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54325569 No.54325569 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54325591

What's the point of zero-yield paper, who's buying and why?

>> No.54325605

>who's buying

The only other time this has happened was in 08 after Bear Sterns

>> No.54325621

Good thing we're after then.

>> No.54325628

What duration?

>> No.54325643

4week (28 days), it's on the image dude

>> No.54325648

>retard thinks bear sterns was the end, not the beginning

>> No.54325657
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nothing ever happens

>> No.54325678
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>all the banks and other market participants right now are reacting in the exact same way they did after the collapse of bear sterns
>this is somehow a good thing

>> No.54325680

I don't get it.
Plz explain for a brainlet.

>> No.54325684

interested can you explain to a retard what is happening?

>> No.54325739
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The tide is going out fast and banks are rushing to get collateral, they're buying US treasuries with a 0% yield which makes absolutely no sense until you look at the context.
Look at the FED's chart of the discount window, all you need to know is that SVB/Credit Suisse were this cycle's bear sterns (which funnily enough also collapsed in march)

If you have the time checkout eurodollar university's latest video, he explains all of this better than I can

>> No.54325760

>implying that nothing was learned from the last time nothing happened
Why you think the fed is increasing its balance sheet ending qt silently, and powell already came forward with, if that if credit situation tightens more from external sources the fed wont have to tighten again.

Its a circus and nothing ever happens

>> No.54325771

>implying that nothing was learned from the last time nothing happened
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying (and so is the market)

>> No.54325779

so they're just undercutting eachother to 0? then why can i still buy a 3 month with a 4.6% yield?

>> No.54325810

These are the low rates not the median/average prices

>> No.54325943

Why do crypto fag think BTC will be worth 1 million in 3 month?

>> No.54325953

you can thank math for that
lets assume 0 is now, and 100 is where you want to get to
step 1, get halfway there = 50
step 2, again, =75
step 3 = 87.5
step 4 = 93.75

no matter how many steps you take, you'll never get there

>> No.54325961

they did. See you in Zimbabwe
because the dollar is going on a dump again, but they might mistake btc for eth

>> No.54325980

i wish i had stayed in school long enough to have professional experience with this. i genuinely don't understand how the low bid for a four week can be 0 while the median is 4. reads like pure panic from small money to me. aka a nothingburger by a literally who.

>> No.54325989

The US would rather create a recession (or let's face it depression) worse than the one they had in 08 than go full Zimbabwe, the dollar is the lifeline of the empire and they won't ever let that go

>> No.54326011

they have no other choice, or rather the political system held hostage by a dependent economic system. They might aim for Japan, but with the incompetency in charge its going to be zimbabwe

>> No.54326060

>they have no other choice
They do though lol cope you won't have another bullmarket for years and years

>> No.54326091

You're watching them make that other choice in real time.

>> No.54326098

The economy is strong and resilient. The numbers only go up.

>> No.54326191

They bid 0%, but they don’t actually get the 0% rate unless they’re a primary dealer, which they aren’t.

>> No.54326340

25 bepis and silently ending qt because of "external factors" is powell giving the treasury a notch that they can proceed with helicopter 2.0

>> No.54326561

That's not actually true. You eventually reach the 100 because there are infinite steps, each of a small but real distance.

>> No.54326735
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Anon, all paper is worth zero

>> No.54326774

>eurodollar university's
that retard had perfected the art of talking for 1 hour on a topic that can be explained in 10 minutes. I prefer steven or george tb h

>> No.54326802

>Treasury auction low rate at 0% for two weeks in a row

Wat? Does that free money-beans?

>> No.54326880

No it means the Government literally owns the banks and can rape correct them at will.

>> No.54326952
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shit too

>> No.54327120

>the Government literally owns the banks and can rape correct them at will.

I mean... they already by proxy do own a lot.

The government appears to take over things that attack the people or operate improperly and control it by proxy. They do it to each-other and it's an absolute shit show.

Buy puts, buy calls nothing to freak out over or is that part of the smoke screen while all the shit goes on? A babushka doll in an onion inside a cabbage that a hippo ate?

Teach people to trade if the economy is this propped up and the very interest generated inof itself should solve everyone's financial problems shouldn't it? or does the market have to fight and we can't collectively slam companies to the ground at will?

>Don't they already do that? Wat?

>> No.54327657

yeah Bear Sterns was the prelude to Lehman Brothers

>> No.54328109

thats not actually true. There is a limit to size and space is definable in discreet quanta. Plank length is 1.616255(18)×10^35 m

>> No.54328153


>> No.54328811

There actually is a way out. Have the government turn a surplus instead of a deficit and use this surplus to buy back outstanding debt at a discount.

>> No.54328829
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Better to buy at zero than at negatives.
>reee freedom bonds can't go negative retard
Lol, lmao

>> No.54328838

and you'll breakeven in 1000 years, probably.

it's easier and faster to keep dismantling the society and make new civilization elsewhere

>> No.54329003


They will crash the economy of America twice over and another just for lulz before that dollar dies. The fed doesn't care. They will do anything and everything to secure the dollar's status.

>> No.54329017


Oh with an aging population, grifters and women that think they're entitled? Sounds like the perfect recipe for a functioning society that'll work together for the betterment of their country.

Meanwhile states are legalizing child mutilation, tranny shows and killing of babies, but I'm sure the government just needs to do x and y.

>> No.54329049

>implying that nothing was learned from the last time nothing happened
yes, absolutely the retarded thing these people would do.

>> No.54329601
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Their money is a scam anon.
> Any party which commits itself to paper money will go down amid the general disaster, covered with the curses of a ruined people