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54322961 No.54322961 [Reply] [Original]

>proudly brags how he scammed several men through e-whoring
>publicly makes known he took women’s passport away so they couldnt leave and had to depend on him
>”The matrix has imprisoned him for no reason!”
Are Tate fans so gullible ?

>> No.54323004

he treats his followers excatly the same way his whores treat their customers, so in a way he is a whore and got what he deserved, and he has no fans. only some edgy zoomers think they'll make it in a day. because the merchant make them believe they can, through culture.

>> No.54323043

>Are Tate fans so gullible ?
Well they are /pol/turds so...

>> No.54323066

cant really blame him.
hes a good talker and knows how to take advantage of ugly incel losers.
>just buy my 500 dollar course bro I will make you rich!

The only reason he "converted" to islam is because he knows mussies will eat his shit right up and spend their life savings on his course as long as he posts some quran verses on his twitter every now and then kek

>> No.54323083
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Yes, because he targets the weak and desperate. Imagine actually lying to poorfags that they too can become rich like you.

>> No.54323098

Tate LARPs as many things. He claims to be a Muzzie but all his actions prove otherwise. He also says he has a ton of children but that's just him pandering to the natalist fags

>> No.54323099

Gullible is not quite the right word. Zoomers are neither sapient, nor even sentient, is all.

>> No.54323118

yes, they are maximum retards that spend thousands on useless supplements for extra testosterone. Now they seethe because he will die of cancer in a romanian prison

>> No.54323127

nobody here cares about andrew tate. we all know he's an attention whore faggot. all he had to do to get his following was dictate 4chan posts to illiterate zoomers though and they treat him like he's the 2nd coming of socrates/jesus. doesn't that make you a little bit nervous how one effeminate incompetent retard can counter a multibillion dollar media mind control apparatus?

>> No.54323128

even /pol/chuds hate him

>> No.54323138

Andrews not really rotting in a Gypsy prison with a newly-prolapsed anal injury and facing a double-figure stretch tho. He's in his sekrit underground South Pole bunker with many supersleds parked outside and a crew of 10/10 eskimo hotties doing his every bidding, awaiting His Time.

>> No.54323147

When the celebrity ai voice clips started going viral I saw people say “the elites” used ai to fake those clips of Tate admitting to these things.

>> No.54323164

only reason he's famous is because china boosted him on tik tok to destabilize the west

>> No.54323702
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>> No.54324425

Yes. He targeted the most gullible demographic that there is to pull his pyramid scheme and shill his nonsense to.

>> No.54324497

>scammed men
Good joke
No shit. They bought his MLM and lack the t levels to be their own man. I guarantee 99% of his fans are skinny/fat ugly people.

>> No.54324567
File: 419 KB, 2533x1230, Screenshot 2022-09-13 224507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong /pol/turds love him because in their "logic" everything that "globohomo" aka the western rich & civilized world is against must be good. This is also why they support russia even tho russians hate nazis and is a multicultural empire (chuds claim they hate multicultural empires). Peak contrarian midwits.

>> No.54324572

>Tate fans
this retard has no fans, moron
he is CIA and he got "locked up" the moment some people noticed that he came out of fucking nowhere and called him out as a glowie
now watch him disappear because "he's in jail"

this is just CIA being sloppy fucking retards

>> No.54324610

the charges aren't "he sexted with some coomers" or "he yelled to stacy"
the charges are that he is a sex trafficker, that he enslaved women and forced them into prostitution

i know NPCs are really bad with this, but the concept of justice isn't putting people you dislike in jail

>> No.54324638

I see greasy wog/leb/turkroach chinlet shitskin cunts like this everywhere in western sydney. They dress like gaudy idiots and reek of shit perfume, curry spice and sweat, and creep on every woman they see. I have no idea why anyone would follow this obviously deeply insecure grifter, but I guess kids these days are terminally online.

>> No.54324639

>being skinny is bad! You need to have muscles or you’re not a man!

Skinny guys get more prime 18 year old pussy than tryhard juiceheads lmao. You’re filling your lack of brainpower with muscles

>> No.54324641

Nah it's more of a browncel/incel thirdie thing. Young white men with potential in life hate grifters.


>> No.54324650

>”The matrix has imprisoned him for no reason!”
hearing my dad try to defend this faggot by claiming the "system" wants him out of the limelight 'cause hes too influential' and that "romania is known for prostitutes and stuff, he only did stuff other people there do" was the final straw that makes me want to "defoo" out of my life entirely like some 2012 era stefan molyneux cult member

>> No.54324668

>and that "romania is known for prostitutes and stuff, he only did stuff other people there do"

You know bragging about how corrupt a country's government is and how you're completely ignoring their laws while living there and getting away with it (to millions of followers) is a nice way to get said government to notice you

>> No.54324693

>denouncing your own blood over ecelebs
lmao what the fuck
internet is doing a number on you NPCs

>> No.54324725 [DELETED] 

you're pathetic and a cope. Coping =\= Manley
Imagine thinking being mogged is "alpha"

>> No.54324727

theres a million other reasons
feelng my IQ drop as he speaks is just one of them

>> No.54324739

you're pathetic and a coper. Coping =\= Manley
Imagine thinking being mogged is "alpha"

>> No.54324741

Go back you fucking faggot. Holy shit you cunts are here all day every day spamming your shill bullshit. Get a fucking life.

>> No.54324745

>goofy british accent
>taken seriously
That's the only part I don't get, retards getting scammed, wokeks prostituting themselves and crying foul after the fact, le real men yass-kveen'ing hyperhedonism seem simple facts of life in comparison.

>> No.54324771
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He's a fag

>> No.54324774

nice cope. I've never met a race as beta as whites. Particularly the ones in America

>> No.54326383

what color is your lie?

>> No.54326404

feels like this guy came out of nowhere. I still have never heard his voice or watched any video with him but people just started posting this guy everywhere all of a sudden.

>> No.54326411

Brown creatures cope through him.

>> No.54326502

>Are Tate fans so gullible ?
they're vulnerable insecure losers who had no strong male role model growing up

>> No.54326553

Reminds me of Coinmetro retards and Kevin.

>> No.54326601

>being skinny is bad!
>You need to have muscles or you’re not a man!
also yes
Cope harder twigboy

>> No.54327700

Imagine caring about some internet clown

>> No.54329270

>loose lips, sink ships
shoulda learned to shut the fuck up.