) and have activities and shit.

>> No.54353710

Welfare programs are income based anon. If you want to be a total failure at life they’d also give you the same welfare.

>> No.54353724

it's still taking care of a life, all the expenses are too high, that's why many people don't want to have kids, if I had one I would have a hard time balancing that and my sora card, I'll pass

>> No.54353742

>the only productive (see Whitest) strata of society reproduces the least
Surely this is a sustainable trend without society collapsing

>> No.54353755

>die because I disagree
product of public school right here

>> No.54353797

Do you live in a city? If yes then look outside. Do you see any black people?
Do you think they all saved 3 million dollars for the 8 kids they have?


These articles are designed to get you to stop having kids. Absolutely NOTHING would happen to the author of that article if she said it would cost 20 million dollars per child. They can just lie because nobody hangs them.

>> No.54353802

In Australia it's closer to 1mil. I thinj the 300k is an underestimate not accounting for educational development and specialised learning. Day your kid wants to be an engineer at 8, because education makes children less curious you have to spend boatloads of money making sure learning remains fun for them and that it expands their mind. Otherwise they'll just end up in a wagie job with a degree.

But then with tech thats probably what all engineers will end up being.

>> No.54353957

If your children are being put in daycare… STOP having children. It will do the world a favor idiot.

>> No.54354110


>> No.54354139


Hello Sam.

>> No.54354169

Not surprising

Clothes(from birth to like teens are constantly changing because they're growing), food, entertainment, and then first car/insurance. It adds up

>> No.54354340

antinatalism and homeschooling are opposite ends of the cringe section. can't you retards just be fucking normal about one god damn thing

>> No.54354390

>you HAVE to send your kids to diseased indoctrination centers, that is NORMAL

>> No.54354433

Literally impossible because poor people do it.

>> No.54354439


Not everyone lives in the US anon.

>> No.54354546

>only 310000
if you are a fucking nigger parent that only give them 3 basic welfare meals a day and only get cloths from goodwill, sure it's going to be 310000
but the moment you give them more than that, say let them have so much as snacks or anything with dignity, it's going to be 3 to 10 times more

>> No.54355477



>> No.54355527

They get every gib under the sun

>> No.54355578

Agreed except they would be pushing infinite brown people even if every white family had 5 kids

>> No.54355588


>> No.54355615

Joke's on you, I'm a high school dropout.

>> No.54355631


>> No.54355709


>> No.54355745

Children need daycare even if there is a stay at home mom. They need to socialize. Parents that claim they socialize their children outside of school are kidding themselves.

>> No.54355755

If you're an amerimutt your child is socializing with niggerspawn and the blue-haired dipshit who is grooming them into transitioning

>> No.54355840

Only people with no children believe this. If you have relatives they give you a ton of shit for free you can just reuse on all your kids. You can also get like WIC and food stamps and shit. Huge tax credits on your income tax return, etc.

>> No.54355855

It doesn't matter. If you don't socialize your kids it'll affect their development. Either way there's private daycares too so who cares.

>> No.54355867

>If you have 4 kids, the average 5bed4bath is $400K
In my suburban area, to not live in literal niggerville that would cost 800k minimum

>> No.54355873

Cousins, family barbecues, and team sports. Only an idiot would worry about “socializing” their child though.

>> No.54355908

Daycare? Why isn't your wife raising your children?

>> No.54355921

based and shut up go fuck pilled

>> No.54356041

>the type and quality of socialization your child receives doesn't matter
LMAO good luck retard