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54317427 No.54317427 [Reply] [Original]

24yo unemployed broke anon who still lives with parents. No experience with making actual real money.

What the fuck do i do to get started? What kind of skills do you need to develop to actually fucking live a life without having any money all the time?

>> No.54317482

The first thing you're going to have to learn is discipline and how to actually do things instead of being a retarded zoomer. Start working out, and start learning about different shit. When you find something you like, then go try to do that. Expect it to take 5-10 years to get anywhere, better to start now than in 5 years

>> No.54317489

>What the fuck do i do to get started
1. your parents, do they have any friends? ask them if anyone is hiring help for entry level, unskilled jobs
2. low-level wagecucks you meet (people who serve you at walmart, the goyslop place, the delivery guy, pharmacy or wherever you go), ask them politely, if they are not in a hurry: how did you get this job? do you know if they are currently hiring?

>> No.54317490

Ignore this faggot. Get a job dumbass.

>> No.54317559

learn forex(smc)
get small income
apply to prop firms
apply for more prop accounts
make more money in a month than anyone you've ever known
dont get cocky and lose your accounts

>> No.54317636

Join the IBEW. I was a retard living with his parents at 26, now I do ok. It's a good job for retards

>> No.54317651

This is a great way to waste your time on bullshit instead of making money.

>> No.54317694

Your father should have taught you basic home repair stuff. Start doing that for family friends. You’ll get jewed on hourly rate but it’ll be all cash at least. Once you’re booked solid you can begin raising your prices and dropping poorfag customers. After that you can start learning how to run a business and a small crew. This will let you do bigger jobs and other jobs faster, as well as break out of 6 figure hell. Just be good at something and deliver consistent quality and you’ll make tons of money doing simple shit as long as you’re not giving away your services for free basically.

>> No.54317744

I squat 305lbs for reps. Its basically the only thing ive done with my teen years and life. As i said i know you need to develop skills, i have self discipline. I just don't know what to develop. Ive been looking at all kinds of thriving industries in my city that i could invest in if i make a bit of cash. I dont know ;/
Fuck no bro. was a bouncer for 4 years and when covid hit i was a delivery pizza driver. I made FUCK ALL money. Complete waste of my time. I respect the wage grind but you cant make me go back. Im more than capable of doing shit by myself and working, i just fucking hate those environments i geuss. And the pay is shit
I'll look into it thanks brother
Definitely considering doing this just to start creating some kind of income. But long term i want to invest in shit and make actual bank. Like you said though you develop buisiness skills through it and that would be a great way to make money for me.

>> No.54317770

I also wanna say that getting a job where i live, even wage cuck shit requires you to be giga vaxxed. Fuck No. I dont know what ERA your living in but getting a job today is actual slave/mind control shit. Its pure evil. I was fired from my delivery driver job because i didnt get it.

>> No.54319032

learn to trade the forex markets, if you want to escape the matrix and not deal with wagie shit either wait a few more years till companies remove the vax CRs from the employment force you really dont have other choices, you could look into online hustles but most of them are small time and after 3 years of personally trying out everything from dropshipping to affiliates after getting a prop firm pass on mff and ftmo I never looked back, its not millionaire status in 3 months but its more income than most of the sheep you grow up with

>> No.54319078


>> No.54319195

>I also wanna say that getting a job where i live, even wage cuck shit requires you to be giga vaxxed
Crime is the only reasonable option. Just make sure you only steal from companies that require vaccines, that way you're still morally correct.

>> No.54319260

You can always lie about the vax and make up a fake vax card (if it is like the one used in the us) if you are desperate but I understand not giving in to that shit.

>> No.54319276

Thanks for the advice, brother. Im going to learn trading. Even if it doesnt work out for me i gotta atleast try and find out for myself.
Did 2 years on and off apprenticeship for construction when i was 16. I understand where your coming from but its just not my thing honestly. I think your advice is good for others though.

>> No.54319288

Not worth it bro. If your doing crime to make cheese you're in a worse situation than me.

>> No.54319297

I have even worth situation.

32yo anon here. Have decent income as for Europoor, but also live with mom. Why? Because my mom is Ukrainian and she is refugee. She has no other place to go except for my home. I though that I finally made it, but here I am - 32yo, live with mom and hate my life. She complains all the time - doesn't like my plants, doesn't like my kitchen, doesn't like paper works in here, doesn't like my neighbors. It's just each time she says that she doesn't like or understand smth or suggests me how I should deal with things because she thinks I do it in a wrong way.

The worst part is that there is no option for me "if I make it" like you have this, anon. I already "made" it, but still live with mom. kmp

>> No.54319299

Dude just become a habitual gambler and never lose

>> No.54319301

If you have a high school diploma, you can apply to the postal service. Esy to pick up and if you get good at it you can make 100k a year.

>> No.54319310

What’s your IQ? What were you good at in school? Outside of school, did you take a knack for anything that can relate to a career?

>> No.54319319

30 here, same situation, except I simply won't slave away
taxation is extortion, inflation is theft
won't lift a finger for funny "money", not for me, no thanks

>> No.54319320

apprenticeships aren't limited to construction anymore. you can find office based engineering, law, accounting and sometimes medical. all lower level obviously. it's something to keep in mind.

>> No.54319323

Sign up for uber

Give up on getting hired won't happen unless you're minority or woman

>> No.54319366
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>> No.54319368

You both need to go back, same with all “refugees”.

>> No.54319396

24 living with mom, 50k in crypto, nobody knows, just want to neet, fuck this

>> No.54319404

This reminded me of the time I sanded logs for a boomer to put on his house, and he stopped me and told me I was doing too good a job getting all the bark sanded, and he wanted me to do them faster and not good so he could pay me less.

>> No.54319425

That's bullock as well, although at least in the UK. Because big chains like mcds use other services so you'll make a whopping £4.50 doing that even at prime time (fri/sat afternoon / evening)

>> No.54319426

I could.. but honestly wagie environments are actual fucking hell. Not to go off but i can't understand how people my age are OK with that kind of living condition. Everyone i worked with was in there early 20s and legitimately depressed because of where they were. They felt like they gave up on something and just accepted this awful existence to make ends meet. After i got fired i promised myself never to work wagie jobs again. I enjoyed bouncing but its different now since covid.
im going to the casino RIGHT now. 5mil jackpot incoming bros
I got kicked out of HS and i dont want a real job. Thanks for the advice though mad respect for the postal workers
probably average to low. When i got kicked out of HS i focused all my attention on weightlifting and my biggest achievements from it are a 2rep max squat at 440lbs when i was 18 and a 265lbs squat for 20 reps. I could PT or do online coaching but i feel like the market is oversaturated with dyel trainers and YouTube fitness coaches.
Im most likely going to be doing uber just to make some kind of income for myself atm. Fuck minorities and women also.

>> No.54319437

Fuck you, I work here legally and paid taxes and all other shit for years

>> No.54319457

If you really don’t want to get a wagie job, I recommend driving Uber or doordash to make some money and hustling together some kind of online weightlifting thing for men that want to lift heavy. If you lack the drive to push through the first year of getting no traction on your Instagram and tik tok then don’t even bother. But it sounds like it’s something you might actually enjoy. Considering the alternative is the wage cage

>> No.54319466

I live in a city that makes alot of money through tourism and nightclubs. Like i said i bounced and im pretty familiar with that kind of scene. It would be shit cash but no boss and i wanna make income right now.

>> No.54319520

Thanks for the advice brother. I actually just got a bunch of expensive filming equipment from i friend for free and i am able to use editing tools for media/videos/ect.. Not to put down that idea but realistically there are fucking loads of people doing that. I have gained a small following of dudes who look up to me for advice and shit because i trained them

>> No.54319544

for free. I would have to focus on branding and influencer shit and actually get out there and get clients and not just bros ive trained.

>> No.54319616

In terms of user, the McDonald's I was at was launching thousands of orders per day, but only a tiny fraction of those went through uber. The bulk went through deliveroo, because I think you get free delivery with them if you also have prime and order over 25£ of foodz

You could make it more profitable, just launch drugs with the burgers and fries.

I happen to have a deliveroo bag if you want one. In fact, I have two. And a helmet

>> No.54319625


>> No.54319667

I wouldn’t worry about saturation because (my opinion) the trend is still growing. And I think you’d be surprised how little success you need to make a decent living. The guys that are famous are making millions every year. Look up guys like Eddy Quran on Twitter, there are guys posting the exact game plan you need to follow

>> No.54319708

Gotta grind dem shitz mange

>> No.54319882

(example of how to study)

(smc trading approach)

You can just treat it as a podcast in the first few months before you start demo trading, backtesting or really getting into it. Once you got a good idea of what you're doing, do not trade other systems, focus on just getting ok to good at 1. If you strategy hop because you fail once or several times you will be restarting the learning process over and over again. Look into prop firms, myforexfunds and ftmo. I have 1.5 100k accounts and they net me about 2-6k per month worth of about 1-4 hours staring at the charts every 3 days doing day to swing trading. As experience comes and you net more prop firms you scale up your money, my plan is to make my first million by 2025. Three to four years worth of learning to trade is better than decades of slavery, health issues and stress while also making someone else rich. I weighed tables for tips and min wage then used that to buy my capital in a prop firm,see if this helps you out brother. Good luck

>> No.54320194

your best option is going to be what you're already knowledgeable in. fitness/weightlifting. continue to go hard at it, only spend time with people in the same mindset as you. i don't know the exact answer for you, but anyone successful doing their own thing spent years being balls deep in one topic/study/activity, and they eventually found a way to monetize/make it work. just throw yourself at it relentlessly until something sparks and you find an opportunity. good luck anon

>> No.54320275

Honestly I'm starting to conclude one of the best options is to take a vow of poverty and become a monk or priest. The government and the likes have made it impossible to move ahead or have a fulfilling life without completely going off the deep end, going innawoods, or going to a 3rd world country and working online without the system collapsing under it's own weight.
We're Rome after the crisis of the third century right now just waiting to slowly collapse.

>> No.54320725

Thank you heaps brother. I appreciate your advice and words. This is something i will be spending alot of time working on and appreciate the yt links too.
I fucking love weightlifting and the reason I want to get good at making money is to pursue it further. It's been an insanely big part of my life and I'm sure there are tons of cheddar making opportunities I can encounter. Thanks brother.
This sounds like your coping with the fact you can't make money and your poor. I've never made a paycheck over 300 dollars in my entire life but I will make money by myself and do whatever the fuck I want to do because I said so. With all respect your post is faggy and you have a nihilistic world view. This will do nothing but destroy you bro. That mind set is poison.

>> No.54320776

Be careful whom you call "brother" and be careful what advice you follow.

>> No.54321060
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kek ngmi zoomie,

Sorry, you probably didn't understand that, let me translate into zoom zoom

fr fr, no cap, you not bussin, my brother in christ

>> No.54322135

In a city around 200k I make like 13 dollars an hour after a commute from a rural area gas taken out, it's not bad at all

If I lived closer I could make atleast 15 an hour

>> No.54322175

this. OP seems quite lost and is very liable to get jerked around by someone who will fully take advantage of him.

>> No.54322774

I understand that I come off as ambitiously niave and this is a completely new world I'm stepping into. I came on here to ask questions and take that first step and I appreciate all the replies to it. My manners aren't going to get me hustled, being an idiot and wreckless with money will.

>> No.54324855

Get a job. Any job. Do not spaff your money on frivolities. Save/invest. Develop side hustle. Read. Lift. Get good at something.

>> No.54324876

Learn a skilled trade like being a plumber or electrician