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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54331268 No.54331268 [Reply] [Original]

>he still hasn't realized crypto is a ponzi scheme
>he still hasn't realized it's impossible to run a small business in the current year without the right connections
>he still hasn't realized that he unironically needs to work a real job

Why are people on this board like this?

>> No.54331277

Why don't you go back to plebbit catposting negroid monkey

>> No.54331290

> he still hasn't realized dollars is a ponzi pyramid.
> he still hasn't realized being a small business owner is the same as being a wagie.
> he still hasn't realized working a job for dollars/fiat is stupid af

>> No.54331295

Crypto baggies are NGMI. Why would I buy anything that isn’t even accepted as payment at something as simple as a grocery store? It’s only used by criminals to buy drugs, trade child pornography and scam the elderly. So I’m never going to buy imaginary internet money because I’m not a criminal or a faggot.

>> No.54331296

>he still hasn't realized none of these things give what anyone really wants
>he still hasn't realized the thing is mutually exclusive
>he still obsesses over fiat

>> No.54331298

Paid bots working for the rich.

>> No.54331303

Yes investing your last $20 in MemeDog to hopefully pay rent is more reasonable

>> No.54331306

>he still hasn't realized it's impossible to run a small business in the current year without the right connections
Doesn't even matter if you do. Give it enough cognitive dissonance like covid and if you aren't a huge corp you are fucked.

>> No.54331325

Nobody here believes they can start a small business. They are risk averse, lazy and mind broken.
Case and point the shrimp farming meme. It is a meme but it actually works.

>> No.54331446

>Case and point
You're right, it's a doggy dog world out there. Still, shrimp farms are a diamond dozen these days

>> No.54331459
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>>he still hasn't realized that he unironically needs to work a real job

>> No.54331462

You forgot to say "casino" and "tulips" silly bot

>> No.54331735

Printing Dollar bills is addictive though.

>> No.54331751

what's the definition of faggot according to 4chan?

>> No.54331798

>all this poor people cope
Sad. I get it, you’re envious you have zero capital to make any speculative investments. Enjoy being poor and posting stupid cat pics.

>> No.54331848

>reads meme
>does meme
>it works
Wtf I'm ridin with biden now?

>> No.54331863

i invested in bitcoin only and now i never have to work again. seethe and cope, dollar scam holder. enjoy going into the cage forever

>> No.54332374

What type of shit larp is this. You must be a subhuman pajeet

>> No.54333863

keep seething poorfag, we can't help the fact you are nigger grade retarded.
I love how uneducated monkeys like yourself throw the work Ponzi around and you don't even know it's meaning.
Crypto isn't a ponzi faggot, we don't need your sorry ass for our gains or sales. BTC was going up long before plebs even got involved, honestly how you exist being this fucking stupid is a miracle in itself.

>> No.54333908

I got 12 thousand dollars airdropped to me just for clicking a few buttons online a couple of times last year just because of crypto.
How does that make you feel OP?

>> No.54333910

So you're a larping newfag. Got it.

>> No.54333927

Impressed. Now tell me about your million dollar dropshipping side hustle and your PUA courses

>> No.54333960

>a real job
can you give some examples of what a "real job" is?

>> No.54333981

I work in cybersecurity if that's what you're trying to to ask

>> No.54334000

>he still hasn't realized OP is a faggot

incorrect, I realized this a long time ago

>> No.54334006
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>He thinks it was made up

>> No.54334020

I'm just a regular dude with a regular job. And I literally got 12 thousand dollars worth of money airdropped because I used the Arbitrum ecosystem a few times a year ago. God bless crypto.

>> No.54334290

if you make a product that is useful and would improve people's lives, then connections are not necessary.