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File: 18 KB, 512x468, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54334098 No.54334098 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys realize if the monetary system collapses we won't have internet or electricity to use your e-bux with? We'll literally be in a stone age barter economy.

>> No.54334111

Yes, and?

>> No.54334124

Right that's the point, I got fucked so god damn hard I'm already at complete poverty.
It's time to reset the system completely, including mass loss of life by big niggers like myself.

>> No.54334128

It's a win win. Either I make it or they collapse the system to spite me.

>> No.54334130

>if the monetary system collapses we won't have internet or electricity
sounds like a good trade

>> No.54334138

How you gonna use your digidollars without a working technological infrastructure?

>> No.54334144

what crypto would do best without internet or electricity?

>> No.54334148

internet was fine in 2008

>> No.54334162

Do you realize that if the "monetary system" collapses, after a little bit of instability we'll be right back on track in a infinitely better timeline.
Society is a bottom-up thing, an emergent process, nigger

>> No.54334184

someone should invent this.

like a physical manifestation of bitcoin's digital gold attributes.

>> No.54334199

I dont see the problem?

>> No.54334218

>every computer in the world will just stop working one day at the same time because....
>dude just trust me lol it'll happen

>> No.54334274

They will eventually if there's no electricity you retarded faggot

>> No.54334292

Nice try JPMorgan

>> No.54334302

There's already two projects doing this that have been around for ages, tickers $GOLD and $SILVER. Fully anonymous devs no one knows who created them but the tokens are mined straight from the ground. Miners mint the tokens into coins you can buy on centralised exchanges, or peer to peer. Circulating supply is deflationary and they have utility through clever tokenomics that means the tokens can be used in a range of industrial applications. Apparently every single civilisation on earth used these tokens before fractional reserve banking and the source code way predates Bitcoin.

>> No.54334304

>if the monetary system collapses
Not happening

>> No.54334315

Yes and the sun imploding means heater bill goes up oh no

>> No.54334327

why do you think that? money isn't real. the other two things you mentioned are. electricity is produced and internet is a bunch of cables and routers. how exactly will the internet and power plants "collapse" if the money system breaks down? do you need to burn dollar units in a power plant to generate electricity? do you need any money at all to generate electricity, fundamentally?

fucking idiots man i swear.

>> No.54334344
File: 218 KB, 1080x877, Shills are a buy signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys like haha what happens if dinosaurs become zombies and then eat us haha. We should sell

>> No.54334348

>Everyone who works in power stations and grid maintenance does it for free
Are you retarded anon? You think the wagies who keep it all running will keep waging when SHTF?

>> No.54334371

It's more likely that niggers become head operators like Africa and collapse the power grid than some faggot shit like "no currency exists"
Seriously what a fucking dumb thread. Is this the only FUD left? Extremely retarded hypotheticals?

>> No.54334378

that's completely beside the point. they work to put food on the table, not for "money" its a fundamental difference. you probably also don't understtand the difference between PoW and PoS.

i'll narrow it down for you so your pea brain understands:

do you need any amount of dollar units to get a windmill or watermill turn? do you need any amonut of dollars to make the sun go up? then why the fuck do you think you need any amount of money to generate electricity you fucking idiot lmao

>> No.54334527
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>> No.54334563

look its normal to be too big of a pussy to invest despite the fact you know you will miss out. but you dont have to come on here and cope with it by posting gay scenarios like this

>> No.54334588
File: 40 KB, 985x268, barter-and-fiat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes me think

>> No.54334617

Crypto is retarded. The joos lies can't survive the internet and they'll have to emp the internet way to calm us down.

>> No.54334636

We jumped from the Neolithic into the Eurodollar system.
Imagine being the caveman that thought of the first interest rate swaption and fractional reserve lending. How smart was that guy?

>> No.54334643

...How? Even if the electricity goes down and every known production method miraculously fails we'd only be sent back like a century or two.

>> No.54334693

They'll just switch to another currency and default on the dollar debt. I'm surprised they'rewaiting this long to be honest.

>> No.54334712

>no mention of rare Pokémon cards

>> No.54334857
File: 47 KB, 750x750, 1-oz-credit-suisse-gold-bar-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was a physical material that had the attributes of gold...

>> No.54334893

It's a slow, miserable, decline, as the jews see how far they can squeeze the fools unit they wake up and realize they have lost everything.

>> No.54334927


link whitepaper pls

>> No.54334943

>We'll literally be in a stone age barter economy.
Don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.54334946

too bad credit suisse failed
your bar is now worthless

>> No.54334963

You mean I might actually have to get off the internet and get a life? Oh nos.

>> No.54334966

look at the global population 1-2 centuries ago
ask yourself what would happen to the difference

>> No.54335013

>dude the world is gonna run out of electricity!!!!!!
>wtf do you MEAN you can just make more electricity by spinning a wheel wtf?????? RETARD!!!!! WE WILL RUN OUT CANT YOU SEE?!

>> No.54335049


how is that bad? the zoomers won't be glue to their devices anymore.

>> No.54335059

The identity of the devs was leaked just this past century. It was the collaboration of gravity and unstable fusion in a dying star which came together in project "supernovae" to create Gold, Silver and Uranium.

>> No.54335235

The monetary system is just an arm of the panopticon surveillance state that they have meticulously constructed to control us all. If you're betting on them just throwing up their hands and giving that up then yes, never ever ever buy bitcoin. If the internet actually does ever collapse, money will be the least of your worries in any case.

>> No.54335281

Yeah, no memes :(

>> No.54335303

Dumb goy. The days of paying for internet will soon be a distant memory. You'll have to be plugged.

>> No.54335317

They knew this was gonna happen. People plan ahead for stuff like this and they already have a solution to roll out. CBDC's

Problem, your Reaction and Their Solution.

>> No.54335344
File: 90 KB, 1602x895, Fed Knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fed started printing money 2 days before SVB even collapsed.

>> No.54335361

What makes you think that this will be just another 2008?

>> No.54335366

well fiat then becomes useless as well doesn't it? What do we have to lose?

>> No.54335375

>how exactly will the internet and power plants "collapse" if the money system breaks down?

The UK depends on imported energy. If the imports stop, we are done.

>> No.54335378
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>> No.54335380


>> No.54335390

>then why the fuck do you think you need any amount of money to generate electricity you fucking idiot lmao

wind turbines, solar panels and the associated infrastructure are in fact very expensive and need a lot of expensive maintenance.

>> No.54335415

>internet is a bunch of cables and routers

also massive server farms and services dependent on continuing advertising revenue

>> No.54335424
File: 30 KB, 478x480, 1679643948865634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, if parasitic oligarchs can't leach off your life blood physics will no longer function!

Protip OP: if a "crisis" can be solved by increasing a number on a computer it's not a real crisis.

>> No.54335441

>look at the global population 1-2 centuries ago
>ask yourself what would happen to the difference

the population difference is due to one thing, nitrogen fertiliser manufactured from natural gas.

>> No.54335461

Either the monetary system collapses or bitcoin stays a meme forever. Either way you lose.

>> No.54335495

Yes, and?

>> No.54335507

when there's hyperinflation increasing the number doesn't work anymore

>> No.54335518

>Government fails
>Reality crumbles
The State is a false god, anon. It's okay, I know it's hard to accept, but the world still exists after your government dies.

>> No.54335524

energy will be paid for in BTC bucko

us miners and crypto bros will still have energy. You just won't.

>> No.54335615
File: 82 KB, 1312x652, BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy will be paid for in BTC bucko

>> No.54335760
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BTC maxis are the same as a lunatic cult.

>> No.54335791

>barter enconomy
Crypto and PM fags BTFO. Ammunition and alcohol will be the new currency. Stock up frens. We’re gonna make it!

>> No.54335826

Don't forget butane lighters.

>> No.54335898

Butane lighters, pipe tobacco, butane refills for the lighters, ammo, basic metals, aluminum/copper more useful than precious metals, seeds seeds seeds, seeds are a lifehack especially during end times.
Pipe tobacco and cigarette tubes, not the best shit but can work in a pinch and probably could feed smokers their habit in exchange for goods and services.
Drugs unironically, not for the junkies sake but for your sake, you'll need them when times get tough.

>> No.54335934
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>> No.54335980



>> No.54335988

yea basically what you posted.
people don't realize that in all cases of hyperinflation, the real economy collapsed first and then there was a monetary collapse.

no one producing food, no one working, infrastructure bombed and gutted led to monetary collapse.

>> No.54336092

normalfags are retarded and have been propagandized to think the world will end if we stop collectively pretending the USD has value. at most the crisis would last a few weeks. MAX. and if you have food in your house you wouldn't even feel it. you'd still have power, you'd still have water. you'd probably even still have internet. jesus. they think companies would just give up all their market share and trust and future profit the moment the dollar does an oopsie-whoopsie. with the way they act, you'd think dollars themselves flow through our wires and faucets. pure brainwashing

>> No.54336165
File: 77 KB, 1530x324, 1494263537392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time to invest in gold or silver is when US dollars are digital only and physical cash is banned. Other than that, guns or ammo or canned food would be a better investment if societal collapse is immediate. All of these precious metal maxis are funded by thinktanks to keep hard right people poor instead of investing in stocks, real estate, or crypto.

pic related is what these precious metal maxis sound like

>> No.54336552
File: 899 KB, 678x678, box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck yu think i collect rocks and bugs for?

>> No.54336602

man that would be awful for everyone unless your entire net worth is in physical metals

>> No.54336697
File: 141 KB, 680x680, 1679764596614583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread desu senpai

>> No.54336726
File: 14 KB, 400x400, th(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, I can make my own power and starlink.

Have you actually not prepared for the downfall of humanity? It's happened many times, it will happen again.

>> No.54336753

Kek, this will never happen. Keep dreaming

>> No.54337701

You’re no fun.

>> No.54337752
