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54338466 No.54338466 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54338476

Lol how's "owning" that house?

>> No.54338480

What a broke nigger. Can't even swing $2k a year.

>> No.54338490

Try to find anything around your property that potentially devalues it. I.e. easements, slum properties, etc.

>> No.54338492

>when the state raises your rent

>> No.54338502

>which will be about $2k a year
lmfao imagine
My rent went up $426 a month
Stay LOSING housecucks

>> No.54338514

Who cares about $2k/y

>> No.54338537

You're right, keep renting. Meanwhile, the landlord will charge you 2 dollars more for every 1 dollar more they get charged in taxes. Always remember, there are many flavors in this world, and you choose - you desire, to be salty. Ask yourself why? Should have bought in the middle of the great pandemic interest rate crash.

>> No.54338547

Someone that overleveraged into a 450k house by a razor's edge

>> No.54338556

home sale prices are actually plummeting lol all of the covid comps are going to be drown out soon and drive prices lower and lower over years

>> No.54338578

home owners are going to feel real fucking stupid when people just take their properties (for free)

>> No.54338594

Sorry Chud but he’s locked in at 2% interest for a $150k shitbox that he overpaid $300k for

>> No.54338616

Not a burger, not my problem.

>> No.54338619

60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. This retard bought a $250k shitbox for $450k. Clearly he isn’t smart enough to have the savings to cover this

>> No.54338634

A family friend (30 YO female) just mortgaged a townhome she doesn’t like to sell it in a couple of years for a profit to buy a house she actually likes

>> No.54338642
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>> No.54338695

That’s probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Townhomes/condos had the biggest price declines back after 2008 and some didn’t recover for 10 years. I remember in 2017 seeing townhomes in an upper middle class town in NJ selling for $130k. Your friend bought in an ever bigger bubble and might be underwater for almost 15 years

>> No.54338712

>and might be underwater for almost 15 years
Considering the loss in purchasing power every year, they may never recover in real terms.

>> No.54338726

>babbys first abatement

>> No.54338739

the absolute state of rentoid retardation

>> No.54338750

Yeah she’s gonna be stuck there for a decade. No sympathy for her, though. She’s a travel nurse so she has more money than sense

>> No.54338755

Overheard a group of four women in their late twenties talking about the homes they bought themselves and how much money they've "made" from the appreciation.

>> No.54338764


Good joke I live in my boomer parents' basement. I win and beat all of you retarded faggots.

I can buy a rolex every two months and still have money to spare

Everyone who rents or buys in this market is a slave and only financial hellfire awaits

>> No.54338801

Based. I live in one of my dad’s old rental properties currently. All I have to do is pay utilities and mow the lawn lmao. It’s almost unreal how much you can save when your housing costs are $0

>> No.54338813

Would it be based for me to accumulate townhomes nearby, rent them out, and then give them to my children when they graduate college?

>> No.54338836

Yes. Generational wealth is extremely based.

>> No.54338848

this is common for (((cities))) to do this. You basically hire a lawyer and for a small fee, they back off

>> No.54338860

How do I ensure my children have the same drive that I have and build their own wealth engines, instead of squandering the wealth I give them?

>> No.54338891

Smash some windows and get it revaluated.

You know this always happens right? people destroy buildings so they don't have to pay tax on them.

>> No.54338892

The municipality should be forced to pay out whatever amount of money they assess the house at if the seller wants out

>> No.54338917

THIS. So much this.

Housing market is disproportionate to wages and food. Either there is inflation and food and wages should be up alongside housing or there is no inflation and houses are worth less than stated.

Which side of the ponzi scheme does the government want to sell me?

>> No.54338946

You can actually contest assessments. I've done it before.

>> No.54339131

>property values going up is bad because bloodsucking local governments will steal from you

>> No.54339154

The actual answer is that there is no good answer. Neither living in a basement or owning a shitbox in a rural area will save you from things getting worse, which they will.

>> No.54339196

that would be too based to happen

>> No.54339198

Where does he live that rent isn't going up by more than ~$180/mo YoY?

>> No.54339250

Find a black guy take a picture of him in your house. Mail it to the assessor saying that it is a picture of you in your house. The Savings you get yearly from the lower taxes should offset what ever the black guy stole from you

>> No.54339261

>buy house
>have to pay rent in taxes

>> No.54339277


property tax is a debt liability directly tied to inflation that you will never pay down, it's basically a permanent variable rate mortgage. unless the property in question is generating cash flow, you're losing money every year with no income to offset the loss. this clearly fucks over people who actually live in their homes and aren't landlords

>> No.54339431

>the system literally makes it more profitable to be a 60yo boomer landlord who got 'in' when properties were 20x lower 30 years ago than to be a 30yo now trying to buy a house with your gf/wife
This is what a strong nation looks like.

>> No.54339543

Apparently he's in Iowa

>> No.54339573

Sad thing is all you need to do is look around at all the silent gen on fixed income that own there homes to know property tax is fucked. For silent gen owning a house and getting SS was supposed to be their retirement. Last I checked $350k to $500k is barely enough to retire on now. That's assuming they bought a house in a area that appreciated that much.

>> No.54339587

wait so your property taxes are based on your zestimate basically? and the more your house is "worth" the more you have to pay in taxes even if you're not selling your house? LOL

adulting is retarded. im just gonna live in a pod and eat the bugs. have fun painting a wall or doing dishes or whatever the fuck calculating your ever increasing scam payments and not even getting married or having children anyways so what was the point. why wouldn't i just keep being a manchild, this shit is retarded.

>> No.54339598

I rent a room for $500 a month in a major US city and use the rest of my paycheck to invest
Get fucked

>> No.54339606

>property taxes are based on your zestimate basically?

>> No.54339624

but stacy wont cuck me with the bull if I don't buy her the house with the gray kitchen

>> No.54339637

what is property assessment then? is it not like an estimate of what your house could sell for used to determine your tax rate. like a zestimate but more official.

>> No.54339646

I do this but I'm also a tranny fag who can't reproduce so at least I have an excuse

>> No.54339683

Depends on the state. California has arguably the best property taxes in the country, whereas Texas is infamous for its high rates and arbitrary Zestimate-esque assessments. Most states fall somewhere in the middle. A lot of people get memed into moving to Texas, but as a Caliwalifag making 150k/yr, if I were to sell my 400k condo and buy a 400k home in Texas, I'd probably only save ~1k my first year (ignoring all moving expenses and reduced income) and end up deep in the red by my fifth year.

>> No.54339701

I don't know where this person lives, but my Zestimate is $1.2m and my tax assessment is like $450k. Tax assessed values are often vastly lower than the real price.

>> No.54339703


>> No.54339710

Some boomer that works for the city comes up with the number. Usually a retired foreman or developer. Someone that knows how much stuff costs. They also see all the building permits so they know when you've been making major updates that require licensed contractors. Like in OP screen cap.

>> No.54339713

It's actually a bit worse. A Zestimate will usually at least factor in the purchase price, e.g. if you buy a "needs TLC" 300k house in a 400k neighborhood in 2020, Zillow will probably value your house at 400k and the neighborhood average around 500k by 2023. By contrast, many local assessors will just take the average of a similarly-sized home in your neighborhood and assume your home is worth that much, so you pay 33% more property tax per home value than all your neighbors.

>> No.54339717

Also this

>> No.54339734

Don't answer this question we are full enjoy the cities

>> No.54339748

Probably because inept boomers who are borderline or full blown dementia tier are passing laws they don't read or understand we need to replace anyone over 50 in govt

>> No.54339753

Many states have a system where appraisal and assessment are two different things. For example, in TN, the appraisal value is the arbitrary market-influenced value that appraisers find. The assessment value is 1/4 of the appraisal value, and the tax you pay is the state/local propetty tax multiplied by the assessment value. But other states don't bother with all of that.

>> No.54339766

it’s because most young people in america aren’t even american (white) can’t really blame boomers for pulling the ladder up behind them. they were the last white generation. kind of based of them desu when you think about it. brown hoards invade, just price them out of existing lol

>> No.54339793

here it is across the board. Appraisars all use the same software systems. So once they punch in some BS number all the appraisars see the same number. If you get it reappraised they just go by the previous number +/- a few thousand bc they are lazy fucks

>> No.54339821

so many retards don't understand amortization schedules or selling costs. she's going to lose money after a couple years. she has to hold for 6-8 years just to break even.

>> No.54339824

Silent gen is 80 years old anyway they're going in the assisted living places now. It's the boomers who can and are free to eat shit, especially the ones who retired early and will soon try and flood entry level work because it turns out quitting your 105,000 easy manager wfh job is retarded right before a fucking recession.

>> No.54339831

>boomers flood the country with brown people and make it impossible for young whites to have kids
>"see we had to do it, not enough of you were having kids"

>> No.54339886

you aren't white.

>> No.54339900

you renters realize you are paying your landlord's property taxes for him right?

>> No.54339906

have sex incel

>> No.54339937

to be fair thats another 166 per month on top of what is probably a 4000 dollar per month mortgage

>> No.54339946

>I live in my boomer parents' basement. I win and beat all of you retarded faggots.

Wow.. I'm jealous.

>> No.54339953

whose tax assessment is actually equal or or above the selling price?

>> No.54339955


Housing market will never crash. Get in now or get outpriced.

>> No.54339979

Go away doomer.

>> No.54339983

if my property taxes go up i just raise the rent of the zoomer renting the garage i turned into a sleep out lol

poor kid has to hear me start my vette and rev it every morning LMFAO imagine

>> No.54339985


Basically this. It was all fun and games making fun of the basement dweller, but look at em now.

>> No.54339986
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>> No.54340658
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>> No.54340665 [DELETED] 
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>4000 dollar per month mortgage

>> No.54340669

That's kind of funny, but property taxes are fucking jewish. Never buying a home in a state where the property taxes are jewish. Maybe I'll move countries even

>> No.54340680


>> No.54340689


>> No.54340730

You ignore that the $400k Texas home is at least twice as big as the commie shack you live in

>> No.54340783

> When the unelected HOA corporation raises your rent

>> No.54340794


Imagine getting into the housing hype and still not owning any land.

>> No.54340797
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Sure, though I could instead buy a $400k house in most other states the same size as yours and pay half or less the amount of tax

>> No.54340807
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The title includes a 0.05 acre plot of land

>> No.54340819

Founding fathers went to war over a tax on tea. Imagine them rolling in their graves now when the average Joe can’t afford his home because of Jewish property taxes

>> No.54340827

Make them do competitive shit, sports is the most obvious path. And don't shower them in needless materialism

>> No.54340880

Damn, DC property taxes are cheap. I would've thought that the nation's capital would be high as hell with their taxes.

>> No.54340899

You can buy an equivalent house for less money in some other location where you aren't being scammed, have extra money in your pocket, and pay less yearly in taxes because your house isn't overvalued. I really hope you continue to not understand and stay in your containment state.

>> No.54340915

DC income taxes are atrocious.

Low property taxes are a scam and gift to landlords and speculators. Property values are a function of property taxes and interest rates. Low property taxes = high land values and high property taxes = low land values. Texas unironically has the right tax regime for a decent cost of living for normal people.

>> No.54340931

How can you pay rent on something you “own.”

>> No.54341002

Your parents are paying your stay you leech faggot

>> No.54341025

Lol at these extreme color gradients for property tax rates that vary only 1%. Meanwhile state income taxes are 13% in California and 0% in Texas.

>> No.54341034


>> No.54341050

1% is huge when you’re talking about mid six figs (or more) houses.

>> No.54341051

>An 80% difference being red versus yellow is "extreme"

>> No.54341056

Well, they brought him to life so they might as well now pay for it.

>> No.54341089

Im about to be in this exact same situation. Cherry on top I can buy it off my parents if I end up liking where I live at a family price. There's a family friend also who's about to sell me a nice diesel truck for dirt cheap. I plan to use it to help scale my business. I'm late 20's, I think Im in a good spot to actually make it. I cant wait to hear about my ex seething.

>> No.54341353
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>seething at a strong family unit

>> No.54341389

>Land of the free
>Arbitrary property taxes imposed on you
>Don't pay and lose your property


>> No.54341568
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Wait so other states don't have the equivalent of prop 13? Your city government can just charge you whatever they want in property taxes and confiscate your property if you can't pay? Funny how many of you faggots were bragging about your midwest cucksheds you bought for cheap and shitting on cali. Bahahaha hope you enjoy it poorfags.

>> No.54341808

>Overheard a group of four women in their late twenties
Stop eavesraping.

>> No.54341953
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the landtax collector fears the floating sack man

>> No.54341965

Are you that retarded outside of 4chan? You are bragging about your rent going over 5k/year as if this was a L for housechads?

>> No.54341969
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He said 2 grand

>> No.54342004

>paying your stay
anons parents might own their house outright. or they might be wealthy and have a big house. not everyone is a poorfag living paycheck to paycheck and only just keeping on top of their debts.

If thats the case it makes perfect sense. people dont ask to be brought into this globohomo world. if you have kids then you should have a rent free place for them to stay at all times. they can buy their food, clothes, everything else. but they didn't ask to be born. the least your lazy ass can do is provide them a corner of your house for free.

>> No.54342032

This, he probably makes so little money that he won't benefit from the tax write off either.

>> No.54342063

State income taxes are also 0% in Washington, also property taxes are below 1%

>> No.54342074

Fucking dipshit went to plebit instead of doing a basic internet search.
First fucking result on duck-duck-go. fucking retard

>> No.54342076
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Lmao imagine living in a state that doesn't have a protection similar to this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1978_California_Proposition_13

>> No.54342130

Yea boomers need more handouts huh
>Oh you bought your house 50 years ago? here's your 40 grand in social security and you can pay tax at 1/5th the rate of anyone who bought recently

>> No.54342158
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america is dead

>> No.54342166

just start your own state

>> No.54343210

Wait, do amerimutts really? Property taxes on first house?

>> No.54343759
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>You can't be doing that.

>> No.54343798

WTF is this property taxes crap? They assess the value of your house then you have to pay tax for just having your own home? WTF? Thank god we don't have that shit here in Britain.

>> No.54343858

hoomers are low IQ retards that don't understand sarcasm
they're monkey tier IQ subhumans with cavemen mentality always anxious about shelters

>> No.54343887

so beautiful, getting raped by high valuation high taxes yet won't be able to sell the same house at that valuation, THIS is beauty and harmony, retardation gets punished, and justice for all

>> No.54343914

You sound bitter that you will never own a home

>> No.54343927

i just accumulate bitcoin and rent. my bitcoins go up a lot more than houses ever will and im free to go where i want, when I want. last 2 years I spent 18 months in foreign countries enjoying my life while house mortgage cucks have to go into the wage cage for 30 years without any real significant break, cause they have a loan to pay hahahahah

>> No.54343943

indeed. they laughed at me cause I didn't move out and got a mortgage like they did. now we are 5 years later and they are living paycheck to paycheck paying off their 30 year mortgage while I have a $500k bitcoin portfolio (mind you I'm in western europe, $500k buys me two houses here, I can retire on 500k if I want). KEK.

>> No.54343948

In places like Washington, there is no income tax, so it is how they pay for roads, etc.

>> No.54343950

i'll own it when you're dying starving out cold in the street you loser
just a spare change of cash in my brokerage account is worth more than the house on the OP, more than 30 years of your worthless life, i just want to see you retards suffer, because that's what fair is

>> No.54343953

enjoy your radon

>> No.54343961

>mind you I'm in western europe, $500k buys me two houses here
What the fuck houses are those?
>I can retire on 500k if I want
You can retire on $500k? What?
I own multiple properties and have no debts, what are you on about? If you don't own real estate then you don't really own anything.

>> No.54343967

you're a monkey deluding yourself owning something, soon you'll be a dying monkey
>don't you make me post my spare change here cuz then you'll need to disappear off this thread because you have nothing to post

>> No.54343970

Most definitely.
This - >>54340827
Don't spoil them. Make them earn pocket money by doing chores and don't flaunt your wealth in front of them as if you came by it without hard work.

>> No.54343973

Do I understand it right, that in the US the taxes for your property are based on it's assessed value? In Germany it depends purely on the surface area and individual costs for the town per square meter. US is truly fucked up. How do US Jews deal with it themselves? They must own a lot of property.

>> No.54343996

What don't you understand that I have no debts? I have no mortgage. Never had a mortgage.

>> No.54344006

oh so you already have nothing, just a shitposting monkey

>> No.54344012

I own several properties.

>> No.54344031

Some faggot who can barely make his mortgage payments

>> No.54344033

>I also share that room with 4 mexicans

>> No.54344049
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Your turn poorfag monkey

>> No.54344051

>I own multiple properties and have no debts, what are you on about? If you don't own real estate then you don't really own anything.
You think you own properties but when there is no state to enforce it then you don't own shit. what you have is a piece of paper or database entry at the goverment saying that you are the "owner" of that "house". without the goverment, you own nothing.

>> No.54344061

Owning a home is stupid
- /biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.54344064

it is. $500k in bitcoin is a lot more useful than $500k in a 30 year mortgage loan debt contract.

>> No.54344070

Is 409k supposed to be a lot of money?
You're trying to communicate you are prophecising some sort of apocalyptic cataclysm? Do you have anyone to speak to? Have you been given a medication regime which you neglecting?

>> No.54344085

$500k in bitcoin is also a lot better than a house fully paid off. imagine if you lived in ukraine, turkey, venezuela or any other hyperinflationary economic disaster place. imagine your "property" is in such a place. it goes to shit and your property becomes worth 0?. there is nothing that competes iwth bitcoin. its the apex asset. I take it all over the world with me and it always keeps its value

>> No.54344093

my spare change is more than your dream house
>everyone knows you're a fat fuck larper
my spare change of cash is worth more than your highest aspiration
seriously, what are monkeys doing on this board?

>> No.54344096

>Owning $500k is better than having a $500k loan
No shit, retard

>> No.54344102

>> he lives in a bubble and thinks disaster isn't common.
do you even realize how many places are destroyed because of war and other reasons? KEK. enjoy property investing breh.

>> No.54344117

Conversing with you from a $2m property. $409k will buy you a nice 1 bedroom flat. I've paid almost half of that in Stamp Duty and CGT in recent years.

>> No.54344125

this monkey clearly owns nothing but aspires to own a house so he shitpost about owning house, a house that is worth less than my spare change sitting on my brokerage account
what a low life

keep dreaming monkey, die soon

>> No.54344131

>No shit, retard
kek. but most people get a 30 year mortgage instead of $500k in bitcoin. yep. they rather pay the loan instead of just buying bitcoin KEK. I stay in my parents basement and I am richer than everyone who moved out at 22. they are all stuck.. they laughed at me for a few years because i was still at home at 26. but now I have double, triple the networth of the "succesful" ones and 100x more than the brokies. who don't even have $5k on their bank.

seethe and cope, loan taking tards. the basement dweller wins again

>> No.54344139

You are telling me that what I am saying you consider too good to be true.

>> No.54344141

if mortgagees are on the street imagine what will happen to neets, you monkeys are all seriously fucked hahahaha

>> No.54344153

just post it monkey, it's not too good to be true but it is to a monkey like you

>> No.54344167

If you don't think that tax is passed on to you in rent I have a bridge to sell you. The only person I see getting wrecked is sadly you anon, spending all your years aimlessly wandering with nothing to show for it but a frogpost.

>> No.54344176

enjoy your 30 year mortgage and no breaks cause you have a debt to pay. i'll gladly pay rents all over the world and travel around. might even fuck your wife if im in your area.

T.bitcoin collector

>> No.54344191

You tell me what is true.
I am sat in a grade 2 listed house built in the 1860s, recently valued at £1.7m.
True or false?
I own several flats and maisonettes in London and South East of England each between £400k and £700k.
True or false?

>> No.54344200

>A home actually selling for anywhere near its appraisal value.
This is STDH.

>> No.54344201
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Not buying your heavy bags until you all faggots dying on the street

>> No.54344209

And I have no debts. I bought those properties CASH.

>> No.54344218

haha you'll die soon
my suggestion to all, use your last spare of money to buy a gun so you can die painlessly instead of starving and cold

>> No.54344231

any home owners want to btfo me? no? you're all larping faggots is what you all are

>> No.54344247

I am not afraid of dying. You keep talking about that but I am a grown adult. I'm not so bothered about losing most of my wealth. You'll know it if you make it. The things you come out with, you talk as a desperate and afraid individual talks.

>> No.54344255

bla bla bla monkey, reality will hit you hard, just remember me when it happens okay

>> No.54344353

it's always poor people including worthless neets and lower middle class aka low class wagies who are obsessed with housing
and women, but you're all incels and there's no women here

>> No.54344379

Fascinating, thanks for your intelligent advice and foresight. I know that you don't have much money, but think of it as an investment if you see a therapist or someone to talk to.
If you own no home and you can barely afford a half-decent 1 bedroom flat, what are you? You're certainly nowhere near
>Lower Middle Class
The Lower Middle Class are worth at least 1 million.
Having a home is simply preliminary. Real Estate is the main investment as everyone needs homes, that is the one thing which will never change.

>> No.54344396

poor monkey with his monkey logic, this is the kind of subhuman who sleep and piss in the same spot

>> No.54344404

Kek what a loser.

>> No.54344418

talk and talk and talk and talk because you have nothing, soon you won't be able to even talk

>> No.54344446

imagine aspiring to own something by sacrificing 30 years of your life, something that's worth less than spare change and a day's worth of my profit
you home cucks are not even worthy to tongue my anus

>> No.54344452

It is reality that middle class are worth a good million or two. If you do not own any home do not have at least 1 million elsewhere, then you're not middle class, are you? You are not even British so it is strange that you keep using this term
>Middle Class
I don't know why Americans suddenly adopted it. Middle Class means wealthy professionals who live in nice homes and are generally cultured people, who largely go to selective schools and Public Schools (or that would "Private School" in America).
>White Collar
was the American term.

A big part of it is culture and being sophisticated civilised people, as opposed to some deranged individual who keeps calling others "monkey".

>> No.54344460

To see how many on /biz/ put their money where their mouth is just run an experiment. If over the next several year housing dumps and crashfag traffic decreases then not only were they right but they positioned themselves to profit. When people profit (and improve their lives) they tend to lesve this site. It was the same when people made it with crypto. Those that didn't cash out inevitably came back lol.
The amount of genuinely happy people posting about their happiness is probably near zero. The rest of us are doing our best.

>> No.54344463

AHAHHAHAHAHAHA he keeps coping, cope all you want, you'll die all the same as worthless faggots

>> No.54344483

if you think """owning a home"""" a/k/a taking out a 30 year welfare layaway plan on a plywood box is an exclusive club, you are transparently poor and likely low IQ.
the only people at danger of being priced out are minimum wage retards and manual laborers, which is incidentally the occupation of the type of person who spouts this nonsense.

>> No.54344488

that's what i meant, you all home cucks are all larping faggots

>> No.54344525

Property tax is literally a rent.

>> No.54344537

>buying a house off your parents
The most american post of the day

>> No.54344545

Respectable digits but i am both a rentfag and a crashfag you dunce.
Ackschually it is theft.

>> No.54344548

Now you're more explicitly saying that it would be a good thing to own real estate. For the record I didn't get rich on crypto, I'm just from a rich family. I look here as I might learn something about finance, I don't know a whole lot, but this place is never good for much else than rubber necking at wreckages like yourself. It's depressing and haunting.

This here interacting with you is most similar to when I was 12 years old and first saw gore videos, like that one with the chechens beheading Russian soldiers. It's too horrific to look away.

>> No.54344565

poor people also tend to type longpost like this faggot, as if they're saying because they know something useless that they're educated, it's a subconscious action of saying "please rich people respect me even though I'm poor"
while rich people talk freely because they have nothing to cope for, it's subconscious action of saying "even if I'm talking like a maniac I'm still far better than you, my worst is still better than your best"
I'll spit on your eyes poorfag if we ever met irl

>> No.54344591

You just made the longest post. So you have gone back to saying that I don't own several valuable properties?
>, as if they're saying because they know something useless that they're educated
as if they're saying... because they know something... useless that they are educated.
as if.... they are saying because.... they know something useless... that they are educated.
You didn't call me monkey this time.

>> No.54344600

what a disgusting poorfag loser

>> No.54344613

You have told me that you don't own a property and have a portfolio of 400k, yet you are calling others "poorfag". I'm getting mixed messages here.

>> No.54344623

this is calicǜck nonsense. assessments in texas are local and people successfully get theirs reduced all the time. in addition, the state is working on a law to use its surplus to reduce them even further in as many localities as possible.
texas has no income tax, and a state sales tax just a hair over 6% (top 15 or so), and the biggest portion (by far) of property taxes go to the schools, not the city government.
we have cheaper land, cheaper food, cheaper fuel, cheaper energy, and probably even cheaper water.

>> No.54344625

imagine aspiring to own something by sacrificing 30 years of your life, something that's worth less than spare change and a day's worth of my profit
you home cucks are not even worthy to tongue my anus
you're not a subhuman in my eyes, you're a sub sub subhuman at the very least

>so poor he doesn't know how to read brokerage app

>> No.54344645

All you have claimed is that you own 400k, which is likely fake. I mean, come on, you're obviously a deranged individual wanting to escape into a LARP of that you're not desperately poor.

>> No.54344647

Fuck. This!

>> No.54344649

>nobody buys his larp but he keeps larping
poor, autist, definitely ugly and an incel too because it all comes in a package
>aspiring to own a house
checks out
what a disgusting life form

>> No.54344686

So you are telling me that it is not true that I am sat in a property which I am sole freeholder of and is valued at $2m? I'm 6'2 and beautiful tyvm. I may be stupid, but I am beautiful and rich. But I'd guess that you know a lot more than I do about Trading and Crypto, though you have likely had failures, but even though failures you have learnt through, which I'd like to learn. I would like to know what you know.

>> No.54344701

isn't it glorious that states will be bankrupt soon so there's no neetbux to sustain these disgusting existences any longer

>> No.54344729

thread will end, your larp will end, then what? back to your miserable hellish reality
except, you can just larp on another thread, and so on and so on forever
so is the disgusting life of poorfag larpers

>> No.54344734

But if you think that the zombie apocalypse is imminent then I'm nowhere near as stupid as you.

>> No.54344757

>thread will end, your larp will end, then what? back to your miserable hellish reality
>except, you can just larp on another thread, and so on and so on forever
>so is the disgusting life of poorfag larpers
There's the truth that is being projected. Going to play Shutoko Revival Project, interesting talking to you. It was horrifying, but it was interesting. One day I will learn something useful from this place.

>> No.54344772

kek just remember me and imagine me laughing manically once you're dying on the dirt

>> No.54344812

retards like you don't understand just how fast the housing market increased. Bought my house two years ago for 180, am in contract to sell at 245 right now. I could have fore bared any mortgage for 2 years and still made bank after closing including both closing costs

>> No.54344895
File: 21 KB, 474x379, pepethumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I am in bitcoin. Surely I will not be screwed by blockstream and transaction fees...

>> No.54344915

>Bought my house two years ago for 180
i'm not going to waste my time explaining the calculations behind my claims, since it's obvious you're a low IQ, low income working class retard.

>> No.54344938

He’s right ya know. You don’t own your home in Amerikkka

>> No.54344941

ur right you tooootally make more money than me Sajindra, back to scrubbing the toilets or you get the stic

>> No.54345002

Not him, but you act poor. Flashing your average and not very impressive pocket change thinking you're hot shit is a very poor thing to do. You're poor at heart

>> No.54345048

>lives in a state without homestead exemption

Not gonna make it

>> No.54345072

no one flashed pocket change I described a situation with numbers and you got defensive because you have a small penis Rajeesh. Would it make you more comfortable if I used hypotheticals?
I had 3 candy bars in 2020, now it's worth 4 candy bars, and the big fat constable only eats half a candy bar when I sell them, so I ended up making an extra half candy bar without owning any of them. Does tht make you feel warm and fuzzy, you stupid nigger?

>> No.54345163

Its always the lonely and ugly ones that talk like this. No mention of raising a family. Just pure hedonism. Youre going to kill yourself one day

>> No.54345312

Okay, if I find myself dying on dirt I'm not going to remember you by then, but if I do I'll imagine some poster who appeared to be an illiterate stunted individual with developmental problems in his mother's basement typing in all caps and making insults as though they were an 8 year old problemed child as 'manically laughing'.

>> No.54345318

$245k gross less 7% selling, moving, and overlap costs = $228k less $180k purchase = $48k gain in 2022 dollars = $36k gain in 2020 dollars.

now consider that you have once in a lifetime low rates, which you stupidly exited, and that you experienced a once in a lifetime appreciation.

the long run average is home appreciation is 1% in excess of inflation. 5-7% rates means that considerably all of your payments for the first 5-10 years of """home ownership""" go to interest. you need to hold ~7 years just to break even on selling costs.

>> No.54345317

That's over $5/day. Homecuckbro would have to forego the daily starbucks. Which is an unspeakable act of deprivation and incredibly anti-semitic.

>> No.54345449

oh oh oh I sold my 2.9 APR in the jew country you're right Nitesh I should have stayed here. No faggot, I have no moving costs company paid, and no overlap costs company paid.
Oh oh oh and guess what, not everyone has to eat the shitty interest rates, buying in a Scandinavian country with far less niggers and subsidized rates!

>> No.54345497

those are all fringe cases. i'm glad it worked out for you, but it's non applicable insofar as irrelevancy for the vast majority of the population.

>> No.54345556

this board is literally 99% poorfag cope and 1% rich chad
t. 1% rich chad
just finished a convo with disgusting poorfag who got btfo and can't leave me alone
retard, you're already btfo to the end of the universe irl who cares if you got btfo online by a genuine rich chad

>> No.54345586

You can appeal the assessment, as well the city doesn't have to increase taxes proportional to assessment increases. My home increase like 15% one year and the city didn't raise taxes at all. Plus what ever tax increase a city gets will be offloaded onto renters anyway

>> No.54345671

Owning a $400k house doesn’t make you rich, newfag. Come back when your net worth is $5M+

>> No.54345675


>> No.54345723

bunch of stupid monkeys who can't read brokerage app
these are the kind of subhumans who tell you to buy houses
not memeing just imagine that, don't know about brokerage or about cash and P&L, they just want a cardboard house so that maybe finally a 4/10 girl will like them and they can stop being an incel

>> No.54345789

Give a rest, ranjeesh.

>> No.54345791
File: 12 KB, 380x316, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because he bought a fucking half million dollar property. Is he a fucking Rockefeller?

>> No.54345803
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At these prices it really is.

>> No.54345821

poorfag cope

>> No.54345917

Enough with the larp, suresh

>> No.54345923

Is she hot?

>> No.54345952

mega cope i have a girlfriend and we will have a family . projecting mega cope

>> No.54345951

>posted proof
they're so poor that the cope made them deranged

>> No.54345957

my gf just rimmed me

>> No.54345991

Mega cope, ranjeet

>> No.54346017

id is por
isn't kapoor a pajeet name? projecting to the max
like i said all around disgusting and they always flock to me, maybe they think the rich will rub off> well that's not how it works moron

>> No.54346053

it is because you're a lolcow, it's hard to get enough of you. people are calling you a poo because you're obviously very insecure and have the socially retarded infantile man-child demeanour, but I'd guess that you're actually a child. Upon realising you're simply an edgy autistic teenager you're a lot less of a lolcow.

>> No.54346060

The bribing of municipal officials would be off the charts.

>> No.54346075

laughing as a coping mechanism for extreme poorfaggotry, pretty common, a dime a dozen

>> No.54346084



>> No.54346091

I reply because it’s easy asf to troll you, retard. You communicate like a literal ESL third-worlder and you can’t even greentext. GTFO, newfag.

>> No.54346110

it was clearly a mistype of a question mark you moron
another cope
>please rich people respect me for me puhfect english
eat my shit as food poorfags

>> No.54346124

>laughing as a coping mechanism for extreme poorfaggotry, pretty common, a dime a dozen
You would know
> hahahaha

>> No.54346141

quote me more poorfag
difference is i posted proof, why are you so insistently stupid? is this deliberate?

>> No.54346148

Those payments are all principle. Probably paying a whole 2.49% APR assuming they had a 700 goyscore. If they had an 800 they’re probably paying more like 2.19% APR

>> No.54346154

> homecucks
> rentcucks

What is the Chad lifestyle accomodation? Homelessness? Military deployment? Serfdom?

>> No.54346153

It’s funny watching younger generations grow up and bump into the hilariously Jewish shit boomers were going along with and celebrating.

>> No.54346175

I dont think anyone is seething over a guy mouthing off from his parent's basement

>> No.54346179

Come back when your net worth is $5M+, poorfag.

>> No.54346189

Posted proof of what? Your posting is indeed proof of that you're a seriously mentally unhealthy individual who copes by going online and living of a fantasy of being someone else by pretending that you're not poor. What you do not realise is that wealthy people do not behave as you do, the reason that you're a loser is because you're mentally handicapped to the point of being unable to grow past a problemed 12 year old.

>> No.54346254

If there's one thing Americans truly get fucked by, it's property taxes. Income tax, sales tax, corporate taxes, all are lower than other developed nations.

>> No.54346256

In the same situation as well. Father said he will even sell the house to me for $100k (the house was $300k when he bought it in 2010). Obviously im considering it, but only so i can turn around and sell it and move where I want to because I fucking hate where I live. Feel like it would piss him off though.

>> No.54346260

renters are only cucks if they have no choice, if they rent because they want to live freely and offload all the risk to the home cucks then that's literally chads move

cope cope cope
and here you are dreaming of 30 years mortgage

>poorfag pretend to know how rich chads behave
how? by typing puhrfekt enghlish on Vietnamese basket weaving forum?
>vietnamese basket weaving
soon to be mortgagees defaulting and end up on the street forum it seems

>> No.54346346

brown hordes are here because boomers wanted them for cheap labor and to increase property values. They also will never be "priced out of existing". Brown hordes will stack 10 people in one room to afford rent.

>> No.54346359

>pay a premium on a new house
>it's now worth more
well yeah ya dummy

>> No.54346375

Wealthy people are not deranged losers who spend 3 hours on 4chan nonstop posting insults to strangers and pretending they're rich. I don't have any mortgages.

>> No.54346378

Honestly never understood the logic of trying to live in "cheap" places unless you are an utter poorfag. Rural New England is among the absolute best places to live in this country and of course its quite expensive to do so.

>> No.54346407

you don't know anything about wealthy people because you aren't wealthy, every thought you ever think in your stupid fucking head is wrong, that's how you end up a disgusting poorfag

>> No.54346409
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>> No.54346411

Imagine siding with 'paying rent to the state' in any discussion anywhere ever.

>> No.54346457

So I'm not worth several million USD?
Judge this for me: Own several million in property outright, sole freeholder, with no debts.
Is this situation good or bad? Enviable? Is this person like a rich alpha chad? Don't tell me if I own that or not, just DESCRIBE IT to me.

>> No.54346483

>OP posted about home owner as cuckold of state
>who cares about 2k/years
it simply checks out

how about you eat my shit?
disgusting text after text wasting my time

>> No.54346493

wait wait wait
Let me get this straight
This guy is paying almost $10,000 property taxes a year? Is that right?
I pay a couple hundred on my house in Europe that's worth more than his

>> No.54346525

poor people talk and talk, rich people post proof before they talk

>> No.54346581

Such intelligent resposne. It's okay, anon, we all know the sort of individual you are and your sad situation, you're very transparent.

>> No.54346597

My house is worth $900k and I own it, you retarded nigger.

>> No.54346615

>got btfo to oblivion after i posted proof
>keep posting autistically
>i opened an invitation to btfo me
>keep posting artistically
fucking poorfag incel autist i swear to god, you think I'm your caretaker or something

>> No.54346658

you incels ever have sex btw? is this what's driving you to be obsessed about 30 years mortgage "owning" a home?

>> No.54346670

You haven't posted proof of anything. You claimed that you had 400k which a screenshot where you can edit in any number, but 400k isn't much money, and you're so poor that you don't understand 400k won't buy you anything in today's market.
The reason that you keep talking about
is because those are what you feel insecure about being. You're obviously a lower class uneducated illiterate low intelligence individual who has had developmental problems and so behave like a difficult 12 year old.

>> No.54346676

>muh house price go up
Everything went up when will normies realize fiat is worth less because of printer goes brrr? I mean a house is a house and unless niggers move in or out of a neighborhood its value will stay the same.

>> No.54346699

>phone app screenshot
either autist or genuinely stupid
can't leave me alone and oblivious of their cringiness

>> No.54346726

>I mean a house is a house and unless niggers move in or out of a neighborhood its value will stay the same.
Exactly. It is the safest place to put money; real estate is the only place to put money. Not only that but letting gives decent ROI and you don't get any real ROI on anything else which isn't high risk.

>> No.54346733

"not owning a home" is a closer definition to a mortgage than "owning a home" is
real definition is you lose your life and still not owning the home
not that your life is worth anything in the first place anyway but still

>> No.54346763

The assessors figured out they can just arbitrarily raise prices and get a bigger bonus and more tax money. It was only a matter of time.

>> No.54346782

This autistic kid is so retarded that he doesn't understand you can purchase a home without a mortgage.

>> No.54346806

>$400k only


>> No.54346808

not for an incel autistic poorfag like you

>> No.54346846

oh great another retard unable to read brokerage app because they're so poor

>> No.54346858

If he actually had 400k you can just imagine the reality of it.
>Lower middle class problemed retard's single mother dies
>He sells the family home
>Has no idea what he is doig with the inheritance
>Begins the inevitability of losing it all by gambling with it, thinking that he is going to get rich
I feel happier imagining that he doesn't have money than that he does. Quite an upsetting idea if someone that developmentally stunted ended up with inheritance and inevitability gets fleeced for it.

>> No.54346865

>feel free to btfo me
>they don't
>they can't
>they keep posting

>> No.54346868

>Founding fathers went to war over a tax on tea
It was over 1 extra pence per pound of tea. That was like a 5% increase kek. We are so cucked nowaday it's unreal.

>> No.54346875

nah they are too retarded. I have sex with my 7 year younger gf and have a massivebitcoin stack and freedom. but all they can think about is the basement i live in. which is probably bigger than their cuckshed they signed a 30 year debt contract for.

>> No.54346885

>doesn't understand brokerage
not memeing anymore they're literally monkey tier IQ subhumans

>> No.54346887

>$400k usd

Hahahaha… I can’t…. Hahahaha

>> No.54346939

>buys 500k house
>omg 2k more a year property taxesssss
>basically 200$ a month
>my monnneeyyy
This piece of shit isn’t poor they’re just being a fucking fag and so is the assessment office. You can pay it.

>> No.54346946

>47 posts by this ID

>> No.54346970

all cope
it's cringe if i only post text but i posted proof
to me you're all worth less than cockroaches in the sewer

>> No.54347061

>if you can pay more the gubment means you should
ok bootlicker

>> No.54347066

so they're obsessed of housing because they're literally too stupid for stocks, brokerage literally confuses them
holy shit
that's who has been spamming home thread, literally 80 IQ neet fat smelly incel hoping one day to own a house and have an ugly wife to make another generation of stupid children
such an existence is indeed disgusting but funny at the same time that they talk to me as if they're not subhumans that are closer to animal than to a demigod like me

>> No.54347076

you can clearny notice hes rich cause he has time to spend posting here for hours. mcwagie 30 year mortgage doesn't have time for that. he needs to go to the factory to fiat mine

>> No.54347091

stocks are boomer tier tho. i only invest in bitcoin. stocks were a good deal 20 years ago. same will be said about bitcoin in 2040

>> No.54347099

ok let's talk serious here, are you literally unable to understand my proof? you understand what a brokerage is? how about the difference between cash and NLV?
jeezus christ what a monkey

>> No.54347134

Based btc maxi. What’s your stack? Mine is a little over 20 rn. Hoping to get to 25 by EOY.

>> No.54347176

top kek

>> No.54347202

In Texas there's an organization that protests against your property tax assessment on your behalf in return for a small cut of what you would have paid otherwise.

I've managed to keep my assessment locked below my home's 2017 price tag through that service, though I think after the home value surge last year they probably won't be able to keep it that way much longer.

>> No.54347204


>> No.54347212

please by all means btfo me instead of pbtid-ing me or whatever cope you have
because you're all poorfags

>> No.54347284



>> No.54347298
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Cause you never owned it, retard. Use your fucking brain.

>> No.54347304

>biggest portion by far goes to schools
What the fuck are they doing with it then? Texas schools are well below average.
>cheaper energy
Electricity in Texas is slightly higher than the national average if i remember correctly.

But yeah sure in general Texas is a cheaper state. But you have to live in fucking Texas surrounded by spics.

>> No.54347311

me posting proof to poorfags is like me pissing on cockroaches in the sewer and looking at them all squirm in panic

>> No.54347354

>52 posts by this ID

>> No.54347377

It’s called an inheritance and you threaten revocation if they disobey.

>but what if they don’t care for money

You can inherit more than money. In 20 years good luck getting a house. Your children will act right if they know a house will be rewarded to them. The only time this doesn’t work is if you just beat your kids relentlessly or they simply are too retarded to care.

In the olden days daughters obeyed because being exiled from the family was basically game over for them

>> No.54347390

not a single non-disgusting creature (poorfag) itt to btfo me, all they can do is desperately counting each of my post like a mongoloid
my theory holds true, only poorfags cockroaches of a human are obsessed with housing

>> No.54347485


>> No.54347534

From one high income individual to another (purportedly): I understand there's generally a dimwit-midwit-topwit-esque distribution among low income renters, middle income homeowners, and high income renters, but you're behaving like an absolute sperg.

>> No.54347551

>not acknowledging anyone until they post proof
checkmate poorfags

>> No.54347569
File: 317 KB, 600x776, 1660661958476768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Hoomer got buck broken by anon.

>> No.54347593

Bait post. Bongs don’t own anything, everything is loaned to you by the queen

>> No.54347608

Anon, I think you're based. And because you made >>54346124 lose his shit, you're absolutely based. Fellow renter here piling up cash, WAGMI anon.

>> No.54347627

Except in the case of home ownership the landlord is the government.

>> No.54347630

>That’s probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Townhomes/condos had the biggest price declines back after 2008 and some didn’t recover for 10 years. I remember in 2017 seeing townhomes in an upper middle class town in NJ selling for $130k. Your friend bought in an ever bigger bubble and might be underwater for almost 15 years

I wouldn't be so sure, we're taking in millions of immigrants a year and practically building no new housing. Demand is going up year after year while supply is basically what it was in 2008

>> No.54347670

At the same time, he is also helping the soon-to-be homeowners become disillusioned by the financial fuckery of our modern monetary system.

You might think he's a sperg, but some other perceptions might think he is trying to do the right thing to other anons/lurkers in this thread. Perception is everything.

>> No.54347697

mortgages fuel housing bubble outpricing others who want to buy a house outright without sacrificing 30 years of their life, you mortgagees are outpricing your fellow men by enriching kike bankers
and for this you all deserve to suffer and die
I'll piss and spit on your corpses

>> No.54347711

Once a read there was a way out of property taxes. It was called a land grant or something. I think the idea was that you could get a grant for your property directly from the federal government, and this would bypass your municipality that levies the property tax on you.
Is this in any way real, or just some schitzo sovereign citizen meme?

>> No.54347717

What’s the play then? Renting like a good goy for the rest of your life?

>> No.54347737

>55 posts by this ID

holy shit LMFAO

>> No.54347745

>mortgages fuel housing bubble outpricing others who want to buy a house outright without sacrificing 30 years of their life, you mortgagees are outpricing your fellow men by enriching kike bankers
>I'll piss and spit on your corpses
Also correct, but not before the Fed pisses and shits on their corpses.

>> No.54347767

Yeah, and with 55 posts, you fucking retards still can't get the fucking hint. You (and the other broken bucks [courtesy of US Fed]) might be the retards here, anon.

>> No.54347769
File: 66 KB, 300x225, practice-326-practice-236-buns-200w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>55 posts by this ID
>holy shit LMFAO
when they're unable to understand brokerage, they count my posts
mongoloid retards are so tiring

>> No.54347789

who am i kidding, even a mortgage is a dream to you all cockroaches
you're not even qualified to be slaves
like i said, diiiiisss....gustiiiiiinnnggggg

>> No.54347866

lol this same loser is still going all these hours later. It was funny at first, that was morning time, now it's almost evening and he is still going, genuinely tragic. Imaigne being such a failure that you spend most of your day on one thread on 4chan pretending to others that you're rich in your escapism while obviously seething that you'll never be able to afford real estate.

Do something useful for once and clean the dishes for your mother. mega lolcow.

>> No.54347867

What exactly is this guy sperging out about exactly?

>> No.54347893

No idea, I think he’s mad because he doesn’t own any land

>> No.54347896

i miscalculate how stupid you poorfags are, i can't believe that someone can be so stupid that they're unable to understand brokerage app
but yet again like i said you're not even worthy to tongue my anus, my day to day activity is literally rocket science to you cockroaches

>> No.54347913

In clown world it just might work

>> No.54347921


>> No.54347953

It’s morning where I live. 9:39 am

>> No.54347965

in the land of poorfag monkeys those who have the most bananas are the king, the richfag with mid 6 figures cash spare change on his brokerage app can't even flex with something their monkey IQ unable to comprehend

>> No.54348024
File: 13 KB, 318x183, 8D466854-F249-4ECD-A78D-97BEF5CCA094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard poorfag

>> No.54348043

>not even a milli
what do you think this M stands for in here? >>54344201

>> No.54348055

Warm bodies don't equal price support for current market rates.

>> No.54348131
File: 1.26 MB, 360x270, 1678898445011947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying a house in 2021 vs buying the same house in 2023 is a difference of ~200k over 30 years where I live. that's fucking horseshit, and I'd rather just move to a country that doesn't have niggers ruining every major city.

>> No.54348134
File: 9 KB, 309x136, DEE1B5F3-0E98-487B-8F74-14CEB3DBCFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that was my secondary account. Here’s my primary, poorfag.

>> No.54348326

post whole app screenshot (not mobile web)
i'm technically aware of what inspect element is, I'm not just some rich fag handsome sexually fulfilled chad, I'm also technically adept

>> No.54348413

That is my app retard nigger

>> No.54348451

>i'm technically adept
>i know what an inspect element is
if only he knew what a lolcow he is

>> No.54348472

different id weird larp

poorfag still seethe
if you're poor accept that you're a cockroach, don't think that anonymity can save your stupid poverty ridden ass

>> No.54348477

>61 posts

Actual mental illness

>> No.54348522

until you proof you're not a poorfag then you're just a cockroach in my eyes, none of what you said matters because who cares what a cockroach thinks? when you stomp a cockroach do you ask their opinion about you? no, you're worthless creature and a worthless existence and the world is better without you insect poorfags

>> No.54348546

Hey man, you're not wrong. But I could have it way way way worse. Atleast I'm living there rent-free while I decide what I want to do with it. I have peers who are married and still living in apartment communities and I can tell its a strain on the relationships.

Turning around and selling it is definitely a jew move anon. Maybe just buy it and rent it out? Sounds like he'd just like it to stay in the family. I definitely get where you're coming from. I really like the area Im moving into and it's a complete upgrade from where I'm at. If I had to stay in the city Im in right now I'd be having the same thoughts as you.

>> No.54348580

My ID keeps changing because I’m phoneposting, already proved to you that you’re beneath me, get fucked poorfag.

>> No.54348595

>poorfag cockroaches spouting their opinion about a richfag demigod
incel poorfag derangement syndrome
a higher status person judge the lower status creatures, not the way around
it's like I'm asking homeless niggers their opinion about me, hello, you're a worthless existence so nobody cares, just suffer and die painfully

you're a waste of time
you see i never joke about money

>> No.54348637

Haven’t been joking this whole time retard, I sincerely believe that you are poorer than me and thus beneath me. You will never have my amount of wealth and it’s funny really.

>> No.54348653

>resetting router just to do weird shitpost larp
weird fella but disgusting all the same

>> No.54348696


>> No.54348763

going into a loan to get education or home is the biggest sign of being a retard in 21st century

>> No.54348780

>moving goalposts because you’re so retarded and just got dunked on
Many such cases from retard jeets

>> No.54348901

There's no other option for a lot of us, if I literally cut out everything that I pay for right now that isn't a necessity, I still wouldn't be able to keep up with the mortgage, or will have very little left for other things at all. There was a time where rent would only be triple digits and mortgage was 4 digits, now both are this way.

>> No.54348956

bunch of morons
it's easier to post full shot instead of cropping
you'll never be rich and will never feel the satisfaction of pissing on piss-poorfags
suffer and die

>> No.54349057

What? I just got immense satisfaction from pissing on you, poorfag. xD

>> No.54349065

>resetting router to pretend he's on a phone
>open brokerage switch to mobile view
>inspect element
>oops need to crop it otherwise he'll know I'm a larping faggot
imagine doing all that to pretend to be something he's not
poorfags get even more and more disgusting, not only realistically and physically they're disgusting but morally too

>> No.54349134

The reason you don't have any money is because you're the sort of individual who fantasizies about how good it would feel to "piss on poorfags" if you did have money. You're an emotional and spiteful retard obsessed with status. The reason I do have money is that I have completely different nature to you.
Really you're just pissing on yourself, as you are a poorfag and your escapist fantasy of being rich is psychologically harming yourself

>> No.54349219
File: 893 KB, 1179x2556, AF0B7CA8-3BDA-4F9A-92C2-DFBEE1A3ED6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard, jeet, poorfag, kys etc. etc.

>> No.54349717

>6 million
That number doesn't add up. There's just no way you made that many dollars in only four years.

>> No.54350031

diff id means no (you), you mongoloid

not reading poor post
die poor