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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.36 MB, 640x360, re4 Title [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0f4cbk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54331175 No.54331175 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>54325324

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.54331181
File: 56 KB, 346x497, 0804262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.391 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>71.8 (17.95) million shares DRS'd by Oct. 29th, 2022 [pending 10-K update]
>Previously 71.3 (17.825) M shares by end of Jul. 30th 2022, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30th 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,233.956B, 99P = 22.565B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,218.458B, 100P = 22.18458B per

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>Q4 + FY2022 Earnings 8-K [10-K pending]

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.54331203

I'm watching cheap Alien knock-offs from the 90s and earlier, currently Dark Side of the Moon 1990 and shitposting on /tv/

>> No.54331232

What does this mean for GME holders? I am retarded, does this mean we get trillions per share but hyperinflation at the same time?

>> No.54331281

Nice, after that movies over probably should go outside though

>> No.54331283

I walk my pup 3 times a day

>> No.54331300
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It means hedgefags will likely have to negotiate with us in-person in a board room with our lawyers and their lawyers trying not to laugh while we demand anything and everything we want.

>> No.54331304

>How do we know it’s not insider selling delaying the 10k? Not fudding I just don’t know how we ruled out RC selling
Insiders cant sell the first 2 days after earnings because its still considered non-public info until the public have had "reasonable opportunity to absorb the information" (which is defined as 2 business days)
So he couldnt have sold wednesday or thursday
Volume on Friday was too low for him to have sold. As an insider you want to sell everything within 2 days because you only have 2 days to file and him filing his intent to sell would severely knock the stock price
With bbby he sold everything in 2 days then only filed his "intent to sell" after
But there wasnt enough volume on friday for him to have sold half of his position even if he was behind every single sell order

Not saying he cant sell, but he definitely hasnt sold

>> No.54331308

Crypto baggies are NGMI. Why would I buy anything that isn’t even accepted as payment at something as simple as a grocery store when i could buy stock in a profitable company like GameStop? Crypto is only used by criminals to buy drugs, trade child pornography and scam the elderly. So I’m never going to buy imaginary internet money because I’m not a criminal or a faggot.

>> No.54331323

I would like to wish all hedgers a very please step forward to the ledge

>> No.54331342
File: 1.80 MB, 2442x3200, that's ken's quant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes Ken, he was nooooticed

>> No.54331350
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1288, 3eb4b35a69c9_nei_phantasystar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the MO'ASS, we're finally getting the Phantasy Star game we deserved, frens.

>> No.54331363
File: 166 KB, 3516x1550, 1676545359223747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy, still holding

>> No.54331368

I updated the pasta, going to drop it off in /smg/ for some freshly farmed seethe and feed. Posting here next too.

Settlement will likely be in non-fiat barter and/or name-your-price for a short period before a global reset back to backed assets with chain verified transactions like the DTCC's Project Ion and the Reserve's CBDC which turns the lights on regarding stock and fiat transparency (GME is not the only stock naked shorted and a lot more fiat exists than represented by the FRED, it's vewwy, vewwy bad).

>> No.54331389
File: 190 KB, 853x480, 1679329981350551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOJ is probing UBS and Credit Suisse 3 days after UBS offers to buy Debit Sussies.
DTCC is forcing UBS to re-neg on it's purchase of Debit Sussie being a 7% holder of UBS.
Debit Sussies inherited a steaming pile of leveraged derivative^2 from Archegos capital regarding GME.

If UBS manages to get out, the BIS picks up the bill through the interconnected network of derivatives that are forced to settle in default.

Here is a list of some of the bullet-swap counterparties:
>Hudson bay capital (BBBY)
BNP Paribas
>Merrill Lynch
National Financial Services
State Street
BNP Paribas
>Goldman Sachs
>Citi Group
>Deutsche Bank AG
>JP Morgan (Fed Reserve)
Morgan Stanley
>Credit Suisse (Biggest swap party)
>JP Morgan Chase Bank
SG Amercias Securities
>Bank Of New York Mellon
Bank Of Nova Scotia
SS&C Technologies Inc
Fidelity Prime Services
>Morgan Stanley
Northern Trust
>Morgan Stanley Fund Services (Cayman)

>Implying banks with CDSs already mooning and/or crashing in market price
>Implying the Caymans are also not safe from GME

These short-hedge parties have to facilitate infinite fiat redemptions to GME holders due to a logic error in the stock market. Quadrillions of derivative bets comes tumbling down.
This kills every fiat-based Central Bank in the world.

>You can't kill the BIS
The entire asset set (AND value) of the BIS is dwarfed with the obligations Archegos heel-striked the counterparties with. Central banks are checkmated to step in and backstop to prevent whole-market neck-snapping volatility, The equivalent fiat output to 95% GDP of BIS is...infinitely more times by the number of counterparties required to close.
With Cayman Islands exposure, every fiat connected hedgehole is exposed.
This includes every nation the listed counterparties hold derivatives in.
This directly affects the performance of the central banks and if every one of the 63 central BIS banks are in ruin...

...The whole house of cards falls down.

>> No.54331454 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 344x512, freelabor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:
>- Ironic shitposting.

>> No.54331524
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 1679205645480220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking great week is ahead of us

>> No.54331532

How will non-fiat barter or name my price play out with my GME shares? Are we returning to a gold standard? I thought it would be as simple as hold for dark pool numbers?

>> No.54331533
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>> No.54331611
File: 141 KB, 1101x456, CA490FD6-20E8-4795-A5F9-68F8237DC1BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy as desu

>> No.54331652

Kek crypto baggies

MOASS tomorrow


>> No.54331660

bro not everything is about gamestop, as a gamestop holder what i hate most is apes thinking everything revolves around them, theres a bigger economic issue happening globally and a short position in a retail company is not one of them. Moass will come

>> No.54331703
File: 34 KB, 434x341, 1678714201831131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collectively as GME holders? If we/you play our/your cards right? The world we know it will change conpletely on MOASS. We could establish a new standard. There won't be many establishments left to oppose us by the end of it, the collective militaries will need to be employed by somebody and they can't ghaddafi us in these numbers so widespread and resource-strong.

New paradigms.

>> No.54331777
File: 899 KB, 1000x1178, 1636395289189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redditors are reposting comments from /biz/
Dear Redditors
When the time comes one thing the media is going to do, which they have done since Occupy Wallstreet, is start calling us Nazis and you Nazi adjacent (Or just nazis).
You're going to be told that you have to sell your GME to stop the second rise of Trumpitlereletor and/or Gamergate.
Ignore it, the media are like flies, in that they smear shit wherever they land and if you ignore them then all they can do is buzz. Maybe you and I don't agree on anything else including the colour of the sky, but we can agree on this; Fuck them for making us wait this long and trying to cheat their way out of it.

So, when that time comes remember this; right now no one has a voice unless they're Wallstreet rich. No matter how politically hardline you are, keep holding and you and us can hash out other disagreements later, if we even have them once the media miasma is lifted.
Lets bust these fuckers balls first.

>> No.54331778

I'm thinking wagmi

>> No.54331795

yeah i'll check that

>> No.54331809
File: 57 KB, 700x512, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem trips nibba

>> No.54331817



>> No.54331823

And what else is causing a high correlation of banks to collapse? 2008 called without any other trigger? A regional bank started the cascading effect in banking that mostly had exposure to start-ups and low bonds? Despite bailouts, CDS' and prices continue to crumble in the same time-frame these bullet-swaps with counterparties formed and the required unwinding in the rest of their portfolios in the interconnective cocksucking Wall Street does behind closed doors to keep the shorts open.

Consider the desperate 24/7 clawing to get GME holder to sell and relieve pressure. If GME was no threat, the generals would go the way of lunc threads.

There has been no other outstanding event to trigger this event, aside from possibly Chinese Real Estate or Blackstone, the notable key dates turned out to be a nothingburger.

>> No.54331834

ryan, do you see the digit checking trump in picrel? Make him into a nft dividend. Release the hounds. Let it all burn down.

>> No.54331853
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>> No.54331914
File: 240 KB, 1585x1170, FdbedGvWIAAVdnX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain to me how L2 crypto isn't just as much of a scam as the derivatives market?

>> No.54331921
File: 1.84 MB, 1454x1083, 349230971710712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW BBBY was a bear trap to bait another attempt at cellar boxing only for warrant dilution to be a backdoor acquisition by venture capital preceding a merger with a tech company (formerly vidya retailer) to create a web3 competitor to Amazon and force delivery of trillions of synthetic shares in a cataclysmic market event that motivates global equities trading to adopt the company's web3 marketplace thus creating the greatest and most profitable company in the history of the world while simultaneously causing total banker death.

>YFW all the shills can do is beg you not to redeem the towels ser.

>YFW it doesn't matter and you can just keep buying GME exclusively because we are all gonna make it.

>> No.54331924

I am an actual Nazi, your optics are for weak minds

>> No.54331931
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>> No.54331950

Yes, I'm a Nazi

>> No.54332001

>I am an actual Nazi
Are a German man from the 1940s?, or a cosplay Nazi?
Because one is substantially less bad-ass than the other

>> No.54332007

I'm going to use all my wealth to combat racial inequality, invest into animal welfare and combat climate change.

>> No.54332028

I, personally, prefer the Nazi Debate method for when you encounter jews.
say NO
ASK about

>> No.54332051


This isn't hard.

>> No.54332099
File: 2.10 MB, 1404x1200, 0894455E-3129-473D-B0E7-C80C85FBC887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hedgies are caught between us on one side demanding a constitutional amendment to ban proprietary/closed source software and microjeets/iFags/glowniggers on the other begging them to not redeem the deal

>> No.54332118

Checked and rivetingpilled

>> No.54332120

Yes I am a SCHIZO


>> No.54332121


>> No.54332126

Checked and extremely based and reserve pepper spray in bear sized canisters for anyone that tries to interview you pilled. Fuck the entire media.

>> No.54332127

Based. I’m going to make the world a better place too while living in peak comfiness. No weird sex stuff either. I’m going to find a suitable mate and wife her up

>> No.54332161
File: 7 KB, 295x171, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Lord above..

>> No.54332200
File: 242 KB, 660x649, pekofrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those digits.

>> No.54332205

>Nikkei 225

Oh yeah it’s all coming together

>> No.54332208
File: 115 KB, 640x960, R.jpeg-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54332210

Humor is typically found in the subversion of expectation. Making an antisemitic joke out of an abbreviation that already has antisemitic connotations isn't exactly humorous.

>> No.54332228
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>> No.54332253
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knock Knock

>> No.54332262
File: 89 KB, 926x1024, 1678108743027329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel the vibe here, but can we say that our jew is a good one

>> No.54332267
File: 73 KB, 544x900, 1679840354855967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off BBBaggie

>> No.54332272

we will cook him to perkvetchction

>> No.54332298

So basically there is no way I can screw this up once moass happens? Firstly I just want a metric shit ton of money so I can secure my future for myself and my future children. Once I am financially secure then I will think about things like making car parts out of hemp.

>> No.54332305
File: 121 KB, 432x370, 1679488451388779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im officially going to Israel to pay my respect to Cohen Jewish bloodline if moass happens next week

>> No.54332308
File: 38 KB, 1024x445, 1679688331985382m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of Truth checked.

>> No.54332326

I was just struck at how easy the acronym was, but I probably wouldn't have said anything at all if I wasn't so tired. If I wanted to make a humorous one, it would be something like

Zto give
Ithe ATF any warning

>> No.54332362

>The entire asset set (AND value) of the BIS is dwarfed with the obligations Archegos heel-striked the counterparties with.
Gunna need something to back that up. How do we know?

>> No.54332394

No one here refers to themselves as "apes" you glow nigger. That's a predditor only thing. Everything is tied into GME and I'm done pretending it isn't.

>> No.54332417

That’s great anon. I’m going to dedicate a large portion of my wealth to gender studies and trying to bridge the wealth gap between female and male identifying parties. I’ll also be investing in low income housing for the disadvantaged or illegal immigrants and I’ll station those adjacent to all of the best public schools and suburban neighborhoods across the nation, that way they get good educations.

>> No.54332428

Unfathomably based. I don't know if I'll have the resolve to join you, but I'll at least pay lip service and do the low-effort equivalent.

>> No.54332494
File: 187 KB, 1080x838, power to the players.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54332500

checking the checkers triple dubs

>> No.54332523

you too sir

>> No.54332525
File: 383 KB, 785x757, i'm watching you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking the checker that checks the checker

>> No.54332585
File: 256 KB, 1644x680, Screenshot_20230326-101458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that RC wants you to WAGMI and no amount of jeetseething can refute that

>> No.54332601
File: 402 KB, 1284x1246, 87C74837-ED57-49C8-B296-9EC96ADB5DD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is a comment on anons swap explanation repost. Thoughts? Feel like this is more likely than GME holding the world at ransom like this guy says.

>> No.54332631

Literally doesn’t matter who’s holding the shorts. They’re all in a room playing hot potato but the potato is a nuclear bomb; it’s going to obliterate all of them regardless of who specifically sets it off

>> No.54332647

I wonder which ones we are. I didn't buy at $4 but I bought at $40, sayin?

>> No.54332672
File: 177 KB, 711x633, 1628781748214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet if there was no market maker involved in this whole GME naked short mess MOASS would have happened by now. It's genuinely bullshit that Citadel gets to have a hedge fund while being a market maker while insisting that the two are completely separate.

>> No.54332688

I’m just ready to be rich and buy a Razer blade 18 and start a family and go scuba diving in little cayman

>> No.54332803

Moass literally wouldn’t even be possible if there weren’t a market maker that just so happens to also have a hedge fund with the power to naked short a company they’re celler boxing.

>> No.54332817
File: 1.29 MB, 978x827, 1679006982979753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checking the checker's checker that checks the checker

>> No.54332846
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The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be.
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone

>> No.54332857
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>> No.54332866

For me, it's restoring biodiversity and cleaning up waterways and feeding the poor. But those are good things too fren.

>> No.54332963

First thing I'm buying with my MOASS money is a hot dinner

>> No.54332992

For me, it's supporting jobs and local community's economy through the act of buying chicken tenders.

>> No.54333008

Wait wait, I want to change my reply.
It is now:
>Based. James Based.

>> No.54333029
File: 7 KB, 310x163, OneMillionDollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I'm gonna do?

>> No.54333036

WE SO 3008.

>> No.54333053

why do you think it's more likely?

>> No.54333071
File: 75 KB, 865x526, 1641993796601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might sound crazy, but with MOASS numbers I'm thinking I might be able to pull off three chicks at the same time.

>> No.54333082
File: 7 KB, 173x291, 0f8v+j9w0cLBXOH1LgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54333099


>If UBS manages to get out, the Bank of International Settlements (the central bank of central banks) picks up the bill through the interconnected network of derivatives that are forced to settle in default.

So you're telling me I'm getting unlimited UN credits? nice

dress up as a nazi when writing the big check to a charity (that actually does charitable things), or just buy CNN.

Why do black people with and income of $80,000 match the credit scores of white people with an income of $20,000?

>when your landlord is on the side of the rich
ain't that quackin' crazy?

based and same

I'm going to have 3 tomboy wives at the same time

>> No.54333102
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>> No.54333115
File: 30 KB, 519x519, 1679457465240792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros it's all cute and funny but can you imagine seeing kenny getting arrested on LIVE TELEVISION, holy fuck that would be so kino

>> No.54333155

I'm going to create a national whistleblower fund. So people can get justice and not be afraid to lose their jobs. Like the lady officer who got fired because she leaked video of the man the other officers froze to death. The fund would set her up with a few million and a fiduciary to help her manage it.

>> No.54333161
File: 1.89 MB, 865x1264, andrew ross sorkin is married to a hell-spawn goblin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bros it's all cute and funny
it's not all cute and funny. ok i lied, it is funny.

>> No.54333188
File: 217 KB, 542x514, 1679265198223416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit what the hell is that

>> No.54333190
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x1024, 1679065510486242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the funniest thing I've ever done, and it just keeps getting funnier

>> No.54333193

Demon spawn

>> No.54333200


>> No.54333216
File: 109 KB, 617x676, 1675172244081821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I worry If things are getting too funny

>> No.54333228

It was a great scam until it wasn't. Griffin being a boomer, probably never considered the variable of internet forums and youtube, which are probably solely responsible for the scam being exposed.

>> No.54333235


>> No.54333246 [DELETED] 

of course its the jews...

>> No.54333247
File: 223 KB, 1200x901, 5202B77A-4944-402F-8263-56E3ECEE5B85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market Makers should not exist. If no one is selling shares for the price you’re offering, then tough fucking shit. Why should it work any other way? Literally everything in the world of finance is just so incredibly jewish. The stock market is just a giant ass Rube (((Goldberg))) machine where you put a nickel in a a slot and then it does a bunch of flips and turns, cracks an egg and gets flung across the room into some kike’s pocket.

>> No.54333249

Nature always provides a way to identify mimicry.

>> No.54333252


>> No.54333267
File: 49 KB, 512x704, 1678328767596594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginning of the end

>> No.54333269

kek desperate sunday baggots

>> No.54333294
File: 125 KB, 1125x688, 1679848624652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need new material. This FUD is stale.

>> No.54333309

don't care baggot go on and seethe

>> No.54333339

First thing I'm gonna do when MOASS hits is take my family to dinner and give them their NDAs about our new wealth

Then get myself a new computer

>> No.54333345
File: 362 KB, 1080x2054, king baggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's KING, you peasant.

>> No.54333380
File: 348 KB, 600x699, gme-mega maam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the ma'am-ories

>> No.54333386
File: 2.85 MB, 250x250, 1678757595417622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a _____ what I hate most is.

>> No.54333389

it's astounding that this was a real bideo bame cover, times we're weirder back then

>> No.54333391
File: 121 KB, 1284x1858, FsJXdjUWYAQDsZp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A foreboding chart on the assets of Banks.

Two points:
a. This crisis isn’t over
b. Note how much worse this plunge is compared to 2008-09

>> No.54333404
File: 18 KB, 500x500, billy bibbit in happier times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they call him Billy Baggot?

>> No.54333409
File: 352 KB, 719x718, Screenshot_20230324_234703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy Sunday holdin

>> No.54333416
File: 25 KB, 600x338, Hellmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is only just beginning

>> No.54333421
File: 187 KB, 1440x807, 1666942750577166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel these are 2 parts of something

>> No.54333450

what kind of dick is that

>> No.54333456
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It's a fully mature garloid

>> No.54333460

Citadel is the designated market maker, yes, but does that mean other market makers aren’t allowed to naked short as well? It’s very possible Citadel ends up holding the Suisse bag but I more so thought it would be when CS/UBS goes to buy to close their shorts, citadel then internalizes the full buy to prevent moass. Now they have 200 mil extra naked shorts on the books, but got the cash from CS/UBS in return.

>> No.54333462

not my problem
>t. solar generator bought on credit debt

geoduck pronounced "gooey-duck"

>> No.54333463
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The kind that will be inserted directly into Kenny's pipeline

>> No.54333474
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BBC (big boiled clam)

>> No.54333486
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>> No.54333508
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>Why do black people with and income of $80,000 match the credit scores of white people with an income of $20,000?
Checked. It literally costs more to be black, creditors are less lenient with black debtors, initial credit scores/score growth are influenced by your area code, worse starts in building credit mean that black people have to go to less amiable creditors at any given age/income level, etc.

Wells Fargo is about to spontaneously combust and drown in nuclear hellfire and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.54333515
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it's final form

>> No.54333521
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I watched Janet's boob live and Kanye telling the truth while Austin Powers' head exploded live, this would be the trifecta.

>> No.54333564

>or maybe they just aren't that good with money?

>> No.54333583
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>> No.54333637
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>> No.54333655

Thanks, I'll stay with a debeaked octopus

>> No.54333671

what the fuck is this. I just sold.

>> No.54333681

Or maybe Jews need a third race to be the scapegoat so their crimes go unnoticed. Direct racial specific propaganda, lower support from credit, police targeting and single mothers homes have for years clipped the wings of the African Americans. Hopefully the pandemic helped them stop pretending to be chimps and reject the propaganda

>> No.54333712

would you fund reparations personally if you were a multi billionaire?

>> No.54333773

Been away all weekend
what did I miss?
what is this blockchain team layoffs and feet pic drama?

>> No.54333797

I remember not knowing the term "wardrobe malfunction" after seeing Janet's titty pop out.
>Naw nigga her outfit was fine, but her titty popped out.
>The fuck you talkin' about blaming wardrobe, bitch responsible for her own titties

>> No.54333801

whole blockchain team were exchanging feet pics and got fired over it

>> No.54333826

A number of crypto related resources have left GS. Most likely due to the project nearing completion. Didn't see any feet related information...shills have been shilling BBBY all weekend long trying to tie that shit stock to us somehow. fuck them. that's really it. speculation on who owns the Archegos shorts Credit Suisse or Citadel. fed resererve thinking about propping up FRC via 250k+ accounts being insured. That's pretty much it right now.

>> No.54333833
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Ohhh, so this is how they'll get the money back from Redditors.

>> No.54333836

NFT marketplace has been a big flop. i don't think you need to be a shill to recognize that

>> No.54333855
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Checked and the taxes are going to be most of it

>> No.54333873

>"wardrobe malfunction"
It was a completely made-up phrase to begin shifting blame. MTV probably planned it with JT and JJ in on it, but when they realized how much of a shitshow that it was going to be, they pushed Janet to accept responsibility. Preteen me didn't understand the issue, it was a boob. I was taking sex ed, so it was like a field trip.

tbhfam he really should have had her at his Super Bowl set a few years ago.

>> No.54333885

>YFW today's billionaires effectively are
Not every nigga jumped to AMC.

>> No.54333923


No but I would be ok with a wealth tax to fund UBI. Idiots will waste the money anyway so it’s all coming back into my newly acquired business

>> No.54334043
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>YFW BBBY was a greed trap to bait another attempt at "quick gains to dump into GME" only for retail to be short fodder by market makers preceding a pump by a "teenager" (family gave him ONLY a few million to invest) to create another anti GME basket stock to force holders of GME synthetic shares into a dilemma that motivates desperate holders trading to psychology adopt BBBY's bags thus diverting some GME holders from the greatest and most profitable company in the history of the world while simultaneously creating RC sold themed FUD.

>YFW all the shills can do is beg you to think of the AMC2 towels ser.

>YFW it doesn't matter and you can just keep buying GME exclusively because, despite all the trickery, they are still fucked.

>> No.54334079
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>> No.54334101
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Adding: I once proposed a scheme where reparations were given as an annual cash entitlement to every adult who had claimed "black" as their identity on gov't documents for the previous 10 years/the previous 2 censuses/something to that effect. This way, you would immediately have payouts to blacks, and then, within about a generation, most people would have claimed "blackness", effectively making America a black country with UBI.

My sister-in-law who works in DEI hated it and said it wouldn't work, which is why I'm 100% positive that it would.

>> No.54334147

Interesting hypothesis. We are in unchartered territory here, and it would be an astounding revelation if BBBY was a literal setup to burn retail.
Everything that is unfolding today is one for the history books. No one can beat themselves up too much for getting suckered into a scam when there are dozens of bread crumbs painting a rosy picture.
The problem with this is too many people earn a living from operations and hedge funds they engage in naked short selling are not always on good terms with people who earn an honest living. But, hell, who knows. With this much pent-up tension, I see the risks and the explosive upside potential and willfully place my bets hoping for massive windfall.
The simple truth is so much of the economy is financialized that it is very difficult to live your life and pay your bills on the back of your paycheck alone. Wild speculation, investment, and capital gains are a necessary part of the equation just to live in this shithole of a country. It is not enough to just buy up some blue chips and play it safe when you are losing to 10% inflation. You have to put some skin in the game and hope to make some alpha because the legal-financial economy is going to assume owership of everything as it was designed to do. We are all going to get fucked in the ass, and if you have to gamble to get ahead then you best start formulating a gameplan. Just like a living organism that lays down in the dirt and refused to budge will perish, so to will all of us if we don't play the game.

>> No.54334151
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Based SONICHU creator.

>> No.54334166
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>> No.54334171


>> No.54334188

Lol white thrash people are as fucked as black people and as fucked as mexipoors and as fucked as any other poor person.

I’d like a taxation at 1% of net worth for UBI, but remove Medicaid and Medicare (you get money you can pay for your meds lol) and any social support program.
Also undo all income taxes and put a VAT tax of 20%
Decriminalise drugs so useless buffoons can overdose fast and gtfo
Get black policemen to patrol the ghetto with body cams, so residents won’t feel like they’re at war with the whites

>> No.54334190

If they all went to cali and stay there I’d be more than happy too
After a month when they spend it all then no more gibs from me and let the chosen people take care of them

>> No.54334202

>this is economy manifest, arrested for a succulent Chinese deal. Get your hands of my mayo!

>> No.54334230

Every-time I read about gamer-gate i get more confused, why does the media keep comparing things to it? Wasn't it a story about a journalist sleeping with a game dev or something in that nature.

>> No.54334271

yes but then the entire media bent over backwards to attack "gamers" and then they got to speak at the UN about misogyny

>> No.54334300
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>three 1pbtid's in a fucking row
>two blatantly /pol/ posting
>on a fucking Sunday
God I'm gonna have so much fucking money, thank you. I'm gonna donate a million to the irs even after I pay my taxes holy shit this is Based.

>> No.54334321


God and digits willing.

>> No.54334334

>descending quads
Checked and Amen

>> No.54334336

Because we found out that multinational NGOs and UN global governance initiatives were involved in rigging video game reviews, of all things, and it started to raise questions about just how pervasive that kind of thing is.

>> No.54334355
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Gaming journalism was always bad but literally sleeping with a female developer in return for positively reviewing her bad game was a step too far. Gamers complained about this and demanded ethics in gaming journalism, which prompted an absurdly disproportionate backlash from the old mainstream media because it turns out that this sort of corruption is how they ALL worked, and the gamers sniffing around had found evidence of games being used by fucking DARPA to program people's brains. That same distrust in unified media narratives was vital for early support of Trump in 2015, along with his Internet shitposting skills and willingness to step outside the then-established window of political discussion. Without Gamergate, anons would not have raided online polls to keep Trump on the early debate stages and he would have been suppressed before voting even started.

That's why your enemy will seethe about Gamergate until their dying breath. It was the first counterattack in a decades long culture war, and they sound like complete schizos if they try to explain it to people who weren't involved without confirming our side of the story.

>> No.54334383

That's my point. Everyone gets it eventually, black people just get a head start. Senator Armstrong it and put black people first because otherwise they figure out a way to deny it to blacks and we're back to square-one of 200 years of crying discrimination. I like UBI, but I guarantee that if you just drop it as a replacement for everything else, they'll sneak in a no-felon rule and also a completely unrelated law enlarging prisons and police funding :^)

>> No.54334387
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>> No.54334403

Videogames teach kids how to think and act. It's why they've gotten far less Based in reality over the last generation, push various narratives, and don't actually allow for much choice. They've been sanitized and neutered intentionally and when/if in the rare instances the knee isn't bent the companies that make them get destroyed from within. Chris Avellone just this past week got cleared of any wrongdoing for sexual misconduct by the women that accused him coming out and saying it was all a complete fabrication, that shit happens fucking constantly in the industry and it's not an accident. They're not just videogames, they were never just a fucking game the same way all of art has always been important and influential. Anyone that can't see this is blind or been blinded. That's why fucking Gamestop tearing the machinery of control down is important.

>> No.54334431

They also got less challenging to lure women in to what had been a purely male space because nothing destroys the ability of men to get together and focus on things like pussy. This logic also applies to the workplace and the military.

>> No.54334460

the events and persons involved in gamergate were trivial but it was the official tipping point from mostly common-sense-ruled dude world to proudly mentally-ill tranny clown world. essentially anons just wanted to play vidya but the new world order just couldn't leave them alone once they understood the mind programming power of the biggest and most influential wing of media: video games.
before gamergate all the glowies just focused on tv and movies but then realized that vidya is where minds are made.
that being said gme, as the stock of choice for gamers, is naturally the epi-center of the current financial world war between the west and the east.
tldr: gamergate poked the hornet's nest.

>> No.54334471
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>> No.54334481

Anyone have links to gamergate research threads? I thought it was just gamers being pissed off against "muh videogames cause violence"

>> No.54334483
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>tfw oldfag who grew up on games featuring badasses who stand and fight in the face of overwhelming odds and come out on top
the jew fears the 90's kid

>> No.54334488

I see now what you mean, it’s ok for me. Maybe 1.5x it for 5 years if you’re black or native and then we can put this mess behind us

>> No.54334492

>#1 game of all time is a homestead simulator
Minecraft is antisemetic!!!

>> No.54334540
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speak somewhat to the history but are post-hoc rationalizations. What actually happened:
>Inciting incident
>Reasonable backlash because yeah Kotaku et al. were a cesspool and "gaming journalism" was a racket
>Rhetoric became more extreme and sexist/racist, as gamers are wont to
>Right-wing grifters and astroturf agents noticed that there's a useful ideological delta there and infiltrated/appropriated the existing movement, merging it with Tea Party bullshit and eventually Trumpism
>Like people who unironically want to violently regime change the federal government, ethnically cleanse the country, and nuclear carpet bomb anyone who looks at them sideways in the name of "isolationism"
>THEN the authorities got involved in counterops against literal children/streamers/Comic Book Guy/etc. because they were evidently being backed by Bannontachi
It was an extremely annoying time for those of us who weren't conservative chuds. Actually, it kind of still is, because, as time goes on, the original thesis becomes more and more evident, but it's extremely difficult to see it as anything but an embarrassing sub-cultural failure because it tied itself to the worst, most petulant, most corrupt people this side of a NYC penthouse.

>> No.54334573
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GG was not political you are a cuck projecting the fact YOU are the one rationalizing history.

>we, like, need international speech control because people say mean things online!

>> No.54334592


>> No.54334596
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This is what I mean about their side looking schizo. The fact that GameStop of all companies is the infinite money glitch is like coming full circle.

>> No.54334611

>wait, I, as someone who likes video games can invest in productive assets and even have a hand in shaping the future of gaming?

>stock brokers: NOOO NOT LIKE THAT!!!!

>> No.54334619

Right, it wasn't political, for about 2 days. And then grifters saw the chance to use it for their own ends. All you had to do was keep it about the corruption on the business side and not make it about identity crap. The first "bitch" "slut" etc. that was thrown doomed it. Say it with me now, "conflict of interest." That's all that was needed.

>> No.54334645

>left wing feminists use their vagina to win video game indie competitions (corporatism invading indie spaces)
>left wing media bends over backwards to make gamers sound bad and the poor victims good
>left wing international agencies bend over backwards to stick up for them
>people say hey, why are all these people of the same party colluding across industries
>the basedcuck strikes out in pain as it strikes you

>> No.54334649

Do you all know any or live around any? I'm not trying to stereotype the whole race, but for the most part nothing will ever be enough for them. You could give reparations to Memphis, Detroit, Chicago blacks, etc and they would squander it and be back in their current plight, possibly even worse. UBI might not be the worst idea, but the thought that you'd be able to get rid of the social safety net programs probably isn't happening.

>> No.54334650
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>we can put this mess behind us
If you think for even a second that blacks will ever be satisfied and stop bitching about ray's sis you're more delusional than amc holders. Reperations will do fuckall to shut them up. They already get billions per year in free shit and they still bitch. You could give them each 10 trillion dollars, a private island with a castle and 140 virgin white women as servants and they'd still say "they was oppressed and want rep rayshawns". They've been being judged by the content of their character this entire time.

>> No.54334665

First, everything is inherently political, you two are retarded manchilldren or uneducated amerilards, not taking a position is also a political position and second those whores and their simp supporters where the first ones to cry sexism and misoginy which are, guess what, inherently political stances, retardo

>> No.54334669

If you guys don't watch Jesse Peterson check him out, he's very based and stoicpilled.

>> No.54334681

>that blacks
poor blacks and race hustlers. Normal blacks hate them, too.

>> No.54334696

They already de facto have UBI via government aid. It's just in kind instead of cash so they don't immediately spend it all on drugs.

>> No.54334698

They can't help themselves. Gamergate has to be the hill they die on because if it had any legitimacy it would mean that there were bad people on their side, who they defended and maybe not all moral virtue in the whol' wide wurl' lies snugly within their ideals, that maybe they can be misused.
And at that point everything falls to shit because suddenly it's not Right Side of History vs the Chud-menace.
Any attempt to disagree with them has to be 'political' (And if it isn't they have to pretend it is) because if that's not the case then maybe they're just shit people inflicting unjustified abuse on others who've done nothing to them and wouldn't that make them feel The Sads (tm).

>> No.54334702

sooo the 10k will be out tuesday morning wont it

>> No.54334704

I’m in the UK now and niggas here are better behaved than what I hear from the other side of the pond. We don’t racially instigate nearly as much as you guys do either so that probably helps

>> No.54334710
File: 84 KB, 828x997, ifshedownimdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy $GME


>> No.54334711

most intelligent baggie

>> No.54334719
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>> No.54334721
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In any case, I'm glad GG happened and I'm glad I was at the ground zero. I remember seeing the first day of it on /v/ and thinking "lmao retarded game journos" and forgot about it, and next day cracked and other gawker shit affiliatted shitsites had 20 articles on the main page saying "gamers le bad". I literally wouldn't be shitposting on /gme/ and talking about pools of the infinity kind if those retards hadn't poked the hornest nest. I literally only wanted to play videogames lol

>> No.54334737

and now you're a dumb fuck baggie

>> No.54334743

For me it was this video;
Still, Gamergate, oh what a time it was.

>> No.54334759
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What's the reason for the delay, and don't say Cohen sold or merger with BBBY. We know that shit isn't true.

>> No.54334776

>GameStop is profitable
>BBBY is not
Yeah, I don’t see any reason to invest in BBBY. I’m just gonna keep putting all of my money into GameStop.

>> No.54334791


>> No.54334806
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that's okay at least I'm not spending my sunday in a thread for a stock I don't hold with people I don't like so

>> No.54334815

Could be a tactical way to prolong the pump, good earnings followed by good DRS numbers the week after.

>> No.54334816
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It'll be tomorrow after hours just to fuck with the usual Monday poompa Tuesday doompa crab cycle.

>> No.54334821
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>> No.54334836
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So, you're an XX holder and sold your non infinity-pool shares for about XXX million. What do you do to keep most of the value there without losing your money to inflation, banks crashing and not attracting attention to yourself?

I don't really know. I'll be contacting a wealth management office, but I'd like to get a few pointers here. I'd rather not become a landlord if I can help it. Property is a little cucked around these parts, with lots of regulations about the destination of the land really impacting the value of the land itself.

Do you spread it out among lots of different banks. Are there any banks that can reliably handle this kind of money? How do the already wealthy manage this?

>> No.54334839

so the only thing that can cause a delay that we know of is an M&A. with bby? nah its something else. or the sec is withholding it due to high drs numbers. but im betting on a m&a. i just really wanna know with who

>> No.54334865

I'm actually leaning towards DRS at this point because nobody has leaked anything about M&A like the ImmutableX and LoopRing guys did.

>> No.54334870

blacks in the uk are different because most of them came willingly straight from africa. they have post-colonial history and a pre-colonial identity and don't suffer as much from a victim complex as american blacks who are essentially quarter-white rape babies sold into slavery by their african cousins. american blacks are very traumatized creatures and should be fed shrooms on a daily basis to heal them. after they are healed they should be given georgia as their own nation (atlanta should be renamed to wakanda) so they can build a new and positive identity through plenty of reparations.
anyways: gme will win and hopefully lead to some major positive changes.

>> No.54334909
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Man what a shit take.
> Girl gets exposed trading pussy for success
> Gamers don't like this. Not for any one unified reason, but a couple big ones. Some didn't like yet another untalented hack getting recognition due to the perverts that slept with her. Some viewed it as another woman infiltrating the space and earning influence via Pussy Pass (tm).
> Game media, fat off the hog, sees this as a threat to their credibility and influence. Since they can't argue that what they've been doing isn't unethical, they decide to form a "moral argument" against gamers that don't want the space influenced by whores (Remember women hate whores trading in pay for play too, not just men).
>Games media creates a unified front of articles bashing the entire gaming space
>People that didn't care before are now under attack (sexist!) for no reason. Sides begin to be taken on the issue by people that couldn't care less before.
>Articles with copy paste headlines and content continue to come out across multiple sites. More memorable events happen in the meantime (ie not your shield, etc) People catch on to the unified media front and another argument against ethics forms as the games journos become exposed a singular entity of collaborators rather than 20+ separate sites.
>Election rolls around
>Media pulls the same shit as the games journos (they're one in the same)
>Gamers see this immediately since they just experienced it.
>Decide to stick up for the guy being shit on since they know how it felt. Digging shows how they used to suck Trump off in media before he decided to run. This among other media bullshit seals the deal for many
>Online communities form around trump just like they did against Kotaku etc all
>Dems continue to flex strong media influence which was always the way to play the game in the past. Dems = msm association enforced
> Doesn't look good for dems
> Dems realize they need more online influence, consult Monsanto shills
> Dead internet theory begins

>> No.54334936

Agreed. Also im gonna try to get non schizo people from Syria and Palestine to take mushrooms every 6 months when Israel is gone. We're finna fix the world mah nigga

>> No.54334961

buy a company and turn them around.

>half the population is functionally retarded
>the vaccines are a good thing

>> No.54334997
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>they should be given georgia as their own nation
What made you hate georgia so much?

>> No.54335021

Only thing we disagree on is what kind of Fungus niggers should be force fed.

>> No.54335096

>multinational NGOs and UN global governance initiatives were involved in rigging video game reviews,
Wtf I must have missed this part of the story.
interesting information thanks, they basically attacked people that wanted to be left alone.

>> No.54335180
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>they basically attacked people that wanted to be left alone.
many such cases. All of them end in the destruction of the attacking entity. GME is just the end of yet another of these cycles. Maybe one day humanity will learn to keep their horseshit ideas to themselves and leave other people alone.

>> No.54335193

Oh yeah it was nuts.



>> No.54335250
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To think there is a direct line between "some fat chick sells pussy so her shitty indie game gets a good review." to "the united states banking system has collapsed" is the funniest thing about all of this.

>> No.54335290

Turns out all the shady systems that only existed based on trust, collapse without the consent of the people.

>> No.54335301
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x5314, A243CC40-ACCE-491B-B6C7-F8A8374E4B0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite explanations regarding GG.


>> No.54335389

>SJWs never passed
>SJWs never became real critics of society
>because of gamers

>> No.54335418

kek dumbfuck weekend baggies

>> No.54335448


>> No.54335453
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>That's why your enemy will seethe about Gamergate until their dying breath. It was the first counterattack in a decades long culture war
I'd say the first attack was time 2009 or the original OWS, but yeah. round 2 is much more lethal.

>> No.54335474

Nah, OWS was why the culture war went hot.
Before that it was a slow attempt to boil the frog. After OWS they went all in on 'Fuck, quick, blame the penises and crackers'

>> No.54335492
File: 413 KB, 615x613, vet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was an honor to fight along side you

>> No.54335509

Ain't over yet. We're just Blackaddering in the trenches waiting for the next waltzing matilda through no mans land man.

>> No.54335589

You son of a bitch, there goes my next few days. Fucking love that show.

>> No.54335590

I just woke up. The number of blatant predditors openly spewing their retarded political views in here is fucking staggering. And then other predditors will reply with "based". What the fuck? Is half the thread predditors at this point?

>> No.54335598
File: 485 KB, 1790x646, 5AB75E5B-C17A-4850-9C44-0B85281AE29D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On second reading, i saw some false correlations and shilling alongside some good info. A better and shorter post by another anon picrel

>> No.54335620
File: 49 KB, 673x460, wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ain't over yet
It's literally tomorrow.

>> No.54335640

Get in touch with a wealth management professional and a really fucking good lawyer and a licensed fiduciary and an accounting firm that specializes in UHNWI clients. If you refuse to do all those things, set up a sweep account with a bank or preferably credit union that handles UHNWI clients on your own. For me, I'll be getting some land and precious metals as a value store and going long at the bottom on bluechip companies that got raped for collateral purposes during the looming crash.

>> No.54335682 [DELETED] 

...So, wait, was it political or not?
I'm black and can almost guarantee I'm smarter than you. My discontent comes from my personal history, things like effortlessly getting the kinds of test scores my white and Asian classmates had to cram and cheat for, only to see them receive all the support and opportunities. And I know I'm not alone because I spent K-Bachelor's with similarly young, gifted, and black individuals. I only learned later that this is par for the course for a country that has a history of burning or paving over successful black businesses and towns and produces people like Malcolm X and Fred Hampton (pre-nu-college-PhD-level brilliant, but forced to spend and end their lives cleaning up the remains of white fragility).
What I'm getting at is that you have no historical precedent for what reparations will do, because everything that's been even close to them in the past has been sabotaged. We can't do worse than the blank check given to white flight and suburbanization, waste on the order of hundreds of trillions in 2023 dollars.
I mean, I agree (except the last part, because that was, again, in response to actual sexism and misogyny in the discourse).

>> No.54335692
File: 1.08 MB, 420x420, really crackles my cosmos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you guys like boomer brokerages but I want to do more active trading while diamond handing GME.
I know the rumors of E-trade but compared to Webull which is better? I don't use crypto so Webull seems like a waste, any opinions?

>> No.54335693
File: 184 KB, 997x708, RC 10k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just have to keep checking

>> No.54335698 [DELETED] 

The event was political, due to lefty organizations across industries cooperating, the reaction was not political and people just wanted to play video games. It's spun as a left v right to cope but in reality was left v normal people.

>> No.54335700
File: 25 KB, 600x165, cda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Gamers don't like this. Not for any one unified reason, but a couple big ones. Some didn't like yet another untalented hack getting recognition due to the perverts that slept with her. Some viewed it as another woman infiltrating the space and earning influence via Pussy Pass (tm).
> Game media, fat off the hog, sees this as a threat to their credibility and influence. Since they can't argue that what they've been doing isn't unethical, they decide to form a "moral argument" against gamers that don't want the space influenced by whores (Remember women hate whores trading in pay for play too, not just men).
>People catch on to the unified media front and another argument against ethics forms as the games journos become exposed a singular entity of collaborators rather than 20+ separate sites.

>> No.54335737 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 500x400, image_2023-03-26_211450991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things like effortlessly getting the kinds of test scores my white and Asian classmates had to cram and cheat for, only to see them receive all the support and opportunities.
Tell me you're the crickietiest cracker in the crib without using those exact words.
I'll be charitable for a moment and pretend you're not so white that you glow under a blacklight and are, instead, a terminal case of self-victimhood, with that in mind;
Ah fuck off, go look up the SAT score requirements by race for the most prestigious universities in your country and afterwards? Remain fucked off.

>> No.54335774

At the beginning, until the people who wanted to fuck with everyone else got involved.
The one thing I will give gators is that, yes, the entire thing would have been nipped in the bud if Le Popular Folk had just admitted that the wagon circling was partly a social play, a kneejerk response to people who they didn't think had or deserved power exercising it.
The ultimate irony is how the misogyny gave people leeway to run roughshod over the character of many gamers' childhoods, which was absolutely of being rejected and ostracized for trivial reasons.

>> No.54335807 [DELETED] 

>The event was political
>due to lefty organizations across industries cooperating
>It's spun as a left v right to cope but in reality was left v normal people.
Nothing good can ever come from staying with normal people.

>> No.54335813

>fuck it it's the weekend just slide the thread with some gamergate bullshit
They're already trying to get occupy wallstreet back up and running and you dipshits are entertaining a circle jerk. I guess it doesn't really matter since liquidate wallstreet is more effective and already in motion, but still, lotta offtopic posts.

>> No.54335847

>people unironically arguing gg in here
Jesus christ, no one cares. I just like the stock. Go argue that shit on /pol/ or /v/ or literally anywhere else.
(This is a message for the non-shills btw, I know you shill fucks are just doing your usual divide&conquer bullshit)

>> No.54335878

How does it feel knowing autists from 4chan and Reddit will be the new rulers of the world?

>> No.54335899
File: 566 KB, 768x432, 1674221094028316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good man, especially since the reddit autists are subtle enough about being redpilled it's nearly invisible.

>> No.54335901

So is there any other hype date aside from the 29th and the 3rd?

>> No.54335906

This is exactly the Occupy Wall Street rematch, anon. This time it’s less protesting and more putting the money where your mouth is, and the mouth of the hedgies will be on the sidewalk soon.
The first time was “nooo Muh real economy how could you do that we’re gonna starve” and normal people got fucked hard, now it’s the other side crying “nooo Muh derivatives you were never supposed to learn our game it’s literally the second holocaust”, this time their balls are safely deposited in Computershare ready to be squozen
Sweet will be the sound of the parasites shrieking for help just before they take their flight from the window.
WAGMI, the future of the West depends on the success of this cleanup operation

>> No.54335912

It's good to have a refresher for people who didn't know.

>> No.54335913

Ah cool, first hit for UNWHI is Credit Suisse, guess I'll go with them. Thanks anon!

(Unironically thanks for pointing me to the verbiage though, I'll look into it properly)

>> No.54335917

columbine happened because of doom
senseless murders and carjackings because of gta
>videogames teach kids how to think and act
for sure

>> No.54335949 [DELETED] 

My SAT score was squarely in Ivy territory. Missed the MIT middle 50% by like 1 math question. That was off of one attempt; I should have gone for an 800 there to go with my reading perfect score.
I don't wish I were white, but boy would it have made my life easier. "Anon, you should take the test again. Anon, don't worry about that full-ride from an HBCU, Stanford covers tuition for people with your family income. Anon, make sure you use those high grades to get a few internships while you're in school. Hey, anon, my company is hiring, you should put in your resume."
I'm not addressing your dumb contention directly because it doesn't matter, in a country where even black people who prove themselves have to take a backseat to Peighton Hearst III, Lacrosse Master (Remedial English).

>> No.54335951

T+35 then that's about it, the story should get wrapped up soon with the archegos swaps expiring, banks getting rekt, potential M&A. RC probably didn't hint at much else with his tweets and his future plans to become a musk/bezos competitor will probably involve less 4d chess type moves.

>> No.54336001 [DELETED] 

If you were white you would have had 50 points deducted from your score. Funny how the biggest victims don't even know how the system works.

>> No.54336005

What prevents banks to do another 2 year swap roll? Can they do this indefinitely?

>> No.54336025

That's clearly just a bored anon fucking with you.

>> No.54336040


The Kenyan President William Ruto recommends his citizens who hold US dollars to get rid of them.
He predicts the market will change within a few weeks.

>> No.54336041

I can almost guarantee you're not, but that's not my point. I'm not speaking about you specifically. American blacks have a culture problem, and you can infer how they would handle reparations based on how they behave with the handouts they're already receiving. They're already being given a head start in many areas of life, yet most can't or don't take advantage of it because they never addressed their cultural problem of permanent victimhood.

>> No.54336049
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Are you going long on specific bluechips, or using an ETF? I've read 'Dying of Money' and there's a limited set of stocks that seem to be inflation-resilient (not resistant!) such as the cheapest supermarkets. I'm guessing top that up with some almost monopolistic prerequisites for manufacturing (like ASML) and of course the precious metals.

I'm thinking of including a sort of safety net in BTC and XMR. That will be extremely volatile, but it'll always be mine if I don't fuck it up myself.

The rest will be going into merchandise of banks that failed. There will be a room showcasing these artefacts in the vacation home that will be the designated reflection and rumination vacation home. Of course this will only be visited by me and the friends that I personally knew of holding GME february 2022.

>> No.54336053

Mods at plebbit have started to give special awards to posts about gamestop purchase receipts. Seems like a desperate attempt to drown out drs posts.

>> No.54336055
File: 1.26 MB, 360x270, 1659918544857192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the GOP, Fox News, and Donald Trump convinced Kotatu and the games media to collaborate against gamers so they could "grift" in the 2016 election. GAMERS!

>> No.54336059 [DELETED] 

Your concerns are expressly racial but more implicitly class based. Everyone takes a back seat to III's, because they have the money to back them up. The family name comes with the family money, at least in the circumstance you're specifically decrying. We're reaping the benefits of what that kind of complacency leads too with this play, so don't lose sight of who the real enemy is here, or how they got to be there.

>> No.54336080

So I gather that the two protoconcensus from the hivemind are that the flaming bag of shit is in UBS hands and that they have to close because of the expiry date or option 2, Sussy sissies gave the shitbag to citadel and there is no set closing date but an MA, nft divvy, whatever retarded otherthing can still gape mayoman asshole, right? Am I missing something?

>> No.54336104

Basically, if it's not this it'll be something else. Same as it ever was.

>> No.54336108 [DELETED] 

i didnt read any of this, but by the look of it, its sounds like nigger-cope.

>> No.54336133

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.54336139

The DOJ got involved. Whether to enforce or contain who knows.

>> No.54336156

Someone, maybe multiple parties, are holding the bag but no one's sure who. I'm doubtful that they'll have an expiration date too, that just seems too easy. If the DTCC mishandled the split, then somehow they're involved or they weren't involved but were coerced and are in the shit now. If there was an end date, why not work to unwind it before making it four times worse? The bag of shit is going to stink up nearly the entire sector if we're right, so none of them would have an interest in enforcement of the expiry date, just like how we saw margin requirements getting waived during the sneeze.

>> No.54336168

NTA, but this is a lot simpler than you'd think. It wasn't the GOP or fox, but simply alt-right journos finding a group of people that nobody else will accept and bringing them down the right wing pipeline. Nobody else will represent us Gamers positively, but "based Milo Yiannopoulos" got our backs!

>> No.54336179

So the fucking shills have switched from spam posting BBBY to inciting racial divides and gamer gate analysis. I see you.

>> No.54336190

meant this post for >>54336055 , my bad.

>> No.54336193
File: 13 KB, 235x215, 1677513251482991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling against BBBY

>> No.54336203

It’s now a profitable company and the swaps, but more importantly the short position that balanced the swap, are pending. Registering the float on Computershare is important as those shares are out of the hands of the DTCC and with no supply and high interest rates it’s easy to see that the hedgies will be sapped of their money. With low enough liquidity to prop the books they’d be forced into bankrupcy, and the DTCC/BIS will be forced to pay with newly printed money

>> No.54336221

and the only thing backstopping liquidty right now, sounds like is the fucking federal reserve using emergency funding not since 2008. Shit is getting very fucking real very fucking fast, and I for one can't wait to see what happens next.

>> No.54336229

>this entire post
It's over (4u)

>> No.54336264

What is the best video summary to watch on gamergate
if anyone has the original threads linked in archive plz do
I thank you in advance.

>> No.54336295

Me, I did it, I did it all, and I'd do it again, #fullmcintosh

>> No.54336297

Well. There’s this https://youtu.be/zz--i3M4PVk

>> No.54336304


I see ty for the replies, seems like at the very least it's going to be a really silly two weeks

>> No.54336309

shills big mad they can't pigeon hole GME investors as a hated sterotype and now foaming at the mouth for you(s)

>> No.54336346

If you had anything worth talking about, no amount of shitting on it would shut you up. Case in point, >>54331175.

>> No.54336349

>8 years ago
dear God save our videogames from the state mandated homosexual niggers please Jesus

>> No.54336355


Ummm guys? What are the Jews doing?

>> No.54336356

to summarize, Archegos wanted to short GME but didn't want to write on paper that they were short GME, so they opened up a swap position instead with CS as the counterparty. CS, since it had essentially a long position with the swaps, hedged by opening a ton of shorts on GME. So if GME go down, they make money on the shorts, if it goes up, they make money on the swaps, basically a net zero position who's purpose is just to let their buddy Arch fake-short GME. Arch got assimilated by CS, which means CS now has both ends of the swaps, cancelling them out. Since the positive swaps are cancelled out that means their open short position is no longer hedged. UBS saw this and want to back out of the deal because they'd be getting all those shorts. If they do the shorts fall to the DTCC.

They're playing short hot potato, essentially. Except instead of throwing the potato you die and someone else has to pick it up or it explodes and everyone dies.

>> No.54336366

Don't forget the NFT divvy, they just minted another GMErica NFT that's reminiscent of the one pic where GME is a (green) black hole in a sea of red. Their engineers are leaving, which either means they've finished and the non-beta version is about to be rolled out, or that they've given up, which doesn't seem the case with the mascot being in fortnite and potential NFT partnerships

>> No.54336369 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 574x547, image_2023-03-24_16-35-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing my point a bit. The contention I'm addressing is the notion that black people should have nothing to complain about in terms of reparations because muh affirmative action was tried and didn't work. I'm saying that you can't make that determination because the application of race-based AA as a tool for delivering opportunity pales in comparison to the application of class-based AA - specifically benefiting ambiguously-deserving/undeserving rich kids. It's true that this status quo fucks over everyone, but whether or not it does was not the pertinent question; it was whether or not its presence fucked with AA as an experiment. And it does. It echoes and amplifies the lack of seriousness with which the elite take the racial AA mission. It's one of those things where the appearance of impropriety alone scuttles the material efforts, introducing reasonable doubt as to how actionable past knowledge is towards future decisions.
Like, say, with banks.
Anyway, I know that this is asking you to center black people within the context of this discussion, and there's some aspirin on the counter for the physical pain you are surely in atm.
>We're reaping the benefits of what that kind of complacency leads too with this play, so don't lose sight of who the real enemy is here, or how they got to be there.
Fair enough. Of course, it remains to be seen if they'll be able to backroom influence their way out.
Wanting fairness out of this thing might be a be-careful-what-you-wish-for proposition, but I do just want more... clarity, I suppose.

>> No.54336379

Sums it up nicely thanks, even as it's one of the few relevant posts this thread. Much appreciated.

>> No.54336416

There's a Likud/Leopards Eating Faces alliterative joke in here somewhere.

>> No.54336423


More footage of what is happening in Israel right now.

>notice the pride flag

>> No.54336437

Thank you for riffing

>> No.54336488

The hedgies took the one (1) GME share for the destruction of the illegitimate state of Israel posts seriously, that's what.

>> No.54336495

I suppose it depends on who's long. There's also the notion that the things they do to avoid addressing the matter somehow cause the system to lock up in some way. Is the ETF shorting stuff still applicable?

>> No.54336496

lol. LMAO even. Good shit anon.

>> No.54336506

>they're trying a color revolution in israel
must be getting close

>> No.54336509

Kek. Poetic justice that they get stabbed with the same knife they tried to stab everyone else

>> No.54336522

I'm a nft divvy theory enjoyer myself, but wasn't the mascot in Fortnite shit just a fan made thing with the creation toolkit or whatever the fuck? I don't follow Fortnite shit but I saw a fucking MC Ride character earlier today on a private map or some shit like that

>> No.54336536

yeah I mean without the fed emergency backstopping lender of last resort mode shit looks to be fucked already. The music is stopping, and soon. We'll see where shit lands soon.

>> No.54336576

Fuck off and quit sliding the thread with your racebait, faggot.

>depends on who's long
Exactly right, and that's maybe our only hope of not getting screwed. They would cheat retail and tell us to eat shit but they can't say that to Blackrock.

>> No.54336630

kek retarded dumbfuck baggoids

>> No.54336658

Seriously wildcat, and then a general strike is the final stop on the road to Minecraft, mass civil unrest, la Terreur, whatever you wanna call it. It's pathetic that people are too afraid to even strike, but imo a market crash and economic recession-depression will really make people wake the fuck up, especially millenials, for whom this will be the, what, 3rd? in the first half of their fucking lives...

>> No.54336664

Bitcoin News
JUST IN: CNBC has reportedly delisted the Credit Default Swap data for 5 banks including JP Morgan and Bank of America

>> No.54336671

Someone dropped a penny

>> No.54336675

nah that was the IMX one, admittedly the buck one is a stretch too, but see for yourself:


>> No.54336678

>tfw you oyvey too hard

>> No.54336679 [DELETED] 

Not missing your point, just highlighting that you're arguing against class issues in the skin of a racial issue. True class-based AA comes in the form of government contracts/industrial subsidies, not in the form of accepting an additional Hearst to Harvard over a Brown. That's because of old-fashioned class based nepotism, and the power that kind of money begets. Again, don't lose sight of the real issue, especially since you're going to be cursed with millions upon billions of the real issue by the end of this.

>> No.54336721

Feels like a stretch since the current theme has a neon bunny girl

>> No.54336743

trying to fuck buck bunny

>> No.54336751

>risk management
I think that's going to be my go-to when people ask how I'm doing so well when the rest of the world is falling apart. "I'm in risk management for tech companies, my last position literally saved the entire corporation, now they can't get rid of me, lol."

>> No.54336842

I'm going to be a yacht salesman.

>> No.54336847

Mine is a "consultant". No one actually knows what a consultant does but they don't want to say they don't because they think it'll make them look stupid so they'll never ask me about the details.

>> No.54336850

Today I bought RGB lights, tomorrow I will buy more GME.

>> No.54336865


>> No.54336900

Swaps arent pending. We just went through all that last thread.

>> No.54336937

I feel like I'll be doing so much shit that it'll be hard to put up the false pretense of some boring dayjob, even to strangers.

>> No.54336953 [DELETED] 

"Class issues in the skin of a racial issue" is part and parcel of THE issue. Unfortunately, history has made certain that they're the same thing when it comes to blackness in America, and so deeply-embedded that class issues become racial issues, and vice versa. The Irish weren't considered white, because... Black people with perfect credit scores are offered subprime mortgages because...

One thing I will say: America DOES have a history addressing class issues, eventually. We also have a history of undoing those strides forward. The latter almost always happens amongst an atmosphere of racial strife or indignity. Which is to say that nothing good to be done socioeconomically can be secured in the long run without addressing racial animus, and specifically the animus white people have for black people receiving benefits and opportunities (of any kind, deserved or not). This doesn't mean that other factors can't become issues in the same vein, just that we know of one that is almost always at the heart of our backsliding.

I think UBI and its ilk fail without reparations, because we remain ill-equipped for a society where the government gives money to black people without much white people gnashing of teeth. What reparations do is stare motherfuckerly at these people as what they're most vexed about is done right in their face, government and society saying, "We're going to take care of people. We are. We're going to fucking do it." And if black people get free money, eventually everyone else does, too.

>> No.54336964

Oh lord that's beautiful.

>> No.54337021 [DELETED] 

Tldr, also you're obviously a nigger.
Niggers are free to do whatever they want in america, and all claims of oppression are whiny niggers wanting 10000x what their ancestors were worth for something they never did. Like niggers.

>> No.54337040

I dropped out. I'm just gonna wage until Ryan delivers me my money.

>> No.54337052

funny how all of finance can be summed up by
>1 = 1
>if 1 /= 1 then rebalance so 1 = 1
shorts are fukt because they shorted the pendulum so far to one side that the rebalancing is going to be nuclear.
the best thing is: hedgies did it to themselves because of greed.
and this is why greed is one of the major sins because it leads straight to doom if unchecked.
this is lesson #67836 for humans but i have my hopes up that they'll learn eventually.

>> No.54337072 [DELETED] 


So to you it’s about getting back to the evil white man. I can understand the sentiment but cannot agree to these premises as it would perpetrate hate, keeping the tab open. UBI is the best way to maintain a capitalistic frame and helping people with the least amount of overhead, which could slim the federal government and in turn reboot the economy (big demand shock and big govt contraction) but to enable expansive measures a crash has to happen first. You can’t do that with high interest rates, it would clash with the fed’s attempts to curb inflation

>> No.54337088

you dont have to care about other humans, it's entirely optional, it's technically a choice to even believe other people are real and matter in amy way shape or form

>> No.54337104

Say that again once you've been confronted with the living soul.

>> No.54337125

I'll spit in God's face and piss on his grave if I want to, you don't understand where or what you are, and I dont care at all lol

>> No.54337132

>when GME moons AMC will moon too
>when GME merges/acquires BBBY, it will moon too
>b..but buy AMC, BBBY, etc. instead of GME please

>> No.54337144

You're just too close to the issue to appreciate what I'm saying, which is precisely why this problem will not be solved by you, me, or anyone else any time soon.

>> No.54337156
File: 5 KB, 310x163, Lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are gonna be so fucking rich, lads.

>> No.54337168

Nice autism, anon. It explains all the current UBS waffling.

>> No.54337199

So basically with swap data not being shown, that means the price of GME during MOASS will only be shown to holders and definitely not reported in the media

>> No.54337211

damn, that's sick

>> No.54337213

IDK if they just mean it won't be on CNBC or if bloomberg terminals won't even have it?

>> No.54337216

My plan is to just tell people I'm a terrorist, and follow up by explaining that I take hostages and make rich people pay me a lot of money to get those hostages back.

>> No.54337222

I wouldn't tempt the government like that, but that's just me.

>> No.54337226

Regardless, continuing to obscure data is bullish for my personal wealth

>> No.54337237

Or what? At most they'll investigate and...? There's nothing to charge me with.

>> No.54337241

they only did it for the big banks (the ones they shill for) not the smaller ones. it's a nothing burger. just to make the bigger banks appear strong.

>> No.54337258

lol based on J6, "anything" seems like a fair answer.

>> No.54337272

yeah i'm not a fed glownigger so i'm not getting caught woww cut power lines, it's literally not illegal, take out two substations and it's all ogre in roblox

>> No.54337274

Probably gets the girls wet tho

>> No.54337277

I think I'm precisely close enough, outcast from both worlds as I am. But cope as you like.

>> No.54337279

Don’t mind me, just came here to kek the baggies
Kek baggies!

>> No.54337290

encourage violence, it's a moral good, the same with ingroup preference, and xenophobia

>> No.54337297

It's Ramadan, things always gets tense in Israel during the time.

>> No.54337352
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>> No.54337585
File: 261 KB, 501x320, anon wins jews BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, kek'd and based

>> No.54337783

You can't call it cope when I find the reality of my position just as depressing as you do.