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File: 515 KB, 1280x720, 1675959214332698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54342129 No.54342129 [Reply] [Original]

Just say for instance, ETH died, hypothetically. And you knew this before time. What would you buy other than BTC? AVAX? LTC?

>> No.54342136

XRP obviously since it's the only crypto with clarity

>> No.54342151

I'm thinking of adding a loader/ backhoe to the equipment.

>> No.54342153

>buy before 10% of the market goes to zero
have you learned nothing

>> No.54342163

not kyspa scam for sure!

>> No.54342168


>> No.54342199

Please give me the optimal play

>> No.54342233

sadly not clarity of mind

>> No.54342365

Where would the builders move for economic security, EVM compatibility, and decentralization?

I think Avalanche or Near are the runner-ups.

>captcha: DPRK J0

>> No.54343496

i want the right one sucking my cock and left one licking my asshole

>> No.54343875

BNB, Cosmos

>> No.54343902

>mine BTC
>pay your energy bill
>end the FED
literally that simple.

>> No.54343937

Only Avalanche is good enough in terms of technology

>> No.54344112

am i weird for really wanting to just make out with her? ong.
like, left probably hasn't kissed a guy since she first gave head back when she was uh 18. right looks like she could earn it, left expects it. i hate that in a woman, makes me not want to kiss them.

>> No.54345073
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Killing Ethereum was always their Plan since around 2018 or so when JPM decided to take over.
They influenced Vitalik and the dev team to make the worst design decisions possible so that ETH would become centralized and controllable, thats why the Merge happened and why all the Miners got kicked out. JPM doesnt want random people making Blocks so Block production was centralized.
The next step was selling the outdated L2 scaling approach to People, they did this with Arbitrum and Optimism and even Polygon which derive their security from the JPM controlled Mainchain. JPM also controls Infura and Metamask, as you see they have their Fingers in everything Ethereum, they even put pressure on People that build DeFi on Ethereum by closing their Bank Accounts like they did with the Uniswap faggot, they use every dirty trick in the Book to control it.
So now the question is, whats JPM planning for Ethereum and the L2s and all these Users thats are oblivious to whats going on?
If you think (((they))) are gonna pump ETH and make all the mouthbreathing goyims rich you couldnt be more wrong.
The plan is obviously crashing it with no survivors and squeezing all the money out of it into JPMs pockets.
Did you know that JPM is also invested in IC3 and funds the development of not only ETH but also Chainlink and Avalanche.
Now Avalanche is very interesting because they took the opposite approach in design and imo the Plan is obviously to crash ETH and its L2s to make room for Avalanche which actually improves on everything Ethereum did. There is many hints towards this but nobody has figured it out yet because JPM employs a lot of shills that make sure to keep the goyim herd moving into the desired direction.

>> No.54345113

you'd buy an EVM chain competitor.

>> No.54345142

Cash, I think if Eth suddenly died it would fuck the whole crypto market for a few years.

>> No.54345149

Does nobody notice like in every fucking thread there’s a faggot like this that shills avax? The fact he wrote all that out to turn into a shill post literally means he’s getting paid for this right?

>> No.54345175

What makes Avalanche so attractive is that it can run any Virtual Machine not just the EVM and through their warp messaging all these VMs can communicate with each other. true inbuild interoperability and an interesting feature that nobody else has.
the replacement for it already exists.
the only one getting fucked by the ETH collapse is retail.

>> No.54345192

>"oy vey shut it down nuthin wrong with Ethereum goyims pls dont read"

see how fast the ETH shills attack this post?

>> No.54345219

The content is true though, Ethereum and its critical tools are all JPM owned.

>> No.54345234
File: 94 KB, 537x398, Screenshot 2023-03-27 085555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polyhotel is the only right answer. Currently at 50k Marketcap and the dev is a former mobile games dev.

Built on polygon

>> No.54345266

I worked at Ava Labs and literally met the paid shills team, so, yeah probably. (They're pretty chill dudes.)

>> No.54345326

>ft probably hasn't kissed a guy since s
leave the house bro

>> No.54345368

That's true wealth

>> No.54345407
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the jewish JPM Ethereum shills will never admit to any of this or allow discussion of it and they are shilling full blast on all Social Media outlets to herd more goyims into this planned Ethereum/L2 demolition.
All the big public shillers, like really all the really prominent shills are on their payroll to shill Ethereum and L2s to the goyims. They dont want you to make it and they dont want you in their club thats why you have to be poor and thats why they lie to you.
If you open your eyes you can see it, an example would be CLG. Why do you think he always ignores Avalanche and always shills Ethereum and its L2s instead?
because hes jewish and paid to shill this and distract from the actual solution and instead helps the chosen people to impoverish the goyims. jewish people are like that.

the only paid shills here are the JPM/ETH shills and Ava Labs is doing fuck all for marketing, they are in on the plan so you wont see them shilling it anywhere as they too want you to get fucked in the ETH demolition.

>> No.54345456

and now the jewish shills did this >>54345410

also janny faggots will probably shut down this thread too because someone mentioned the truth, cant have that.
see you on page 10 and in the archives niggers.

>> No.54345474 [DELETED] 

Meds schizo pedo.

>> No.54345483

denounce the talmud, say nigger and deny israel the right to exist.

>> No.54345504

I don’t give a shot about the context. I give a shit that’s there’s blatant avax shills that are getting that ruin this board. It’s straight cancer.

>> No.54345508 [DELETED] 

That's literally antisemitic, reported.

>> No.54345518

thanks for proving me right schlomos.

>> No.54345538

Algorand will be crowned king of defi

>> No.54345564

I don’t even hold eth and don’t even care about the chain at all. I’m just annoyed of the roaches. You guys are either paid shills or the most pathetic baggies. Who the fuck wants to hold a coin that double spends, has been hacked multiple times, and a ridiculous amount of inflation. Oh let’s not forget like 50% of the apps hosted on your chain have been hacked.

>> No.54345584

can you do this real quick for me? >>54345483

>> No.54345641

i busted so hard to that pic jfc

>> No.54345978

I believe in Jesus Christ. The Talmud is a set of books Jews made after Jesus’s death to cope with the rise of the new true religion Christianity. It’s a terrible set of books that have ridiculous claims on how the chosen and unchosen people should be treated. Do not care about the Israel situation, same as with Ukraine. Do not think the US should be funding either since we have our own problems. But I don’t give a shot so I’m not picking sides. But I prefer Jews over roaches

>> No.54346006

so you cant do it because you are a jewish shill. thanks for confirming jew.

>> No.54346072

Literally a Christian. I did denounce the talmud and do not care about the Israel situation. Why the fuck does this even matter roach? I’m not the person here trying to get .25 avax per a shill post

>> No.54346193

thanks for reminding me to lock my windows anon

>> No.54346237

Fuck off kike

>> No.54346275

>Just say for instance, ETH died, hypothetically. And you knew this before time.
Depends on the reason why.
What's the point of picking an alternative that could die from the same cause?

>> No.54346279

.25 avax have been deposited to your account

>> No.54346321

>What might happen if McDonald's dies, would people go to Burger King?
>You: Why are there Burger King shills in this thread?

>> No.54346338

It’s every where faggot. Literally every fucking thread you fucks keep shilling this double spend shitcoin that nobody gives a shit about

>> No.54346519
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Listen jew shill, it matters because you are trying to slide away from the topic. you cant talk about the contents of my Post >>54345073 because its your job to lie and distract, thats why you cant even write "Nigger". you are just trying to slide with nonsensical bullshit writing me a wall of text for shit I didnt even ask for.
>What's the point of picking an alternative that could die from the same cause?
What actually happened is they realized scaling Ethereum isnt easy and before they could come up with anything that works they found the Proof for the Avalanche consensus which is easier and works better.
They realized they had to start from scratch to fix whats wrong with Ethereum and thats when this idea for the controlled ETH/L2 demolition came up to them.
its gonna be cryptos 9/11.

>that nobody gives a shit about
JPM is a nobody now? they arent sending their best. now take a hike kike.

>> No.54346645

If you were certain, shorting Eth all the way down would probably be the move. Or buy a put?
It'll drag everything else down with it so you don't want to be holding anything but rather buy the dip on several big L1s.

>> No.54346719

Literally agreed with everything you said in your post until it turned into a avax shill post. The fact that you wrote all that out to shill avax as the better alternative when it obviously isn’t due to hacks, double spend, and shitty dapps is fucking pathetic.
Yeah JPM literally has a crypto department where they will throw money at any fucking projects. It’s ducking hilarious you’re calling me a kiss but are stroking your dick thinking that a stingy company like jpm cares about your roach chain.

>> No.54347034
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>due to hacks
nothing uncommon about this.
Ethereum was also hacked dozens of times before it took off and before they decided to demolish it.
I expect more hacks for Ethereum and L2s in the near future.
>double spend
that bug was fixed 2 years ago. also it was a minting bug not an actual double spend.
also did you know that Ethereum Developers (Szilagy for example) are working on Avalanche too and helping fix its bugs?
weird to do for something everyone thinks is competition.
>and shitty dapps
They are in the process of onboarding trillion dollar usecases with all kinds of Banks and Gigajew corporations and work close with the US Government, Avalanche is JPM owned too but not in the same way they own Ethereum.
there are some differences and there is a different plan for Avalanche.
So logically its $AVAX what they are going to pump next while ETH/L2s are gonna get shorted into the Ground.
But of course you are too retarded of a nigger and/or too much of a jew to see this.
they hire jew shills like you so good investment opportunities are never discussed here on /biz/.

>> No.54347456

Holy shit the fucking cope is unbelievable with the avax baggies. If your chain has been hacked that means it failed.
Calling me a Jew/kike shill while sucking JPMs dick
>can’t make this up

>> No.54347514

>If your chain has been hacked that means it failed.
nope, learn to read yid
>while sucking JPMs dick
thats what you do.

>> No.54347735

>no you
Kek you’re such a pathetic faggot

>> No.54347765

keep kvetching jude

>> No.54347797

Why wouldn't you short ETH if you knew it was going to die?

>> No.54347820
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>> No.54347904
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jewish JPM shills will tell you that everything is fine with Ethereum and the L2s.
they want to lure as many in there as possible (thats why the airdrops for the L2s happened) so they can crush the goyims that fall for it.
they did the same shit with Celsius, Bancor and FTX.
thats why there is so much Ethereum/L2 shilling going on.
>short ETH
the only downside of this trade is that we dont know when they will demolish it but the signs are all there that it is about to start soon.
so basically short ETH and long AVAX is the god trade. Also look into everything that is relying heavily on Ethereum, these will be good shorts too like OP, ARB, MATIC. these are all going to massively dump. also look for DeFi that has lots of these tokens in their treasury, they would shake real hard too if they aint multichain and diversified enough.

>> No.54348599
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I love watching poorfaggets fight over which coin is better, just take advantage of what's good about each one. For example I'm mining BTC and staking AVAX

>> No.54348761

Chainlink ($link)

>> No.54348999
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>> No.54349031
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>> No.54349045
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the jewish shills are encouraging tribalism in the crypto communities and they dont want anyone to make it.
they dont want you to take advantage of whats good, they want you stuck in their scams where they can pull the rug at any time. they also dont want anyone think too hard about their very obvious plans.
Chainlink (LINK) is also the other obvious bluechip, decentralized oracles are extremely important and they are the reason why the Smart Contract economy can even exist.
Ethereum and L2s get destroyed, no problem for LINK as its blockchain agnostic and very close to Avalanche anyway.

>> No.54349061

and critical avax infra is cockroach owned whats the difference

>> No.54349108

Based. I would lick both of their assholes clean and stick my dick in it, bury it in so far until they gape.

>> No.54349229
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Its the best tech, government friendly, in line with the SEC. You would be stupid to not have a sui stack with the upcoming regulation

>> No.54349396
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Let's just say, put your money on the asian. They literally control 65% of the market share right now. They know everything that is to come and how to move and profit from it. Makoto takemiya didn't get a deal with Mastercard to produce XOR credit cards for nothing, they are IN it

>> No.54349988

isn't avalanche the biggest chain in terms of flows to Tornado Cash and other mixers? ie it's what big criminal cartels have been using to launder their money? this could be either bullish or bearish depending on how regulations end up coming down

>> No.54350124


>> No.54350153
File: 62 KB, 683x960, photo_2022-10-27_08-50-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest criminal cartel, the US Government is Balls deep in Avalanche.
it already started at its creation, Emin Gün Sirers research has been funded by the NSF from the start which you might know for their previous funny creations like the Manhatten Project or the Internet.
basically all that research for the Avalanche Consensus came out of Cornell and they hire all their wagies directly from the other ivy league places which are all extremely close to the US Gov.
IC3 as already mentioned is also funded by the biggest investment bank in the world, JPM and also by Fidelity also very jewish and both close to the US Gov.
FEMA, a US Government organization together with Deloitte are running a Subnet on Avalanche and were one of the first movers to do so.
>depending on how regulations end up coming down
EGS is Technical Advisor at the CFTC and Ava Labs is known for weaponizing laws, lawyers and regulations to their Advantage.
now the CFTC is attacking binance, coincidence?
ETH and L2s might also get attacked by the CFTC in the future, that was probably one of the big reasons for the "Merge" event, to make the case more clear for the SEC that its a security and not a commodity while Ava Labs has been playing smart with AVAX.

>> No.54350181

Chick on the right is levels above the chick on the left
Right gang FTW

>> No.54350275

I don't fucking care what the SEC thinks. I self custody my funds SAFU

>> No.54350334

I'd rather just buy DiD projects.

>> No.54350336

Avalanche consensus has never failed a single time. In fact the three (3) outages in the 3 or so years of the network being like all occurred because the consensus mechanism did it's job and halted the network. It's not like SOL where the consensus mechanism failed, chain forked and they had to rollback and restart.
Any chain with smart contracts WILL be the victim of smart contract hacks, it's unavoidable. You sound like a piss chain retard who has yet to experience baby's first smart contract vulnerability kek.

>> No.54350526

The fucking cope. I swear y’all are the worst baggies in all of crypto. Worst that doge and Shiba bag holders thinking it’s going to $1. Here’s your .25 avax

>> No.54350562

It's not cope, you're just wrong lel

>> No.54350679

It’s literal cope. Your chain has be hacked, has been down, has malfunction mechanics where users were able to double spend, insecure smart contracts and dapps built on top on the malfunctioning chain and then the shills in here have the balls to say itll replace ethereum. Yes all those events are true and happened, claiming that they were fixed doesn’t mean shit since your chain has shown to be insecure. I wouldn’t trust any amount of money on your chain anymore and this is from some one who held it from about the price it is now to $100. Your coin is nothing but a shitty eth fork. Y’all are the worst baggies in the whole entire space and I pray everyday that this shitcoin just fucking collapses so every single one of you shills will shut the fuck up

>> No.54350686
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and already 11 posts by that jew shill.
a lot of posts for someone who allegedly doesnt care about Ethereum, its future or anything crypto and just spams the thread with his jew disinfo all day long.
he doesnt like that jews are called out for their ETH scam or that opportunities are shown to the goyim how to profit from it, thats why this jew cant leave and why he keeps posting.

>> No.54350705

>jew keeps repeating lies and FUD

>> No.54350738

You have 18 posts shilling fucking avax faggot

>> No.54350755

AVAX is the future of the EVM. Why does it make you seethe so much kike?
>he doesnt like that jews are called out for their ETH scam or that opportunities are shown to the goyim how to profit from it, thats why this jew cant leave and why he keeps posting.

>> No.54350814
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As I said before:
>double spend
>hacked chain
>hacked smart contracts
>hacked dapps
>has been down multiple times
>team has to pay shills for anybody to talk about this shitcoin
You guys also try to act like you’re a 4chan regular with the racism and antisemitism but you can literally tell you’re just being a poser.
Hey how about this post you’re fucking hand and let’s see what your basement dwelling cum guzzling skin looks like

>> No.54350835

No user has ever double spent on avalanche, it literally has never happened. How many times do you think ETH smart contracts have been hacked? kek
The fact that you think it's an ETH fork just shows your lack of comprehension. Do you take pride in posting retardedly wrong takes?

>> No.54350845


>> No.54350861
File: 117 KB, 1129x1200, 1615950125199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh of course you're the retarded Texan ICP hand poster topkek

>absolutely rent free

>> No.54350862

>jew throwing around some buzzwords and old FUD.
now post your jew nose next you limpwristed Loser kike.

that jew is literally foaming at the mouth already. hes losing it because none of his disinfo and FUD sticks here.

>> No.54350886

It’s literally a eth fork. Go look at the code it’s a straight up fork.
And yes double spend happened and they called a chain breaking failure a fucking bug. You’re chain is the lowest of the low even worst than SOL

>> No.54350911

Oh look so you guys are the same shills then. Fucking new if I posted my hand you fucks would out yourselves. Have fun sucking each other’s dicks in every thread.
And you what’s you neither of you faggots have the balls to post your hands

>> No.54351110

>One chain on one subnet uses the EVM
Who outed themselves? You posted the same hand pic you always do when FUDing avalanche, I'm not sure who you're referring to but do you think only people who reply to a thread can see it? kek

>> No.54351192

Here’s your .25 avax. Fucking poorfags

>> No.54351268

>post thread
>turns into Jews
Every time

>> No.54351395
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>Bank crisis
>First bank to go is crypto related
>Second bank to go is crypto related
>Gov starts attacking crypto like there is no tomorrow
>CZ sued by government
WTF are the elites doing? What's the endgame for these fuckers?

>> No.54351477

Theyre all trying to destroy avax cuz avax is such a great fucking chain and those Jews are afraid. Make sure you buy some avax. Please use this referral code (GOATFUCKER22) so you can support your favorite avax shill/fudder. Also don’t forget to like and subscribe. Make sure you hit that bell on the way out so get notified on the latest avax information.
Don’t forget to buy avax.

>> No.54351503
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all im reading is hedera :))

>> No.54351539
File: 1.82 MB, 160x192, 06C43EB1-23A8-40F2-9EBD-5719F0F7483A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just say for instance, ETH died

>> No.54351776

post your nose kike faggot

>> No.54352188

Ethereum classic, obviously. It does the same thing

>> No.54352363

You have insider info. Exploit it.
Sell into USDT > buy after the crash, duh.

>> No.54354021
File: 512 KB, 664x779, wearenotthesame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping the most important posts ITT


>> No.54354174

no sirs goats is the only posts that matter. Please come see my thread avaxxie and claim your goats

>> No.54354232

>kike still here still seething

>> No.54354240

muh gooooaaaaaats

>> No.54354252


>> No.54355234

LTC, also make sure you have chainlink, that will most likely relegate ETH to the sideline

>> No.54355275

those are men

>> No.54356226


>> No.54356941
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are you saying buy avax and link and hold until adoption hits then sell immediately ?
I thought both would be essential infrastructure for decades to come, but what you're saying is very interesting anon
something that never sat right with me was the kyle roche incident.
also I used to listen to EGS speak early on but it became evident that he's intellectually dishonest fairly frequently. He's also a vax shill and doesn't tolerate any 'conspiracy theories' whereas any CEO that wants to establish trust doesn't just outright lie about their opinions to further sell snake oil. also doesnt emin overwrite the avax vote DAO thingie i rember reading something about it, where it's not really decentralized because all decisions are upon emin and not really the ava labs team or whatever

>> No.54356944


ure a gigabrain

avax to 10k

>> No.54357515
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>> No.54357860


>> No.54357872

I would add Cosmos due to its interoperability feature, and EGLD for the tech, and the birthplace of Ride, the first automobile based crypto project

>> No.54357880
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>are you saying buy avax and link and hold until adoption hits then sell immediately ?
its only ETH and the L2s that are fucked.
the L2 approach failed and Avalanche created a massive paradigm shift and made it irrelevant. so they crash it.
to make it keep staking AVAX and LINK and you have passive income for life but sure sell some of it at the top, secure some profits and live your life but just never sell all of it because that would be dumb, also dont try to swing or you swing from a rope soon.
>all decisions are upon emin and not really the ava labs team
its actually the other way around.
Emin has not much to say and he often cant recall details that youd think a guy like him would know, hes just a figurehead, a speaker hes the guy to give interviews.
So EGS obviously isnt the actual brain behind Avalanche, that would be Ted Yin while John Wu manages the Business Development.
and yes EGS is lying about all kinds of stuff, especially his past and really early research and everything about Satoshi.
Thats because he knows who created Bitcoin and he knows how far back the research really goes.
also isnt it strange that EGS was made the CEO?
like even before Ava Labs he was famous for having many haters because he'd involve himself literally everywhere and make enemies all over the space, from the Blocksize debate to the DAO hack and now that I mention it its actually a good example that shows that they had previous staged events on Ethereum where Vitalik and Emin were involved, that too ended up in people getting fucked out of their money.
or do you think its a coincidence EGS finds the exploit on line 666?
So how unlikely is a controlled ETH demolition?
overall strange they picked such a controversial person for that job. imo John Wu should be CEO and EGS as Advisor or in a similar role as Ari Juels at Chainlink Labs.

>> No.54358764
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>JPM is also invested in IC3 and funds the development of not only ETH but also Chainlink and Avalanche.
>Jews funding Chainlink and Avalanche
it all makes sense now

>> No.54358801
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>bug on line 666
>they say the devil is in the details

>> No.54358914

How the fuck would ETH "die"? Are you talking about just the price going down, the entire chain somehow just miraculously collapsing or both?

>> No.54358919

He's talking about a semi-orchestrated blackswan friend

>> No.54358943
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Are u dying of cancer or something? ETH is showing positive signs and might rally towards 2k, but in case it doesn't, I'll invest in low cap projects BRISE, EVMOS, and MyS of Magicyearn, which recently do a 2x. Considering that we're in a bull market, imagine the potential for these investments

>> No.54359320

Ftm for sure, and also Sylo, ridiculously low MCap, and some TAs are predicting a nice move from here

>> No.54359379

Smart move, the focus on cross-chain interoperability is achieved.

>> No.54359393

ENS ORE feels good, more will be added.

>> No.54359408

More of AI and DiD projects, I'm pushing for the trendy narratives.

>> No.54359590

But QANX is still 20% up since after the relaunch

>> No.54359618

In terms of potentials and its several use cases, I believe QANX among others would do pretty well in the nearest future as an aftermath of the scheduled mainnet launch of the Ethereum Compatible quantum-resistant blockchain by Qanplatform.

>> No.54359636
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The rate of fraud and data theft will reduce drastically, polygon ID and ORE ID are top notch.

>> No.54360081

ARB right away. Not letting go of the arbitrum liquidity funnel, SPOOL. But you are too based to use ETH, instead of XRP or ADA that's dead already for this hypothesis anon.

>> No.54360307

ETH is gay and there's a lot of what seem to be homosexuals itt

>> No.54360314

RAIL, zkSync

>> No.54360333

Don't miss out on privacy and AI or you are fucked.

>> No.54360719

Big hands on LTC anon, I also accumulate RIDE before its burn mechanism is implemented alongside ZPAY for crypto payments

>> No.54361318

Sylo is a doubt for me

>> No.54361337

2pbitd spamthread I derailed it earlier and got mass reported for no reason, the same guy sperging out 24 posts stopped posting after.
And now the bots fill the thread bumping it nonstop.
Place is so fucking compromised its a joke

>> No.54361436

Give up your Sylo for LINK and ORE.

>> No.54361937


>> No.54362435

well, it's storage wallet attracted me, coz it uses an end-to-end encryption to protect user's private keys and keep their funds safu. More so, the wallet has been audited by the cybersecurity firm Certik, which adds an additional layer of security to the wallet, which is huge for it's ecosystem.

>> No.54362516

enjoy being poor. evmos is dead. eth is about to be axed today and magicyearn is a scam. might as well end it all and save yourself the embarassment later.

>> No.54362528

Dangerously based, but perhaps not ready and battle tested enough for Ethereum levels of utilization overnight.

>> No.54362897
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when do you think the jpm kikes are going to go through with their plan?
>keep staking avax and link
thanks for responding, anunnaki anon
do you have any insights on avax ecosystem coins or should i just forget about it and continue stacking my avaxxies. everything seems a meme, but so is the entirety of DeFi.
>EGS finds exploit on line 666
fucking. incredible.
Look at the core wallet, it's the owl of minerva.
Avax logo is red and white, satanic colors penetrating the subconscious, and is the shape of a pyramid.
there's a dApp called delta prime (got 300k funding from ava labs) which if you examine it's symbol, is 666, and is the cia symbol for little boy lover
a lot of occultism i'm noticing on avawanche at first I thought it was coincidence but after the 666 thing holy fucking shit
am i evil for investing in this lol

>> No.54363010

you are fake mentally ill which actually upsets those of us who truly are sick in the head. avax is a confirmed turkroach scam because your posting. what new gimmic will you jeets come up with to shill your token to idiots next?

>> No.54363067

Flare and Songbird

>> No.54363640

>AVAX is the future of the EVM.
Then Arbitrum is the future if what? Can you compare any AVAX token to GMX, SPOOL or RDNT on ARB chain? Hate seeing benzofags shit this board.

>> No.54363946

as many as i can - and only the real meme ones. preferably $100 worth in any of them. fuck bonk, fuck doge (except for the actual dog hope the nibba doin aight), and fuck litecoin. definitely as many jeet coins as i can.

>> No.54364053


>> No.54364198


>> No.54364230

This is based, I'm bagging this with DiD projects.

>> No.54365120
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>when do you think the jpm kikes are going to go through with their plan?
hard to tell but all the pieces are in place and the demolition could technically happen any moment since everything got centralized already.
also who knows what it depends on, could be tied to how far Avalanche is in development so it can properly replace ETH or its about some other development milestones, maybe they are still in the process of luring poor unsuspecting goyims into Ethereum and the L2s and then crash it at the top of the next Bullrun. there is lots of possibilities how that could play out.
>do you have any insights on avax ecosystem coins
I see DeFi more as gambling while avax and link are the core infrastructure bluechips.
of course there will be many different Subnets, Blockchains, DeFi, tokens and usecases but not all of them will make it, picking out the winners is difficult.
So it makes more sense to focus on the bluechips and gamble with some of the staking profits and then move these profits back into the bluechips.
>Look at the core wallet, it's the owl of minerva.
indeed very obvious, they could have chosen literally anything else but nope lets take the jew owl and the pyramid logos. truly subtle but yeah thats jews for you, thats also how they signal to each other whats "legit/kosher" and what isnt.
if you learn to spot these signs you can make a lot but if you arent careful and misinterpret the signs you could lose it all.
>am i evil for investing in this
depends who you ask, you could easily make a case that anything involving money and investing is evil at some level. imo jews attaching their beloved jewish "memes" doesnt make the technology evil itself but it says a lot about whos behind it so pay attention.
>Then Arbitrum is the future if what?
Arbitrum is an L2 and that scaling approach doesnt work.
so it will crash together with all the other L2s when Ethereum drags it into the abyss.

>> No.54365798
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I think after the halvening in 2024 we will begin to see avax adoption start to take place.
subnets are yet to be tested, they also have to upgrade their validator hardware, and lower validation amount if they want to see grand scale adoption. idk if eth will fall like the twin towers or it'll have a slow painful death whilst the maxi's cry in pain as their life savings perish.
>I see defi as gambling
yeah i agree, lost about a thousand avax fugging around with avax memecoins but net an overall profit last bullrun since there is insane potential for 50-500x's everywhere during mania.
I forgot to mention but I also found it interesting that the chainlink symbol is the seal of solomon, and it's colors blue and white are biblically described as the colors of saturn. Chainlink labs logo is also 666 with the seal of solomon, 6 lines with 13 in between (christ+12 disciples) IBM, Twitter, microshaft, etc highest levels of evil companies share the same colors.
idk if you know of any other occult connections and what I should be paying attention to
I know that MIT is the hub for where the kikes breed tech that benefits pedophiles, epstein close affiliation alongside SBF.
SBF headquartered in the caribbean, which is the second largest child trafficking ring in the world, ukraine being the first
I greatly appreciate your insight anon

>> No.54367442
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>subnets are yet to be tested
and all the tools have to be build and apparently making these new VMs is a very time consuming process.
>and lower validation amount if they want to see grand scale adoption
that was supposed to happen through Governance but Governance wasnt implemented due to Regulatory BS as this equals to voting rights.
they are most likely trying to come up with a more elborate Mechanism for regulating required staking amount.
>highest levels of evil companies share the same colors.
yep slightly different logos but all the same jews behind em.
>I know that MIT is the hub for where the kikes breed tech
Berkeley for example (Juels came from there) is as much of a spook hub as the MIT, Harvard, Cornell, yale etc.
lots of psyops bullshit coming from these places and all the research developed there is for the benefit of these very wealthy jewish families that own most things in the world today, the Blockchain industry as a whole is just another sector in this construct.
>any other occult connections and what I should be paying attention to
just look out for their typical jew symbols and favorite jew numbers and what jews are involved and invested in, even some basic genealogy research can tell a lot about whats going on.
also often its easy to tell what is a jewish scam and what is actually "working" and their symbolism isnt really that clever overall. they arent very creative people, only when it comes to developing new scams for the goyims.

>> No.54367521

I would pick on privacy coins anon. Getting some good hypes.

>> No.54367577

Everyone talking about the ZK season. Looks like the best time for privacy coins.

>> No.54367782
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very based
evil can only mirror, it cannot create
thanks for your wisdom anunnaki anon

>> No.54368243

Not bad anon. Mine are

>> No.54369330
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I'd only stack AX and keep staking for tgold and tsilver rewards. I can at least redeem those for real gold and silver.