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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54338317 No.54338317 [Reply] [Original]

tomorrow is monday
I don't want to go to work
why do we need money?

>> No.54338333

>why do we need money?
to keep you a docile worker slave. you don't need money.

>> No.54338364

You don't. The park is free to sleep in. Ask some strangers for blankets if it's cold. Go to shelters for free food. Spend your spare time admiring the scenery of life.

You don't need to be a slave, you are just scared of discomfort. It's not so bad once you get started and you will genuinely be happier for it.

Being a wagie is literally the biggest waste of time on this planet. If your friends and family don't understand you just have to let them go. They might yell and scream but it's not their choice.

>> No.54338380
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>Just be homeless bro

holy shit this board makes me laugh
why are you fuckers allergic to work lmao

>> No.54338381

>you are just scared of discomfort.
I think you're right
I need to stop being scared

>> No.54338387

Money affords us all our shiny flashy things.

>> No.54338388

I get 3 months of paternity leave, so I don’t go in tomorrow. CSCO

>> No.54338405

lucky bastard

>> No.54338409

Why are wagie allergic to life? Slavery is not living.

>> No.54338441

>why do we need money?
to live OP.
There's a reason they call it making a "Living"

>> No.54338453

This is my 2nd kid in the past 1.5 years while working here. I’ll have had 6 months PTO out of 2 years after this. Their attempts to be gender neutral policies and keep women in the workforce have resulted in men who work at CSCO turning their wives into baby factories

>> No.54338457
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Yeah because sleeping in the middle of a fucking park is?
Holy shit

Just do your time now and save up stop whining
Stop acting like you were born in a literal favela

>> No.54338462
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Am I the only one that likes going to work?

>get out of the house and get to drive my cool vintage truck
>pick up a coffee at my favourite place
>chat with coworkers, catch up with them and hang out
>make some cool stuff in design and production with my group of coworkers, joking around and having a good time throughout, learning new things and trying out new methods
>no stress cause I'm just a hourly worker and confident in what I do
>boss usually grabs us all lunch on Mondays
>customers all excited and happy to get their stuff I made
>good vibes all around, make some social media posts that get positive feedback as well
>get to drive around and do errands on my way back
>got to be creative, social, active and earn a living

>> No.54338475

>Yeah because sleeping in the middle of a fucking park is?
Yeah it's like camping. You don't even have to pay anyone for being alive. Sounds kino

>> No.54338477

cope wagie

>> No.54338494
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i dont know if im being trolled or if you're serious

I've literally been homeless before with nothing but a backpack
That shit is about as far from kino as you can imagine

Fuck that

>> No.54338496

I’m a bit anxious about what I’m going to do during these 3 months off. I already finished child proofing the house. I’ve decided I might focus on networking: go to Toastmasters and attend a local professional organization.

>> No.54338567


I make enough off of land leasing from my family estate to not have to work. That's why I went into graphic design thinking it was a dead career, but something I enjoyed. From there I landed a good, full time career doing something I like.

I don't get the desire to just not do anything. Even if I was a multi-millionaire, I'd still want to be creative make something and go to my job. I tend to isolate myself and live shitty when I don't have purpose.

It sounds like you guys just have shitty jobs.

>> No.54338574

I worked all weekend fuck you

>> No.54338623

Nah I love my job. Half of the day I'm either browsing the internet or going for a walk outside around the facility getting my exercise in. I spent an entire week once reading light novels and drinking hot chocolate from the vending machines. One of my coworkers plays league all day right next to the supervisor. I recently bought some sick origami paper and will be folding paper animals all week and chatting it up with the bros. Best part is I make tons of money doing it. I do have to actually do some work this week for a few hours unfortunately however

>> No.54338645
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Car life is a happy medium I've found, I still work. But not hard, minimum effort. I do my best to contribute nothing.

>> No.54338781

>why do we need money?
we don't.

>> No.54339116
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You dont, but (((they))) do, quit partcipating in a broken system

>> No.54339126


>> No.54339208

Avoiding discomfort is a basic fact of human nature.
Don't beat yourself up over it but it's good to realize that inherent bias.

>Why money?
So we don't have to barter for the shit we need. Also it turns out that people don't produce food and things we need to continue existing as a society without incentives. It's a bribe to keep the world moving in my view.

>> No.54339239

they'd need to be some pretty warm blankets where I live

>> No.54340696

>You're just scared of discomfort
Yeah, imagine being at the mercy of the elements every day of your life while not being able to have proper hygiene, which would mean having lice and fleas, fungus in your penis, feet and anus. Imagine your penis bleeding from fungus and not having money to buy an antimicotic. You get a cut, it gets infected with bacteria. Fucking kek. Imagine having a flu or fever and no medicine and no one to help you. You probably have a cold and cry and whine like a baby while watching Naruto and posting frogs. Imagine having diarrhea because you ate literal garbage because the alternative was starving to death. Imagine another hobos beating the shit out of you to steal the little money and possessions you have and you not being able to walk properly, feeling scared that if you limp is too evident and other people will notice and further harm you. Nobody will help you and give you a blanket, you retard. You help a hobo, you give him anything and he will fucking stick to you like glue. Nobody wants that. You're fucking delusional. And what's even the point? Wagie or not, you will still consume and take part in buying/selling stuff with money whether you like it or not, unless you hunt your food but i doubt you're fucking rambo.

>> No.54340707

Because jews
good bait

>> No.54340715

I work part time my Monday is Wednesday but I like work so I can't really relate

>> No.54340755

that's worse than working, plus some teenagers will beat you up when you're sleeping in the park or some psycho will stab you or worse.

>> No.54340761

I wish I could go back to comfy hourly work. Salary is a fucking trap.