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54340854 No.54340854 [Reply] [Original]

God I hate richfags so much. In what kind of world do so many people slave away for pennies while others get millions and billions?

Muh capitalism

>> No.54340871
File: 103 KB, 736x948, 8211bfab54208bf7c44c516287feebea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone pays some hooker $24mil to shake her fat ass in front of a building 9,000 miles away from my home
>this has literally zero impact on Mr whatsoever
>"Doesn't this upset you?"

>> No.54340874

can honestly say, never have so much spare change that'd pay that $24m to sing. It must have Bee some humilation ritual

>> No.54340881

Lmaooooo of all the things to dislike about Dubai they chose fag marriage ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah normies are so fucking gullible

>> No.54340882

celeb handlers can negotiate high premiums in muslimworld

>> No.54340905

They have that much, but still worship American celebrity. I'd say that's the worse part.

>> No.54340913

I fucking hate Mormons so much it’s unreal anon.

>> No.54340929

If you don't like capitalism you can go live in a country where private propery isn't guaranteed by the government. Which is those countries do you like the most?

>> No.54340939

>Which is those countries do you like the most?
Which of

>> No.54340958

you are small minded. its shows how hypocritical and fake the leftist mouthpieces are

>> No.54340962

>Which is those countries do you like the most?
wich dem niggas leastest?

>> No.54341015
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The same thing happens in your country

>> No.54341430

I've never understood the point of beyonce
Like most normieshit at least makes sense on some basic level
Taylor Swift makes sense
Katy Perry makes sense
Billy Eilish makes less sense but I guess I see it
Beyonce never made sense. Everything that make niggers unappealing apply to her as well.
Can someone explain the appeal?

>> No.54341500

They just tell the masses "this is what's the very best" and the people agree, that's it. Same shit happens with movies and all kiked media.

>> No.54341563

She's a cute black woman with a great singing voice. That's basically it. There are thousands of those but when the industry decides to market you as "the best" for two decades then you're gonna be bigly-famous and able to earn huge paydays like that
I miss the days when actual exceptional talent was what got the top pay in music. Say what you want about Michael Jackson but that freak deserved every dollar he ever earned in his life. He was on stage not only singing but dancing enough to break a sweat and doing dance moves that appeared to defy the laws of physics

>> No.54341648

There's only one Beyonce, however your stupid ass can be replaced by any filthy immigrant.

>> No.54341676
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How many Arabs shat in her mouth at the after party for her to get that obscene price?

>> No.54341692
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>but when the industry decides to market

There is no industry. It's all government owned CIA weimar tier population control programming.

The majority of hollywood and all mainstream music is formulated by the U.S. government to give perspective and culture to the people.

You will likely not hear new song with the words "fuck the police" or "fuck the system" on the radio.

Music has different effect on people than movies. It has a more direct, or personal or intimate effect than cinema movies.

>> No.54341701

she's le sassy black bitch who ain't be need no man
iiiiiim a single lady
iiiiim a single lady
She symbolizes a challenge to the traditional white patriarchy
white normies love that shit.

>> No.54341706


>> No.54341723
File: 227 KB, 416x466, 1678513786673329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does money laundering ever happen through celebrities? or maybe when former politicians do paid speaking events?

think about it. you pimp out your celeb to some event. said event pays 20 million, celeb gets a million and is told to buy a nice car make herself look rich. the pimp gets a million. the event holder gets back 18 million when the celeb turns around and "invests" that money in some business owned by the eventholder.

>> No.54341736

You’re just born in the short end of the stick. Your pathetic mindset and desire for easy hand outs makes it worse. In short, you’re a liberal and deserve to go extinct.

>> No.54341743

Anon, you can create a fake female influencer right now if you wanted.

>> No.54341765

It's another "conservative echo chamber anon thinks leftists and liberals are the same group of people" episode

>> No.54341788
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However I suspect celebs more so sell themselves out like whores and if they step out of line they get the canceled.

It has to do with how many people they can attract. If one person can turn 100 million heads, the government is going to give little leeway and offer few options. Either comply or prepare for war.

This is why musk and faceberg live the way they do. Social media platforms are a world stage as well as a data collection honey pot.

Look at how fast they jumped on nicki minaj when she tweeted about vaccines.

People don't realize this and maybe they just want to believe otherwise, but the united states is 1000x worse than the soviet russia or weimer germany.

The soviets couldn't pull it off, germany nearly did, but the U.S. did it better. It's all about creating sub-realities through media and furthering those beliefs.

>> No.54341790

>There's only one Beyonce,
One too many.

>> No.54341888

It’s because the media keeps on pushing these hacks

>> No.54341932
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Much love from kazakhstan

>> No.54341940

Bread and circus for the masses to distract them from the obvious problems.
The circus workers get paid a good premium for such reasons so they can stay in line.

>> No.54341981

Supply and demand, faggot.

>> No.54343822
File: 939 KB, 634x834, 1679772833015436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's beginning to look a lot like Madonna.

>> No.54343852

>>someone pays some hooker $24mil to shake her fat ass in front of a building 9,000 miles away from my home
someone paid some hooker $24mil to fuck her.
the booty shaking was the cover story

>> No.54343859

She's seen some shit.

>> No.54343862

>They have that much, but still worship American celebrity. I'd say that's the worse part.
Yep if it was a patrician with that money I wouldn't mind so much.

>> No.54343992

Sometimes it pays to flex. You pay $25m to get the most exclusive pop star to give an exclusive concert to your party, you make headlines that tell everyone how rich and powerful you are.

Also, it's becoming a public secret that half of these end up with them fucking the person paying them.

>> No.54344043

anon if i were over 65 i'd fuck that like

>> No.54344044

how many linkies to get a girl like her to pee on my face?

>> No.54344068


>> No.54344305

Terrible taste, though you dont go to Dubai for good taste.

>> No.54344340

If you put into perspective wild animals live short brutal lives for the most part. Making it comfier than it is would be too unnatural.

>> No.54344641
File: 50 KB, 383x383, fe1c40f828fc0a2a08f89f457654e1c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>waah somebody spent money
>>somebody I never met or even heard of
>>in a country I will never visit
>>also the money isn't mine
>>it probably represents a fraction of a percent of the total value of the project but what if I was rich instead of him wouldn't that be cool
Why are you like this?

>> No.54344658

But again, this has nothing to do with me. The only reason I would care is if I believed I was somehow entitled to some of the money, which I don't because--again--I have nothing to do with it.

>> No.54344858

>someone paid some hooker $24mil to fuck her.
>the booty shaking was the cover story

That's probably it. Seems extremely plausible and very in character for these hollywood style popstars.

>> No.54344889

Low iq brainlet. They are moving money for other entities and paying off assets. She and her nigger "husband" are deep into the occult.

>> No.54344891

In a world where word of mouth is the most valuable asset.

Advertising is the most lucrative business.

Models, actors and sport people are paid the most.

Do you see the trend? Maybe you can solve the problem.

>> No.54345722

Supply and demand faggot. There’s a reason you’re not getting paid millions for just showing up to a venue. So instead of bitching, make something.

>> No.54345761

Anyone got the pics?

>> No.54345830

>if you liked it you should have put a ring of shit on it
>if you liked it you should have put a ring of shit on it

>> No.54345869

Liberals became socialists in the 20th century. It was always the same people except for some true believer suckers

>> No.54345903

>I’ll never have a dinner with the president
They killed the based rappers and left blacks with faggots just like with Malcolm X

>> No.54345913

is your pic related beyonce? what the fuck happened to her face? its like its a different person????? did we shift timelines?

>> No.54345919

Fish face lookin ass bitch

>> No.54345944

That’s not what he said bot