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54322946 No.54322946 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all. Is the token needed?

>> No.54322956


>> No.54322963

Buy an ad

>> No.54322972 [DELETED] 

Chainlink is needed. LINK isn't need.

>> No.54322982

Yes, i need it

>> No.54322993

Can I ask you guys something off topic, but related?

What do I need stamps to send my letters?

>> No.54323005

It's an anachronism from simpler times. You don't need to stamp FedEx packages

>> No.54323018
File: 28 KB, 824x117, theneedforsneedtokyodrift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54323041

I didn’t ask about fedex. So andwe

>> No.54323046

That's the problem, could very well be paid in BTC, or usdt or whatever. Something that's not preminted snd in hands if a founder.

>> No.54323058

Because when postal service was invented they didn't have instant, cheap and automatic communication in the form of the internet.

>> No.54323069

and I could pay for a car with tacos, if that was allowed. But it's not.

>> No.54323087

They had phones back then bro.

>> No.54323093

I need the token.

>> No.54323106

No it’s literally a parasite

>> No.54323150

>embarrasses himself in another link thread
>crawls into this thread to get btfo again
Kek at least try to be anonymous on an anonymous board you retard

>> No.54323474

Let's settle this once and for all. Are stamps needed to send a letter?

>> No.54323481

Stop copying me asshole

>> No.54323500

Not really. It's just a legacy from times before the internet.

>> No.54323518

Nowadays you could just pay digitally and have the letter marked with a a qrc, like package delivery service do.

>> No.54323544

Bros what will I be able to buy with 3,000 of these god damn things in 5 years

>> No.54324091
File: 236 KB, 634x650, 423892437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The token is needed...to make Sergey rich

>> No.54324122

I don’t hide away from my views. This is what’s I think about chainlink. The source is my brain. Go scam boomers streetshitter.

>> No.54324137

Links token is used to pay for the oracle services, it’s used to incentivize node operators to run the system properly, and now it’s going to be used for staking, so that more and more community members can participate in the system to secure it and receive a portion of the value that the system creates.

Payment mechanism, incentive mechanism, staking mechanism for security. As more and more services get adopted, more and more stake will be required.

>> No.54324143

No they didn't you fucking retard.

>> No.54325087
File: 107 KB, 1394x866, TokenNeeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54325149
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 42127134-E1AD-45CB-BEC3-79803E14B2F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally every crypto be like
Good luck betting on Google

>> No.54325618

Please tell me you don’t think telephones=\= cell or smartphones because in genuinely embarrassed for you.

>> No.54325632

I can tell you never had a real job

>> No.54325857

How to Tell if the Chainlink Token is Needed

Step 1:
Evaluate if Chainlink nodes are performing services for clients, Y/N. If "yes", then the only token that Chainlink's network allows them to be paid in is LINK, meaning that the clients serviced must provide payment in the form of the LINK token for the services in question. Congratulations, you now understand LINK. If you have contentions with this or are merely curious, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2:
Not a necessary step. If you have a problem with Step 1, this is where you come to have a meltdown. Apparently, if you have come to this step on the pretense of contentions with Step 1, you cannot leave; you remain stuck in Step 2 for the apparent remainder of your life while everyone who understood and accepted Step 1 either bought LINK and became prospective of LINK's exciting opportunities across all platforms utilizing or relating to distributed ledger technology, or didn't and moved on. You may think that Chainlink's network could, in theory, simply accept other forms of payment than LINK, and you are entitled to this opinion—however, it is not how things work, and to say that this could be the case is as speculative as saying that Ethereum miners could, theoretically, if only it were coded and introduced into Ethereum's protocol, accept payment in the form of some other blockchain's native currency. For anyone stuck in Step 2, it is apparently incomprehensible that this will not come to pass; seeing any evidence that the LINK token is, in fact, already very firmly embedded into Chainlink's routine operations allows the subject to stay fresh in their minds. The ongoing success of the Chainlink network likely ensures that they will remain stuck on the matter for as long as they live.

>> No.54325906

This anon gets it