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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54320671 No.54320671 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you using your free government gibs to start a successful business?

>> No.54320705

Isn't cash stuffing just keeping money in separate dedicated chunks for different purposes? How is that a business? Is she teaching other people to do it or something?

>> No.54320716

Yes, she makes Tik Tok videos about it.

>> No.54320879 [DELETED] 

>be 86 IQ black negress
>get rich selling the concept of impulse control and delayed gratification to 76 IQ negros
It's actually not that surprising because niggers will only listen to other niggers unless there's handouts involved. Good for her for making the best of being a massively obese negress, I guess.

>> No.54320912

What is cash stuffing?
Is that it, she's teaching to be frugal?

>> No.54320921

I don't get it. What's a cash stuffing business?
I'm 31 and I've never even heard anyone say this before. What time line did I jump to this time?

>> No.54320952

it’s not a real business. it’s just niggers getting gibs

>> No.54320976

Yes, she does videos telling black people to put their money in an envelope so they resist the urge to buy $50 of fast food every day

>> No.54320978

Yeah I can tell you what she's been stuffing and it ain't cash. frfr

>> No.54320990

Dont know what cash stuffing means but its probably not as lucrative as my warehouse. Hoarded oil when prices crashed and now im fucking rich. My warehouse was at one point at 100% capacity, full of gasoline, LNG and crude.

>> No.54321013
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noooo. my KFC shares :(

>> No.54321026

How did you acquire said warehouse?

>> No.54321050

Wait a sec, hold up. Hold up now.
So these people spend money, so they can learn how to not... spend money? Is that right?

>> No.54321052
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Leased it from a landlord. Their biggest customer was some manufacturing company that decided to do their own logistics.

>> No.54321119

Do Americans really?

>> No.54321407

Based. Uses government money for support until she secures her own means of supporting herself. It's almost like the gibs systems actually works.

>> No.54321775
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not all. black one yes

>> No.54321940

>implying she is off the gibs
I doubt it. She’s still a fat black bitch and who knows how many kids.

>> No.54321969

Money manager but for poor people....and realistically they need it. $20/month to be told to stop buying Jordans and $500/month of weed.

>> No.54321982

I hate this gay ass planet

>> No.54321992

how does one make 850k (even in volume only) through basic finance videos on tiktok? i mean she has to sell something hasnt she?

>> No.54322024

Looks like she started a mouth stuffing business too.

>> No.54322361

Owns a >850k bidness, she'll be paying into gibs.
Owns a >850k bdiness based on putting money in labeled envelopes, she won't be paying into for long.
She sold the novelty of her fat ass still walkin' and talkin'

>> No.54323078

thx to our sponsor <insert sponsor name like SOFI or the one selling art or land....> use my promo code "MilkingStupidSub"

>> No.54323168

I think cash stuffing is the kindergarten equivalent of budgeting. No idea how you personally monetize that though. Maybe she's like a super ghetto money manager that physically keeps her neighborhood drug dealers and pimps money in pickle hard or some shit.

>> No.54323298

no idea how you make money with this. maybe she's a tiktok influencer

>> No.54323423

This is the most ghetto shit I've ever seen. Did she learn all of her accounting skills from her drug dealer boyfriend.

>> No.54323470

This nigga blind!

>> No.54323501

And she paid taxes of those earnings, right?

>> No.54323583

>Look it up
>You literally take out all your money in cash so that you can't just spend it willy-nilly online, banks can't bamboozle you
>Being able to physically see it gives you a more intuitive idea of how much you're working with
>Psychological pain of turning over a physical possession for goods also discourages overspending
Actually it kind of sounds like a good idea. I know I was saved from spending all my money on shitcoins because I had random caches of $100 and $20 bills "hidden" around my apartment (really, taken out for various emergencies and then forgotten), which came in handy when I needed money for food but had an overdraft on my account.
As for why people don't just learn the basics and run with it without watching some TikTok rando's video, I suppose having an "authority figure" offering regular reinforcement can be reassuring and keep one on-track. That's the basic model of all these self-help influencers who put out 100 videos on the same topic with only slight variations between each.

>> No.54323710

a study apparently recently shown that cash do indeed help with spending less

>> No.54323773
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How much money can you make selling dat skrong?

>> No.54323778

On god

>> No.54323799

I live in Europe and I have never seen a person this obese, even when I lived in England.

>> No.54323812

Did she died?
>Indiana Jones remake with diversity

>> No.54323836

That gangly methhead white broad tho

>> No.54323870

Articles like in OP are Advertisement or propaganda. How gullible do you have to be to believe this?
TikTok pays you around 10 dollars per million views. Sponsored videos don't make shit either unless you are in the top 100 or so accounts

>> No.54323929

I'm a white man

>> No.54324001

why would blacks do that?

>> No.54324031

Would, and I’d be rich if I did.

>> No.54324065

>wye pepo don eat da skrog?
Lmfao nigga
No wundr da bbc is 2 strong 4 snobunnies

>> No.54324081

High blood pressure

>> No.54324104
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cause it sounds tiresome.
I became a neet cause I don't like doing things.

>> No.54324113

But how is this a business? What does she do that you can't do yourself?

>> No.54324134 [DELETED] 

She's eating all the profits.

Never trust a nigger.

>> No.54324149
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Haha, so true, sister!

>> No.54324181

All the while she's stuffing it, it's losing value


>> No.54324199

>over 2 grand in cash in a binder
i am guessing it is hidden in her mattress also

>> No.54324227


>> No.54324370

China pipo flayed animals while dey heart still beat

Blapipo eat corn starch and bleach dey chicken

Wypipo eat mayo sanwich and raw meat

Only us mexicans eat good food

>> No.54324401

She’s probably going to get fatter

>> No.54324480

Actually retarded

>> No.54325984

>As for why people don't just learn the basics and run with it without watching some TikTok rando's video, I suppose having an "authority figure" offering regular reinforcement can be reassuring and keep one on-track. That's the basic model of all these self-help influencers who put out 100 videos on the same topic with only slight variations between each.
The modern economy is all about preying on people's self-consciousness; not necessarily amplifying it, but also sometimes serving as the person saying, "You're doing the right thing, you got this, here's one tiny little tip to being better at Task." If you can be That Person for a particular niche, you can find your 1000 people and make bank. Like I said, this is the model for basically every Patreon Youtuber.

>> No.54326048

Niggers can’t understand abstracts so having real money in front of them helps them save it.

>> No.54326066
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>never seen a person this obese
standard USA 7/10 women

>> No.54326076
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looks good

>> No.54326111
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>> No.54326118
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Sugar and Fat land of the free

>> No.54326135
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Yikes, can we cool it with all of the racism and fatphobia in this thread?

>> No.54326194
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original one so you can read the full paypal address and send some money to appologize

>> No.54326222

If this were ture, I'd love to see the ratio of people who secured their own means compared to those who just take the gibs for life.

>> No.54326679

My niggas

>> No.54326713

Do people really?

>> No.54326756

"Adulting" classes are a thing too. These can only be businesses in a world that I am lucky enough not to see, the retarded portion out of sight.

>> No.54326759

My girlfriend developed this illness shortly after we got engaged. At first it was a pain in the ass, but it's been awesome. She's disgusted by all sorts of unhealthy food now. She cries because she just wants to be able to eat regular fast food. The only junk food she can stomach eating is plain potato chips. She basically lives off mixed vegetables now. She's lost so much weight it's awesome.

>> No.54326925

They spend money on that thus clearly showing they have a problem, kek

>> No.54327041

>She’s probably going to get fatter
We're all probably going to get fatter

>> No.54327299

the chad mayonnaise enjoyer

>> No.54327398

there's a compulsive eating disorder called "pica" that's high in people of African ancestry and it may have some genetic origin with Africans eating dirt for some nutritional purpose rather than just being a transmitted african cultural tendency

>> No.54328807

Or maybe don't be a nigger with less than an ounce of self control.

>> No.54329080

Gold solves this.

>> No.54329168


I buy gold bars instead.

>> No.54329193

I'm the exact opposite, if I have cash on hand I throw it around like Monopoly money, but I am super autistic and strict about the digits I see online in my bank account whenever I log in.

>> No.54329598

That's so interesting, in Chile they have a word called "picar" which mostly refers to eating junk food out of boredom or anxiety. I am 100% is a term derived from the "pica" you described that apparently reached this one Latino country. I think the north of Chile had some African slaves in the early 19th century working on some mines, it gotta come from there.

>> No.54330390

I give it a week before the next article comes out, saying how she robbed or someone broke in their home and took their lil cash stuffing business

>> No.54330509

I watched the video in the article. She sells wallets. Good job on that ladies part.

>> No.54330533

You brown ass think we are inuits?

>> No.54331275

Been moving more towards cash to move away from digits in a computer and impending CBDC’s. Years back I’d get the cash I wanted out for the month and it really gave me a better idea on where I was at. Hard part has been remembering to add more cash to my wallet all the time and forget and still have to use my card.

>> No.54332480

What are the financial benefits to being a bigger?

>> No.54333330

Warehouse anon strikes again

>> No.54333886
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it's busywork for homebodies.
like coupon clipping but even less practical

>> No.54333898

it's ASMR for broke people. you could just count stacks and make racks

>> No.54333914

get your fix of imagining being rich by watching me play with dollar bills.

it's ASMR. the future looks dark frens

>> No.54333952

in Beirut they let you do it.

>> No.54334003

And middle class people spend 20-40k on college to learn that. Same shit, different amounts of money

>> No.54334010

>You literally take out all your money in cash
>It's not a bank run when niggers do it!

>> No.54334046

peter theil took out $200 million. she pulls out $200

>> No.54334280

Black People are industrious whereas nazi whiteoid chuds are only interested in white supremacy

>> No.54334366

Hmm it’s almost like medicine uses Latin and Spanish is a Latin-based language