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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54317491 No.54317491 [Reply] [Original]

I just paid off my mom's credit card debt, it ain't much but it's honest work. Made me feel happy for once, money is fake and gay.

Do more charity brothers, it brings peace. ((They)) hate it when we collaborate and support each other without playing their game in the long run.

>> No.54317908

>enabling your mom's spending problem
seek help

>> No.54318304

>((They)) hate it when we collaborate and support each other without playing their game in the long run.
You are playing their game though, you’re paying extortionate interest on the frivolous purchases of a dumb woman.

>> No.54318384
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Good shit Anon. If there’s two things they hate it’s Goyim having strong, positive family values - and worse - Goyim getting out from under their Usury.

You are a Good Man, Anon. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing it Right.

>> No.54318461

Well done dude. Can you pay mine? 1LBmRhcgMBXF2TV5YB2ctP85Jb22nf4Yxf
God bless you

>> No.54319854

truly a chad take. The more charity you do within your community the better it will become, and the better you will feel

>> No.54319876

>paying off some roastie's credit card debt

>> No.54319999

except its not just some roastie, its his mom that birthed him, fed him, clothed him, raised him for at least 10 years.

>> No.54320014
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quads confirm, be nice to your mom anon. Ring her up today, tell her you love her.

>> No.54320023

Payb it on the condition she cuts up the card.
I say, as an orphan. Not exactly an expert on living retard parents beyond a friend whose mum kept him near broke at all times for a decade.

>> No.54320038

I find the moral hazard is far less when its a family member and they got unlucky and fundamentally understand where they went wrong with spending and money choices. I helped a family member get out of half of his debt and he's been thrifty, continuously paying off the rest and even started a business. Been 5 years and he's largely changed his financial habits. He didn't have a spending addiction or anything but he didn't put the dots together on consequences of big purchases. Now he does, and is working towards a good future for himself. He even set up paperwork to give me 25% of his company.

>> No.54320043
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good on you man, wish i could do the same.

>> No.54320066

I tried doing this before for a good friend. I unfucked his credit debt, and 3 months later he was in the same exact spot and begged for me to pay it off again.

Don't do that shit OP because they will expect you to save them again, and enable their shit spending habits\

80% of people live in debt and paycheck to paycheck