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54344208 No.54344208 [Reply] [Original]

Good Morning /Biz/nessmen.

I get an empty mall.

Take the mall and change a lot of it into apartments. Reopen the food court with a lot of budget restaurants.

Change part of it into a general store that has toilet paper and cans of Shasta and other things people need for day to day life.

Now people can live in the mall, and the restaurants have a lot of customers centralized nearby. Restaurants and the store can deliver just by having someone walk around the mall. Nobody has to get rained or worry about snow because everything is indoors.

Now you live in the mall and if you want some food, either walk to the food court or just order it and someone walks it to you.

Cost of the rent gets you meal cards for three meals a day. Use the card to get 3 meals daily from restaurants. Restaurants get a cut of the rent people pay to live there.

Provide free wifi in the mall and give it a local intranet app so people living in the mall have an app just for them.

If you have a mall I can have, please tell me.

Thank you /biz/nessmen for reading my post.

>> No.54344228

1. you don't have the money
2. refurbishing warehouses and store fronts into residential area is gonna be a pain in the neck and in the wallet

>> No.54344243


>> No.54344244

>I get an empty mall.
>Take the mall and change a lot of it into apartments.

you cant, the plumbing isnt there for that.

>> No.54344288

Turn it into a convention center instead and build a nice hotel where Sears used to be.

>> No.54344676
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i like your thinking.

>> No.54344732

Sorry chud, mr shelkstien has created a scheme in which it would cost you so much money retrofitting the mall to conform with municipal building codes that it would only be profitable to do this to sell 2 million dollar apartments to wealthy chinese nationals.

>> No.54344848
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I don't want to operate the money part. I want someone else to operate the money part and in exchange I live there for free. I conduct computer research in my apartment and never have to go outside. Foodcourt items and essentials get delivered for free. This would be nice because then I don't have to operate money at all. Just get meals with the card and store sends soap and toilet paper and things and focus on research instead of determining the logistics of soap and toothpaste.

Is it not possible to make more plumbing?

Maybe some of it could be a convention center? Then restaurants get even more business and people living there get easier access to traveling attractions.

I don't understand what this post means.

>> No.54344953

this sounds nice but youll get fucked by zoming laws if youre in the US. theres nearly 0 chance the zoning committee in your city would allow mall slots to be rezoned to residential due to etnreched interests and "this is how its always been" thinking. good luck anon

>> No.54345039
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Why would a city rather have an empty mall over using the space for housing and foodcourt restaurants? It seems like it would cause jobs to get created and now the city gets more taxes and has a bigger economy?

>> No.54345061

Lad, take your meds. We aren't going to tell you this again.

>> No.54345157
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This is just a way to use an unused building, anon. It couldn't have been too good at what it was supposed to be used for originally if it failed and got emptied.

>> No.54345195

Sunrise mall in corpus christi texas is mostly shut down, just a couple of external gyms still running.

>> No.54345402

because apartment developers probably lobby local leaders, and block out anything that can compete with their commy blocks
go ahead and contact your local zoning board and pitch this idea, just get a sense of their reception to it. if they seem hesitant its because you havent sucked the right dicks. kneepads will be needed

>> No.54345427
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Gyms are fine. Maybe make it even nicer by making one of the restaurants be a place that does grilled chicken and steamed vegetables.

>> No.54345442

i also forgot, wealthy boomers that own lots of rental houses in the area will be especially opposed to this because it will bring down their rates and property values due to the higher supply of housing, youll need to either bring them in on the deal or fight them head on

>> No.54345463

to be clear OP im rooting for you, I love the idea and would like to live somewhere like this if i had to be a rentcuck

>> No.54345500

Malls have hotels all the time. They're highly profitable. Know who isn't gonna have a hotel though? Someone who wants to operate some sort of NEET mall commune paradise.

>> No.54345635

It'd be cool if this goes through, good luck. I'll even try and get something going in one of the shops.

>> No.54345757

this, start by adding a hotel/motel to the mall, you could even try to market it toward a luxury experience for locals to stay in for a night, then get grassroots support for adding apartments to the complex

>> No.54345771

they used to call these communes

>> No.54346002
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Thank you. I have to figure out how do I get control of a big mall?

Powerful people read 4Chan. I guess this message is for them. If you give me powers over the mall, I will change it into housing for whoever wants to live in a mall (plus me). If you don't want that because it is boring then I will do the same thing, but change it into a science foundation and the people who live there either work to run the mall or are scientists who work at the foundation and I direct the science foundation to do science more. Either way I wish you let me operate the mall. It is empty and you aren't using it anyways.

We will research computers and counting big numbers.

>> No.54346701

For everyone screeching about zoning, know that the whole country isn't where ever you live. I'm in Houston, Texas and my city has no zoning laws. Something like this would actually be possible here. The bigger issue is that OP is an anime posting faggot and a retard and he knows nothing about how extensive and expensive renovating an entire fucking mall to residential living would be.

The restaurants being free to residents is also fucking stupid. They get a cut of the rent and what, give out as much food as they have to for free? That means they're getting paid the same if they sell nothing versus 1000 plates a day. They are now incentivized to cut as many corners as possible and even lower their food quality to the point that residents don't order it. What do they care? They're getting paid regardless.

Also this isn't even getting into how OPs idea is a WEF wet dream. His idea is basically a self contained 15 minute city. Except it's even worse because you're don't even go outside, or get fresh air, or feel the sun. You're sitting in your cuck pod with no windows and eating shitty Chinese food you were too lazy to walk 100 yards for.

>> No.54346899

These already exist but as purpose built apartments with actual toilets and windows and heating, built over big anchor grocery stores with food courts in or adjacent to them. Look around for big grocery stores that have multiple stories and you might find one near you. You don't get to live there for free.

>> No.54346949
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Hmm. If you want the restaurants to compete more, then maybe they are paid according to how many people use their food tickets there?

Also I don't have any money. I would need someone give me the building and also assistants who are maids and the business maids help me figure out how to get the mall changed how it needs to get changed.

Also, if it isn't a good idea for a business then it can be a live-in science foundation.

>> No.54346971

How fucking stupid are you with this whole "SOMEONE RICH JUST GIVE ME A MALL UR NOT USING IT!!" Do you know why old malls sit empty? Because even if they're not being used the real estate is very valuable. It makes sense to sit empty until a buyer can come along and demolish it. But no, the empty mall hoarding misers of the world should just hand your dumbass 10s of millions of dollars worth of free real estate and for what? To convert it to residential? You wouldn't even know how to start doing that. What construction company are you using? How many bids are you getting? how are you paying for them? Is it even possible? You don't know any of this, because you're a faggot child who posted his asinine day dream on 4chan. I mean look at this shit.

> If you don't want that because it is boring then I will do the same thing, but change it into a science foundation and the people who live there either work to run the mall or are scientists who work at the foundation and I direct the science foundation to do science more.

What does this even mean? What science? There are entire institutions and foundations and colleges that do real, tedious, horrifically boring research and they pay their college educated researchers a wage to live like normal human beings. What kind of sense does it make to get a free goddamn mall and then convert it into some vague HECKIN SCIENCE commune for NEETs? You sound like you're fucking 12 years old.

>> No.54347169

ok now you just sound retarded
"maids and science lol I don't have money I just have the same idea as every other american than knows the least bit about mixed use spaces"

>> No.54347277
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>To convert it to residential? You wouldn't even know how to start doing that. What construction company are you using? How many bids are you getting? how are you paying for them? Is it even possible?
I don't know. Probably the rich person can figure it out. Elon Musk is reading this right now and he sees that for the low price of an old mall and some assistants who are maids there can be a science foundations that studies computers. I get to live there and direct the science foundation to study computers and count big numbers to get to the Maid Mind Computer Program. The Sorbin Institute is supposed to be in New Mexico though, so probably I have to leave to go there in 2030.

>> No.54347366

No I won't live in the pod.

>> No.54347478
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Where are the pods coming from? My idea doesn't have pods? What are the pods for?

>> No.54348060

Go live in a pod

>> No.54348280
File: 284 KB, 850x1200, Maid excited to use computers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep telling me to do this but never give me any details. I was promised a pod and some bugs and to not have to use money.

>> No.54348388

>Give me a mall, I'll convert it into an apartment with restaurants!
>Actually I don't know how to do that, you have to do it mysterious mall benefactor.
>Also you have to pay for it.
>But don't worry! In exchange for 20-30 million dollars you will get the vague assurance that I will use it to conduct "computer research"

You have no idea how real life works. I bet you have no idea how real science works and at this point I'm sure the extent of your "research" is just watching youtube videos on the subject.Do you really think Elon Musk is going to give you a mall so you can fantasize about quantum computers while you eat chicken nuggets and watch an anime cat girl clean your room?

You must be 18 to post here. Either fuck off until then or have the decency to lurk until you're not a retard.

>> No.54348777
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I don't care about quantum computers, they can't count.

>> No.54348800

The /g/ maid schizo is posting in /biz/ now?

>> No.54348979

Two huge issues, zoning and the fact that your 'empty mall' is probably going to fall to ruin in under a year of abandonment depending on where in the USA it is. City council and local boards won't approve of switching your property from business to residential because those cheap apartments would hurt 'muh housing investment.' Then there are other issues, such as does the local infrastructure (power grid, roads, water/sewage) have enough to support full-time homes (compared to shops only open half a day). And as for the condition of the mall, I watch enough urban explorer youtubers to know malls go to shit quick. I saw one video with a mall that shut down in 2021, no graffiti very little damage, etc but it still got a huge mold and leak issue in just 2 years of abandonment. And that's probably the best case scenario. You'd need to gut and renovate everything to make sure you don't have black mold fucking around. Honestly your best bet would be to get a location with a mall, get the permits to make it residential, then smash the mall (maybe keep a few things but most of it will be unusable) then rebuild on the spot.

>> No.54349040
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I am trying to get a /biz/nessman like Elon Musk to help me get a science foundation so I can use computers more for counting and have assistants who are maids.

>> No.54349136
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Digging the bang maid theme going on in here. OP the Willis tower does this to a different extent. There are ENTIRE FLOORS for apartments/shops/gyms/offices. Fitting all of what you want into just a mall sounds daunting. Maybe it could work near a college since college kids already get forced to live like this for a while. In response to the zoning arguments I've already seen cities start to re-zone overdeveloped malls to add some housing in there. Remember the city has an interest to get more tax revenue, and empty store fronts generate less taxes. The boomer lobby is strong, but the laundering of tax money is even stronger.

>> No.54349447
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I think either a rich person or a government agency can do this and then the mall becomes a lab for advanced Computer Science and Math. We will count big numbers and also find other applications of the computer.

I like it when maids get posted on the internet. The foundation could go in a tower. A floor with computers. A floor where everyone lives. A floor that has food and a general store. Assistants who are maids and use the computer to get big numbers.

>> No.54350248

At this point I understand the thread isn't about the reality or feasibility of anything you're asking, it's just an excuse for you to talk about your bizarre elaborate scenario where you live in a mall and have anime maids. Why do you keep bring up computers and counting stuff? What does that have to do with you jerking off to anime?

>> No.54350295

>Scoop up an empty mall
I think you've got this part right. America is full of dying indoor malls all over the place, and if you can figure out something profitable to do with them you could make a mint.

>Convert it into private residences with restaurants and stores that you rent out
I don't think you've got this part quite right though. I'm not entirely certain that's feasible.

>> No.54350390
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If you count in a Maid Space then data can get emerged from counting. You can count to all the Computer Programs possible to store in a Maid Space. So then you count big enough numbers in a big enough Maid Space and you get to the Maid Mind Computer Program. We can count to the maid.

>> No.54350411

i hate anime so much it's unreal

>> No.54350506

Translation for those who might not know: the Willis Tower is what used to be called the Sears Tower. Chicago has several skyscrapers with different-use floors like this, and IIRC Trump Tower in NYC is residential-over-retail.

>> No.54350877
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Yeah that's right. I don't live near any skyscrapers so the Willis tower was the main one I know about. I'm surprised that type of mixed use mega building isn't more of a thing .

>> No.54350939

It's because verticality is expensive and land is cheap in most parts of the US still. Even in Chicago, you go just outside city lines and you have Elk Grove Village full of huge sprawling single level warehouses and datacenters. As we start seeing new megabuildings go up in already built up cities (especially Boston and NYC) I think we'll see more mixed use like that.

>> No.54351114
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I would prefer a building that only has one or two floors like a mall, but I wouldn't turn down a tower. Just needs space to live and use computers and eat.

>> No.54351374


I've seen 1/2 a mall get turned into a hospital / state of the medical center. It is an excellent use of space.


The mall is still there, doctors like to shop. It is similar to how Cleveland Clinic (another famous place) is surrounded by shops. You don't have to get rid of the mall entirely, just most of it - the unprofitable stores.

I like your idea about housing though, especially for maids. But we aren't Japan and have fatties and niggers to deal with, so it won't occur.

>> No.54351398
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It used to be SEARS

>> No.54351853


Your main issue will be zoning if you're in the US. Boomers don't like the idea of medium residential housing so must of the country I'd zoned for single family residential.

Most investors will also fight you since solving the housing crisis would make them less wealthy.

>> No.54353290

thread is full of retards and phoneposters, time to pack it up jannies

>> No.54353324
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>> No.54353334
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