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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54318140 No.54318140 [Reply] [Original]

Currently 22.yo

> never had a gf
> never held hands + virgin
> still in university
> unemployed
> living with parents

My only hope is making it with my 130'000$ crypto stack, mostly Chainlink / Solana but not much in profit since alts didn't move in the last weeks

So /biz/ how fucked am i?

Will money help me get "le girlfriend"?

>> No.54318151

>chainlonk and Solana
That’s a dude isn’t it?

>> No.54318161

being 22 is like being 16 now and most of your peers a friendless virgins too. just quit being a bitch and make an awkward move

>> No.54318173

when i was 22 i wanted to work in the space mining industry
and i still somehow turned out ok
if you're any less delusional than me you should be good to go

>> No.54318215

I did once with a girl i knew through friends, ghosted me and never saw her again.

Good to hear, i would like to become an self employed analyst but as long as i don't have the money for it this won't happen :/

>> No.54318239
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Currently 30yo
>dropped out of college
>I’ve had 8-9 sexual partners so far, 2 of which were my gfs for over 3 years
>had an affair with my father’s secretary when I was in high school, probably one of the best experiences I’ve had
>thank God I’ve been employed for the past 11 years, been working since I finished high school
>my mothers lives with me as we’re still trying to build a house for her first

Thanking God every day for the opportunities I’ve had.

>> No.54318251

Why do equate personal finance to chances of getting gf? I got laid more when I was broke.

>> No.54318293

Reddit is that way.

>> No.54318294

>I did once with a girl i knew through friends, ghosted me and never saw her again.
dont give up like a little pussy girl because it didnt work once. retarded chads helicopter their dick around and get the girl. there gotta be some fat, ugly, nerdy girl for u

>> No.54318308

Unironically this, now that I’m making some decent dough the stupid whores wont even give me attention… back when I was broke as fuck I used to be surrounded by women

>> No.54318330
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>no sir please don’t post, you’ve had too many sexual partners and life accomplishments to be part of the group
Kek, have you ever held hands with a woman?

>> No.54318352

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54318373
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Congrats to you anon, you deserve it

Won't give up of course but it's hard as fuck to get back in the "game" or what shit normies call it wtf

Dear god, may the lord have mercy on your soul

I hope you are doing well in other aspects of life

>> No.54318403

>had an affair
You are grateful for being a degenerate that cheats on others? Jesus christ dude, that is beyond pathetic

>> No.54318441

shut your faggot lips and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

>> No.54318449

My bad there, english is not my first language. I meant to say that we tenderly fucked for a couple of days but at that time I was single. Forgot the negative connotation that “affair” has

>> No.54318451

Technically that anon didn't really cheat, the woman did. Anon had no loyalty to betray with another lover. Perpetuating a relationship after you find out though is still pretty shitty.

>> No.54318462

It's nothing special, once you experience it you will understand that you didn't miss out on anything. Consider visiting a hooker if it bothers you.

>> No.54318705


You are likely going to hate yourself in 10 years for gambling away your money on worthelss garbage. Maybe, instead, you put 10% in that worthless garbage and the rest in stock, mutual funds and investment companies.

>> No.54318912
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I am, nigger?

Hopefully you are right, but hookers aren't my thing.

Let's see if i suceed my life will be awesome and if not, i can still kys lol

>> No.54318994

No just a very ugly woman

OP fucks up holding link then this posts this shit. It's over for them.

>> No.54319016

If you never asked a girl out, then that is your problem instead of money. You have to talk to a girl for a little bit first, then ask her out. In order to get them to go out with you, you must ask them out. This is a minor, but important, detail.

>> No.54319035

Super fucked. For a lot of reasons. At 22, most of the goods ones have already been taken out of the jar. Also, you have had no practice your your only hope at this point is another socially awkward ùgly woman who will appear to only have half a functional brain. Just fcuk whores at this point.

>> No.54319039

Loose what?

>> No.54319057

This person makes the presupposition that you will, should, or have to date someone your own age. Probably a women.

>> No.54319065
File: 66 KB, 197x200, F1CB23F5-FDEB-4617-89C7-BEAF2F47E7C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>36 years old
>never had a girlfriend, relationship or any female friends
>no friends and dont know anyone
>kissless hugless handholdless virgin
>dropped out of highschool
>never had a job
>living with parents
>have a small crypto bag and some small savings from hoarding my NEETbucks

>> No.54319066

You are a certified normalfag
Now get the fuck out of this board

>> No.54319083

you’ve got 2 options right now at 22
>start taking action on things youre afraid of/have aversion towards and know you should do to get better and create an amazing life
>keep procrastinating your life away and become a miserable 30 yo with nothing, no skills, no girls, no fond memories from 22-30 and no money
if you think its over at 22 then do nothing for the next 8 years and think again. my break is over back to the grind it is, good luck

>> No.54319108

Don't listen to this faggot incel. I lost my virginity at 25. Didn't tell the girl I was with. Second time we had sex she came and told me it was the first time in five years. If you're not awkward about it sex is easy. Just let go. The best women are not taken at 22 either. Most of them are still figuring things out at that age and changing partners semi-regularly.

>> No.54319110

>dropped out of college
>my mothers lives with me as we’re still trying to build a house for her first
checks out..

>> No.54319130

Holy smokes, you have any diagnosis too?