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54343277 No.54343277 [Reply] [Original]

I sometimes think about wealth that some people have, the sheer enormity of it. Jeff Bezos has somewhere around $117 billion. If I had even 0.0001% of that wealth, I would be set for life. I could live a life of luxury and never have to work. This man has more money than he probably knows what to do with. All his basic needs are a given, so all he has left are vanity purchases like mansions and fancy cars, plus an assortment of business-related transactions. Yet despite having so much, it seems that rich people, particularly billionaires, seem so utterly unwilling to let other people have a share of their wealth. They constantly lobby politicians to oppose the tiniest of tax increases, and bend over backwards to keep their workers from forming unions. Why? Even if they had to give up 99% of their wealth in taxes, they would still have far more money than commoners like you and me could ever dream of.

What causes this mindset?

>> No.54343319

>Jeff Bezos has somewhere around $117 billion.
...In assets. That's not how wealth valuation works IRL.

>> No.54343320

Because they have aspergers

>> No.54343343

are they even real or figureheads since we wouldn't understand how things actually work anyways so its easier just to show us some puppets and make them dance around and we'll believe thats how the world runs.

>> No.54343345

Capitalism breeds cancer. And i dont mean it metaphorically i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell. It turns people into souless evilmaxxing parasites hell bent on consuming and enslaving all that they can. This isnt even a conscious decision on the individuals part. It is just that evilmaxxing behavior is highly encouraged and incentivized therefore as time passes people turn more and more into demons. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, backatabbing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism.

This mindset is created by the current modes of production and consumption and is highly incentivized and encouraged. It isnt an individual failure it is systemic

>> No.54343349

How do you think they stay rich? By giving it all away?

>> No.54343353

Most of those assets can be sold if needed. It might need to be done in small increments to avoid crashing the stock market, but it could be done. Besides, he probably wouldn't need to give up that much money if his workers formed a union or Washington decided to raise taxes a little.

>> No.54343362

>$117 billion
That's $117,000 lol

>> No.54343375

taxation is theft, nigger
just go back

>> No.54343389

Considering slavery predates money let alone capitalism I find these "c(r)apitalism makes people... LE BAD" arguments ridiculous. Badness is innate to humans, over time we've learned to somewhat temper the urge to conquer and enslave people by trying to get rich through legal means. Look what happens in communities without access to legal wealth opportunities... they start prostituting, killing and selling drugs to each other. Capitalism has provided a means to convert interpersonal aggression into financial aggression. Capitalism is actually le good.

>> No.54343395

Yeah that's probably part of it. I just find it strange how unwilling they are to make even the slightest sacrifice for the betterment of society.

I accidentally forgot to convert percentages to decimals, but $117,000 would make a considerable difference for me. At the very least, I could go through college without any debt worries.

>taxation is theft
Who cares. We don't need a handful of rich assholes hoarding most of society's wealth.

>> No.54343401

They're real, but most of the job is just making optimal moves.
The guy in charge isn't the guy who has to process all of the related information. He just has to explain stuff to the investors. It just doesn't make much of a difference in the long run who has the money. Musk is an exception because he's an egotistical spaz and always close to a lawsuit.
>Most of those assets can be sold if needed.
I'm not even sure that's legal. It wouldn't be for his own private gain. Most of these assets are tied to their companies. More importantly: They're in positions where they just won't ever need the money for themselves.

>> No.54343429

They are asset rich not cash rich.
A lot of people with big houses, cars etc have very little cash after all their fixed expenses are subtracted.

>> No.54343442

>I'm not even sure that's legal. It wouldn't be for his own private gain. Most of these assets are tied to their companies.
Isn't most of his wealth tied up in stock? Apart from maybe lowering the value of the stock sold, I don't see much reason why he couldn't sell of most of his assets.

>> No.54343457

Again, most if not all of those assets can be sold

>> No.54343472

Because he loses control of his company. Said company already pays plenty of taxes, and you literally want to destroy it for no discernible reason at all. Just some abstract bullshit.

>> No.54343489

>Isn't most of his wealth tied up in stock?
Stock, real estate, bonds, securities, etc.

The valuations you see though, are estimates of the value of their companies' assets. So for Jeff Bezos, you're seeing the value of their trucks, warehouses, inventory, supplies, and anything extra associated with Amazon as a whole.
He can't liquidate this on a whim. Firstly, the U.S Govt. would have his ass for undermining the local and global economy cuz 'funni'.
Secondly, the investors would have his ass because he's not operating in the best interests of the company.
Finally, everyone who got laid off would make a big deal about it to the Federal Govt., and even if Bezos got away with it, there'd now be a gap in the market for a state-sponsored alternative.

>> No.54343546

>Because he loses control of his company.
I don't think he is the majority shareholder. I think he something like 10% of Amazon.
>you literally want to destroy it for no discernible reason at all
The company can continue to exist even if ownership changes hands

>So for Jeff Bezos, you're seeing the value of their trucks, warehouses, inventory, supplies, and anything extra associated with Amazon as a whole.
>He can't liquidate this on a whim.
I'm pretty sure he'd be selling stock, not any physical assets tied to it.
>Firstly, the U.S Govt. would have his ass for undermining the local and global economy cuz 'funni'.
>Secondly, the investors would have his ass because he's not operating in the best interests of the company.
>Finally, everyone who got laid off would make a big deal about it to the Federal Govt., and even if Bezos got away with it, there'd now be a gap in the market for a state-sponsored alternative.
If necessary, his wealth could get taxed away gradually to avoid destabilizing the economy. You could also focus on taxing income rather than wealth, and thus make it less likely that he and other ultra-rich people would have to liquidate their assets in masse in a short span of time. Any way you look at it, the main barrier to taxing the rich is political will rather than negative economic consequences.

>> No.54343559

>I'm pretty sure he'd be selling stock, not any physical assets tied to it.
...Yeah, if he wanted to, I guess.
>If necessary, his wealth could get taxed away gradually to avoid destabilizing the economy.
Anon, America's single largest logistical chain killing itself overnight would not only be stupid, but immensely damaging.
>You could also focus on taxing income rather than wealth, and thus make it less likely that he and other ultra-rich people would have to liquidate their assets in masse in a short span of time.
...What's the end goal here?
>Any way you look at it, the main barrier to taxing the rich is political will rather than negative economic consequences.
Anon, I still don't understand. You seem to want something to be liquidated, but I'm not sure what.

>> No.54343569

So what, if we have a nice big house then we should just sell it? Where would we live? Should we start renting instead? How about we donate our home to be used as a commune for no other reason than you've decided we've got too much 'wealth'.

>> No.54343596

>MuH huMaN NaTurE

Same ol tired braindead "arguments" on repeat 24/7

How exactly does capitalism "reign in" this supposed inherent evil nature of man? This makes no sense. Isnt it the opposite? Doesnt it feed it since its core values are conquest, competition and exploitation? What you are saying makes 0 sense. Laws exist yes but they are capitalist laws built with the purpose of facilitating capitalism and the status quo with a captured centralized neoliberal state that enforced the machinations of private property.

What exactly is "financial aggression"? Wtf are you even talking about? You mean slavery? Or perhaps financial destitution? And according to you this is somehow so much better than this supposed alternative schizo scenario of yours of rampant physical murder that would OBVIOUSLY occur in any other alternative

>> No.54343607

>Anon, America's single largest logistical chain killing itself overnight would not only be stupid, but immensely damaging.
I don't see how Jeff Bezos selling his stock in the company would kill Amazon, at least if done gradually. It's not even Amazon that would have to sell anything, just one of its shareholders.
>...What's the end goal here?
More money for social safety nets, a proper first world healthcare system, public infrastructure, and literally anything else a halfway decent government does for the people it allegedly serves
>Anon, I still don't understand. You seem to want something to be liquidated, but I'm not sure what.
I'm not advocating for seizing the means of production or a revolution or something, mostly just taking some wealth from rich people and putting it to better use. Bezos can still be rich, just not hoarding as much wealth as humanly possible while millions of Americans, including many of his employees, struggle to survive.

>> No.54343629

>worth 100b
>still works
>wouldn't work if worth 100b
This is why you're not worth 100b and he is, if you would retire on 100b then you'd retire on 10m, and you'd at least work less hard on 1m, aka you real max is 1m and you probably won't reach it because you're a retard.

>> No.54343636

I don't necessarily have a problem with someone having a big house, but I do have a problem with someone having 10 houses while there are still many people who don't have a place to stay at all. Your common homeowner can stay where they're at, but housing speculators, landlords, developers, and billionaires with 10 mansions they rarely stay in, and other real estate parasites are problems that will need to be dealt with.

>> No.54343648

There are people in people in Bangladesh who toil 70 hours a week in sweatshops from age 10 to age 70. Are they going to be worth 100b when they die?

>> No.54343696

>I don't see how Jeff Bezos selling his stock in the company would kill Amazon
If you just mean him selling his stock, the question becomes, "For what gain"?
>More money for social safety nets, a proper first world healthcare system, public infrastructure, and literally anything else a halfway decent government does for the people it allegedly serves
Did you mistake government spending for personal finance? You don't need to tax the rich for that. Our government doesn't even use taxes to pay for programs.
>I'm not advocating for seizing the means of production or a revolution or something, mostly just taking some wealth from rich people and putting it to better use.
Anon, wealth isn't real. Like, even banks don't care about wealth anymore. Everything is just financed along lines of credible demand.
>Bezos can still be rich, just not hoarding as much wealth as humanly possible while millions of Americans, including many of his employees, struggle to survive.
He's not hoarding wealth. He's just the one Amazon's wealth is attributed to. Regarding his stock, that's just his source of income. He gets paid according to how well the company does, and if he sold the stock, the money would just go to whoever he sold the stock to.

You may want to learn how consumer loans and mortgages work. Most of his money is currently active within the economy, in the form of mutual funds backing countless securities that reach everywhere from municipal governments to little Jimmy's first auto loan.
Most investors don't mind rates of around 1.5-3%, so long as it beats inflation. If inflation is kept steady, the govt. won't have to outbid most the American economy to defend it from its own fuck-ups, meaning we can get a ton of people taking out regular loans in a hot economy.

Ironically, this is exactly what drives up prices and feeds the asset bubble, so your complaint is just wrong on multiple levels.

>> No.54343724
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Because when you spend money, you don't have it anymore.

It's the same as throwing a stone, you cast it out of your possession.

There's a certain reality to having Control that works the same way. The less of it you exert, the more of it you retain.

And the allure of maintaining the Control that money represents, and pooling up an even greater accumulation of that Control, it can trap you in a feedback loop of never achieving any real, tangible goal.

And they've fallen for it.

>> No.54343790
File: 37 KB, 602x345, billgates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What causes this mindset?
they are all paid tranny actors whose sole purpose on life is to follow the script. They were groomed into what they are now: straw man for other straw man.

>> No.54343806

>If you just mean him selling his stock, the question becomes, "For what gain"?
To pay taxes, assuming he does not already have enough cash on hand to do so
>He's not hoarding wealth. He's just the one Amazon's wealth is attributed to. Regarding his stock, that's just his source of income. He gets paid according to how well the company does, and if he sold the stock, the money would just go to whoever he sold the stock to.
What I mean is that he has vastly more wealth (and income) than he needs, and that his wealth would be better put to use for other ends. He also actively fights efforts to put said wealth to better use, like through his aggressive union busting at Amazon. So long as some of his employees struggle to make a living, it is hard to justify Amazon paying him and other shareholders and executives so much.

Yeah that's what I've thought about before. A lot of billionaires are willing to give considerable amounts of money to charity and political causes, but then suddenly become tight-fisted when someone else asks to have some say in how their vast wealth is used.

>> No.54343909

>To pay taxes, assuming he does not already have enough cash on hand to do so
1: Where are these taxes going?
2: Why are you trying to drive away the magnates?
>What I mean is that he has vastly more wealth (and income) than he needs, and that his wealth would be better put to use for other ends.
Are you talking about the $100b+? Because that's not real. It's literally just trucks and warehouses. If you mean his personal wealth, it's really not all that much by comparison, and most of it is actively pushing down interest rates for everyone else in the economy, with taxes being paid on the interest.
>He also actively fights efforts to put said wealth to better use, like through his aggressive union busting at Amazon.
Yes, because Amazon investors expect him to do exactly that. Increasing wages right now is a rough move, since most of that would be passed on to the consumers, and they're already suffering from price inflation.
>it is hard to justify Amazon paying him and other shareholders and executives so much.
It's not. They're getting measured returns for taking on Amazon's risk and financing its ventures, with the U.S taking a cut of the profits.
>but then suddenly become tight-fisted when someone else asks to have some say in how their vast wealth is used.
Both of you are fucking morons.

>> No.54343984

Ah, wait. I was wrong here. $1.6T is Amazon. $121b is Bezos. Even so, the man's a prolific investor. In order for inflation not to fuck him over, he has to keep his money invested in something, and that's most likely an ETF or a mutual fund.

>> No.54344086

There used to be pretty much constant wars and raids for resources and status, both between countries and within them. Capitalism provides the means to sate those needs without violence, within countries and to a large extent between them. I'm not saying there's no other system which can achieve that, but capitalism is the only one so far.

>> No.54344115

Greed, which is a sin.

>> No.54344127

>Considering slavery predates money let alone capitalism I find these "c(r)apitalism makes people... LE BAD" arguments ridiculous
Slavery is more morally neutral desu desu senpai

>> No.54344134

If they werent like that they wouldnt be the richest people in the world dumbo
It's like asking "why do elite athletes train that hard" what do you think genius

>> No.54344198

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.54344256

who the heck needs more than 100mil dollars (if you're not sure to "make it" not even with 10mil)? KYS Boomer

1mil is life changing money, unless you live in a expensive shithole like California

>> No.54344358

Most billionaires became billionaires by fucking lots of people over. Why would they suddenly become good people after seeing where fucking people over got them? The only billionaire I can think of who might not be an evil piece of shit is George Lucas.

>> No.54344401

There are Bangladeshi billionaires. Get good

>> No.54344609

Lel. Capitalism literally did colonialism and gumboat diplomacy

>> No.54344629

Most of their wealth isn't liquid, it's actively kept in investments. They don't just walk around with bags of cash.

And "tiny increases" sounds good until you realize how terribly overtaxed we already are. Maybe not them in particular since they have the resources to evade like madmen, but certainly for the rest of us.

>> No.54344662


They are not stingy, it's mostly sub $1,000,000 whites, jews and blacks that are niggardly people.

The stingiest people are those who live in a way they cannot afford comfortably

>> No.54344670

capitalism doesnt reign in human nature
capitalism is human nature

>> No.54344702

No. Because sweatshop workers are a dime a dozen.
Find something more valuable to do with your time.

>> No.54344723

In the beginning there were 50% slaves 25% selfish rich and 25% benevolent rich

Now there is 87.5% spread thinly and a 1% that is trying to push more people into it.

We voted for equality and the rich didn't want to pay for it. Seems pretty obvious given the trump tax cuts that lead to a debt:GDP ratio of 150%

So now the rich think they are poor and the poor really are poor.

>> No.54344737

>In the beginning there were 50% slaves 25% selfish rich and 25% benevolent rich
At no fucking point in human history you damn troglodyte

>> No.54344740

>1: Where are these taxes going?
As I explained earlier, social spending and infrastructure spending mainly. Social spending would consist of things like healthcare, education, social security, welfare, and other measures to improve people's material well-being, while social spending would include things like transportation, energy, water, and the like.
>2: Why are you trying to drive away the magnates?
Ah yes, the classic capital flight threat. America is a big enough market that it would probably be profitable for most companies to operate here even if there were high taxes on corporations and/or wealthy individuals. If push comes to shove and they do flee the country, the state should just seize any assets they leave behind. If they want to play hardball, then we need to play hardball too.
>It's not. They're getting measured returns for taking on Amazon's risk and financing its ventures, with the U.S taking a cut of the profits.
The workers, for the most part, need the money more.

>Find something more valuable to do with your time.
You could not live without the labor of sweatshop workers. Sweatshop workers, for the most part, contribute more to society than any venture capitalist or real estate investor.

>> No.54344786

I'm more interested to know why you think you deserve a share of their wealth.
What causes THAT mindset?

>> No.54345114


It's only a natural response to an ill agenda and degenerate leadership.

You see the U.S. government is purposely poisoning its citizens, while taxing them at a high rate and lacking welfare programs that don't discriminate.

It's soviet russia but the U.S. government did it better for the past 100 years.

>> No.54345302

your mindset explains why arisrocrats used to rule so easily over vast groups of peasants who could have easily overthrown them for thousands of years. you dogbrained bootlicking underling

>> No.54345334

>no violence

80% of Earth biodiversity has been murdered, almost all ecosystems destroyed and every single living being alive right now is either cattle or a slave and we are charging full speed to a global extinction event 100 times greater than that of the dinosaurs.

How do "people" like you even exist? No violence? Are you like some trust fund baby? Have you been living under a rock? Every day is suffering and torture

>> No.54345335


Not really. You're just a miserable greedy little shit that wants other people's stuff, when you really could be examining what they did to get where they are and try to do some of that yourself.

>> No.54345378
File: 111 KB, 575x561, CommunistRichkids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still rule over you, they just use your spite and jealousy to do it.
Here's a thought: Mind your own business.

>> No.54345379

None of these corporate cuck niggers are rich compared to Saudi Royals, Banking families, or various other nations' leadership. And I'm sick of pretending they are. This richest man in the world psy-op is tiresome and needs thoroughly debunked.

>> No.54345405

Slavery and colonialism/imperialism have been going on since before there was money.

>No violence
I didn't say none, I said less, because people who need to dominate others can do it economically instead of physically.

>Every day is suffering and torture
Less so than at pretty much any time in history.

>80% of Earth biodiversity has been murdered, almost all ecosystems destroyed and every single living being alive right now is either cattle or a slave and we are charging full speed to a global extinction event 100 times greater than that of the dinosaurs.
Can you say this wouldn't have happened if we had feudalism instead of capitalism?

>> No.54345529

Yeah they should tax them more so Zelensky can get more billions to blow up more slavs. Just think that the USA as already give way more than Bezos wealth to finance a pointless war, why not cry to the Ol Biden to invest that money in the American people instead?

>> No.54345599
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>imperialism b4 money
Stop making shit up, capitalism still did all that shit

>> No.54345677

Yes anon everybody was holding hands and singing kumbaya until someone invented money and it drove everyone mad.

>> No.54345740

You make the mistake of assuming it's to reign in instinct, it's designed to harness our instinct, to use the boundless power of our animal minds to grow, with all the good and evil that comes of that. Ultimately this "Human nature" that is being demonized isn't even human to begin with, it is the nature of all predators, the weak are consumed, the strong survive and grow stronger, it is evolution in it's purest form. Does a Tarantula Hawk ever consider the well being of the Spider it's young devour from the inside? No, it does not, the wasps that refused parasitism went extinct long ago for to not defile the flesh of other creatures to reproduce is to loose efficiency. Of course there are other species of wasps out there in the world but the metaphor serves it's purpose. Evolution does not consider the morality of it's actions, efficiency is rewarded and eventually outcompetes all other strategies. This is not always to say that immorality is always the most efficient way of doing things, it all depends on the circumstances of the ecosystem, humans in our early development relied on closely knit high trust communities to survive. Humans are the only species on earth that are complex enough to re-shape or at the very least partially direct our instinct and as such our ability to evolve is infinite. In place of food and young as metrics of successful evolution we created value units and the rest is history. As societies became more complex new prizes for successful evolution emerged, power, admiration, pleasure, self-importance, all things that tickled the monkey brain in just the right way. [1/2]

>> No.54345780
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>why cant he just sell 10% of amazon
>then give us all the money

>> No.54345848

>I'm more interested to know why you think you deserve a share of their wealth.
I need it more than them, as they already have way more than they could ever need. Plus most rich people either inherited much of their wealth and/or did some pretty scummy things to get their wealth.

>> No.54345854

>At the very least, I could go through college without any debt worries.
I did that, it's called getting a merit-based full ride. Why didn't you study harder? You could have had control over your own destiny instead of begging for rich people to give you money. Are you just not very smart?

>> No.54345878

Capitalism maximizes suffering and extracts the life force through your body and soul at maximum "efficiency". No other system at any other time of human history had this much suffering. We live in the worst imaginable dystopia. The second layer of Hell.

You can strawman "muh medieval times" "muh feudalism" all you want but did you know that even a medieval peasant had 6 MONTHS OFF from labor? Look it up. I am not saying that in other periods of human history there was no suffering, but claiming that the suffering was greater is straight up false and this can easily be proven theoretically mathematically and through historical evidence

Also why are you playing devils advocate? Does it matter if it "could be worse" ?(spoiler it cant get worse) How fucking pathetic and defeated must you be to simply just lay down,completely and entirely give up, and take anything and everything they throw at you fully submissive and obedient? I dont understand 4channers and rightoids. Why are you so disgusting? This isnt even nihilism. Nihilism doesnt preach obedience and surrender. It preaches that if nothing matters then you can make your OWN meaning not fucking give up and kill yourself

>> No.54345887

You first, bootlicking retard.

>> No.54345930


>Feudal lords let their peasants just sit around for 6 months doing absolutely nothing

Utter made up modern retcon bullshit. Also you can go and live a medieval peasant lifestyle right now, a bare wooden box with no modern utilities/amenities, no car, no phone or bill, suddenly makes life very very cheap. Go try it out!

>> No.54345939

>As I explained earlier, social spending and infrastructure spending mainly.
That's not how American taxes work.
>Ah yes, the classic capital flight threat. America is a big enough market that it would probably be profitable for most companies to operate here even if there were high taxes on corporations and/or wealthy individuals. If push comes to shove and they do flee the country, the state should just seize any assets they leave behind. If they want to play hardball, then we need to play hardball too.
This is idiotic. Just let them feed into the consumer market.
>The workers, for the most part, need the money more.
They're already getting the money through the aforementioned funds.

>> No.54345940
File: 274 KB, 818x588, The Lower Class Individual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are rich people so stingy?

Get a job.

>> No.54345961

I wasn't a good enough student for that. I did some AP classes and got a ~3.0 GPA, but I would have to have been near the top of my class to get a full-ride scholarship. Anyways, I don't think people should have to jump through extra hoops to go to college without debt. School is already stressful enough by itself. Plus I don't think there's enough full-ride scholarships to go around to pay for college student's education.

>> No.54345968

I said deserve, not want.

>> No.54345985
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What do words mean

>> No.54346016

>Plus I don't think there's enough full-ride scholarships to go around to pay for college student's education.
I don't know man just seems to me lots of people who aren't smart enough to go to college are paying for the privilege. Your wage, as in you personally, is probably going to end up being between $20-30/hr, you're just limited to that skill lelvel. Why bother adding on $100k of debt?
>school is stressful enough
Lol I've been reminiscing for how easy college was looking back.
Very good b8 btw, though the fact that you're so engaged you'd make a dozen posts leads me to believe you're not just in it to annoy anons, you actually harbor some of these feelings.

>> No.54346020

Everyone deserves to have their basic needs met as well as material security. I have the former but not the latter, while rich people have both and way more.

>> No.54346033

>Everyone deserves

>> No.54346040

When looking through the lens of our delusional belief that humans are rational and sane creatures the world doesn't make any sense. But, when you look at the world as an ecosystem the patterns reveal themselves immediately. CEOs running a company into the ground for short term gains before the shareholder/CEO grouping latches on to another company to suck dry, classical parasitism. While the patterns aren't exact to what is found in nature it never the less can easily be traced back to similar behaviors in nature. In truth each and every system designed by humanity bears a beastly stain, a mechanism which to engorge itself at the expense of weaker organisms. Communism despite it's lies leads the the centralization of power into a single organism, the human instinct is the then take control of that organism and snuff out anything that presents competition to it, fascism is just communism but honest about what it actually is. Even in these "moneyless and greedless" societies, trade still exists, just in more esoteric forms. such as Vodka being a sort of currency in the Soviet Union and favors and government positions being a great way to get what you want in a command economy. Capitalism is more or less the African Savanah where the creation of such a monstrous super organism isn't directly pursued. It will happen over time of course, power congeals by it's very nature as advantages are levered and rivals snuffed out.

The fact we have even evolved to the point where we could recognize such a "wrongness" in the natural order of the universe is miraculous, but alas we are a fleeting kind. We are a flash in the pan, an outlier in humanity's 10,000 years of recorded history. We will return to barbarism in due time, a world ruled by tyrants that suffocate the words spoken from our mouths and engage in foul decadence and vanity. Then we will fall, as Rome did and we will start over, centuries of bloody violence now aided by ever evolving engines of death.

>> No.54346051

>medieval peasant had 6 MONTHS OFF
When they weren't sowing or harvesting crops, they had animals to look after, tools and buildings to maintain, and all the other chores you have to do when you have no machinery. If the harvest was poor, the lord got his and the peasants went hungry. If the lord wanted more territory or wealth or to repay an insult, the peasants went to war in their work clothes and with farm tools for weapons.

>Also why are you playing devils advocate? Does it matter if it "could be worse" ?(spoiler it cant get worse) How fucking pathetic and defeated must you be to simply just lay down,completely and entirely give up, and take anything and everything they throw at you fully submissive and obedient
You made all of this up.

You don't even know what that means.

>> No.54346067

>I don't know man just seems to me lots of people who aren't smart enough to go to college are paying for the privilege
There are plenty of people who are more than qualified to attend and graduate college despite not getting a full-ride scholarship. You don't need to be a valedictorian.
>Lol I've been reminiscing for how easy college was looking back.
Your experience is yours alone, and cannot necessarily be applied to others. Plus I'm also talking about high school, as that is where the work to get a full-ride scholarship is put in.

>> No.54346082


No they don't, some people are worthless cancer that we'd prefer expire from the gene pool, like you. If you can't cut it in a tutorial mode economy I'd rather you disappear and not reproduce.

>> No.54346088
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>gibs me free stuff

>> No.54346098

I don't know about you, but I like people not starving to death and not being homeless. I think that's more important than a billionaire buying his 5th vacation home.

>> No.54346119

I would gladly trade my current life for the life of a medieval peasant. Peasants used to actually own the small plots of land as communities and lived in tightly knit communities. Furthermore i would exist in a time where ecosystems would not have collapsed yet and not live in a small hole in a dirty city. I would have fresh air, vibrating sprawling nature all around me and yes even if you dont believe it, FAR more free time.

This 4-6 months off is not a meme. Look it up. Most medieval peasants were farmers. The way you farm is very specific. You labor hard one period of the year and the rest of the months there is practically nothing to do. Also peasants and older periods of human history were mega drunk. Our current period of human history is actually the most sober one look it up. So medieval peasants actually partied pretty hard too, imagine bonfires in the middle of the night with musicians (LIVE MUSICIANS not some speaker), people dancing, enjoying themselves and most importantly; THE NIGHT SKY, in all its glory with billions of stars and 0 light pollution, the glory of the milky way upon you and you laying on some fresh grass with little insects jumping around and fireflies dancing in the night.

This is what they stole from you and you still here on this nazi financier imageboard cancer forum simping for capitalism. Truly braindead

>> No.54346121

Alright you're getting to chatGPT-level responses here (maybe it was all along?) Anyway have fun, dum dum

>> No.54346144
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>> No.54346163
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I don't know where to begin with you or this fantasy you've made up about an era where lords would hang their serfs for stealing a loaf of bread. You are so far gone man.

>> No.54346210

Because only living beings that possess a soul matter in this universe. All the rest of is just stuff, dead, a non-factor. If you are not considering living beings needs then you are a threat to existence, an aggressive cancer, allied to Death and dead things and need to be euthanized

>> No.54346216

Most people who are homeless are homeless because they're severely mentally ill. Many of them were provided with homes and social security disability at one point and they destroyed them and/or left to walk the land anyway.
You're not morally superior, you have a 3 year old's understanding of the world

>> No.54346240

Every piece of my property is something I traded a fraction of my life for.
If you think you can just take them, you're literally a murderer.

>> No.54346285

Did i say there was no suffering? I am only saying no other period of human history has more suffering and torture than the current one. In the current one you have all the usual "benevolent" masters ruling over you, threatening your every moment with extinction (your boss, your president, your cops, your landlord, your army, so many masters) without even all the perks of living in a community or have healthy nature and ecosystems around you. So you are a slave in the worst possible material conditions. The second layer of Hell

>> No.54346296
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>You labor hard one period of the year and the rest of the months there is practically nothing to do.
This is what both Bloomberg and Lenin and Trotsky thought.
What did they have in common I wonder?

>> No.54346324


You are utterly fucking backwards. This era is soft to the point of absurdity. Your grandpa was eating ketchup sandwiches and getting beaten by his alcoholic dad and had a lifetime of laborious factory work to look forward to. You're crying because you don't get a check for existing every month. Retard

>> No.54346325
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>no other period of human history has more suffering and torture than the current one.

>> No.54346357

>Peasants used to actually own the small plots of land
Literally the definition of peasant includes working land and not owing it. The system is called "feudal land tenure". Tenure = you live there and don't own it. If they were serfs, which many peasants were, not only did they have to work the land and pay rent (in addition to food levies), they weren't even allowed to leave, they had to stay on the land they were born on.

>the rest of the months there is practically nothing to do.
Except look after animals, tools, buildings, clothes, whatever the lord wants from you, etc. which don't magically disappear just because it isn't spring or autumn.

>peasants and older periods of human history were mega drunk.
So are homeless people, are you going to wax nostalgic over the virtues of homelessness too?

>here on this nazi financier imageboard cancer forum simping for capitalism
Why are you here if you think it's evil?

>> No.54346461

So what you plan do with your extra $700 that you will get if the whole fortune of Bezos get distributed to all Americans? Actually it will be like $455 if we apply a tax of 35% for the government. Or you think you deserve more because you are a snowflake?

>> No.54346482 [DELETED] 

Im here to sabotage, demoralize and collect as much personal information of the users as possible.

Also watching your putrid cancer slave world collapse real time and watching all the parasites scramble for cover is lifefuel.

And since you so desperately worship dystopias, lets fulfill your dreams and see how far can this trainwreck go. Lets drive it straight to the ground lets see how much worse it can get shall we. I guess technically it can get worse. Add more disease on top of capitalism, add a little bit more war, lets worsen labor conditions more, child labor is also reinstated thats a start right(it was never abolished just exported there are 150 million child laborers currently alive), but you know what will be the tipping point? When air, the final bastion of commodities, is finally also privatized and they finally start charging you for literally every breath you take. It will no longer be metaphorical, that you dont deserve to exist, it will be literal.

>> No.54346944
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You sound mad... are you trying to troll while mad?

>> No.54346956
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>they will make the air you breath a commodity
Well shit. There goes the planet.

>> No.54347054
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Have this (you).

>> No.54347305

The entire "net worth calculation" thing needs to be thrown away.
If a person owns a company, they don't have that much money to do anything with.
If Jeff Bezos cashed out all of his Amazon stock, the price would plummet and the company might even go bankrupt. So it's not real money.
What should count is only the money they've received from a salary or from stock sales.

>> No.54347328

we live in a corrupt, constantly psyoped society. a free society would have rekt these leeches a looooooooong time ago

>> No.54347372

Couldn't you argue the same point about any of the shareholders? After all, if everyone tried to sell at the same time the same thing would happen.

>> No.54347373

>I am only saying no other period of human history has more suffering and torture than the current one.
You don't know poverty.
Should you ever man up and flee to some farmville in the middle of nowhere, you'll eventually face a situation such that what you harvested won't be enough to get you through winter, unless you limit your diet to crumbs about once or twice a day. Even with a fireplace, the freezing will be too much, your teeth with crack with so much chattering, your belly will turn on itself with hunger, your livestock will suffer. Then you'll remember the times you could've simply picked up your phone or walked to your local grocery shop, made a nice soup and feel snug while the heater did its job. You'll remember your criticism, how furiously you attacked the system you loathed, and how that system would've safeguarded you now, flawed as it was. And you'll swallow back every foolish word you spat.
Once again, you don't know poverty. It's likely you're not a third-worlder, but if you are, then you're simply disconnected with reality.

>> No.54347419

That's why capital gains shouldn't be taxed, and the corporate tax rate should be zero.
Nothing wrong with cashing out, people do it at different times for different reasons.
Anything I make on top of my normal salary should be my profit for risking it, and it should only increase my net worth when I cash out.

>> No.54347455

The thing is if you tried to redistribute their wealth it would just disappear. Most of their wealth only exists potentially and it's only in relation to others who have less.

>> No.54347462

>dude just sell off amazon and every other american corporation to foreigners so i can have gibs for a few years

>> No.54347699

>Liquidate the richfags to give to the poorfags
>Suddenly the plebs have money and everything inflates and we're back to step 1
Nice going. Nobel prize in economics tier.

>> No.54347955

"It could always be worse so shut and submit peasant"

It could also be a lot LOT better but parasites and their willful ignorant bootlicking soldiers like yourself deny us freedom and murder mother Earth.

>> No.54347975


Case in point: America's top 50 richest billionaires combined don't have enough wealth to fund 1 (ONE) year of American federal government.

>> No.54347989

He could gift me 0.0001% of his Amazon stock. I wouldn’t complain.

>> No.54348067

>"It could always be worse so shut and submit peasant"
Not couldn't always. Was. Our current system is cancerous and soul-crushing, but if you keep fantasizing the old times as you are, blinding yourself to the worst aspects of what used to be, you're in for a treat--it won't take us long to experience it once more.
Try asking yourself why we've accepted this current system in spite of everything, and if your best bet is (((them))), you're but half-right in one side of the crystal. Acid rain wouldn't damage the soil and all that is underneath, after all, if it weren't for the land absorbing it.

>> No.54348135

Eat shit and perish putrid braindead nazi parasite. Fascists share the same cancer as capitalism. Same ideology of life hate, conquest, domination and exploitation. You will all be euthanized

>> No.54348203

>What should count is only the money they've received from a salary or from stock sales
then you say
That's why capital gains shouldn't be taxed, and the corporate tax rate should be zero
Don't these 2 statements contradict one another?

>> No.54348237

this is pure cope from pseud billionaire dicksuckers

it's trivial for people as rich as Elon or Bezos to get a loan using their assets as collateral, as Elon did for Twitter. Banks across the planet would be jumping with joy at that opportunity.

the cost of literally housing all the homeless in Los Angeles would be 1/100 to 1/1000 of the wealth of any of these guys. and yet they do nothing

>> No.54348278

I could live off that.

>> No.54348342

This. You jealous fucks don't seem realize that that stock ownership you are so angry about gives them voting rights in the companies. These voting rights translate directly to how that company operates. And I would much rather have someone like Bezos making the decisions that affect millions of people than some commie neckbeard with a 10th grade understanding of the world.

>> No.54348523

>6 months off
>Barey surviving through the winter

>> No.54348817

>minor work accident
>your master fires you
>start missing some of your numerous payments (car, rent, utilities etc)
>get sick from poverty and stress
>no healthcare
>minor injury turns major
>get evicted

This can happen in less than 6 months btw and it is far more stressful throughout the process and far less manageable than missed crop

>> No.54348948

You got it backwards. Wealthy people don't become stingy, but you have to be stingy to become wealthy.

>In b4 if you know that then why are you not a billionaire

Because stinginess in one of the many almost necessary elements, not the only one.

>> No.54349044
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Thats a bullshit argument. Its not just billionaires that face a billion ways to lose money and only a few viable prospects- this is true for you and me and everyone the world.

Someone who has a modest amount of money faces the exact same problem. If they think rich people don't have the same problem, only worse, they are going go stay poor becuase if they ever get money they're going to waste it, as fast as possible.

This is a poors thread, so lets talk about how NOT to be poor.

STOP spending your money on STUPID SHIT. That way, if you ever get lucky and/or God answers your prayers you'll have SOME experience in NOT wasting money that will prevent you from making STUPID mistakes with it.

>> No.54349046

>the cost of literally housing all the homeless in Los Angeles would be 1/100 to 1/1000 of the wealth of any of these guys
You're naive about homeless people. They don't want housing because then they would have to give up their drugs and booze. Also, if housing were free, non homeless people would figure out it's a better deal to be homeless and get free housing than to try to pay rent.


So it would cost 42B to house the homeless. So the billionaires really could afford to build the housing units but it would be much more than 1/100th of their wealth. And what do you think would happen to all those buildings they build? They would become a horrible ghettos with the most crime possible.

>> No.54349251

>pure cope
Spoken like a retarded and entitled nigger.
>70K homeless in LA
>cost of housing a single homeless person in LA ranges from $600K to $800K
>$800K x 70,000 = $56 Billion
>thinking other people should liquidate all of their assets and ownership in their company to provide someone else housing
Kill yourself immediately

>> No.54349264

>cost of housing a single homeless person in LA ranges from $600K to $800K
you realize how stupid this post is right?

that's an inflated number to pay 100000 government beauracrats

>> No.54349295

You don't give them a regular house dufus. You build a giant commie block compound on the outskirts of the city and force them to stay there at night.

>> No.54349331

Dumbass niggers

>> No.54349366

Building small units is still retardedly expensive because of LA real estate costs.
>he doesn't know

>> No.54349377

Nice reading comprehension. If I were a /pol/tard, I'd have suggested instead that they're the whole problem, not part of the issue which isn't even the whole thing. You're not even using your brain, it's all emotion bursts and no reasoning.

>> No.54349380

That's just Californian politicians being Californians. Concrete is cheap.

>> No.54349416

I'm not sure if you're b8ing or genuinely retarded, either way, enjoy your (You).

>> No.54349506

Let's do the math for the cost of the concrete without taking into account the rest of the materials.
We'd want it to be big to house all the homeless so let's go with 100,000 square feet. Since concrete is $6 per feet that'd be $600,000 right there.That'd fraction of a billion. You could also get a discount by buying in bulk. According to make guesstimates such a complex with labor and additional materials shouldn't cost more than 50 million at best. And I'm high balling it really.

>> No.54349611

So you're giving each of the 70000 homeless people ~1.4 square feet to live in? Even the homeless deserve better than that bullshit. You are the biggest retard ever or just trolling. And the primary cost is the land which is expensive in the LA area.

>> No.54349648

Lol that is a shit ton of hobos.
>Even the homeless deserve better than that bullshit.
They don't deserve anything really.

>> No.54349841

Hitler was an environmentalist and animal rights advocate decades before it was popular and the Soviet Union destroyed the Aral sea. Fucking retard, read a fucking book.

>> No.54349915

170,000 wouldn't set your life anon

>> No.54349952
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They do it because they like it and they want to be the best at what they do.

>> No.54349998

Sun tzu said that if the enemy is outnumbered by 10 they should just sorround them. White people are outnumbered by a factor greater than that. I laugh at the pathetic attempts of the modern American nazi.
You ought to spend your time doing more productive things.

>> No.54350075

Thats how capitalism works rich people are parasites they are all fucking parasites they are simply smart parasites, walmart breaks local competitors by decreasing prices and once they broke the competition they rise prices, small business and small banks give money and more jobs ot workers but the centralization and cartels caused by big business is a fucking sickness for society, no society should allow a mid business become too big because in the end they all become parasites.

>> No.54350126

fuck off moron with your outdated pasta

>> No.54350492

Dumb consoomer. Buy more funko pops yet?
Reminder Jews are outnumbered but they still managed to control most of the world.

>> No.54350552

If they waged war on the world they wouldn't last long either.