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File: 2.76 MB, 1253x887, homeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54323873 No.54323873 [Reply] [Original]

i started working a job b/c i hated university major and wanted to make money instead before picking a new degree audit. (bluecollar/manual labor) that's $18/hr + with mandatory overtime 1.5x. it's like 45-50hrs a week. i woke up at 5am today (saturday) to go to work at 6am (short 5hr shift). when i was driving to walmart to buy grocieries, it was literally a homeless guy sleeping on the sidewalk at 12pm noon. it legit made me slightly pissed b/c that's lazy as fuck to sleep in till noon, on the sidewalk. it's just gross as fuck. the week before, i had some homeless guy yelling at me "hey buddy, can i get a $1.50" when i was leaving a different walmart in the same town. If he could aggressively apply to jobs instead of aggressively yelling at people in the parking lot, he 100% wouldn't be homeless. There is another homeless guy i see with literally like 5 staves in his backpack in the middle of the same intersection for the past 8 months. He just walks through the three lane roadway on red lights begging for money like it's not dangerous to be in the middle of the road. There are so many homeless in this town b/c people keep giving them money. if they stopped giving them money, they would actually have to get jobs instead of bullshitting in traffic + sidewaks + parking lots. they are literally zombies in my mind, dangerous, mindless, probably w/ diseases + drugged out. it's annoying b/c moral fags think you shouldn't look down on these people, but again, i caught one sleeping at 12pm noon on the sidewalk, and if that were a normal person, you could easily tell them to stop sleeping into 12pm and wake up at least at like 8-9am. like wtf do they even do all day besides loiter in parking lots/sidewalk/intersections? that has to be boring as fck, just go get a job at that point, work is more fun than sleeping on the ground.

>> No.54323913

>homeless wagie gets reminded of his wagie cagie by based homeless NEETs
>seethes all over the board
Delicious. I love bums, now.

>> No.54323917

How do you type all that bullshit out?
Where are the fucking mods.

>> No.54323924

>i started working a job b/c i hated university major and wanted to make money instead before picking a new degree audit. (bluecollar/manual labor) that's $18/hr + with mandatory overtime
to eleborate further, i was going for engineering, so i wanted to work in manufactoring b/c it's similiar so i could see what the work enviroment is. after seeing it, i'm thinking of switching to computer science b/c iv'e been doing programming tutorials and i'm enjoying that. + the internet community i like a lot.

>> No.54323937

They make more than you do. Cope.

>> No.54323938

he must be new to life.
bums experience the euphoria of drugs

>> No.54323954
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, You're still holding trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homeless here
Fuck homeless. Unironically
They would ask for shit when I'd get done throwing 50lb boxes all day. I'd tell them I'm homeless too and go check out this temp agency for work. Response? Anger
I'd tell them to get a gym membership for showering / small locker. Response? "Bro can I use your membership?"
I'd tell them to keep shit in storage so they had peace of mind. Response? "Bro can I use your storage unit?"
FUCK homeless

>> No.54323956

Maybe they were having a die-in for a good cause like trans rights you ignorant bigot.

>> No.54323957

>pretend like you're going to give them money
>they walk over to your car window
>pepper spray them in the face
>drive off

>> No.54323971

Mods fucking range this fucking nigger jesus christ do your jobs.

>> No.54323978

based. Keep going anon. YGMI

>> No.54323983

t. Homeless

>> No.54323988

Cringe. Just stop anon. NGMI

>> No.54323989

Dependents justify programs that can be looted by statist trash, "homeless epidemic" is a manufactured crises so faggot bureaucrats can line their pockets, look at libshit cities like Portland, paying $4k/m per TENT for mass homeless camps, $4000 fucking untied states dollars per month for a fucking tent! Pure graft.

>> No.54323999

very nice anon :)

>> No.54324003
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go support your local safe injection site you milk fed GIMP

>> No.54324006

No I own a home and if I found you in my woods I'd bash your dumb schizophrenic manlet face into a thousand pieces and let the coyotes deal with you.
You look like a pedophile junkie

>> No.54324017

Dude. Can I use your injection site?

>> No.54324023

You stole my line!
Fucking bum.

>> No.54324024

Nice schizophrenic narcissist is a serial beggar who spammed his dumb fucking face in every thread during the 2021 collapse going on about how great it was we lost money, then he would beg, I don't forget faces, washington?
I assume that's where you're at.

>> No.54324032
File: 399 KB, 1080x1177, TFW society collapsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I'd kick your ass bro like don't even try
Meanwhile you mean mug druggies on the street. You won't do shit to me besides break your ankle in a rabbit hole trap

>> No.54324047

God I hope some fucking warden finds your ass and charges you with booby trapping on private property that's a 10 year charge you fucking moron.

>> No.54324050

I wasn't even here during 2021, I got out of crypto after 2020 March shit the bed and didn't get back in until a month or so after the Elon SNL crash

>> No.54324058

This fucking faggot made this thread.
Not a single soul responds to this fucker so he made a thread to respond to jesus christ fucking niggers I swear mods you are absolutely fucking useless.

>> No.54324061
File: 975 KB, 520x375, 1678919683764324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I'd kick your ass, and by kick your ass I mean I'd ask government to save me
Lmfao SAD!

>> No.54324067

Elon SNL crash was in 2021 you fucking meth head now posts pictures of your junkie girlfriend or I'll goto warosu and pull it myself.

>> No.54324073

Do it. Post my 110 lb redhead wife, then post the pic of me holding a Sawzall wearing sunglasses. That'll really hurt me

>> No.54324074

>This fucking faggot made this thread.
no dude, i'm not that guy.
perhaps consider there are more people besides just me that dislike the homeless?

>> No.54324078
File: 134 KB, 680x661, EA06C4B9-E2F4-4C3B-88EC-7AA5F4B60509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP seething
I love homeless people now

>> No.54324090

That’s you, you stupid ugly pussy. Kill yourself.

>> No.54324093


>> No.54324096

Kill yourself you schizophrenic you've had two fucking years to seek help for your mental instabilty instead you post here on 4chan like a fucking lunatic, nobody cares about you, nobody wants to see your homeless tent, go back to your containment boards where your bots can respond to your pictures.

Now post your fucking junkie wife so we can all laugh at your manlet meth head ass.

>> No.54324110

Kill your self Anon, Jesus Christ, do your job. Fucking nigger.

>> No.54324120

It only began to bother you when you took the opposing position in the dichotomy, which is natural. But you should also understand that deep down you yearn for the freedom that the homeless man has, that you, a slave, no longer do. Which is why it upsets you fundamentally. But it's a tradeoff.

>> No.54324128

poison food

>> No.54324133
File: 23 KB, 438x134, 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go and pop more ID's you fucking raging schizophrenic guess it's time to show everyone you're a lying sack of shit meth head schizophrenic beggar who's infected this board twice now in 2 years.
>I wasn't here in 2021

>> No.54324152

Personally, I don't like looking at their uncleanness at the intersection. Begging is shameful as well, and a general demoralization on society and the local populace. Random people pepper spraying homeless would deter their begfagging behavior and keep them out of the public eye.

>> No.54324155

>posted one time in 2021 to check up on oldfags

>> No.54324185

Oh boy okay faggot it's warosu time, you spammed this board for 9 fucking months nonstop begging every single fucking day every thread every god damn thread you seek attention you're a schizophrenic narcissist a dime a dozen fucking nigger who needs to leave this board, you didn't you stuck around and you spewed your fucking insanity onto us, this shit should be illegal, registered schizophrenics shouldn't be allowed on the internet period.
>OP I hate homeless
>Samefag But I'm homeless
Fuck sake I hate schizophrenics so badly and when the time comes they will be the first against the wall.

>> No.54324186

Where did the homeless person touch you?

>> No.54324192

All bullshit reasons that miss the fundamental issue. I see you'd rather just sweep the problem under the rug. Many such cases.

>> No.54324193
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, 1679689106755961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.54324194

Post my wife with glowing smile after our first breeding session

>> No.54324215

yes they have so much freedom in not being able to do literally anything except sleep on the sidewalk wow sounds so free and enlightening man sounds like homeless people really have the freedom to do whatever they want

>> No.54324222


Anger and antipathy towards the unfortunate (of all sorts, even those with self-destructive behavior) won’t lead to anything good. We all know throwing money at the problem doesn’t help either. Good case to be made it causes cultures to self destruct (see the black community in America post LBJ - his comments about them after passing the great society programs is really telling.)

Wish we had leaders who actually cared about our national interests.

>> No.54324272

its because panhandling in large cities is wildly profitable and its kinda fun.
some professional bums are actually just street hustlers, aka renegade salesmen.
in a large city (500k+ population) a good panhandler can secure around $60k/yr or more.
but i do realize most of them are legit poorfags who cant into society bc drug addictions of alcohol prevents them from ever accomplishing anything respectable.

just my 2 cents.

>> No.54324275

>Wish we had leaders who actually cared about our national interests.
andrew tate.
he taught me how to hustle

>> No.54324279
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, 1672349183724608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you've been spamming this board for awhile motherfucker.
you're the usury anon and a /pmg/ fucking spammer I knew you were in the containment threads pouring out due to lack of activity.
How long you been spamming our board with your insane bullshit meth head?
This is his post stripping copper and posting in /pmg/ for meth money.

His spamming about Sawzall lead me to it, apparently he got ran out of /pmg/ as well
Fuck this board we will never have a bullrun while schizophrenics post nonstop in this space.

>> No.54324323
File: 3.05 MB, 2859x3447, 1596243440993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, also I don't buy boomer rocks.

>> No.54324334

Post more kino archive pics nigger. I'm a luddite and struggle to find anything that wasn't namefagged

>> No.54324381

My solution may not solve homelessness, but it would stop the majority of panhandling.

>> No.54324595

I interact with the homeless daily at my job and they’re always the most entitled, aggressive, lazy people I’d ever met in my life. Homeless are homeless by CHOICE, nasty “””people”””